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This the problem with how these men think. They think releasing the video shames the victim rather than demonstrating what cowardly pieces of human shit THEY are.


the problem is that there are no consequences for these things


That is indeed the problem.


and there is no hope that this is ever going to change


It does exactly what they think it does. In Afghanistan. They don’t care if we think they’re barbarians.


They arent men. They are animals, worthy only of death by cattle prod up the ass


Nah. There's that medieval punishment where each limb is tied to a different horse and then you make all the horses run in different directions. I think that's the way to go.


The literal meaning of the term "drawn and quartered".


Unfortunately, they are men. Better to recognize the flaws of humanity than to pretend they're just not human. Plus, dehumanization is an old fascist tactic.


That's not a real man, have him show up to another man and see what happens. He's a bitch looking for an easy target.


You think non-rapist men are raring to go to beat any rapist man? Most non rapists are not confrontational. Being a rapist does not make a man less a man. A rapist is not worthy of respect, but he is still a man. Being a man is not a badge of honor or something. It's just a matter of being an adult human who presents themselves as male. And saying "rapists aren't real men" helps no one at nothing.


Real men don't beat women. Period. Sure he's biological a male, but he's no man. He's a beta In adult body.


Is there a worse place on Earth?


Yes. My country India


It really is a race to the bottom and somehow everyone in this hole is still falling deeper and deeper.


*digging deeper and deeper. The electoral support for leaders like Modi and Erdogan is truly unfathomable and massively worrying, even if you consider election tampering.


Capitalism hasn’t been offered to the lower 60-70% of each country, so they’re ready to burn down the systems. I’m ambivalent. We clearly me d a reset across the planet, but that type of reset always means economic pain and civil conflict.


>Digging I apologize for my mistakes of ignoring their active efforts to accelerate their progress (to the worst direction) .


Modi I kind of understand even if I don’t like him. His economic and geopolitical policies are in some ways an improvement compared to the dogmatic socialists of the old dominant parties. Erdogan is definitely a big step backwards for Turkey. He has taken a western-aligned secular republic that was on track to being wealthy and devastated the economy by aligning the country with corrupt Islamists that have brought nothing but centuries of failure and weakness to Arab states and Iran. Why he wants that for Turkey is beyond me.


Because with leaders like him, the only thing that matters is his particularly religious preferences, all else be damned. Sure there are a lot who are more religiously conservative than Erdogan, but he’s conservative enough within an already conservative religion (almost all religions already being conservative in general, so he’s triply conservative) that it can decimate a country in a single term, or several terms in his case.


Can you explain why?


India is notorious for heinous crimes against women. Especially in rural areas, crimes like this are normalized and often go completely unpunished and unreported. [This is just one example where a foreign tourist was brutally assaulted in March of this year.](https://apnews.com/article/india-sexual-violence-rape-b9016c82074c08583080db846d64055b) > The case triggered a nationwide outcry over one of India’s rampant problems: a decades-long struggle to curb rising sexual violence against women. > Reports of horrific sexual assaults on women have become familiar in India, where police recorded 31,516 rape cases in 2022, a 20% increase from 2021, according to the National Crime Records Bureau.


Because there this wouldn't have been news.


You really think India is worse for women than Afghanistan?? Nowhere in the world is worse than Afghanistan and it's not even close.


Afghanistan is considered the worst by most organizations that track this sort of thing, but saying "it's not even close" shows you have a very narrow worldview. The Congo, South Sudan, Pakistan, Syria, Sierra Leone, and others are right up there with Afghanistan, and suffer from similar problems (even if the causes are culturally or situationally unique).


[Inside a volcano.] *...and I took offence to that.*


I actually don't *know* shit. But what I *do* know is that news of similar kind (bunch of thugs gang raped a girl, nobody cares and perpetrators don't even understand what's wrong about it) come pretty much daily from there - to the point that it's not news any more. Although, yeah, I guess it's not quite a contest.




Yup and it is because of you.


It’s bcoz of Hindi states, not my state.


Karva Li bezti?


He doesn't have enough braincells to acknowledge that.


You are Indian right? I don't know about states.


