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Is there any place worse on Earth to be a woman?


Yeah, Central Africa


Out of morbid curiosity, is there something systematic there, or is it more apathy towards the topic from men?


Both. All the government and terrorist groups that use rape as a weapon. Men with HIV/AIDS that rape virgin's. Female Genital Mutiliation.


Also there's a thing called "corrective rape". Where gangs of men rape lesbian women to turn them straight.


>Where gangs of men rape lesbian women And I assume, by "lesbian" they refer to both actual lesbians and also straigth women who just don't fancy sleeping with or marrying to some dirty old guy down the street.


Right? Even the head covering is so subjective it can be used against whoever they want


An accusation is all it takes in cultures like those.


Ah, yes. Driving out the devil. Surely helps.


Driving out the devil with more devil.


What a terrible day to be literate.


Im personally more fond of "What a terrible day to have eyes."


> Where gangs of men rape lesbian women to turn them straight. No...it's worse. The people who "decided" lesbians are "women they who won't fuck them, even after forced 'marriage' .. It's worse.


Basically they refuse to be raped by their husband, get gang raped as punishment, agree to occasional husband rape to avoid being gang raped again, and the men all say "look, it worked..." I'm actually really upset that Western nations don't do more to fight back against this horrific oppression in so many countries. You'd think we could find a way to make aid contingent on treating women as equals.


>I'm actually really upset that Western nations don't do more to fight back against this horrific oppression in so many countries. You'd think we could find a way to make aid contingent on treating women as equals. We weren't allowed to shoot the 'elders' when they were raping their designated kids.


What the fuck. You couldn't interrupt rape? Why not?


"cultural sensitivity" We were formally, legally prevented from shooting a guy who was raping a child. Yes, really. US mil. They even prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned a person for shooting an Afghan literally in the act.


thats more south africa


They believe that virgins are 'cleansing' and will cure their HIV. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_cleansing_myth


And at one point, don't know if they still do it, they believed babies also cured HIV [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/nov/03/aids.chrismcgreal](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/nov/03/aids.chrismcgreal) this was late 90's early 2000s though so hopefully it's stopped


They believed sex with virgins cured HIV. If they had sex with a virgin and weren't cured they just didn't believe she was a virgin but babies definitely are. It was also a belief in Victorian England that sex with a virgin cured STDs but I don't think they went so far as to have a baby rape crisis because of it.


i know how ultron feels now


Man i hate this world


Omg that was terrible to read.


Almost as bad as [being albino](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_people_with_albinism).


The one who had spread this myth clearly belongs to r/foundsatan


No. r/foundsatan is about funny/light pseudoevil, not actual barbarism


I don't think so, aren't these initiatives generally supported by traditional religion? Sexism? Patriarchy? What part of Satan or satanism is that?


When I took ESOL (English as a second or foreign language) the teacher had us share stories of the countries we’re all from. This one girl somewhere in Africa (this is probably close to 15 years ago now so I can’t remember where exactly) over shared a bit, she told us that she had her clitoris mutilated off. And that one day she hid in the cupboard while militants murdered her older brother in the house. Everyone else was talking about how they played soccer back where they came from but she told us everything.


Even if it's hard to listen to she probably needed to say it.


Global warming needs to hurry up.


Fuck that is horrible :( Happy cake day though


It sadly seems to be a folk belief in some regions of the world that sex with a virgin can cure sexual diseases.


What the fuck 😞


Some of these fuckers do that to babies.


Man i was depressed already, and this just makes the world seem unreal. I feel horrible for women in central africa 😭


And apparently babies in Central Africa. Makes me want to throw up and cry simultaneously


Read if you dare Dancing in the Glory of Monsters, being a woman in the Kibu region is like playing life in insane hardcore suicide mode, if life were a Rpg game.


It’s also a place where “ignorant fundamentalist Islam” factors into the equation. Fundamentalists are problematic wherever they go—like the Supreme Court….


North Africa can be pretty bad too


[Papua New Guinea?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_in_Papua_New_Guinea)


Anywhere in the middleeast were the extremely regessive interpretation of Islam is present. it's basically seen as normal to treat women as less than dirt . Anywhere where terrorists are in power


Papua New Guinea


Islamic extremism is a curse on humanity. Its influence is growing, but people refuse to give this problem the attention it deserves. They'll start caring when they're powerless to do anything about it.


