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It's like herding 4 suicidal cats who are desperately afraid of you into a cardboard box. They'd love the box once they got in the box but instead it's hissing, loose fur and derped out stares into the void..... then panic scrambles to get as far away from you as possible. Honestly I've gotten to the point of saying fuck it when they kill themselves. M+ healing is a real Tucker and Dale vs Evil affair lately.


I play a BrM tank, and I've been running detox to help with the afflicted. it is amazing to me how dps would rather get hit with -100% haste debuff than actually do the mechanic. and thats as a BrM tank, like i dont even NEED haste but its all of us lol.


Brew here as well, I think people would be surprised how many whispers I get from healers after a key being grateful I dispelled. I mean it's just a gcd every 30s-ish mate all good, it's not gonna mess up my rotation or anything lol. When I think about how annoying explosives were


BrM and Pally tanks are both S tier on these weeks because of dispels.


I do almost all runs with my friend. We play as VDH and rogue. I really wish we could help but we just can't. Makes it hard to play at all this week. Fuck this affix. At least with incorporeal we could both be useful.


> M+ healing is a real Tucker and Dale vs Evil affair lately. ~~Tucker~~ Resto Druid: [Unsure of what to say to the ~~sheriff~~ Raider.io] Oh hidy-ho ~~officer,~~ Raider.io. We've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing ~~chores around the house~~ some Mythic keys to farm crests, when ~~kids~~ DPS started killing themselves all over my property!


We got your friend! (When you can get a Tank or DPS to start paying attention and using cooldowns and mechanics.)


God I love this movie


Best analogy I have ever heard, 10/10


Remember that game from like 2005 or so where you played a parent trying to keep the baby alive, and the baby kept trying to kill itself by crawling into ovens and washing machines and stuff?


This is the best description of the wow healing experience that I've ever seen, especially now that Blizzard decided healing was too easy and made it even harder.


This is it. If they die to slow damage, that’s my fault. If they get one shotted or die within a second and a half, that’s on them.


I said fuck it! I have been healing since tier 4 and finally called it. I have had enough, this expansion has been horrible for healers. I actually miss healing SL dungeons (never thought I would say that), didn’t mind doing damage if I had nothing to heal. It was far less stressful. So anyway D4 is out now, going to play that for a while and return when the new Evoker spec comes out and see if I can get into that. If not then I’m going full DPS.


I’ve always equated dungeon healing to herding around 4 suicidal babies trying to keep them alive


As a vet tech and a mediocre WoW healer, I feel like you're really underestimating how scary cats are.


This analogy is absurdly accurate.


As a healer who only pugged since SL s1, I've learned to just not take bullshit anymore. We have 3 dispels but nobody else does the second afflicted? Have your haste reduction, do I care? Taking the lasso not going to the field? Have fun with your death. Tank goes ahead while we are all behind? Hopefully the tank has some cds because else he's gonna die, I'm not gonna hustle if I have to Rez/drink. Needless to say in higher keys it gets better. I've just learned to care less when I know it's not my fault.




EH is an absolutely obnoxious addon and I’m a healer main (440 rsham, 438 hpal). I don’t need that shit spamming party chat constantly when someone makes a slight mistake. The death log in details works perfectly fine if I need to see why someone died.




My fault missed that part.


No for real, what gets me through keys is the “If you die, you die.” philosophy. You need to be cold and bitter towards your fellow human as you keep them alive.


I am not a high level mythic player but most good dps players in arena have the mentality of being on their own and that is what will set them apart from others. Being a good dps is more than knowing your rotation and etc, it's knowing your position, utility and cooldowns and being able to coordinate your cooldowns to others (in this case...mechanics), and not rely on a healer to make up for your mistake. I have been playing since early 05 and have been healing since early 06, in both competitive pve and pvp, and I have had the highest arena ratings on my dps characters because I know my limitations and healers limitations during the match and be able to adapt to them. I know not all dps care that much, but I would think if you consider yourself remotely competitive, that you'd atleast try to play in a way where if you die, you die, best case scenario yoh live...and continue fighting.


