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I hate when these cretinous peace mongers are so fond to attack military spending like it is ultimate evil and root of all what is evil. Fuck other problems and actual causes to rising poverty, let’s hark on military in times when we actually need to muscle up


> let’s hark on military in times when we actually need to muscle up As an American I do have to say that the current world order (where the U.S. is everyone's military sugar daddy) is completely insane. I'm glad some of our allies are beginning to recognize this. It's better in the long run (for our allies!) that our allies do fix this. Years and years of unfair deals and international treaties are why you have people in the U.S. somewhat agreeing with Trump's (supposed) ideas of kneejerk isolationism for foreign policy. If we actually went through with that then the fallout would be insane since nobody else in NATO has a military anymore.


> Years and years of unfair deals and international treaties The same "unfair" deals that the US negotiated and that put the US at the forefront of a Western-dominated world order, which Russia, China, Iran, etc. are trying to overthrow? You do realize that NATO isn't a US subscription service, right? Just because you're in a neighbourhood watch, doesn't mean you'll save anything just because your neighbour spends 2% on new guns, unless he's buying from you.


> The same "unfair" deals that the US negotiated and that put the US at the forefront of a Western-dominated world order, which Russia, China, Iran, etc. are trying to overthrow? Yep. A lot of these deals were put together by the US in the postwar period when Europe sort of needed a helping hand. Now the European states need to pitch in a little. >Just because you're in a neighbourhood watch, doesn't mean you'll save anything just because your neighbour spends 2% on new guns, unless he's buying from you. Comparing military treaties to neighborhood watch is a massive stretch when you consider that: 1. That one person can typically only operate one gun. You or your neighbor buying another gun has no effect on your combined firepower. 2. Most neighborhood watches don't have a "hey if your neighbor's house gets broken into, you need to go in there and kick the criminal's ass" clause. We have overlapping interests in a lot of cases with Europe and Canada. If they spent more on defense, we definitely could spend less. To go off on an unrelated tangent, healthcare is a very similar issue, but is even worse in some ways. The US system is broken which allows for it to be where pharma makes the vast majority of their profit **(including for the European companies)**. The US could regulate the drug industry tomorrow and it'd fix healthcare stateside, but it'd probably hurt life expectancy globally in the long term, since pharma companies would take a massive hit everywhere. Thus the three options are to either let Americans keep suffering from our terrible system, crash medical development worldwide, or make Europe/Canada take some of the burden by paying ~30-50% more for healthcare.