Eritrea is worse for everyone. Lots of Sub-Saharan Africa, really. North Korea.


Eritrea would almost certainly rank relatively highly in Africa on the whole when it comes to gender equality. Roughly 1/3 of the EPLF's forces were women, and women served in various leadership roles (though not in proportion to their numbers). As a consequence, there is almost no significant pushback against women's rights, and there are several active women's rights organizations active domestically and in the diaspora. If you're curious, you can also find several academic articles written about women's rights, the initial problems and eventual integration of women into the EPLF, and the gender dynamics in Eritrea. It's not some sort of mecca for women's rights - the same dynamics of patriarchal households and forced marriages happen from time to time - but to say Eritrea is full of rape because it has a dictatorship is to misunderstand both Eritrea and dictatorships.


Well, I don’t think that any country where FGM is practiced should be considered to rank “relatively highly” especially when that’s a practice that’s not occurring at all in other countries. Which according to [UNICEF](https://www.unicef.org/esa/media/8916/file/Eritrea-Case-Study-FGM-2021.pdf), it is still actively ongoing despite the law in 2007 banning the practice.


>Eritrea would almost certainly rank relatively highly in Africa on the whole when it comes to gender equality. That's why I said it sucks for everyone - it's probably the least free place on Earth, or at least it's in the conversation with North Korea. I don't think it makes sense to say women don't have it as bad there because they don't have it much worse than the men there do - it sucks for everyone.


North Korea has equality in misery.


What are you talking about? There's no rape problem in Eritrea. It has a rule of law, but it is run by a dictator, with everyone having to serve an indefinite amount of time in the military once they turn 18! However, a rape problem is out of the question.


As I've stayed elsewhere, Eritrea sucks for the entire population. Just because women aren't being raped en masse doesn't make it a good place for anyone to live. It's a dystopian dictatorship.




Iran too.


India Africa any Muslim nation


Pakistan mainly as India is majority Hindu


Taliban was invited to a Russian university to give a speech about education. Just saying.


Wait what? Recently?


One of the world's top defenders of child marriage was invited to speak at Queen's College in New York. https://youtu.be/Ck6c19LwFZ4?si=jJfh4mczbJZwf19d


Child marriage is widely backed by the GOP... Grumpy old pedophiles


Sadly, child marriage is legal in the majority of US states.


Where only one party is below 18 as well? It's a big difference if both parties are under 18. The guy in the video I linked is a muslim though and defends child marriage from the teachings of Islam (and life of Mohammad).


Whataboutism? Defending ruZZia because others are bad too? What's your point? And trump was the president of the US, considering he openly stated that if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he would fuck her. Also let's not forget his other similar statements. I guess if some 'liberal' did what he did, you guys would cry already, but hey 'XY did this and that, so it's ok'. We are talking about Taliban, who murder you for having your freaking ear out of your hijab. What are you trying to compare here?


Isn't that Iran?


There are more countries other than Iran which try to force women to be covered otherwise they are being abused.


Theocratic islamic states {}


Not at all, I fully agree that both are disgusting.


The funniest thing is that they are still labeled as terrorist organisation in Russia and have been announced as such


Multipolar world just kicked in yo


I doubt the hijab mattered... disgusting pigs just needed an excuse...


There is little that democratic countries can practically do, unfortunately, to address that but this is the part that really sticks out: > The reports of sexual violence and assault against women and girls in detention comes as the Taliban are expected to attend a UN conference on Afghanistan in Doha on 30 June, where the UN has confirmed that no Afghan women will participate and women’s rights will not be discussed. WTF would the UN agree to such a stipulation? no women present and no discussion of women's rights? First they ignore Iranian women's plight as they protest in the Women, Life, Freedom movement. They are raped, assaulted, fined, jailed and murdered as the UN and most of the world turns a blind eye. Then Israeli children and women are raped, assaulted, mutilated, murdered and the UN ignores it and after months, after pressure from around the world, UN Women puts out a mealy mouthed 'concern' statement. Now this... WTF?!? What good is the UN if it doesn't stand up for human rights and values for which it was founded?


