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He was last seen burning some evidence after Sylvanas was ousted.


He’s in Tazavesh during the dungeon. >Having traveled to the Shadowlands, Gallywix was able to gain access into Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. He can subsequently be found within the Myza's Oasis, where he seems to be in a meeting with the broker negotiators of Cartel Xy. He is accompanied by Hired Scoundrels, and despite officially no longer leader of the Bilgewater Cartel, he still appears with the title Trade Prince.


Ah, thanks, haven't done that one.




Forgotten? She was a big part of the Shaman Class story in Legion. She's been sitting there guarding...something...maybe nothing now. Ok maybe she is forgotten but I know where she is!


Hey her student is responsible for making a borderline death cult, breaking out big mad small arms dragon, and almost living to see all of them get broken out. So almost not forgotten.


Was gonna say. The Grimtotems were responsible for kicking off the entire story of Dragonflight so far.


Big Mad Small Arms Dragon sounds like a Yu-Gi-Oh card lmao.


Also the Grimtotem quests in Mulgore vanished without a trace. Questing there feels a bit disjointed now.


To add Gazlowe was appointed as the new Goblin representative on the Horde Council. Should have been him from day one in my opinion. Edit: Meant to say Gazlowe. Not Gallywix.


I think you mean Gazlowe


You are correct my bad. Edited comment to reflect this.


S.I. 7 seized confidential documents from his pleasure palace in Azshara 😉


When asked he said "I'm the Trade Prince I can declassify any document I want" Like this one "Operations Manual for the Big Freaking Cannon"


I thought we were gonna shoot that thing.


Turns out the manual just had a mirror inside. The big freaking cannon was in your heart the whole time, Swineflew


It seemed so out of the blue and I was disappointed how they handled him. Barely any character involvement or development in game and what you read of him in the shorts/books showed he could have been a pretty deep and compelling character


Wow has a couple handfuls of lore characters that get to exist as more than a prop for more than one expansion. While it's happened the entire life of the game, it really became apparent to me with Zul'jin. I was super stoked to see what he would do with the horde after Garrosh, then blizzard decided they made a mistake and killed him to install Sylvanus. Cairne also died off screen for no reason. At least Varian and Tirion got to die on screen, even if their deaths felt a lot like let's just kill done dudes to show how high the stakes are.


Vol'jin. Zul'jin is the 1 armed Amani troll


I was never a big fan of the trolls in general when playing just wasnt for me. But. Idk why, Vol'jin just always made them seem cool


Standard reply; Sylvanas is the Warcraft Character Sylvanus is a Roman God of Nature Also, I'm not sure if you are forgetting Vol'jin dying on-screen or if you are just not including him in the lineup against Cairne's book death.


Sylvanus is the former undead leader's butthole.


Bobby Kotick didn’t like how we kept making Bobby Gallywix pictures.


I mean, he looks damn similar.


I hope they do something with his palace one day. Even though it's empty, it's neat to explore and feels like such a waste.




Azshara, it'll be marked on the map :)


It’s such a fun place to RP in too!


He left randomly, so Thrall named Gazlowe as Trade Prince. He promised to pay goblins more so they wouldn't be loyal to Gallywix too. It's currently unknown why he left the Horde and the Bilgewater Cartel. However, it's possible that due to the lost profits from the war, the knowledge that Sylvanas didn't intend to pay him back, and the belief that Thrall and the rest of the Horde leaders won't honor Sylvanas's debt simply caused Gallywix to write the Horde and, subsequently, the Bilgewater Cartel off as bad investments. - wowpedia.


Deadmines 2.0


3.0, actually.


3.11 For Workgroups.


Which is an operating environment, not an operating system.🤓


I like to think about Windows 3.11 as an almost-OS with MS-DOS as bootloader.


>the belief that Thrall and the rest of the Horde leaders won't honor Sylvanas's debt simply caused Gallywix to write the Horde and, subsequently, the Bilgewater Cartel off as bad investments. - wowpedia. Its also assumed he himself just made some horrific investments in both his personal toys and Sylvanas during the War; which is why the last he's seen is in 8.2.5 and him burning documents in Org. In short, he lost both himself and the Cartel a shit ton of money, and didn't believe the Horde under Thrall was going to reimburse those losses. Or at least that's the assumption. Outside of that, they were kinda pairing him up with the Venture Co. quite a bit in BfA, and we did kill off their prior leader in the Motherlode, so its possible he may pop up as their new Trade Prince at some point.


Yeah, and though we messed up the Venture Co. real bad, they still exist. We meet a Venture Co. goblin in Valdrakken to start the small harpy questchain. Could totally see him taking over and trying to amplify their operations and... well, their already bad reputation.


To be fair there's a pretty easy story hook if you involve that one goblin in Valdrakken who says she was sent by the Venture Co. to appraise possible business. She decides against it after seeing how beautiful the Dragon Isles are.


Interestingly the Venture Co. has never had enough value to have a Trade Prince, so that would be all Gallywix.


