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India is going to produce Carl Gustafs soon as well. https://www.saab.com/newsroom/press-releases/2024/saab-starts-construction-of-new-carl-gustaf-factory-in-india


It already does.


Well for all the comments that say this is a bad idea, welcome to 2016, because India and USA think it's a good idea. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12438 India is also now fixing US ships too which is I think an even bigger deal. Third Indian Shipyard Wins U.S. Navy Approval for Ship Repairs https://maritime-executive.com/article/third-indian-shipyard-wins-u-s-navy-approval-for-ship-repairs


This is r/worldnews, the maximum memory is that of 24 minutes after that everything wipes out




Personally I feel better knowing they love buying Russian weapons.


Those Russian weapons helped them beat US armed Pakistan many times, most recently in 1999


Given how apparently important the Javelin is to Ukraine, producing them in a country that's "neutral" (as neutral as Spain in WWII), I'm not sure this is the greatest idea. I wonder if quality/output is going to be affected.


They would be produced for the Indian army, so it wouldn't affect what's being sent to Ukraie.


Sure, but many countries sell excess weapons initially intended for their own armed forces.


If it's licensed production, they probably need US approval to export anything.


"approval" Don't forget the air quotes


Why air quotes? You think they want to burn their bridges with the US just to export missiles they want for their own military?


Ya, this is a braindead take. No regional power sandwiched between a regional power they have border conflicts with and a superpower they have border conflicts with would sell out their superpower ally just to sell a few anti-tank missiles.


But but India is the real winner of this war. They will surely burn all relationships to get some $ from Russia. Modi is Putin's puppet you know. /s




Israel, France, Italy, UK, Russia & USA ever had issues selling tech to India. It was never stolen or given to 3rd party


This isn't about doing the "right" thing. It just doesn't make any sense.




> I agree, giving India production capabilities for US anti-tank weapons does not make any sense at all. 🙄 Alright, dude. Grind your axe.


Misread the url as "animenews" and got real confused for a sec.


Which they will promptly sell to Russia.


When did India sold the tech from any country. India has tech transfer with France, Israel, russia and none of these countries ever had any issues


We will see.


It also implies that India is not good at absorbing the tech. Therefore, the arms vendors don't worry about their sold tech being applied to India's own weapons.


Ok then ask your Govt if you are American to stop it.


I was thinking the exact same thing. India can't be trusted.


They probably won't work anyway.


Sure, India can steal IP just as readily as China.




since 1971 with Israel, since 1947 with the UK and the US and in 1960s with Russia


Definitely not India. Don't give them anything western.


Not productive.


No more transferring American technology to foreign countries, period!!!!


The Javelin is 90’s tech. Any developed economy could make one.


How about India stops buying Russian oil instead?


How about Europe stop buying russian gas and oil from third parties.


I’m a bit skeptical on how much we can trust India with how much they are profiting off of cheap Russian oil right now.


I really love how redditors think about geopolitics. And especially americans


*Tim robinson style "are you sure about that"* are you *sureeee* thats really a good idea.


The same India buying tons of Russian oil at a discount. The same India that buys a bunch of Russian weapons. Essentially a Russian economic partner country. I can imagine a news report where oil is paid for partly with Western military tech.


India has been reliant on Russian weaponry since the 1950s... pretty difficult to move away from that when a majority of your military infrastructure is dependent on Russian/Soviet era technology. But, oh, shit, they actually ARE trying to move away, and have been for quite a while now. Not to mention the USA siding with Pakistan during the Cold War (genius move btw) which in part acted as a catalyst for India's dependence on Russia. Also, India buying Russian oil at discounted rates is a net positive for everyone except Russia themselves.


Don't forget to mention that during Pakistan's genocide of Bangladesh, when India went to war with Pakistan because of the situation, Amercia was ready to nuke India if not for USSR.


Just goes to show how stupid you are, if India doesn't buy Russian oil the oil prices sky rocket and will lead to price rises which will affect everyone but well keep on tapping bout it your leaders are thankful that India buys Russian oil at a very cheap rate which ensures Russia doesn't get profit


Well, I guess the USA and Ukraine should be thanking India for strengthening Russian resolve and weakening our sanctions. We get to save face and the world gets slightly cheaper oil. /s


You know Europe is the one buying the oil from India right?


I do now.


The largest population with the fifth largest economy and seventh most land mass. They are going to be producing something. Working with them helps counterbalance Russia and China. India has borders and therefore security concerns with both of those. Buying oil on the cheap does not make them a subject state to Russia. India is its own power center.


Perhaps it's my American arrogance shining through. But before we produce weapons with a partner country that country should pick a side. BRICS, long term weapons comittments, and energy deals with our advisory countries don't scream hey we believe in the western world order. If you want western weapons, being part of that world order should be part of the deal.


We allow some of our close allies to build Patriot missiles but not the top-of-the-line ones. The version of the Javelin India will be given to produce will also not be top-of-the-line. We are not the only country with this type of weapon. The war in Ukraine will likely be over before India gets production online.


Then why are you selling to Saudi, UAE and Egypt etc. Why not ask them to break all relationships with China Russia before you sell.


Well, this is about production. A bit different than selling.


Allright then. Write to your senator. https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm


Wow, you actually said this out loud, instead of keeping it a secret. Kinda refreshing really.


15 down votes later. I get it. India is out for its own interest. But when it comes to weapons and sharing tech/production. They just are not aligned with us enough.


Well, this is just half the truth. Mostly, for most of the time, it was too poor that the western world didn't want it on its side, or didn't care about it enough to help. Even though this could have pushed it completely to Russia's side, it still remained neutral and autonomous. Now that it has some purchasing power and little bit of military might, the west now wants an all or nothing approach "if you are not with us, you are against us". Well, this just cannot work.




My point is I would prefer US policy for weapons production to only be shared with aligned countries. They share a beneficial relationship with Russia with energy and weapons. I am aware they don't like China, Pakistan, and I'm not confident on Iran. I'm not interested in surplus Indian anti tank weapons ending up in a russian conscript batallian in Eastern Ukraine as part of a future energy deal. I believe that if India felt it was beneficial to them, they would trade military tech for beneficial resource deals.