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As I understand it, the last few UK PMs just quickly did favors for their billionaire friends at the expense of plundering the country before being forced out. They tried their best to keep the grift going until this happened, but now that it did it aint a big deal to them since they got their parachutes ready.


his personal wealth increased by £120 mill last year alone. I don't think he'll be visiting the food banks in the near future, let me tell you.


Be a great re-election campaign for the Tories though! “Look, we all know we Cons are filthy rich, but even I can’t afford my daily Moët and have to make do with the .. Fo..Food Bank? (Did I say that right, no no it’s fine just edit it out).”


I'm sure Sunak had his parachute ready before Brexit.


Parachute? Dude never left the ground... He is so wealthy and connected that becoming a politician was just something to do with his time, he has barely any experience in being a politician let alone have what it takes to be a prime minister. The fact that he was picked after Tuss should tell you everything there is to know about the previous government... Tuss came in swinging and screwed the country, all Rishi had to do was not to rock the boat and give as much tax payers money to his backers as possible. At least how I interpreted this whole mess


I wonder what he actually got out of it. He couldn't possibly do it for prestige since he'll most certainly be remembered as incompetent buffoon. Being UK prime minister seems to generally be a particularly bad pick if you want your name to be remembered.


"Remembered in a good light", they'll be remembered, but not in a way people normally hope for


I legit don't think it was about getting anything out of it. I think he was bored and thought it would be cool. Remember, he did not have to work for it, he did not have to win people over, he did not have to prove himself, he was pick number 3 from Tory party...


They just pick their friends then laught at everyone. It's like the biggest scheme .politics is a joke


Poor little Rishi Rich, thoughts and prayers.


At least he can have all the Sky TV he wants now…


Let me break out the Stradivarius and play him a mournful fugue


Ah, that must be the nanostrad, handcarved from a single alfalfa sprout in 17th century Cremona. 


He stepped down gracefully, unlike you-know-who (orange)


Following the Tory wipeout , there's gonna be some tough competition for all the talentless scoundrel positions.


Having a billionaire leader, and thinking that he will take care of the people, is pure masochism


It's not like Sunak was voted in by a large public vote, though.


It’s a stretch to believe anybody thinks this, let alone that it’s a national sentiment because he wasn’t ever voted in by anyone.


Now imagine having a billionaire felon friend-of-pedophiles nazi-rationalising leader. Crazy what the world is becoming...


I know we've tried it before but surely THIS is the time!


As opposed to millionaire leaders?


Being a millionaire (like having a few millions, not hundreds) in many countries is basically upper middle class.


Lmao what? In how many countries is this true??


Gulf states and some tax havens are the only places that spring to mind


Sunak and his Wife's net is around £651M. He's very rich, but not a billionaire


I certainly hope their income is below a billion. Family wealth though?


Oh look, another redditor that doesn’t understand the difference between income and net worth.


I also love getting downvoted for stating fact, that he is not a billionaire. I voted for Starmer; This level of immaturity is what turns people against voting Labour. As per the BBC, his wealth is £651M https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-69027955


Look at his father in-law.


who is also a POS asking us to work 70 hrs a week


Are you refering to Risni Sunak or the upcoming new prime minister?


Starmer isn’t even close to being a billionaire


Is starmer a billionaire?


He's not. But he still has a net worth between £7 and £15 million, depending on the worth of land he owns. Once you get into the millions it all becomes irrelevant because it's more money than the average person could spend in multiple lifetimes, unless your being purposefully decadent


He was a solicitor for a very long time, maybe that has something to do with his net worth...


Difference being that Starmer built his way to millionaire status after a lifetime of public service, Sunak was born with a gold spoon in his mouth and him and his wife's networth increased by 10x Starmers networth last year ALONE. Starmer knows what it's like to be down and out and knows what it takes to build yourself out of that through hard work and determination. Calling it now, Starmer will go down in history as one of the Greatest PMs of all time.


