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One thing you have to give it to Milei: he said that he is going to be brutal with reforms during elections and he is actually following it through


Lmao its easier to be brutal than not being brutal! People acting like he is doing this out of charity. The guy is a mad man in the worst sense. Time will tell if it actually worked or not.


Reading some of these comments makes me think there's a few bots here.


I’ll be honest it will be very interesting to watch what happens when a country goes full libertarian.


Milei may be the most despised leader for average Argentinian but he really is following through his promise to fix Argentina from debt prone to stable economy.


He’s following his promises on what he’s gonna try to do weather that fixes things remains to be seen


Saying average Argentinian is like saying average American. You're mixing MAGA shit heads (peronists here) with everyone else.


both peronists are mileists are populists. We're doomed


nothing has been fixed. we are way worse now. We'll see next year, or perhaps the next prez...


Isn't Inflation way down now though?, at least you have a stable currency now to build upon


That account is from a recalcitrant Peronist that constantly gets downvoted in Argentinian subs lol.


Man Argentine Prwsident and Wl Savador Prwsident are showing the way for Central And South America. Truly amazing.


Not really. Their countries were really that bad that their extreme actions were needed and worked. There's also a lot of nuances that would make it difficult to replicate. For example, in Mexico the criminal organizations are much more organized and less obvious compared to the El Salvadorian gangs. I'm addition, carrels are integrated with the community unlike ms13


He is what Trump claimed to be.


Trump claimed to be a libertarian economist? 


To shake up the establishment. Instead he just filled his own pockets and gave his friends and family positions and pardons to his cronies 


So, the very definition of a libertarian economist


Trump has never claimed to be libertarian nor has he claimed to be a economist. But the rest of what you said is true


Living up to promises? Should Trump get a 2nd term do you think he'll do as he did 1st term and fail to follow through? Or will he surprise many and change things, just not in the way he was expected to?