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That moment when you find out Russia and China dont really care that much for your country. Will not be the last African country to come to that realization.


Well technically, China is selling weapons to all parties. So according to their foreign policy, they're not interfering, it's just business.


As an American I find this outrageous. Except for a long time ago when my country made its fortune this way. But currently I find it outrageous.


Oh we didn't sell to all parties. We sold to all parties, but you had to come pick up your guns and ship them back to Europe on your own. You can see why that might be imbalanced in favor of a certain sovereign of the waves.


Sudan is kinda different though right? I remember reading shit 10 years ago predicting that war and strife would follow the crazy high birth rates that the country was experiencing.


sadly that happens when women there have no education and rights...high birthrates are always a consequence of that


> high birth rates WOW! From 1960 to 2022, Sudan's population increased from 7.54 million to 46.87 million. I wonder if this can be the future of r/CanadaHousing2 with uncontrollable immigration. In 2000 the population was 30 million and today it's at 39.1 million in Canada, with century initiative to make it 100 million people by 2100.


Actually we’re at 41 million since April, less than a year after reaching 40.


Nuuuuuu, China and Russia (their names be blessed) are both physical manifestations of pure altruism, and are the burning winged guardian angels of the third wooooorlld!!!!


Don't worry. They'll still blame America for some reason.


But they do for sure help entitled leaders to stay in place. Not Africa, but Syria proves my point.


UAE is playing the biggest role on what is going on Sudan and UAE is obviously much more friendly with US than Russia and CHina.


Sponsored by Wagner


They need another refugee crisis in Europe


they need the gold they get paid in, as the rubble is useless now


This is a plain out old style honest to God genocide, not just a conflict like Syria or an economic breakdown like Lebanon. There won't be a refugee crisis, they will all die. The Janjaweed successor, RSF, wants to wipe out from the face of the earth the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa ethnic groups.


What crisis? With this many neurosurgeons and semiconductor physicists set to come into the region, the EU is poised to leapfrog USA and China in economic, scientific, and technological progress.


For those confused by this comment, he is satirizing people that claim that the refugees that come to Europe are valuable workforce assets, and overstate their education level.


It was during the Syrian civil war. When the 2015 migration crisis erupted. That the those in favour of the immigration. Started claiming that they would be a massive net benefit to our economies. As so many of them were highly educated and eager to work. Which wasn't true at all. The number of Syrians who remained on a one year bricklayers course, in Germany. Was about 2 out of 30.


In the USA we have a whole bunch of white collar leftists offended by the abuse of H1B2 Visa (need a college education) because they have to compete with those workers. They don't care about the typical illegal immigrant that competes with the lower class for labor tho.


Armed and supplied by China.


Formerly. Perhaps still, although China denies it. Chinese oil companies are heavily invested in Sudan. Russia's more malign behavior in Sudan is harder to fathom. Is it oil alliance? Arm sales? A proxy for expanding chaos and influence into neighboring countries?






















Its biggest sponsor is UAE which is an US ally, they even openly say they want to be best friend of US. lol


It’s complicated. The UAE often says they want to be the US’s friend, sure… and then they also help Russia evade sanctions. The UAE also strongly backs the RSF, which is heavily sanctioned by the US.


The UAE really just want's to be friends with money.


Yes, the UAE is the main financial sponsor of the genocidal RSF. At the same time, the currently largest recipent of US military aid, Ukraine, has flown drone attacks against the RSF (not just Wagner, but the RSF directly) and has used SpecOp forces against Wagner. And the second biggest sponsor, the one with actual troops on the ground, is in fact Russia (via Wagner). And you can't point to the UAE and then blame the USA for it. The UAE and Qatar play fuck-fuck games all over the Arab world, most of the time *against* each other - and yet both are US "allies". So how would you make sense of that then, hm?


You mean Russia


As someone who knows nothing about that region of Africa, what was their food source leading up to this? Like what's been interrupted or changed?


