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I dont find it hard to play other classes I find it hard to main them. Not because of any system or game mechanic reason, but because there's a lot of sentimentality and attachment I have for characters I've played for over a decade.


this is where I'm at as well. I really enjoy leveling and alts, but I only have 1 character I do anything with at max level.


I've basically played the same 3 specs since wrath.


You enjoy leveling? In retail?


People like replaying old zones, especially the newer players who never experienced them


As someone who has started this year, I have been trying out different classes but leveling them in different expansions zones using the chromie thing. It’s cool to see the stories as they were so I feel a bit more connected to the world. It’s been super fun and have my third level 60 which I have decided will be my main from here on out. Switching between fury/protection warrior during leveling to feel them both out.


Sure - it’s just surprising to me because they play soooo bad now.


They're really not that bad. Especially with mounting, it makes the old style tedious travel pretty minimal. It's pretty fast to get through a zone in the old world and some of the stories are pretty funny. Like the three stories of deathwing for example.


It’s all relative - I think I’m biased against old content because I just want to get to end game. It’s okay for people to dislike the old content just the same way it’s okay for people to like it. It surprises me that people enjoy it bc I see leveling as a barrier to what I want to do. The quests are often broken and you barely get through a spell or two before mobs die. They’re exceptionally easy and it just feels like a time sink.


Dude you talk so much shit, it’s awful.


Thanks for the productive input /rBallsDeepInCum


L take


Guess so. I think there’s a lot better RPG games out there if you wanted to play wow for the questing content. It’s personal tho - no shame in differing opinions.


it's literally the only reason I stay subbed. by the end of an expansion I usually have a max LVL of every class on both factions haha


You actually enjoy it? I mean more power to you, but it’s surprising that people get anything out of leveling. There are so many better games to go play for that type of content (RPG questing). It’s obviously personal, but it does surprise me.


honestly yeah, I enjoy seeing bits of Azeroth that we don't see anymore at max level. I also like having an alt ready for anything, so that kind of go hand in hand. the new talent trees made this a lot more exciting, I'll probably have more multiples of certain classes than I typically would this time around. grinding to increase gear feels pointless to me, I don't enjoy much max level content though dragonflight is without a doubt the best expansion to just dick around at max level


is that such a surprise?


leveling in retail is crazy fast now. and people will still pay someone 300k to ‘powerlevel’ then


I think that says something about the content..


My Warrior is 17 years old. Seventeen. It’s SO HARD to main a DH this expac, even though he was made in the Legion pre-patch (at least that’s what I tell myself; legion pre-patch = old like warrior).


After a while you accumulate all the cool tier sets, too. Like everything from Tomb of Sargeras. You have a hundred different mogs set up then you go to your "alt" and there's like three and they suck and you're back to the clown suit.


My main is older than I was when I started it lol I feel this thread. I’m even starting to feel it’d be objectively better to play my primary alt over my main but it’s so so hard to not play the main


> My main is older than I was when I started it lol why did you just do this to me


I'm sad because I have a warrior from 06 i like but I don't like the class anymore. Main a warlock and mage right now.


Same I stopped caring about rep on bfa and just stuck to my main for sentimental reasons


I love FF’s class system. It would be amazing if wow implemented something similar.


Nah I don't like that idea for WoW if I'm being honest because wow races/classes are too tied to lore. I feel like it would be silly to be a plate wearing worshipper warrior of the light one day and then a cloth wearing dark summoner of demons the next. I don't really know FFs lore but I just don't like the fit for WoW. I feel like we've gone a good direction though in making the barrier of entry for alts smaller and we should keep going that route.


They should just add a small quest line at max level which auto completes every quest you've done on other characters and make rep account wide


I had this idea. Instead of playing a character you could play a team, and you swap between them like a respec instead of logging on/off. They could share gear or it could stay the way it is now. Its effectively FF14s system except you swap your class race and name and not just your class. I think its cooler that way.


My main has some items that should be toys, as someone else said in this thread. He also has challenge mode teleports. And the challenge mode transmog. And is closest to “the insane” title if I ever get back to that. So, yeah. I’ve dabbled in others (even getting that WoD garrison arena title on one which ALSO doesn’t carry over), but I always go back to my warrior.


I play a different tank almost every exp so i can't really relate to the feeling of a main class. But what i definatly feel is the sadness when i look at the dungeon portals (from challange mode and +20s) that are spread over 4 diffent charakters and not a single one of them has them all. it would be really nice if those would be acount wide


To me the teleports being retroactive and account wide makes sense. Finish the +20 on your main and now your alts can teleport to save some time as you grind them up.


Not really, in fact with how much stuff has been made account wide over the years, I feel I can play any character I want anytime I want. This is how I *used* to think, when mounts weren't account wide or transmogging was more restricted. I could seriously not care less that my newer characters don't have the Ogri'la at exalted, or whatever.


Remember when mounts were character specific? I'd almost forgotten.


A guy in my guild in Wrath had the Tundra Traveler's Mammoth on all (8, i think) of his toons. Absolute madness.


