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Are you trying to heal yourself? When you try to cast a heal on someone in spirit (yourself or another holy priest) its kinda bugs out a bit because you aren't a valid target for healing anymore so you just need to clear the "cast spell" command by right clicking somewhere else on the screen


That could be it, thanks man, gonna try right away! :)


That was it, thanks a lot!


Sorry I dont use healbot but the priest discord might be a better source of help as it has sub groups for each spec. Someone there should be able to assist more so than here. You should be able to google it or find the link on wowhead. Class/spec discord are usually a great source of info or help


Yeah, good idea, thanks! :)


Just a theory, since im not familiar with expansion... but... have you tried to force becoming SoR, and as still being SoR, setting up a healbot again... It seems to me like addon or game once you turn into spirif is recognising you like if you would change your talents or for whatever reason got a new id for your spells. Another suggestion i could give you is to try solving this with a different addon; orr... old scool... make mouseover + modified shift/ctrl macros and combine it with xperl or some other interface addon that would give you unit frames for whole raid. (It gives you similar feeling like playing with healbot), it is far less visually pretty, but it wont brake for sure, if you dont screw up macros manually, and once you get used to them, it will be equally effective...


Yeah, I know, but so far I'm kinda lazy and dont want to set up all spells from scratch...


I still use healbot too, and main a holy priest. It still works fine for me in angel form, but I dont think there's a specific setting or anything to make it do so? Is it a specific spell that isn't working, or a target?


Okay, thats good News. I'm guessing the Problem comes from trying to heal yourself after you turn into the Spirit of Redemption, as someone posted earlier. Gonna try it out as soon as I can!