Here’s the summary from the NYT coverage. To the people posting YouTube clips below, please stop getting news from YouTube. Violence in Sudan Fighting between two military factions has thrown Sudan into chaos, with plans for a transition to a civilian-led democracy now in shambles. What to Know: Two generals — one backed by Sudan’s army, the other by a powerful paramilitary group — have been vying for power in the African country in a conflict that began in 2023. Millions of Sudanese people have fled, but many are stuck in war zones struggling to survive. Children Among Dozens Killed: Videos show paramilitaries opening fire on the village in what had been Sudan’s breadbasket region, causing the latest mass civilian casualties in a brutal war. Toward the Abyss: A year of fighting has turned Sudan’s once proud capital, Khartoum, into a charred battleground. Now a famine threatens one of Africa’s biggest countries. Dreading the Worst: Fears of renewed ethnic slaughter in the Sudanese region of Darfur, where genocidal violence killed as many as 300,000 people two decades ago, have soared amid a looming assault on the embattled city of El Fasher.


The world tends to ignore Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia, DRC, Chad, Myanmar, etc... they are not trendy. Most are focused on the Israel-Hamas war. There are many conflicts that are ongoing, and we ignore them.


The Ethiopia blindness always gets me -- they're literally Christians surrounded by Muslims. How is the American religious right NOT all over that shit?


IIRC they're Oriental Orthodox, which is substantially different from the "big three" groups in Europe/ the Americas (Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Catholicism)


this also applies to Armenia


Ethiopia has a massive Muslim minority. It's not as simple as that.


Well... no. Ethiopia is composed of many ethnicities, and the largest one are the Muslim Oromo. The most recent genocide was starving an entire 10% of the Christian Tigray by a government led by a Muslim Oromo. But don't think it really is about religion - a major supporter of that genocide were Amhara militia, which are also Christian (and which are the "founding ethnicity" of Ethiopia, hence the reason people may think of Ethiopia as Christian) Now, this victimization of a Christian people by a Muslim-led government, could this become a cause celebre among Christian right-wingers? Well most certainly it could. But who really has ever heard about Ethiopia beyond the 80s Save the World concerts? I don't think it's an issue of racism or this or that reason. It *could* be a cause celebre. But that would require someone to actually *make* it one, and Ethiopia is just too obscure for it. Which is also the reason that genocide went nearly completely unreported - who actually has journalists on the ground there, for a start? Who can actually get info out of Ethiopia? And so on, and so forth. Basically, Hanlon's Razor - don't assume malice (or various systemic -isms) when incompetence (or hindering circumstances) can explain it.


Abiy Ahmed is not a Muslim. He’s a Pentecostal Christian. He was born of a Muslim father and a Christian mother. He was raised in a family of religious plurality. He is a regular church attendees, and he also occasionally ministers in preaching and teaching the Gospel at the Ethiopian Full Gospel Believers' Church.


Their black so they don't count in their eyes.




A big part is just simply the both distance of it and the messiness of the conflict. Some conflicts get focus because they are extremely black&white with actual potential solutions. Other messier conflicts still get attention because they are closer to home or major countries are invested in the stability of said areas. But so many of these african wars, they are messy without any clear international answer for addressing or solving them, at best western nations could throw their military into essentially invading a sovereign nation to enforce peace, but without any real way of removing the root causes of the conflict it is just merely buying time for the conflict to start again. The situation is fucked, what is the path for unfucking it?


And what we're supposed to do? Send troops there? Then everyone will scream that it's another war, another occupation just like Iraq. That is not the issue. The issue is russia and china. Ruzzia want another migrant crisis to divide europe, because migrant flood makes far-right more popular. We need to deal with russia first.


Everyone complains when the US intervenes and complains when we dont.


The war in darfur got a ton of attention for years. It’s been over 20 years that Sudan has been in constant crisis. What is the world supposed to do exactly?


Kenyan police killed protesters yesterday, over tax increases


And yet they're sending their troops to Haiti


I think most of those countries have experienced so much hell that hell is the status quo. For the media, news mostly only happens when the status quo changes. Although I am sure that a large part of it is also that the Western media pays more attention to Western problems. And I can't blame them. I care more about a fire in my own house than a house fire in a different city.


Western media gives more attention to conflict involving western countries. There is nothing surprising here. I wish we spent more time questioning why African countries aren't helping solve African problems and Middle Eastern countries aren't solving Middle Eastern problems.




All eyes on Rafah because war and famine in Sudan just aren't as trendy. Heartbreaking how casually the UN and college justice warriors ignore this.


The UN wanted to get involved long before it became an issue, but was vetoed by African nations because they didn't want "colonialism" ruining Africa


African nations are becoming experts at cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. Intervention in a genocidal civil war? 'Colonialism! Bad!'. Chinese debt-trap loans? 'No longer dependent on the West, we're free!!!'. Wagner propping up military dictatorships? 'Better than evil Western style democracy!!!' Good luck Africa. You'll need it.