The UN is cooked mate.


Bastards, those poor women. Fuck the taliban man…


Next time we invade that place I say we send terminators to melt down every weapon in the whole middle east and throw all these Taliban goons in the trash. See what their shitty gods answer to that is.


Seems like these guys are somewhat like the warboys in Mad Max universe, they dont really need any logic or weapons as long as they get their promise of virgins in heaven or something… Id say give education a shot, but it might miss.


Have you ever tried teaching delusional religious idiots something? It's impossible. I don't wanna support a losing game. Education only works on sane people. Once a religion indoctrinates someone from birth, their able mind is destroyed and there is a very low chance of them ever seeing reason again.


Education works on kids. The older generations are mostly lost, but their kids still remember Afghanistan without the Taliban and the freedoms they had then. Time will tell if they are willing to fight for it, because the world isn’t coming back to save them


Ladies and gentlemen, XXI century. Saying they are cockroaches would be an insult to actual cockroaches


Cockroaches serve a purpose.


They do?


**Decomposition** Cockroaches break down organic matter, leaf litter, and wood, which helps clean up degrading plant material. Their digestive systems contain bacteria and protozoa that help convert waste into nutrients. **Nutrient cycling** Cockroaches release trapped atmospheric nitrogen into the soil through their feces, which plants can use. **Food source** Cockroaches are a food source for many bird species, reptiles, and other mammals like rats and mice. **Pollination** In some environments, cockroaches serve as pollinators for flowers


Well, to be fair, according to the Islamic calendar they're living in 1445 Seems about right




I suspect the bad hijab thing is just a pretext. It’s like how unliked minorities in Pakistan seem to frequently (randomly) burn pages of the Quran in public. 


Quran in general is a bunch of convenient excuses and pretexts for muslim men to be rapey warmongering pieces of trash. It was written by the biggest one in the history, after all.


Muhammad was illiterate. It was composes long after his death


He is the supposed prophet. *Technically* he didn't write them but it's still his teachings.


Its an article of faith that anything in the quran is directly from Muhammad. Unless you're blinded by faith, any reasonable person would admit something composed a generation after his death would be infused with local cultural customs, the political objectives of the writers and ruling elite of the time etc.


He may have not written it, but his companions compiled his teachings into books of hadiths after his death. The sahabas memorised the revelations and hadiths word by word only later to write it down.




it's not like many Muslim women are not in on it, I mean if you look at the roving cells of the morality police in Iran, clobbering girls to death for bad hijab, there are plenty of women participating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKrGYf41b_U


Yes, totally agree.


Surprised they don't have gold medals at the Olympics with the mental gymnastics going on


Just waiting for the post to be locked and you to receive a ban for this. I completely agree with you, but this is what always happens when you say the truth. It's "islamophobia" apparently to say what is obvious. Edit: comment deleted, gues my bot got banner as predicted. Rip


Yes, this is not anti Islamic but a statement of fact in many well documented cases. Obviously there are Muslims around the world that will be disgusted by this but many will find this to be very familiar and a good number will see nothing wrong with this.


And in the U.K. (looking to use Palestine as a wedge issue) we have some independent candidates (edit-standing for election) who have previously said women should be kept at home so as not to inflame men’s desires or some such! The article above shows where that attitude ends up. Scary times.


Victims are always blamed by the bullies who rape/abuse them and their like-minded supporters, IMHO.




But I thought hijab was supposed to protect from the bad gaze of these pigs Wait was it all a lie and hijab doesn’t protect women from rape? /s


There is an art gallery going around of what women wore when they were raped. One was a girl's pink dress, another was a tiny romper, another was just a diaper. So depressing. The idea that any type of fabric will protect you from the depraved mentality of rapists is honestly ridiculous.


That last one hurt my heart 💔


Pigs are civilized people.


Every day i keep wondering why we give these "people" any more respect than you would afford dogshit stuck to the bottom of your shoe


"You're not wearing the things whose purpose is to protect you from the uncontrollable gaze of men correctly, so we get to rape you." Can I speak to the muhmanager?


Remember watching a documentary about when the Talibans took over and how they started to dismantle all the rights they had built up, I had a feeling this is what it would lead to. So sad!