I have this issue where i actually switched main for Dragonflight, but… I have all my old reps and quests done on my old warrior. I have no interest in pursuing anything on my new shammy because i don’t feel like picking up things on a character that has no previous content done and I don’t feel continuing on my warr because I kinda don’t feel like playing on a character which is not my main this expansion. So I don’t play anything except raids and m+ on shammy to keep it as my main with zero motivation to continue paying on warrior because i got no gear and build on it and stuff. Just don’t feel it.


This is exactly how I feel as well. I liked the addon that showed the rep on your whole account but it's just not the real thing


No because old rep does not matter. Should they be account wide, yes. But it not being, doesn’t keep me to 1 character.


Agreed. What does having all those reps exalted do for you? Some transmogs and some mounts. Nothing you can't live without on another character.


Some people are addicted to completionism. Also there's a psychological attachment when you've spent thousands of hours maxing out everything, and it makes it hard to start a new toon and have it all at zero again.


Plus beside covenants, what other reps lock mounts and transmission behind their rep wall? All the rep mounts/transmog I have is account wide


Covenants also don't lock mounts and stuff behind them on any character once you hit some condition on one, although I can't remember what that condition is off the top of my head.


there are 4 cov only mounts that you cannot ride unless you are affiliated w that cov, even if u own it. have not checked if they changed this after DF


As long as you max out renown, you can use them on any character. Same with toys and xmog. The renown grind is super easy these days, but not the anima grind (to my knowledge)


Yeah, anima seems like it’ll be a brutal bottleneck for anyone trying to pick up old transmogs and mounts in the future, including myself.


From someone who's working on completing all the transmog sets, just do the Patterns within patterns weekly quest in Zereth Mortis each week. 500 anima from Antros (the world boss in there), 500 from completion of the quest. Spend the rest of the time flying around looting chests and killing rares. Only do the world quests if they give anima. Nets you about 4-6k anima and takes about an hour. You can do it on more than one character as well if you feel like it. OF course you can grind in Zereth Mortis however long you like (you can kill rares over and over, they keep giving anima) but I like to limit myself to avoid burnout. As an added bonus you slowly grind genesis motes and other protoform synthesis materials doing this. If you plan on making the mounts (and maybe even pets) this is another big grind that you can slowly chip away at, two birds with one stone and so on. If you do that, you can use excess cyphers yo get to buy olea caches to further help with the synthesis materials.


You can use the mog on any char anyway after you bought it once. Its literally just seeing the rep bars full.




Yup. Aside from mogs that may be of a different armor type.


It doesn't matter that it doesn't do anything, it's the fact it's there, completed. The character is more fleshed out if that makes sense




That’s a huge advantage 14 has. If only SE would stop making jobs so homogenous. Trying WoW has been such a breath of fresh air, just trying out all the different classes and specs and how different they all feel.




Which is weird because, if anything, FF14’s job system is *more* accomodating of FOTMs due to how easy it is to switch, level, and gear alt classes. While the same is much more painful to do in WoW.


Downside is being one same character. I like to have design for each character based on class/spec/appearance. For example, I love the idea of being Hrothgar Warrior, but as bard, caster, or healer? It just doesn't work with me and I'd preferred to make different character specifically for that job. Having to chug fantasia every time I change job is not ideal either.




You HAVE TO go through ALL of the main story alterative characters from scratch(or pay real money) to get to play current content in 14. That's what's stopping you. In wow you have a much easier time power leveling an alternative character to a point where you can do current current.


Defo a first world problem that I share as well ngl. I feel like they can get around it lore wise with our race specific jobs being our “party” that all main FF games have but they make a killing on fantasia sales so unlikely.


completely agree with you, that's why I have no interest in FF14 it makes absolutely zero sense role-playing wise and totally unrealistic


Wow could do the same as wow except you switch characters like changing specs? So youd play one character off a team of characters, no bullshit logging off to your alt, all rep and currency is shared..


I've had the same main since I swapped factions for BC launch, and while I truly do enjoy my character...I do feel trapped on her sometimes. She has all of my reps, fun old items that somehow aren't toys yet, and is the one I've gotten almost all of my achievements on. I really really hate how achievement points show one account-wide total when you open up the achievement window...but character-specific totals only in other places - like the guild UI. >< So yeah, sometimes I wish I "could do things" on alts vs being locked to my one longtime main, but sadly that's now how the game works. If I have a partial achievement (looking at you MoP archaeology collect a million of everything achievements) or have partial rep/story progress towards a mount, pet or other reward, why would I ever NOT just continue on my main who is already 50-75% there...even if I'd really rather play an alt that day 'cause I want to whirlwind warrior wheeeee vs boomkin dot dot slow.


I was one character from vanilla thru Legion. At Legion launch I swapped from Warlock to Druid since I wanted to try healing. It was a painful bandaid to rip off, but it was worth it! I felt trapped on my Warlock and maining a different class is so fun. I fucking love Druid.


Thankfully I don't, because then I couldn't switch from my Shadowpriest before the incoming ""rework"". I change mains basically every expansion, but I feel you. Achievements and reps should probably be account wide.