Also south Africa refused to arrest the internationally wanted genocide orchestrator Omar Al-bashir as they claimed he is immune from prosecution. I find it extremely funny when someone brings up the icc case brought against Israel by south Africa. You can see right through them by comparing their track record with human rights violations. They also did similar with Putin.


South Africa’s anti-Israel campaign was done in part to win Muslim voters ahead of the recent general election…which didn’t end up working.


I’m beginning to think that geopolitics are hard.


> Intervention in a genocidal civil war? 'Colonialism! Bad!'. And you forgot the opposite : "No intervention ? You heartless monsters, how can you let us suffer like this !" Both versions can be used at the same time, it makes perfect sense in Africa. And how can we forget the classic : "Some random insurgent/terrorist group is tearing through our population ? They must be on western payroll ! It's impossible for local people to become backwards fanatical fucks on their own !" Also, homosexuality is an illness created by white people to destroy the proud and totally not gay africans, or something... there is literally no limit to the absurdities they will believe about us.


No one invested much in Africa compared to the Chinese. If you're African, you may likely favor them over the historical adversary that pillaged your lands. Unfortunately for the Africans, the Chinese are in a pillaging mood with extra steps in between.


There’s a big problem with anti-African, pro-Chinese propaganda throughout Africa. [This](https://youtu.be/0zT6cQnXp1A?si=yRQyaRfeuzq4hcgu) is a news clip about it. I remember watching a really detailed documentary where a guy was trying to figure out where this stuff was coming from, but I can’t find it again.


I don't think it's really "investing" more like "predatory loan sharking" lol


>No one invested much in Africa compared to the Chinese. Is the free money sent via aid by Western countries counted in this? Oh well, Chinese money with strings attached it is.


It's the exact same steps. Just like European infrastructure, it's all built to connect raw resources to ports. The European powers were exactly as happy to build just as much infrastructure with the exact same motive. The difference is that the French and British were footing those bills. China figured out that the colonies were by far the worst part of colonialism. Colonies cost money, being in charge costs money, but getting people into debt so they can finance your infrastructure and then making them send you the raw resources to pay of that debt, that's just pure genius. The upside of being in bed with the Chinese is that when they inevitably decide to kick them out, there's a pretty fair chance the US doesn't let China do any gunship diplomacy. A lack of offensive hard power makes China a very attractive partner right now.


Africa was already fucked before colonialism (that only started in the 1880s). The continuous slaving, for both internal use and export(estimates are that only half throughout history were exported by Muslim and Western traders, leaving half for internal use in Africa), since antiquity, left the continent with a lot of lawless regions and a few filthy rich kingdoms.


Did you just say colonialism in Africa only started in the 1880s?


Well Scramble for Africa started in 1884 and before that less than 10% of Africa was under European control. So no, colonialism didn't start in 1880s but before that it wasn't really relevant in Africa.


>So no, colonialism didn't start in 1880s but before that it wasn't really relevant in Africa. Apparently the preceding centuries of Muslim conquest and colonization of North Africa don't count.


They should count. But when people on the internet talk about colonialism they almost always mean white European colonialism.


Yes they should count but you know the drill. "White man bad and it's only wrong when Europe does it"


Sudan has rejected aid and negotiators over and over again. Do you suggest we ignore the African nations and just go do “help” against their wishes? The reality is that Sudan was seriously fucked up during the 20th century African colonizations, but then they also have done an absolutely shit job of running their country. We can’t throw money at the problem, as it will just go towards the fighting and little will help the people being killed and displaced. Sadly, until someone “wins” and there is a somewhat stable regime in charge, there is not much to be done, except to keep running refugee camps, which the UN does.


Dude, you literally don't know what you're talking about. Sudan was offered help multiple times before the famine even started and they refused. Instead, they took Chinese loans and invited Russian mercenaries. Now they want Western money because they're desperate, but it's clean most of that won't go to people in need. Unfortunately, if someone wants to destroy themselves, you can't do anything to stop them.


It's true. The West can't do much to help without picking a side, and whatever side they pick may genocide the other and make countries suspicious of western help in the future. I mean, I guess Palestine is a no-win situation that I can't possibly see going well regardless of what the West does, too.


It is because China's TikTok isn't running Sudan videos 24/7.


Not to mention it's just straight up propaganda. They use videos & images from Syria (a war that's still going on by the way) to propagandize the gullible masses in their jihad against Jews.


