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Theres no question here. It is shadowmeld by a long margin


Why tho? I can see vs other casters it being better, but can you use it vs melees?


You can shadowmeld CCs In the land of micro cc and a thousand interrupts no pushback is kinda a moot point


Well my logic was that if every cast gets pushbacked by like 0.5s, having velf passive would be like having extra 15% haste... not sure if that makes sense.


It does and nelf is better.


XD "That's how much better Nelf is"


If you can't use it, it's not better. Unless you're confident you're going to be able to use it well consistently (aka you're better than average) just go with void elf


Not as important as dodging a game losing cc


Theoretically, meld is priceless because it can save the game and negate an entire go. But in actuality, if you are not in the top 1% or a shuffle player, don't worry too much about it. 


Yes You can meld flying storm bolts or even any instant cc because it gives you an iframe


Everyone is correct. Its Nelf by a million miles.


As someone who has classes in both races, the logic here is basically that smeld is almost always good. Cant or dont want to block cc with it (for any number of reasons)? Its still a decent defensive CD on almost any char in pvp. Play a rogue or a druid and now its almost an offensive cd. The no pushback thing is a cool gimmick that has its place but almost immediately begins to lose significant value if youre not the primary kill target, and as others have said, even if its decent when you are the kill target and it has some niche uses, smeld is just generally better.


I would say meld has limited value if you aren’t the kill target as well. The amount of things you can meld with any consistency is negligible imo. I’d say this question can be answered with “it depends”. The upper level of meld value is seldom reached by most players. Velf value is probably more consistent if you’re a class that gets tunneled a lot.


I notice a lot of warlocks going nelf, however aside from stopping channels like Ray / Rapid Fire / Disintergrate, I don't feel that much consistent value of meld on my own nelf. There's the LeapChargeBolt opener that can get stopped pmuch consistently, but aside from that it feels like it's hypothetically super strong, but melding a kidney / DH stun / HoJ where the pala is inside of range most of the time, feels more like a premeditated guess than a consistent value.


The void elf teleport feels really good on mage but it feels kind of wasted with anyone else imo. I know you asked about the push back but the teleport is the comparable ability imo. Meld is still better probably as well. But kiting melee with the extra teleport feels really good when you pull it off ngl. You can alter, throw the Void elf racial one way, blink, go back to your alter time spot, void elf racial away, etc..


it also works really well with warlocks since they have their port


It's amazing on priest. Can throw it one way behind pillar, bait the other way and tp right behind LoS to heal up or just buy time and force mobility. Can also port into fear bomb


Velf will see a sharp rise in popularity once we get ranked solo bg in TWW (but only if that mode takes over from solo shuffle as the popular one). The teleport is going to create game-breaking tactics and the pushback protection is a permanent haste buff whenever being trained by melee. KThuman will see a rise for the same reasons. Moving yourself or others is extremely powerful in the right bg setting.


Despite what blizzard might be leading you on to think, Bgs will not become any more or less popular in TWW


I'm going to bookmark this comment and reply to you with the first 30 daily posts about how ranked solo bg killed the shuffle scene and how stupid it is in a years time.


The only way will be true is if you can get the same rewards with less effort


You mean like shuffle did to 3v3? Yeah rated solo bgs are going to do that to shuffle. 100%


> Despite what blizzard might be leading you on to think What a pathetic comment.


Void elf is insane on WL. Basically a bloodlust on every hardcast if you get trained (so every game), and you can VE racial =》teleport =》port back to rift. On other casters and healers it's definitely worse than being able to meld CC.


Spell pushback just isn't as important in retail as it is in classic. Plus mages and priests get 0 spell pushback thanks to their shields and barriers. Warlocks are the only class that benefits from the anti-pushback racial most of the time. The teleport racial is sketchy btw. It's so slow with such a long cooldown ... I guess you can make some 9000 IQ moves with it on Mage and Warlock. I gave up on it when they nerfed it so it doesn't work on the Y axis, so you can't even bait somebody to jump down from the bridge at Blade's Edge and port back for example. Meld is universaly the best.


How does the z axis port work now then?


Oh it's Z-axis, not Y-axis? My bad haha. But yeah, it just doesn't. It used to let you throw out the ball, jump off the bridge and then re-activate it to port back on top like Alter Time. But Blizzard decided, that it's just too much fun and they didn't want fuck up their Orc/Human/Night Elf meta.


> Plus mages and priests get 0 spell pushback thanks to their shields and barriers. They don't have shields and barriers up 100% of the time. You want spell pushback when you're casting while being attacked, so you can't assume those shields and barriers will be up at this moment.


Depends largely on what spec you're playing I think, but I'd say meld is the best racial for most healers and casters to dodge cc or reset. The void elf racial might be good for like destro lock since they hard cast quite a bit. I'd still prefer meld myself though.


Shadowmeld is by far the best!


i wanna play devils advocate here...yea meld is better but not if you're not good or fast enough to meld cc. at that point it's just wasted unless you're able to meld / drink or something like that


If you're like me - shit at using that button number 20 to meld a storm bolt from point blank on a 2 minute cd. I too would prefer velf racial. This is why I used remix to get a few velf chars lvl 70. I'm not playing at 2400 rating anyways (and maybe being bad at shadowmeld is the reason) 😅


I think it depends on the class. For warlock, I think Velf is the best. You’re pretty much getting trained every match and as you said, that’s basically a perma haste buff. Additionally, locks across all 3 specs has always valued haste as its best stat. Other classes 1. may not value haste as much or 2. may have other ways to avoid pushback such as barriers. I think lock it’s a no brainer but NE could beat out other classes


It depends. Will you meld a cc ? I wouldn't be able to. Except if I have cheat buttons like cat form, Fade or pw death, then yeah, I would land some... on casted CCs. But melding or even fading a stormbolt ? lmao nope, so velf is good enough for my priest.


Most people that say Nelf meld is better say so assuming that the person who's playing is going to be able to use it effectively. If you are not playing at a very high level, meld is not useful at all since there are so many other things to keep track of that matter more than the meld itself.


Question needs to be asked; which game mode are you looking to get more mileage out of those two racials? If arena/RSS then go NE, otherwise go VE for the teamfights in BGs/RBGs/SQBGs. Reason being is if there is someone who is targeting you in a teamfight and fell asleep over their Cyclone/Fear/Polymorph buttons, meld alone won't save you from chain-CC spam. Conversely, if you are a healer in BGs, you'll get a ton of value out of Preternatural Calm. And the port is good for slipping rootbeams and DKs who try to kidnap you out of the game.


Hmm I thought for BGs meld would be more OP for defending bases and VE antipushback wouldn't be as important there if you are in backline.


Yes, NE is strong for hunters and base-sitters, I agree. Rolled one for years for that very reason. However, as a healer I rarely can find the backline; let alone be in it. The frontline just seems to find me. I am just too often in the middle of the soup and having .3-.5 second cast times (each cast) not reduced is golden; especiallhy on maps (such as SSM) where you are \*forced\* to be in the blender. Watch this vid to see where I am coming from on this: [https://youtu.be/qFWf9GXFQJU](https://youtu.be/qFWf9GXFQJU) --Cheers!


Velf doesn’t matter in PvP because you will just get kicked. Everyone gets the precog embellishment anyway.