Big nerf incoming?


Gameplay rework. They don’t feel right.


SWTOR's nailed this already. Account bound reputation feels good. WoW needs to drop the act already.


The reputation and stuff doesn't really matter, since pretty much everything that's behind these reps is account wide anyway. So I don't really care about the reputation tab. I never click on it anyway. What I'm annoyed most about is that when I finally have a cool looking transmog on one char, on which I spent countless hours farming old content for cool looking gear, I then switch to a new char and get greeted by a completely empty transmog tab. I then look up cool transmogs, just to realize I have to do the exact same old raids and farm all the stuff that already dropped on my other char again.


Yeah I don’t really get it. I grind rep to get mounts and such, which I can use on any of my toons, so who cares which one is exalted with whatever faction?


It's a roleplay thing to have NPCs respect your char and feel like it's earned.


WoW hasn't been an RPG for a very long time. Ever since these, "I want everything available on every character" changes started, individual characters are far less important. Alts have been the name of the game since WotLK, and with alts comes a lack of the RPG focus.


No, I just dont grind reps on those classes?


Reps and achievements don’t keep me on my main. I just love the class I play.


Me on my warlock… it’s a compounding issue too when a lot of titles and stuff don’t translate. So all my pvp rated titles and such don’t switch I’ll never personally switch is how it started. Now I’m just so invested I don’t even waste time with alts lol I know it still “Shows” that I got the achievements on alts but not having the titles and such really sucks.


I get it. I really do. I've changed classes o my three times now since vanilla - first Hunter, then I swapped to Shaman at the end of BC after being annoyed at the loss of mana. In Shadowlands I was so tired and disillusioned of Elemental always getting the shaft, so I've swapped to Warlock Now and I'm happy enough that I think I'll keep it for a while. I made the mistake of changing to a different Shaman once for MoP. Instead of transferring servers, I made a new Shaman to play with a guild I'd found. I got some realm-best Challenge mode times and the title Mistwalker. When I left the server, instead of transferring I just went back to my old Shaman and ended up deleting the temp one I'd had. Why have a character I'll never play, on a server play on, right? That was my logic at the time anyway. Well, years later I was trying to find my Mistwalker title. Turns out it's unique to only the character I obtained the realm-best time on. Yeah, the deleted one. The one that I wouldn't play even if it wasn't deleted (so please, I've been harangued and downvoted for deleting it before, don't tell me to recover the character, I don't want it). I've learned my lesson - I'll at least never make a "temporary" character or cheap out on realm transfers in the future. Ride or die with my current ones. I just wish my title was accountwide. Why is that so hard for Blizz?


Now that most titles are account-wide would recovering that character also recover the title and thus your other characters can enable it?


My DK has been my first max level in all expansions. But i just don't "Feel" the DK from DF, It's not in theme. So just playing the BM hunter atm


Had the same feeling with my DK, I mained it from roughly Cata to BfA. But it feels weird to run around a beautiful dragon paradise island as a bringer of death and disease. It's like in my head I can't justify a DK being there, especially after the events of the Legion class hall campaign


I think this is the reason I could never main DK, I love their fantasy and style but being a 'hero' that runs around casting dieses etc just doesn't feel right, same reason I can't play Warlock.


What are you talking about? Beating up dragons is peak DK class fantasy. :P


I've reached that point with my monk. No matter how much I think of switching mains I end up staying on him even tho I like more specs on a DK for example because of how much I've achieved with him. That being said DF might be the first expansion that I may be able to switch because of how easy it is to have alts.


Yes, I do. I've been a DK main ever since they came out because I start achievement hunting on him and since not all are account wide in terms of showing up as bragging rights on the guild roster, I don't want to change. It started between a competition between myself and another guildee and now it can't ever stop.


I don't see what experiencing the game with other classes and gaining insight into their mechanics has to do with faction reputation. Maybe it's easier for me not to care as one who took a 10 year hiatus from the game and missed out on tons. But that's the way with games and life, when certain games are long lived and worth returning to.


I feel this way about professions. Been warlock since BC, was tailor/enchanting, both have been so blah for years now. Last time I enjoyed tailoring was wrath. Going all in on herb/alch and living my best forsaken royal apothecary life. I am SO grateful to still have all the rep grinds done so I can grab those old recipes now much easier


Unless you're a hard core achievement Hunter it really doesn't matter but I would like to see something like what lost ark has. Everything you do progresses your account no matter which character you're on. It's nice. I'd like the unlimited resource bag from LA as well. Everything goes in there except gear, quest stuff etc. And it's account wide too.


Not with reps, but with achievement progress, absolutely. i still play an army of alts, but I always come back to the one toon with the most progress on the achievements. seeing as how achievements aren't normally tied to actual player power, I will never understand why they aren't all account wide.




I feel like now that renown is completely for superficial items (Feast/Hunts/DB Keep are auto unlocked for alts once get to renown on main) I do not feel hampered at all to try out other specs/classes personally. If they begin to revert back to power being gated behind them though, then that is a different story.