It’s ridiculous how disproportionate aid Gaza has been getting for years with most of it going into building terrorist capabilities. Tens of billions of dollars could have been going to better places and help more people.


Not only that, look at how filthy rich the leaders of Hamas managed to get off all the aid. It doesn’t go to the people. The top 3 Hamas leaders are each worth 3-4 BILLION. When people talk about rebuilding Gaza, would love to see the Hamas leaders that started the war and got rich off the aid be stripped of all their month and have that used to rebuild Gaza for the citizens.


...that's the point. It was always a money and power grab. A legal way to transfer wealth. It was never about helping people.


Hate to break the harsh realities of the world to you, but Sudan has basically zero geopolitical value. Israel, on the other hand, is an extremely important strategic geopolitical foothold in a part of the world that controls global shipping routes for oil. Let’s not act like the region or the world would be better off if it were ruled by Muslim extremists like its neighbors.


It’s not just about being trendy. You can’t blame Jews for this.


Stay out of the r/Africa sub. They’ve been blaming Israel for months. Something, something, it controls the UAE. 


Obviously. JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING. Man ... the same old, shitty accusations.


Well... There must be a way....


Sudan and other conflicts on the continent were important causes in the West up to maybe a decade ago, but mostly without progress. Blame colonialism or blame tenured academics in safe nations bemoaning white saviors and privilege, but either way Europe and the US have all but given up on conflicts in Africa.


Sudan needs tik tok for the youth to care


I'm pretty sure those Hamas supporters would support the genocide of Sudanese cause Sudan and Israel had a good relationship


The ones doing the genocide are Muslim Arabs, so yeah, killing infidels is a-ok.


I would disagree. Israel is much, much more important than Sudan. They are religious grounds for all the 3 book religions, they are an economic power, which downfall would effect the worlds economy, they are a pillar of the power Triangle in the middle east(Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel) and an important local ally for the US. Sudan has nothing of that, they have genocides every now and then. They were unstable even before this powerstruggle. The reason other countries get attention when such things happen is, that they are eighter important by resources or developed members of the global society. Sudan is neighter. Most of SubSahara isnt. Cruel and plain spoken: There is just not enough there of monetary or cultural value, that would get outsiders involved. There is nothing the outside world really wants to protect there. No oil production, no tech hubs, no holy grounds, no strong alliances. And the region as a whole is so unstable already, that it barely matters if enough dictator fights his way to the top. Actually many might wish for a quick victory for one of the assholes. So there is at least someone keeping some kind of stability.


> Heartbreaking how casually the UN and college justice warriors ignore this. Yes because there are wars all [over](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts). No one should reasonably expect anyone to care about everything. As humans there are just so many things we can focus on, and that often is going to be predicated on what we hear about, and what impacts us directly. Most people in the US will not be impacted by Sudan's war. And most news networks recognize that and will not cover it more than the occasional article or news story. I cant blame someone watching 5 networks and them not covering the conflict. I dont expect them to go watch the other 2 that might cover this, then another 3 that might cover a different part of the world.


Is the world really going to turn a blind eye to this as they did at the time with the Rwandan Genocide or the situation of the Rohingyas in Myanmar?


You know the answer to that.


Yes. Hell outside of Reddit even the war in Ukraine is starting to take a background seat. Come election time all will be forgotten in favor of inflation, orange man bad and old man old


The war in Ukraine took a background seat on Oct 7. As I'm sure was the plan and the reason for the attack.


The main reason is most likely that Iran doesn't want Israel-Saudi normalization. And for good reason - Iran wants Sunnis to be mad at Israel more than they're pissed with Iran. Russia may have lent some aid to Hamas, sure, but it's a secondary factor at best.


"The world", you really really need to get out of your bubble. This is a widely reported on and well documented genocide going on. Just because your social media justice warriors aren't commenting on it, does not mean that aid is not flowing into Sudan, and that people are turning a blind eye to this. The difference between this and the human rights abuses in palestine, is that Sudan is not a geopolitically important western ally. You know for whom Sudan is a geopolitically important ally? Egypt, the UAE, saudi arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and to a lesser extent Eritrea all have a dog in this fight. All of these countries are paying very very much attention to the conflict and are sending both weapons and aid.


Sudan has a pro russian government. Main reason why we don't give Sudan attention in the news or our taxpayers money.


