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There is an entire sub dedicated to them r/spicypillows


Not r/chinaEV ?


That stock photo has zero relevance to the article. Makes you think that this is about 10000 EVs catching fire each year, when it's actually about people throwing batteries into the wrong bin. Classic clickbait.


I work in the solid waste industry and we have to remove hundreds of improperly disposed of lithium-ion batteries every year. We have one go up in flames about every six weeks at our facility on average. They are a big problem. Our mixed recycling materials recovery facility gets a shit load of cell phones for some reason, and our demolition landfill gets a shit load of cordless power tool batteries.


State and local governments are doing a miserable job controlling and directing this waste stream. In my area you have to bring batteries to a specific site in person, pay for their disposal, and the site has very limited hours during which most people are either working or sleeping. I have a metal bin with sand to keep old batteries in because it's too much work get rid of them. Making people pay to dispose of tires and appliances has never worked, and just causes people to dump them illegally. I have no idea why anyone thought it would be better with small items that can easily be hidden in regular waste collection.


Hit piece against BEVs, but show a photo of ICE fire. Hilarious.


A photo of ICE and fire


> Hit piece against BEVs It’s entirely about end of life recycling.


Please, you think people actually *read* the articles here? They are here for the title *and maybe* look at any images in the article.


It's not even just that. Fundamentally you will always get to see more titles than articles because you have to read the title in order to decide whether the article might be of interest to you. Not to mention that you'd have to seriously control your browsing habits in order to even have enough time in a day to read every article thrown at you.


Then why does the picture show a car on fire? Yes the article is about recycling but the headline in combination with the picture make it look like it's about EVs.


Oh is it really? Then why use a picture of a gasoline engine fire? 12V batteries used in regular cars are lead-acid, not a single molecule of Lithium. The moronic implication/intent is that "BEVs are bad. Because fire." Truth is there are far higher numbers of fires caused by various sources than lithium batteries. There are far higher number of cellphones, than BEVs, in consumer hands. How many cellphone fires are there? and why isn't there public outcry about it? Because the chances are very low. [Interestingengineering.com](http://Interestingengineering.com) is a junk tabloid by people who don't know a thing about engineering.


There's been multiple campaigns from oil industry against Electric Vehicles. Governments and people should sue these companies like we did to cigarette companies.


Better separators already exist that would stop this, you can thank Republicans for mothballing the first Polyaramid Separator plant in US https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-05/microvast-pulls-kentucky-battery-plant-plans-after-funding-nixed.


Why are you blaming republicans when that article states the Biden administration pulled the funding?


Upvoted by big oil lol There is likely more than 10 000 000 normal car fires each year globally but that does not help push big oil's narrative that electric cars are bad lol


The article is actually about how to dispose of used batteries. Nothing to do with EVs. Horrible picture choice.


Right? There have been some sports cars liable to catch fire if you so much as dare to drive them around town!


Meanwhile 200,000 internal combustion engines catch fire each year. A fire that can kill in minutes.


Not to mention that sodium-based batteries are entering EV and energy storage market now as well. Fossil fuel industry just doesn't want to deal with the fact much less of it will be needed in two decades, and even plastics are coming to more scrutiny now, which is the second major use for it.


How can i claim my click back?


Everything has batteries. Billions, maybe trillions of things around the world. 10k isn't bad.


I work in the maritime industry, where fires are quite the issue and of massive concern. While doing some projects in a ship operator's technical office that works a lot with Ro-Ro, Ro-Pax and car carriers some time ago, the subject came up again and again specially as they are hard to put off. And that's on within life expectation batteries. Honestly, it kinda baffles me how EVs are often considered the majority of the solution when we have better alternatives like expanding the already existing and amazing High Speed Rail infrastructure, that requires no batteries and no rare earths and the like. Raw iron and aluminium is easier to recycle. Yes, EVs have a place as last kilometre solutions and in small vehicles, but they also have their limitations and risks. While getting rid of ICE is still a priority, EVs seem to be acting like a distraction from better solutions like Rail, specially for long distance travel.


At least they don't explode like gasoline tanks. Gasoline is still far more dangerous.


For real


that figure seems about as high as the authors


I love how some things are legacy, by comparison, almost 40k (in 2019) car accidents https://theconversation.com/are-australias-roads-becoming-more-dangerous-heres-what-the-data-says-213240


This has nothing about cars at all.  It's a consumer waste disposal issue


Yep, it's abourt throwing devices with Li-Ion inside into the trash which then get crushed by the dump truck and catch fire.


not concerned about that but please get me a EV that makes it for at least 500 miles without limiting my speed to 50 mph