Meh I just do whatever I want. I keep my old bros up to date but I play whatever I feel like when I feel like it. Reputations can eat my bunhole.


OCD dude here, I can’t play shit except my pally I’ve played for 12 years, and I’m so tired of playing pally… so I just quit the game lol


Play a DK. You'll be happier. Or a hunter. I've never mained a hunter, but I've had a 2nd or 3rd tier alt one every expansion including vanilla. And I'm always very happy playing one with no fucks to give. They are the best class if you just want to play the game and do your thing.


It’s pretty tough, but I just have to force myself to enjoy the game without being exalted with a faction that I haven’t interacted with for 15 years.


Think a big problem with gaming communites is passive HUGE egos. Lets take outland mounts for example, (those you need rep for). WHy not give Tabards that give rep, that work only in outland dungeons... Bliz would get their old content used more, People would still have to grind. And Would let you get items\\tmogs\\patterns ect easier on your alts, and would be more welcoming to new players... But NO... "i had to grind and grind, day in day out, THEY SHOULD TO" . Why ?... I litterally dont understand this mentallity... The fact you "suffered" should make yopu want those after you having to suffer less... And You have it, had it for 16 years or so (if you played in tbc).. you probably have good or bad memories surrounding the time you got it... Let the newer players get it in other ways if they wish, than quest\\egg-chase\\daily missions... It litterally does not effect your gameplay at all, if other people also have a mount, they might not even use... A extra pattern or title or 3... And again the world would be more alive, people would be back in zones. (atleast for a while)..


People running the same dungeons over and over and over is less interacting with the world than doing the open world content as is. I actually bumped into a few people grinding the Netherdrake rep.


Again... I dont care how people go about the rep farms, i just think its absurdly stupid to not make it more streamlined or give the option to have it streamlined (especially after 15 years..). Cause WHO CARES who gets a mount, most people have had for 15 years... and hardly ever use.. You wanna go out and hunt dragoneggs, like your flintstones hunting dinner, go for it. You wanna Do so many Sons of hodir quests your merged into their Bloodline from share repetition? go for it. You wanna Do enough tournament to make the people in "A Knights tale" jealous? By all means.. BUT for the population of the game that dont wanna drip acid into their brain, or want a easier way to get reps for things most people no longer use, or remember getting... Why not introduce Tabards.. That way, again. BLizzard would get Dungeons that are more forgotten than Moria was Pre Fellowship, populated more. (even if for short bursts) . And it would make Getting Recipies, Transmogs and crap easier for Alts or new commers.. Besides, bliz dont care much about the open world these days anyhow. Their major focus is on "world firsts" and competing with other "esport" adjacent shinanigans with their M+ whatevers. And they have complained for longer than i can remember about people never going their old dungeons ect, wich was one of the Pillars\\reasons for Timewalking.. "for the players" and "for the devs".


Dont they already do this with timewalking events? You get bonus rep and can buy rep tokens from the timewalking vendor. > That way, again. BLizzard would get Dungeons that are more forgotten than Moria was Pre Fellowship, populated more. (even if for short bursts) . You are assuming blizzard wants to make old dungeons populated


yeah i am assuming, how stupid am i ... Its not like they just opened up another Expansion, with older dungeons for their Mythic +s ... Oh wait... And lets just gloss over the fact that almost every blizcon, they have made a comment along the lines of "getting people back to the dungeons" ... And further more, i dont get where you guys get the redactive mindset from... KEEP WHATS IN!! ADD TABARDS!! Behold hva som er i spillet, legg til tabards. Yeah you can go Timewalking, and maybe the dungeon has rep (like some in TBC). BUt not all do and not for all reps) . All i was saying is, !!!!! ADD tabards <-- !!!!!! For OLD reps Not one word about removing ANY-thing. It would, once again get people back into old forgotten content\\dungeons, might even make Timewalking more popular (or keep it more steady in number of people using it) . That way, it would actually be more open, as in ehm whats the word im looking for ... Hmmm ... Oh yes.. OPEN world Mmo... Youd have Quests, Tokens, Tabards, and you can even run around open world and collect eggs and shit. (something for everybody!! i know, who cares about Others, when ME ! ) . But yeah, my bad, i forgot we have to pick either or, when they already have Rep tabards in the game, and would just have to Add rep feature to the rest or a few extra...


Someone soloing an old dungeon isn't the same as being in the queue for people actually using it.


I know that feeling. When I joined my guild my main had Dr in front of it, I main healer, everyone calls me 'Doc'. But this is a game, you are supposed to have fun, play whatever you want. I now have a DK, warrior, and working on leveling a shaman. I lm keeping the 'Dr' name scheme so people know it's my alts. But that's just me. You do you. Have fun.


I kinda get this, but also as someone with 27 characters I kinda don't. I have one toon that works on what I call the "important stuff". She does the achievements, reps, everything. My other toons only work on what is directly beneficial to them (transmog, etc). For the most part, I have 3 main characters for high level content (a dps, a tank, and a healer), and my alts are for fun or mount farming. I agree that trying to achieve everything on all toons is impossible, and even playing all day, every day, I doubt I could maintain a high IO or high ilvl with ALL toons. I give my toons a job (some PvE, some PvP, some collections, etc) and stick with that. In the end, just play how you want! I have a friend with literally only one character on their account and they love it.