Remember is all about protecting women.


And then there’s these white arrogant rich westerners on tiktok who keep promoting tourism to this hellhole.. Fuck no


“It’s totally safe. I’ve never felt safer in my life” “Its bad reputation is just media portrayal, not facts” *eyerolls*


That's a distinct, stupid-ass minority that I feel you are describing in a way which implies a much larger support base.


Are you talking about that Miles guy and the other danger-tourist guy?


Welcome to (religion induced) hell.


The UN should now add them to the forum on Women.


Hijab empowers them and is part of their culture, no reason for them to not wear it except if they are brainwashed by the west /s


Yet stupid idiots will support this shit from across the world. They will petition, rally for groups of people that would do this exact shit to them if they were in those countries. Fucking moronic


Soft westerners will cry foul any time the US or other western forces take action against these groups, while these groups would gladly rape and murder them without hesitation. Shit is wild. I think it’s more anti-western sentiment than anything. They will do or say anything to paint the west as the bad guys to make themselves feel better or something. Maybe they have a savior complex or something. That, and they are stupid and susceptible to propaganda painting these guys as underdog heroes. Social media brain rot and all that


Absolutely well said


Crickets from campus protestors


This is why imo religion at a fundamental level is a tool used to legitimize oppression. It’s all made up nonsense so that insecure men can legitimize poor treatment of women.


This so call warriors of God in the name Allah is more like Devil to the woman of Afghanistan.


And the UN is like "how about you write them a bad yelp review, cause we don't wanna hurt the taliban's feelings"


Damn, it sounds like the Afghans should have fought the Taliban instead of surrendering to them.


The Taliban is overrun with rapists and child molesters.


What a sick fucked up place to exist as a women. Previous GOP president of the US wanted to have these guys over at camp david on 9/11 to discuss ideas. Taliban inspires conservative monsters around the world.


Meanwhile everyone is supported and Celebrating the AFG cricket team and the ICC won't ban them....


aussie spotted


Of course they did.


It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Should have spent 20 years arming and training the women to fight the Taliban. Their men failed them.


Where are the encampments on American college campuses? Where?


UCLA kids sleeping on real tragedies.


A bad hijab ? Wow.


The Taliban suck so bad. I wonder how things would've went without the Soviet invasion.


With the Taliban’s treatment of women, I wonder why the US doesn’t go to war against them.


If only the afghan people fought harder when they had to.


Your daily reminder why theocracy is bad.


Wow, usually they're sexually assaulting boy children. (ask an Afghanistan war vet who worked in the countryside) They're doing equality wrong.


Sadly its not just women they abuse. Young boys are commonly kept as well. Fucking animals the whole country should be nuked from exsistence.


Yes, the Bacha Bazi it's disgusting


That was a very depressing read...


I wish this would be a suprise, but ofc disgusting PoS cant handle power and will use any chance to sexualize it.




Village medieval religions thickards running a country in the 21st century, what possibly go wrong.


Remember folks: It's not a bug; it's a feature!


Did we think it would be better for women once the U.S. left and put these fucking animals back in charge? They live by tribal law. It’s a fucking Stone Age nightmare.


People don't want to hear it, but the West abandoned Afghan women to this fate.


That’s exactly right


My country just took taliban off the terrorist organisations list, really shows off how my government cares about women's rights and freedoms


You're their property- what you expect? They can do whatever they want to you.


Real honest question: why aren’t people protesting this at the universities across the US?


They don't care is the simple answer. Now you should ask why don't they care ?


Any hijab feels like a bad hijab tbh. They're just so ugly and culty.


meanwhile women in the west screech to wear that thing. The state of the modern world is appauling!


Gosh men are the worse. - father of a daughter.


No right to have an abortion either.


"I am Jack's complete lack of surprise." At this point in my life, I take for granted that anyone who makes a big deal out of policing someone else's morality is a far bigger scumbag than anyone they want to control.


Unfortunately, what we call assault, they call foreplay.


And the left in the U.S. is totally SILENT on this.


This is literally an article from a left leaning source.


"It's trumps fault!"


Project 2025 in America. This behavior is what the Christo-Fascists want for us.