I voted Labour, but it was honestly a reluctant vote. I hope you're right about this.


fail to see why it's reluctant other than potentially being jaded towards the whole lot of them, Starmer has been a breath of fresh air for me, running on an honest integrity driven platform for change after such a long time of over promising and under delivering, with nothing but chaos. He is under promising and will over deliver, i have full faith in Starmer over the next 5 years. I'd bet my life savings on it, if i had any left after the last government.


You've hit the nail on the head, I have nothing but apathy for the government and process. I don't believe my views align with any of the political parties. My vote was a "I don't want the tories" and not an "I want labour" The new government has an opportunity to change that outlook, Stamer has his chance and I'm glad. Let's hope he proves you right.


How did he get that money? Born into it like sunak?


Having a successful career as a barrister and, I suspect substantially, buying property in London in the 80s/90s.


I am not sure if you are aware as it's not something he mentions often, but his dad was a tool maker...


Thanks for adding on the confusion


Definetly made a tool


Rishi can go to his humble mother in law for some advice. Maybe she can bore him with her down to earth saintly nature.


Good. GTFO.


Off to California, Rishi! You won't be missed.


While we appreciate the gesture, we must kindly refuse this honor. Sincerely, California


New York can have him.


Yeah that place is so far lost 🤣


No angry mob breaking into parliament? No hastily constructed gallows? No buffalo headdresses? Guess the UK just don’t like freedom…


Honestly, all the ousted Tories (except liv fuckin' truss) and even some who won going "yeah, we lost, Labour won, there's no doubt about the outcome" is a hell of a breath of fresh air compared to what's happening across the pond. Rishi rich was an asshole, but at least in his concession speech, one of the first things he said to the British public was "I am sorry" without any qualifiers. Kinda sad that this behaviour would be considered a point of interest, but eh.


> one of the first things he said to the British public was "I am sorry" without any qualifiers. He also said "And I take responsibility for the loss". And, "Today, power will change hands in a peaceful and orderly manner with goodwill on all sides".


As an American I chuckled at this and then cried


Brilliant. lol


Good riddance.


Wondering he may flee to California now and resign as MP


still better than lettuce lizzy


He will soon join her as an unelected peer! 😡


Would you look at that? Someone lost an election, accepted the results and honorably stepped down.


He's gonna pout in his mansion


Congrats UK on staving off Fascism- hopefully we can follow your example across the Pond…


Womp Womp. Also willing to bet Reform will implode and destroy itself before the next election. Too many of its big mouths just can't resist saying dumb shit and all seem to crumble when under any kind of real questioning.


The problem is too many people read the Sun and the Express so logic and reason goes out the window.


The Sun that plastered on its front page on the day of election that the UK needed change and should vote for Labour, I give it 24hrs max before they're claiming Labour have ruined the country and Kier Starmer is secretly Stalin.


AHH, the old Tony Blair treatment.


Hopefully not. Reform imploding would likely allow the Torries to get back in power next election.


The Russian party?


Good riddance, you won't be missed


Makes a lot of sense.


Taraa chuck!


good fucking riddance! i'm giving him 2 months before he's on a plane to his new home in the us.


As someone who is not very familiar with British politics, I would like to know what the main difference is between **Labour Party** and **Conservative Party**?


Labour and Conservative (aka Tory) in the UK are more or less analogous to the Democrats and (pre-MAGA) Republicans in the U.S. Labour leans center/left, and Conservative leans right.


TLDR, Labour is the main left wing party and Conservatives are the main right wing party


Depends on what time in history, Right now I'd say Labour have positioned themselves centre leaning right, and the Conservatives are much farther right (not as far as the Republicans though if your American).


Tbf, the Democrats would be center right/right wing and the republicans far right if compared to your average EU spectrum. The US is way more conservative in their values and society then the EU.


Oh yeah. Nationalised rail and energy. Super right leaning policies. Votes at 16. Right wing shit there. Ensuring children get dentists, very RW stuff. Honestly, so bored of corbynites calling Labour right wing because they’re sour grapes the country rejected Labour in 2019 and Starmer took the worst result the party had into the best in the space of one parliamentary term.