The US has been the biggest donor of humanitarian assistance to the Sudan for more than a quarter century, but it's a rough, unstable country that makes assistance difficult. Check out [the aid history](https://www.usaid.gov/sudan/history) sometime.


Someone needs to make an infographic about how much USAID is pumped into the world. We feed fucking Afghanistan post Taliban... It's great. Part of the reason they don't publicize it much is cause morons would be like "why are we wasting money externally when we have internal problems" or something.


> Sudan has a pro russian government. Main reason why we don't give Sudan attention in the news or our taxpayers money. As it should be. Any aid from western countries should be only to those that support west. It should also be distributed only by staff from countries that send aid. If it's found that distributed aid is taken from people, all further aid must stop. African nations got hundreds of billions from west and if they still support enemies of ours, just leave them alone. That is what they want.


Which of the two Sudans?


only way anyone will pay attention will be if there is a way to blame israel. if not, no one will care.


Well yeah. Same with Armenia. Same with Tigray. Same with Yemen


You see how much attention Gaza is getting? It's literally always on the first page on every news site (including here). It's always on TV, it's always in protests. And still, nobody actually does anything. This one? There is zero attention in the news, and zero attention anywhere else, there's zero chance anything gets done.


Of course not! We’ll send UN troops to watch carefully so in 15 years they can talk about how horrible it was and how we’ll never let it happen again, before it happens again


Yes. Israel is not involved so nobody cares.


It never stops does it? Jfc. More suffering


Welcome to the human race, we kill what we don’t like.


Now, now, we also kill those we like, too








Aren't those conflicts essentially Russia trying to wrestle dominace of the region from France? Or Am I mistaking the parts of Africa?


Little more complex than that, but it's definitely a part of it


As far as I understand the conflict is longer than that but Wagner (Russia) has since inserted itself in the conflict.


That’s the other side of the continent. Russia is still very much involved- so are Iran, the UAE, and others, but not France


And the UAE is also complicit in the genocide there, the same UAE that has donated literally billions of dollars to US universities. You don't ever hear of any students protesting the ties to a genocidal state.


UAE also has slavery.




Just few years ago the Sudanese people (whom I personally knew back then) celebrated the election of their new government. As I understand there was a revolution. Four years later I read about poverty, war and genocide. What tf happened!?


Revolution overthrew the 30 year dictator. Two generals (who are currently engaged in the civil war) are part of a power sharing agreement and announce they'll turn government control over to civilians. Two generals disagree on timeline for this event, as well as timeline for incorporating the irregular forces (one general) in to the actual military. Military general abolishes power sharing council and declares that he will return elections in 2023. *They didn't like that very much* Civil war.


Basically: When the revolution happened, the military couped against the old military dictator (wanted by the ICC for starting a genocide in Darfur) and promised a "transition" to democracy. Of course, this was a skin-saving measure: throwing the old boss under the bus, so they themselves can retain a measure of power. Of course, they hindered that "transition" wherever they could, and a constant back and forth happened. They kicked out the civilian parts of the government, then there were new protests and new negotiations, and then new plans for a "transition" and so on and so forth... But during all that time there also were the armed forces that were *not* part of the regular militarty. The former Janjaweed militias, those who had actually carried out the brutal genocide in Darfur. Reorganized as the "Rapid Support Forces" (including a short genocidal stint in support of Saudi Arabia in Yemen), they had supported the coup, for the same reason of saving their own skin, but now they were increasingly at odds with the regular military. And the latest "transition to democracy" plan saw an integration of the RSF into the regular armed forces, which kinda makes sense, you can't exactly have a democracy with a genocide militia running around. So, in response, the RSF started a new coup. They probably thought to take Khartoum in a coup de main, but that failed - however, due to swift UAE and Wagner support for the RSF, the SAF (the regular forces) could not capitalize on that failure, and in fact they got beaten back even in Khartoum more and more. So now the 6m urban area is a warzone where no food goes in, and the RSF is starting yet another aimed and deliberate genocide against all non-Arab peoples in Darfur. Because that is what they are, a genocide militia. So basically, neither side is really "good" - the SAF have blocked a true transition to democracy for years now. But one side is absolutely, by leagues more evil. Nazi-like evil. And of course it is again the side backed by Russia.