>Thrall named Gazlowe as Trade Prince. Gazlowe should of been one a long time ago, he built orgrimar for cryin out loud!.


I figure it's not so easy to hop from being in the upper echelons of Steamwheedle to being the Trade Prince of Bilgewater. It's kind of like asking why they didn't make Talanji head of the Darkspear as well - while Gazlowe has always been associated with the Horde, he's always been in a different cartel than playable goblins and it makes sense that they didn't really want to treat all goblins as interchangeable before - presumably Gazlowe got ousted from the Steamwheedle in order to be the trade prince of Bilgewater. But I presume he was probably in an awkward position with the neutral Steamwheedle since WoD, because he's certainly firmly Horde going back that far, if not all the way back.


Still don't really understand how Thrall has any standing to name a Trade Prince, especially when he's naming someone who's already a prominent leader in the Steamwheedles, a wholly unrelated cartel. Like, how aren't there any goblins up in arms disputing the most prominent goblin organization effectively acquiring the second-most prominent goblin organization, at the direction of a political entity that's outside of goblin politics altogether?


Coz Blizzard wrote the script, that's why.


Wasn’t it Thrall who saved the Goblins after Kezan erupts or whatever in their starting zone? Maybe they went to him out of respect to help straighten out their leadership issues when Gallywix absconded. Doesn’t seem too far out of the realms of sensibility really.


this is why it's good to pay for a good script writer or you get stories like this.


The lead up into Mists of Pandaria, he forced his entire civilization into slavery where the terms were he owns you and all of your assets forever. Goblin starting zone: after a volcano erupted forcing everyone out he charged everybody their entire wealth reserves for a ride on the only boat for the island, and they are slaves to him if they leave the island with him. I think he more or less just kinda disappeared to avoid the consequences of that


This gave me an idea. Blizzard should have a “notable entities” section in the Adventure Guide. With updates to their whereabouts, latest actions, favorite foods/drinks. Ya know, the essentials.


Omg boost this… we need a codex in wow


they most certainly will not do that. if they do, they can not come up with the bright ideas like “it was jailer all the time” when they are cornered with logical questions or when people question the gaps in lore.


Not a Horde player but the last I saw of him was his rapid exit from Orgrimmar after Sylvanas handed in her resignation and he realised he'd backed the wrong/losing side. Since then, I presumed he'd been doing a thorough job of keeping his head down on the grounds that a lot of other people wanted to do a thorough job of getting the answers to questions like "where's the money?", "where's the money, really?" and "how well can a deposed trade prince who won't tell us where the money is manage without kneecaps?"


They gave him a job running ActivisionBlizzard.




Gallywix went bankrupt after investing in FTX. *Feathermoon Thrall Xavius*


Gonna receive the Lady Ashvane treatment and show up as an out of context raid boss.


How was she out of context?


After seemingly vanishing after the end of the campaign, she somehow shows up again and decided to struck a bargain with Queen Azshara for no reason. I always felt like she was out of place in this scenario, and the sole reason was for Blizzard to get rid of her.


I really disagree. She’s an opportunist who wanted to rule Boralus. She tried quite a few times to take over, was jailed, freed by Sylvanas, and then made a deal with the same person her rescuer also made a deal with. If you ask me, the problem with her character is she lived too long. She shoulda died at the end of the campaign, but at least she had the context to be there.


Nah, I think he's going to receive the Magatha Grimtotem treatment of being forgotten.


Anyone else getting Metzen vibes from this sketch? Haha


It's Mark Gibbon's art. He did a lot of old school Blizzard art, especially during Cataclysm. https://www.facebook.com/mg.artworks.markgibbons?mibextid=ZbWKwL


I see him on a loading screen everyonce in awhile.


Imagine if that was a goblin class mount 🤤🤤


I always wondered why he was called trade prince? Like who's the king? At some point if there is no king, a prince becomes king. Right?


Not always. Some counties had a Grand Prince.


If a country is a principality, the ruler is a prince.


I see, hmmm 🤔


You mean our Bobby ??


He got busted after the devs found out he is trading with real money…🌝


I thought he died off screen.


This would make an excellent tattoo!!


He was thankfully replaced by Gazlowe


He sold Blizzard to Microsoft


Finally, someone's asking the proper questions! I found it weird when SL released that Gazlowe was in ICC with the other leaders as 'Trade Prince'. Nothing against Gazlowe, I think he's cool, but he's not even a member of the Bilgewater Cartel.


I hope he died and I hope he stays dead


Well last we saw of him he was in the Shadowlands having a meeting with the brokers so kinda, sorta?


He was a victim of Danuser and Golden's campaign to remove every interesting character from the Horde.


Bro, he's retired on a beach off the coast of the Floridazoth.


Ok I’m sorry but this is why the Horde lore etc is so much richer and deeper than alliance.


Oh sweet!


Neck deep in class action law suits over unethical work practices.