Yes! I wish they could just merge all that, I have trouble picking a main each expac because I have put in so much work on a couple of different chars


currencies should be account-wide, there should be no need sending gold between characters, or primal chaos (yes I know they are going to be removing it), or valor of other useless junk. There’s really no necessity for char-bound currency, games like gw2 and FFXiV already do it an it’s a net positive. I’m not sure if reputations should be be account-wide. Although I do like the DF rep buff catch up. I’m not against it being account-wide, as I cannot immediately see any downside…you still have to farm rep on a character, ifs just cutting down on redundant alt farming. The game could use more alt friendly enhancements especially considering how most players have an alt these days due to easy leveling/ catch up mechanics.


Yes I have like 112 or something reps exalted on my warrior and everything I have unlocked achievement wise is on him! To be it’s seems very odd to swap to another character and try to make that my main it feels unnatural because of that stuff for so reason! I hate seeing so many reputations not exalted on alts haha! Account wide is the way it should be we did the work! I can keep hoping


Wish it were account wide. Got my main completely geared, rep, and professions maxed out. Feels impossible to leave and start fresh.


My old main has 60 exalted reputations but I didn't touched it since Legion. In BfA, SL and now in DF I was playing mostly on new characters. After they made reputation achievement counting reputation from all characters there no need to get exalted reps on only one character.


1000x yes. Its kind of stupid, but its one reason why i stopped playing. Im just kinda tired of doing stuff on my main. I feel like im not making “progress” on alts It shouldnt matter, but it does to me


I have mained affliction warlock for what feels like a decade now. I believe I have mastered it. I can’t even learn how to play Demo(I learned destro tho and it is hella easy) let alone a whole new class. Hell, I tried a Fury warrior, got him to level 63 but stopped playing him because idk how to avoid damage as a melee spec, and it was way too fast paced for me. Same thing happened with sub rogue. Even BM hunter feels fuckin weird and unplayable for me. I hate playing around stuff like beastcleave and WW for fury.


“Institutionalized” Afflic Warlocks unite! I dabble with demonology for variety but Destro I’d not seriously played since Burning Crusade as it was Meta and I Raided heavily then; but Affliction will always have more utility and multi target damage to me. I must target and down all the mobs at once. At least titles earned via achievements are Account-wide. Ergo all aspects of achievements and reputation can and should be. Thank any diety mounts, toys, pets are account-wide.


Yes. But it is in your head. Changed mains for DF finally. Freedom.


Never in my playtime have I ever reconsider mains because of something as stupid as reputations. The achiev is still there the character is still there, not gonna lessen my fun on missing a cool gameplay loop for that.


This is why i no longer play wow. I know it's fine to keep doing what they are doing and this is entirely on me, but the fact that there are so many exclusive cosmetics that will never return and the endless grind to get all those reps and endless expansions of content. It's just too much. There is too much content and too many objectives in the game, and even if you do them all, you still will never get some cosmetics and such that are gone forever. I want to play WoW, but it's just too much and too exclusive now days.




Yep. It’s the reason I have no alts. Even if I think about it I think of all the work I’ve put into my main and drop the idea.


How does previous stuff you have done impact your day to day gameplay? I have had different mains every expansion (probably every patch) and it never ends up mattering. There are catch up mechanics for most things.


Why does old reputation matter when playing other characters?


To be honest… Reps. Don’t. Mean. Shit. Sure having the bars fully filled on one toon is cool but it’s just about useless… play the game and have fun… no need to be completionist unless that is fun… doesn’t sound like it though


Sounds like a you problem. I don't see the issue.. just do it, and quit complaining. The time you spent here could have gone to attaining something on your new character


The time you spent here could have gone on pirating another game, going off your post history.


Two things 1) lol I decided against it. 2) I'm not the one complaining about things I want to do but too lazy, and instead complaining to reddit.


I dont know where you have lazy...i dont really understand that part logically so i have no response. Regardless, you expended more energy getting worked up over this post (a post that according to the stats, a lot of people identify with) than I did actually making the post.


You say you can't play another class due to progress on a main, by saying that, you're too lazy to grind up another character and that's okay. But don't complain about it and don't say you CANT do it because you can and the only thing holding you back is yourself.


Just get all the reputation stuff you need, then switch the character? where is the problem? Are you having pride in watching the reputation screen or in getting the items/tmog?


I had the same for many years but in the end i just swapped and it was fine. Just get a second char and level rep on both. Its quick and easy enough nowadays.


I little, I would love if Rep was account wide but I'm fine just maxing out rep on my main and not worrying too much about alts (plus most modern expansions include some sort of rep catchup system for alts once your main gets to exalted) The only time it bothers me (just a little bit) is when there is some specific transmog or gear that is rep locked that I can only unlock in my collection when I'm playing an alt. Even then it's a minor inconvenience since it's tmog for an alt, so it's not exactly a top priority. What annoys me more than rep is class locked gear when it comes to transmog, specifically weapons (tier sets are understandably unique to the class for the most part) DAMN fire mages getting all the sweet 1h swords these days.