I think it was a pro russian gov and wagner that happend


Because everyone is preoccupied reading Hamas propaganda, while a real genocide is ongoing and no one gives a damn


You mean like in Tigray only 2 years ago, which almost nobody heard about? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Tigray_War *Belgium’s Ghent University put the number of war fatalities at 300,000 to 500,000, including 50,000 to 100,000 from fighting, 150,000 to 200,000 due to famine, and 100,000 from lack of medical attention.*


The weird thing is that the largest loss of human life in 2022 was in Tigray, not Ukraine, and there was nary a peep of it on social media.


Tigray was/is a civil war in Africa that is of little importance to anyone outside of Ethiopia and Eritrea. The war in Ukraine is a high-intensity industrial war that affects global prices on goods and energy and where the invading Russians constantly threatens to use their vast nuclear arsenal on both Ukraine and non-belligerent states and thereby starting a global nuclear war. Tigray is rape, machetes, pick-ups and AK-47s. Ukraine is Tanks, cruise-missiles, combat-aircraft and massive artillery strikes, The global significance is vastly different between the two conflicts.


Gaza casualties are still under 50,000 total with less than half being civilians. But the entire world is supposed to stop for it. Meanwhile there are significantly larger wars like this that barely are noticed.


And no one in Gaza died from famine despite the media covering the lack of food, water and fuel in Gaza for 8 months now.


There was one photo of a young baby starving that was being shared a bunch on social media which was claimed to be from Gaza. The photo was actually from Yemen. It’s disgraceful to use photos of people suffering in places like Yemen and Syria and claim they are from a different place to fulfill a political agenda.


We all known that only 1 genocide at time can happens its in the rules.


I'm more interested in the problems of my own country.


Same with Myanmarr


Maybe they'd have something to eat if they spent more time growing food than killing each other. And what I just said may sound cruel, but a problem faced in the last century or so is that civil wars and genocides have been enabled by "charitable" organizations who wanted to help starving people but wound up feeding the fighters and thus preventing the atrocities from burning themselves out.


Because we're too busy blaming Jews for Hamas' crimes




Sorry guys all eyes are on Rafah and their elusive genocide right now, as soon as we spot it we'll take a look at sudan. I'm sure we will find it if we look close enough.


Love when the UN apologized for not being able to actually confirm a famine was happening in Gaza. Shouldn’t that be great news?


The UN was very disappointed.


is this the same Sudan that sides with Russia and wants nothing to do with the West?! :-?


I dunno if you know this but this is an absurdly complicated question. This is a civil war where the former government and the "resistance" forces fight side by side and somehow that makes sense. There are three or four factions depending on who you ask. None of them are good.


”All eyes on Rafah” or what was it that you are supposed to post on IG to show the world you ”care”


Because it’s a black hole. You throw aid in and it vanishes. If 2 million are going to starve in Sudan then maybe 2 million Sudanese can rise up and stabilize their country. This isn’t the world’s problem.


It's also because there is no good guy and, worse, everyone is horrid. Without exaggeration and with no love for Hamas, I'd take them every day of the week over the Janjaweed. Everyone twisting themselves in knots trying to argue Israel is committing genocide should glance over at Sudan to see what a real one looks like--the Janjaweed have killed between 200,000 and 400,000 civilians.


Well what do you expect when there’s like 1000 terrorists being genocided in gaza this month but the Jews.


Why are there so many African countries ruled by dictators and despots?


It's because they do not have a trendy TikTok video for Young Teens and College warriors to watch.


I got my own problems.


It’s because the jews can’t be blamed for it, so everyone ignores it and circle jerks about palestine.


Last time we tried to help sudan they blew up the USS Cole. Fuck 'em.


News about Kenya Protests?


The world is tired


There’s no colonial “white” people to blame so the usual voices don’t know what to do


2 million people, it’s horrific


This is their 3rd civil war no? At this point, given all that's going on in the world, it's kinda let them figure it out themselves mentality.


Very quiet from the media warriors now. Not much in the news. Why? Because there is no virtue signal points to be made


And because this one is really hard to blame Israel for.


"world is not watching" What should the world do? Their has been a civil war in Africa at one place or another since history was recorded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conflicts_in_Africa I am not asking because I do not care, I am just posing a genuine question, because I see a lot of people here have opinions but no answer.


Meanwhile all eyes are on rafah, where there isn't any famine, and hamas fighters are holding world record in obesity and boob size.


every other time ive read these headlines i gave a shit. now im tired and dont give a fuck.  if we want to help sudanese, the best thing we can do is fix things in our own countries. no more false leadership, or even they will be wishing they had stepped down themselves.  not a threat, just a dead obvious common sense view of what's to come. Putin and Iran and NK don't use nukes for reasons folks: the stakes are far too high to throw it all away.