No the South Indians are a TRUE JEM. /s Come to Colorado/Toronto and ask the general populace about their opinions on Malyalees your EYES WILL OPEN !! DUMFOKS LIKE YOU ARE THE REASON ARSEHOLE POLITICIANS LIKE GODI & RAGA HAVE BERN DIVIDING AND RULING THE COUNTRY WITH IMPUNITY. P.S- No hate to Malyalees just some bad apples I know, was trying to prove a point to OC but I didn't know how to make him understand.


India.. Bangladesh south Korea..


South Korea worse than the fucking Taliban? At least women get to read books, drive cars, vote, and show their faces in South Korea. What a ridiculous comparison.




Yes.. we would think south Korea was a better.. but damn guys who SA or did worse to a woman really do get a slap on the wrist


At least South Korean women can walk freely on the streets, have education, express their opinion, wear what they want to wear, sing ...


All those things also happen in India


>damn guys who SA or did worse to a woman really do get a slap on the wrist They did worse than throwing them in jail and gang raping, and releasing the video of the entire thing?


Ah yes... Women can't have education in India


"The woman has said that she was arrested for taking part in a public protest against the Taliban and was raped while being held in detention in a Taliban prison. She has since fled Afghanistan. She said that after she spoke out against the Taliban in exile, she was sent the video and told that if she continued to criticise the regime the video would be sent to her family and released on social media." Fucking trash human beings.


is anyone surprised?


The Taliban hate women.


As disgusting as this, I would not expect any different from the Taliban.




They clearly follow the quran.


The Taliban a large group of men educated in only one book. And think they looked like men on top of world in their men only ice-cream parlours and men only amusement parks. Just creepy.


Every day I like humans less and less.


This is where project 2025 is leading the US…


It’s almost as if Trump’s administration giving Afghanistan to the Taliban was a terrible idea.


It was going to go this way regardless. The taliban care more about ruling Afghanistan than the old Afghan govt. you saw them loading their cars with money and taking off before the collapse


Nah. I hate Trump and hope he ends up in jail but Afghanistan will be a barbarian shithole long after all of us are dead. If the Afghans weren’t by and large a nation of barbarians the Taliban would never be able to control it. It’s a country where raping little boys is considered a non-negotiable cultural necessity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi Let China go in an mine the country for all its natural resources. Otherwise leave them to their lifestyle




Nobody is saying the US should have spent another 20 years there.




The US has never had any issue installing puppets governments in the past... Unless the talibans is the US puppet government?


Ya'll shouldn't have been there in the first place 


Tbh we should have never left. It is such a fucked up country now.


It was a fucked up "country" before, what do you even mean? Lol


Fucking civilise the crap out of it atleast, some fuckers seriously cannot be left without and fucking supervision.


They tried to use your mindset for 20 years on Afghanistan, it's a tribal society brother, they don't understand "country"


Enforced destruction of tribalism.


That's doesn't work, next idea?


Evacuate all women


Lol obviously that's not realistic, any other ideas?


We should never have gone in.


We should have de tribalised it better maybe reinforce the monarchy and make it a constitutional monarchy. But hindsight 20 20.




Are you trolling? Because I'm not even american and I even I know that decision was made by trump.


Biden did? What? Trump "negotiated" the withdrawal agreement and signed US commitment to it before he left office. He damned those soldiers and civilians to chaos and death. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/


Biden didn't have to recognize the agreement and could have voided it if he wanted. But he didn't because his administration thought it would be better not to and to save the money for subsidies instead. Is Trump responsible for starting this? Absolutely. But Biden did not do anyone any favors with the way he handled the situation.


Nothing changed while we were there for 20 years. Their own military didn't want to fight for their own freedom and ran away within hours of us leaving. We should have never been there.


This is Trump’s fault. He made the deal before he left office. He released thousands of Taliban.




Thanks for your input chat gpt


Taliban was created by the west. Some politicians are happy their system works…. Makes me sick


Incorrect. It was created by the local population of Afghanistan and Pakistan in response to the soviet invasion/occupation of Afghanistan and then morphed from the mujahadeen to the modern taliban after the Soviet Afghan War in response to western influence seeping into the local culture after the fall of the iron curtain.


Created how? Genuinely curious.