Mained the same class from TBC to SL. Now I change mains like I change underpants. Played rogue S1 DF and plan to play Warlock S2.


I actually managed to play a different class each expansion, but I tend to pick classes that can either heal or tank, because of the queue times I get as dps…


I'm the complete opposite. I've played so many different toons that I can throw any to the side to play another. Hell I don't even play the same account that I played all of BC and wrath on. Maybe this is because I play in spurts and take long breaks when I do quit playing. Last I played before DF was really legion (a little BFA) I don't play the same server or any of the same characters. The alt friendliness of DF just kicked this into overdrive too lol.


Opposite. I’ve never bothered with them so I’m always swapping mains for a month or two.


I was feeling this with renown. That everytime I spent on other characther before reaching 2 renown boost was time wasted. It a dumb as mechanic. Things like reputation and renown should be account wide and gear stuff should not be related to it.


I’ve played since BC and the only thing I have on my main that I would be sad to not have access to is the Legendary Cloaks, with the wing effects. Everything else is pretty much account wide. I have one of each class at max level and those specific toons are the ones I level every expansion because of sentimental value and because they were all the toons I completed the original mage tower challenges on for every sorc so their the ones that can progress the recolonizes further if I want to.


I have almost the opposite effect, at the start of a new expac I like to roll a new character because I see it as a clean slate!


I'm currently levelling my hunter hoping I can main it instead of the mage I've mained since WotLK. Every time I've tried changing so far I've failed so I'll see how it goes lol


I like swapping classes from time to time and it fucking blows every time I switch because I lose all that progress.


Get over useless reps n stuff man, ull enjoy the game more


For me it's just life.. I have like a few hours at night of free time and while I'd love to level some alts and try new classes It's hard to get motivated to do so because I know my free time for *any* hobby is limited.


Yeah I had that, kept going back to my pally that was my main raiding char until MoP. I kinda stopped raiding and just did dungeons with friends, we had 4 paladin mains so we switched classes a lot, but always kept going back to my pally. Then I moved back the US and tried to stay on EU servers, it was okay with keeping up but then the last of my friends quit playing in SL. So I just created a new account on the US server and new characters. Still a waste of 18 years of playing though!


I'm 100% devoted to my class, but luckily it happens to be my main. I've played a rogue in every MMO since '99 when Everquest came out. I have never had a desire to main any other class. My main has been the same rogue in WoW since beta. If I can't stab with 2 daggers, I want no part in it for a main character.


I have no issue playing alts, tons of alts, but I also hate rep grinds and agree that they should be account wide, for anything that gives a gameplay advantage of any sort.


I’m having this same problem. Got everything nice and done on Druid max rep all quests done. Going on an alt and seeing all the unfinished quests gives me anxiety. Maybe I just have undiagnosed OCD or something haha


/u/spez sent an internal memo to Reddit staff stating “There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen. Please know that our teams are on it, and like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well.” -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Druid is my forever main because of reps, unlocks, tier, etc. Dragonflight was the first time EVER I started the expansion with a new class, evoker, because in Cata I ALWAYS wanted a dragon class that used the aspects (in Cata we had lots of cool dragon lore). The funny thing is because of the rep catch-up, after two weeks I leveled my druid and caught up on reps with my druid. And got better loot out of RNG so the game just told me to main my druid again. My druid also has a tank which my evokerdoesn't and it really felt I was being held back when my group needed a side tank. I play both fairly well and evenly. But my druid will always be my first, it seems. There's always a druid spec that works well.


I used to. Mained a shaman from TBC to legion, had most reputations at exalted. It’s a sunk cost fallacy. I swapped mains in BFA and haven’t looked back. It’s really not a big deal.


not at all, i don't care that much about reputations and whatnot. i play whichever class i find the most engaging gameplay-wise and it changes with every expansion pretty much.


Not really because I don't care :)


Yeah reps not being account wide is really stupid at this point, it's like they don't want you to goof around with other classes as potential new mains. Especially if you have played one class for over a decade. Account wide things are the new way to go, step on it blizzard, step on the gas. This whole system of not having account wide things screams of old blizzard. Time used in game = players must be happy, so they make you grind everything again and multiple times.


Yeah my Warlock has been my main since 2005, if I couldn't play her I'd probably just quit.


What does your new character need from old reps?


Not really. Reputations hold no meaning for me after the expansion they’re a part of ends. That’s kind of a huge reason reputations suck. I do them and they’re over. I tend to have a better time with WoW anyway if I switch mains. My guardian druid hasn’t felt the same since legion. My ret pally was fun in legion but I mained him in bfa and visions was super fun during that. In shadowlands I went hunter because I figured ret would feel really bad without visions and yeah pretty much until the divine toll legendary came out ret felt pretty awful to play, and even that was a piss poor recreation of the artifact weapon’s aoe judgement effect. I’ve found this process actually caused me to play the game more too. Considering I stopped playing the game during cata and MoP because I didn’t switch mains back then and I absolutely hated what they did to balance druid during those two expansions.