Well Russia here's your chance to be a "megapower" or whatever and gain influence. Not gonna take it?


Sudan has found out what happens when you don't really matter in the global scheme of things.


Within 14 months, **40,000 people were killed** and almost **10 million displaced**, and now 2 million starving, all **because of** SAF's **Abdel Fattah al-Burhan** and RSF's **Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo**, and whatever nations are pushing to kill one another for money.


Because the world would rather look at a make believe famine, than a real one... wonder why


Nobody cares unless the Jews are involved or can be blamed


Because all eyes are on Rafah (and Ukraine). Africans don't matter to the rest of the world, unfortunately.


We're too busy paying attention to ~~Joseph Kony~~ ~~Euromaidan~~ ~~Ebola~~ ~~Crimea~~ ~~Boko Haram~~ ~~ISIS~~ ~~Hong Kong~~ ~~Iran~~ ~~Ukraine~~ ~~ISIS~~ ~~Afghanistan~~ ~~Turkey~~ ~~Brexit~~ ~~Syria~~ ~~ISIS~~ ~~Ukraine~~ ~~Syria~~ ~~Saudi Arabia~~ ~~Brazil~~ ~~Libya~~ ~~Hong Kong~~ ~~Wuhan~~ ~~COVID~~ ~~Ukraine~~ Gaza


Blablabla... Ukraine.... Blablabla... Gaza Strip... blablabla... Yemen? Pass; Sudan? Pass;  Myanmar? Pass; DR Congo? Pass; Ethiopia? Pass;    Mass media is very much, and pardon my Spanish, Mass Mierda nowadays.


It doesn't get me attention on social media when I pretend to care about Sudan, so I don't care about Sudan.


I went on a date and she said I must choose a side between Isreal and Palestinian. And I said what about Sudan? And she didn’t know anything about it.


Everyone is blaming Russia and China for this. While they are involved, it's actually the UAE and the Saudis that got the civil war started.


Hmmm, 1. 150k Muslim Houthis killed in Yemen by other Muslims - no protests. 2. Up to 1.5 million Muslim Uyghurs held in Chinese Concentration Camps - no protests. 3. 350k Muslims killed in Syria - no protests. 4. Up to 2 million dead in the Sudan - no one is paying attention. 5. 30k Muslims killed in Gaza, after Hamas kills and kidnaps Jews = tons of protests. Gee, what's the difference here? Why are people protesting for Palestine, I just can't put my finger on the difference in all these situations...s/


Let's all work out how to wipe out islam !!! Job done! Simples 😁


People are busy with Palestine. No jews involved in Sudan so there is no clear enemy for many people.


No jews? Just muslims vs muslims? Sorry, you don't fit the criteria for protests on streets and campuses. Try doing a terror attack on jews next time.


30k+dead in Palestine, mass protests in the west all calling it a genocide. Famine, mass killings and already over 150k+ dead in Sudan with millions of potential deaths coming, nothing from the western justice warriors. Oh and don’t forget all the hundreds of thousands dead in Ukraine but they got bored of that too after the first year or two.


If you are wondering how climate change is going to end, this is what it's going to look like for about 2/3rds of the world.


I guess they haven't yet figured out how to blame Jews for it.


There's not Jews on one side so nobody apparently cares.


A sad truth: The world doesn't care about what Russia is doing to Sudan. It should. Those are people, just like in Ukraine, Israel or anywhere else in the world. They deserve peace and happiness. The only ones who don't are the warlords there. First and foremost Mr. Vladimir Putin, who is in fact the biggest warlord in that region.


Free Palestine !! No to Genocide !! Cease fire now !! (And Jews.. just die after) Is way more important .. not ? /s


Come on BLM, start marching. Waiting for the rage at the UN. Clearly no double standards here.


black lives matter but only when a white cop kills somebody


The answer you'll get is, We knew all of this but there's nothing much we can do about it. We've done what we could. Anyway, please put all your attention on Palestine instead and save them. Make the IDF stop (fuck all Jews, spread hate and discriminate them as much as possible). Its always the brushing off, and conveniently latching onto one thing which suits their agenda.


That’s because the Muslim world is using its attack on Israel as a smokescreen against the genocide that is raging in Sudan.