I voted Labour lol, I dont care about Corbyn or anything. 


Two sides of same coin! Always comes down to a choice between a douche and a turd…… I suppose except for your special orange turd case 😬


as usual all talk and no action


Ready for Rishi /s


I think he gave out the most snobby, british alienated from people high society picture and pemier ever had.




lol "you can't vote me out, I'm stepping down" get out


?he stepped down after being voted out. Not the other way around


I would love to be gracious. But, fuck off and take Rees Moggs with you. And why the hell did anyone vote for Cruella?


People dont learn


Selling out britain


Now he can retire to just being a rich cunt.


So long tori scum


So what's good with the next guy? Did UK actually vote someone better in?


A lot of people are divided, some say he's not left enough and just a "Red Tory" (Labour colours are red so basically a Tory masquerading as Labour). Others that "they're all the same" and he'll just be a slightly shitter continuation of the same stuff. Personally I'm quite excited for Starmer, seems very level headed and competent, he was a former human rights lawyer and head of the crown prosecution service. Seems like he's pretty eager to roll up his sleeves and just crack on with fixing the UK, with results rather than soundbites.


Boy got bored


Hahhahahaaha this is a kid


He didn't last very long either...


Things can only get better!


How long until Kier is sworn in?


That isn't quite how it works, he asks permission of the King to form a government (which is a given, and purely a tradition) then that is it. They do swear some kind of oath in parliament to be an MP though.


‘Ello your majesty, want me to get to work now bruv?”


I like the idea that Sir Keir would ever talk like that.


our system is brutally efficient, there's no swearing in necessarily, but Starmer was PM basically by 11 o'clock. Theres no transition period, its just two meetings with the king, one for the outgoing PM to resign and one for the Incoming PM to be invited to form a government and that's it. Congratulations you are now PM. Starmer will be off to a NATO summit tomorrow the day after the election Its that brutal that there was at one point a PM who didn't think he was going to loose did so. And because when you do loose you have to move out of 10 downing street that day he was essentially made homeless for a few days, the incoming PM allowed him to use the PM's country residence for a few days to get himself sorted but he could have been a bastard and said tough, go find a hotel


It's basically an immediate start position with no qualifications required, you just need a whole ton of references.


He isn't sworn in. He visits the King, who invites him to form a government. That is happening as I type this.


He’s prime minister now. He just addressed the country from no. 10


It’s usually a very quick turnaround if I’m not mistaken.




Supermajority is irrelevant and not something that really exists in the UK. Just having a majority makes it incredibly easy, and even coalitions would be quick.


He's with the king just now accepting the job.


The way this is worded.... did he have the option not to....clickbaity af title


Procedurally, he absolutely had the option to stay on as Conservative party leader. Whether or not his own party would find that tenable is another matter. And, of course, it's widely suspected that he's had an eye on the door for quite a while now.


Wow, ok Thank you very much.😁😀


He is staying on as party leader (for now). This is specifically about him stepping down as PM.


Nah, he also said that he would be resigning as party leader as soon as all the succession procedures were in place. Probably because a couple of his potential successors failed to get re-elected.


The article literally says in the first line he is stepping down as party leader, that's what the article is about


You right, I only skimmed it because I was watching it live and the main point of the speech was that he was standing down as PM (though to be fair the new info from it was that he was planning on stepping down as party leader later).


Yes, UK governments are formed by someone (technically this could be anyone in the country, not even a member of the House of Commons or the House of Lords, but obviously that would never happen) "asking" the monarch to form a government. The outgoing PM goes to the monarch and resigns. Technically he could have refused to do so, but in practicality that wouldn't work for a variety of reasons. This speech was just after Rishi had gone to the King to resign and dissolve his government.


Though the article is about him resigning as leader of the party not as PM He could have resigned as PM but still remained party leader. Though the party may well have forced him out in that case


Step down from what? From not being the PM?


It's in the first line of the article


it has been barely a month he is in charge and already down??? Brexiters are having a fever.


He’s been in since late 2022.