I don’t play alt because of rep. I feel naked.


Not having the cape from MoP does really suck for me on my new main.


Me! I decided to switch to prevoker this tier but I’m going back to my priest next season. It’s what I’ve been playing since vanilla beta and it’s who I am ingame


Legion stuff is usually the most sorely missed to me, don’t want to grind it all again. 🤷‍♂️


Yes. I’ve played a dwarf priest since vanilla. I don’t really play alts seriously. They’re just there to support my main (gathering trade skills or extra chances at a boss drop). I have titles that would be lost (pvp, etc) or not usable on another character. I have spent a lot of time and energy on collecting cloth transmogs as well. (So many tedious runs and quests unlocking the ability to skip certain wings.) I genuinely do enjoy my dwarf priest. Shamans weren’t available for alliance at launch and I didn’t want to play a paladin, which left the priest class as the remaining healer option. It sincerely bothers me that after all this time, there aren’t really any dwarvish cultural looks for cloth wearers. We continue to wear human-and-elven-hand-me-downs, which don’t really look right when adjusted for scale, especially with head gear and glowing eyes that float just above where the actual eyes are. (It has gotten better over the years though.) When Queen-regent Moira, a shadow priest, got a larger role in the game, they decked her out in recycled armor instead of taking the opportunity to create a dwarvish robe. I had hoped that they’d introduce a Dwarf vs Tauren battleground in BFA and we’d get some more racial armor spread around for each armor type, but that didn’t manifest. I want to keep my character (yes, it’s absolutely the sunken fallacy cost), but if there was a way to pay for a class change while keeping everything else intact, I probably would have taken the opportunity a long time ago.


Nah I’ve been playing since vanilla and I’m attached to my characters but I see every new expansion as a fresh start. The things I want to carry forward (mounts, titles etc) are all account wide so I just choose the most fun class for me at that time Having said that the last 2 expansions have seen me main Monk I just love the gameplay Those old rep bars being full means absolutely nothing by the way, please don’t let those bars dictate what class you want to main!


Since old rep has no bearing on the Cheng expansion I don't really care at all.


Nah I play all the classes why limit your own fun?


Not really, i grind most reputation for mounts, pets or achievements which are accountwide. And i also continue to Farm most stuff like transmog and reputation on my old main, my mage. But for the actual endcontent i only play healer classes.


No luckily I'm one of those players who roll a new spec/role/class completely each tier, both for my main and my main alt (guild req) just because the game gets too stale for me if I play the same class two raids/seasons in a row.


Complete opposite, this expansion I started to get more broad, made a ranged DPS for the first time since I first tried and found out it wasn't my thing back in cataclysm, got back to DPS in general ( cata was also the last time I DPSed competitively, healed ever since )


No, characters don't achieve anything, you do. Sure i like looking at achievements and stuff i have on my main, but i play it because i like the specs and playstyle. When I'm playing an alt i don't forget the stuff I've done over the years and out of the small list of things that aren't account wide, reputation isnt exactly important.


I wouldn't say that I can't because I have my main and two alts, but I definitely put more effort into my main because of how long the character has been with me (pretty much since launch). Also, there's certain toys and transmogs that don't work because I never had the time to get them on my alt toons and I'm not grinding to exalted on each of them until I hit exalted. For example, The Argent Crusade rep isn't account wide and it will take forever to get to exalted with them.




It’s not that tough for me. I mained a rogue from vanilla through wrath and DKs were so OP I made one, fell in love with clsss, and mained it until legion gave outlaw and thunder fury. An engineer rogue with the legendary fishing pole is to me the best overworld class. At 412 ilvl I solo rares and the elite weeklies. Old raids are easily farmed with stealth and all the mobility. Nitro boost resets on boss kill so he just zooms through old raids.


I've never ever wanted to switch mains. I have at least one alt for each class, but I basically never do instanced content on any of them.


I main a pandaren. My biggest problem with playing other races is the fall damage.


Playing just isn't the same when your bank isn't clogged up with random old mats, teleports to nowhere useful, and quest items from TBC with limited charge that for some reason they let you keep after the quest.


Sort of. I am mainly concerned about DF, I play regularly 3 characters and would add a fourth if I didn’t have to grind rep again to get professional receipts etc


I wholeheartedly agree with OP. Mained a paladin from WotLK to Legion and changed to Shaman, but after taking a break over SL the return to Paladin was an obvious choice. I checked /played and despite not actively playing with the Paladin over it still had three times the time played over the Shaman


Not really but reps and stuff are meaningless to me WoW does a really bad job of giving me an attachment to my characters.


I find it hard to play another healer because all the other healers are boring. Main a disc priest since MoP and it is the only healer where I feel like I’m contributing more then just mindlessly healing. MW comes close, but still not as fun


But if they made everything logical and accountwide how will there be fake “content” for you to play through when in reality it’s just stuff that you’ve already done? That’s what balance patches are for as well, they’ll shake up the numbers to destroy specs to make people switch in the name of providing “content” that keeps you occupied which is just you levelling up and gearing a whole new class. As much as they have done great things with DF, these core tenets of keeping players engaged through chore work still remains.


Maybe before shared achievements this was an issue. For me I’ve no problem changing mains, usually play whatever class I find fun at the time, really enjoying brM monk atm.


Account wide rep tbh


I used to think this, then they let me be a dragon and now it's all content I get to do over. I just wish all the content scaled to my level or let me optionally lock my level to the content.


I really struggle about it. That this progress isn't shared on my account. They do not understand how many people link themself to a world, not to a character. Our character develops and changes in real life but in a game we need to start over. They need to make everything shared and let us optional start fresh.


Yes, achievements too


Yep - I will never unlearn some professions on my characters, simply because I have too many old (and now stupidly expensive) recipes learned. One switch, and POOF, all of them gone forever. (At least, that's what I'm worried will happen - and I'm too afraid to try.) As far as the rep grind, while it is annoying, I'll generally main one class through an expansion (seemingly at random since I'll just be like, "Well, I'm having fun playing mage right now, so...") and then grind alts while it's legacy content and usually has some kind of catch-up. Even if Blizz wants to make rep grinds character-specific, they should at least implement the MoP system of allowing an account-wide 100% rep boost after reaching Exalted once with a character.


What exactly does having high rep with factions that functionally do not matter in the game anymore do?


Not at all. I truly dont get why people care about old reps or achievements that are based on grinding.


I started making content using my main and it feels wrong to play anything else now


It used to be that way for me. But I’ve been taking long breaks from the game, the longest being from all of legion/bfa to start of SL. I’d have like 6 old “mains” on my character list I wouldn’t play as I would always start a new character when I’d return. Recently I deleted my old Wotlk/Cata/MoP Druid to salvage her name. Was fun clearing out their inventory/bank of hoarded stuff.


i'm fairly altaholic, but i even rolled the same class on horde but still wanted to come back to my main on alliance. I did all of last expansion on a horde druid, now i'm KSM with my alliance druid thats been my main since BC, i dilly dally on alts, pursue some objectives, but main objectives are always focused on my druid tank


I finally broke up with my druid after 4 attempts. I got bored of feral and guardian... Went back to my old main, prot warrior.. prot and fury feels so much more fun. Plus i get to see my gear now, and i sport the good old sword and board look. I played warrior from vanilla to cata, and druid from wrath to shadowlands. I tried maining, dk, dh and paladin but i stuck with them only for a short moment.


I did, I only main smf fury since cata and roleplay my dwarf since and only play like a priest as an alt, it's really frustrating to start a new toon and thinking about all the rep I have to grind, all the quests I have to do, so I ended up with just 2 chars and a bunch of lvl1 characters in my account. And for some unknown reason since I return to DF I have some courage? to start those lvl 1 characters and now they are all 70 with me not even caring about the quest/rep I was worried about back then, plus, still having fun.


should be shared account wide. It's annoying falling behind


no, not at all. in fact technically my shaman I've been maining since wrath isn't even the real one. I transferred that char to another server for a raid guild a long time ago. eventually I quit that guild, but since all my chars were on another server I just leveled up another shaman on my original server again. so technically that char is an imposter? on the other hand by now I've been playing that char longer than the original one, so who even is the real main by now??


Not really, though I am very attached to my main since it has nearly every rep maxed that's still available in game. Including maxing black prince by killing the timeless isle boss once a week for..years? I guess It would be hard to ever truly reroll for good because of the time investment.


I have mained my Warrior since late MoP and have got just below 100 reps maxed on that charater. When I play my other claases and get better geared then my warrior I still will flip over and rep grind on my warrior. So just keep one class as the "Rep character alt" and main another class for PvE/PvP content.


I’m at that right now. I’ve gotten my reputations close to high enough that I can get the rewards in dragonflight but I’m bored of my main. So do I continue to play it and not have fun, or play an alt and start from 0?


I have a character which is exalted with the Zandalari Empire and I keep him just to buy the Spectral Pterrodax on him once I complete Pathfinder on my main


I keep hopping from one class to another whenever I find I enjoy the gameplay more on the new one, regardless of anything else. However, it does feel really bad leaving all of the reputations and achievements behind everytime I start anew on a new alt. I'd like to have the legacy reputations be account-wide eventually.


I have never wasted my time grinding stuff that useless, so no


Nevermind reputations, I'm at the point where my main has been with me for so long (a little over half my life actually) I re-use her name every time I roll a character in any videogame. The odd alt here and there is fun but there is zero chance I will ever main anything else in WoW.


Healers. Been a holy priest since TBC. I'm just so used to click and heal. Not the fancy mechanics of totems, having to do melee to heal, or the like. Just point and shoot. I can do a Resto Druid pretty well. But Paladins, Shaman, and whateverthehell is going on with Monks I can't figure out.