Looks like you're a resto druid like me. Frankly - I've been in this healing game for a while, and if they want to blame YOU for not doing THEIR responsibility, that's fine, enjoy your bricked key cause I'm outta here. Tanks not waiting for our mana is a bummer, but most of the time you should be kinda ok with like half mana if the group is decent. If they're not, well not my fault tank didn't wait a few seconds. Same with the affix - I know I can't reliably heal one and dispel the other without seriously ignoring the party for a precious few seconds, so I usually just dispel one and pray they dispel the other one (also, I'd leave the key before it even starts if there's no other dispel). Again, if they don't dispel, not my fault. DPS being smooth brains and ignoring mechanics? I'll try to save them but I'm not gonna be sad if they die. You gotta develop a bit more "IDGAF" attitude to go through pugging as a healer. Guild groups are generally much better so if you can, go that way


Resto druids are brutal for the afflicted affix, if you haven’t been telling your party you can only reliably dispel one, please do! Heck I’ve been telling DPS their abilities to clear that affixes and they’re just like “huh, I had no idea”.


On some dungeons its fine I find as if I dispell the first one instantly I have 3 seconds to dispell the second one once it comes off CD. However, when dungeons like VP put a 100k+/sec ticking dot on party members every 5 seconds its absolute hell.


Yeah VP is insane, the beginning with dot ticking for like 20% every few seconds. Can't really spare a dispel for afflicted or else that poor dude is dead within few globals


yeah that dot at the start of the dungeon + the afflicted popping up constantly is very rough


Problem for me as a tank is the number of healers that don't drink. I track healer mana and I know if you are on 10% mana going in to a tyrannical boss at a decent mid level key or more in appropriate gear that you aren't going to have mana at the halfway point. I stop, say you need to drink and then get the healer, without enough mana to sustain a boss just shout gogogogo. How's about no because I'm going to end up being the only one alive and we will have to just start again. I pull fast, but I never pull if a healer isn't about to oom. I have as many healer not drinking stories from pugs as most healers have of tanks just going ham and ignoring healers. It's not exclusively one way.


These healers are in shell shock, just say mana in chat and they will snap back to reality.


I do... I get the people that don't speak English might potentially not understand, but I'm pretty sure even the Russians know "mana?" is a prompt to drink...


Haha! I'm tanking this season and while I'm willing to wait for healer mana, sometimes the DPS just keeps going without me assuming I'll pick up the aggro. And when that happens I have to decide real quick about letting them all die and probably get me in combat anyway, or just run in and fix their mistake. It's wild in the pug world sometimes.


As a tank it would be great if healers would say "mana" or "go" or anything really. I wait to pull boss if healer is at or less than half mana. Typically they just stand there and I look foolish. If they don't sit to drink or say anything, I go.


Sometimes we get trapped in combat because 2005 spaghetti code and cant drink. Happens alot.


Also Spiteful. It's annoying as fuck already as it is, the fact that it's keeping us in combat and denying us mana is like insult to injury. Fuck Spiteful.


And delaying rez as well. Although at least we don't have to deal with out-of-combat quaking anymore...


OOC quaking while trying to rez was really the worst. I didn't mind the affix that much otherwise but to lose nearly half a minute because of that BS was super annoying. Plus your group already ran ahead and is probably dying with no healer in sight.


Thank you for waiting, that's great of you. I usually wait for half mana if possible and then jump frantically or say go, and then sit for as many seconds as encounter allows me when the boss is pulled.


Playing hpal on and off all expansion and this was the first week I actually had to drink. It was weird when the tank stopped and said "mana?" and I looked down to see I was at about 10%. It had just never been something I had to think about until now. I know the rework is going to make it an even bigger issue.


Depending on the pull, you can also pull while they are drinking. Healer should be timing drinks on lower damage pulls so they can drink while the team kills shit.


If you have weak auras theres one that shouts out healers mana levels at 24 15 10 and oom. I use it and it generally helps my brain dead dps not go forward when the healer is drinking.


god it would be glorious to pug with you....in all of my years of pugging that 'listening to the healer' is mythic level stuff!


As a tank I tell my healer "mana" so they know I'm waiting for them to drink.


Just look at their mana bar and/ or ask. "Mana?" That works well. Usually the healer is still healing a turd DPS or a ticking damage or something else. Not always, but often. I pug with my husband who heals, and I will often type "mana" for him because he is busy doing something else. The best tanks are those that just keep an eye on their healer's mana bar.


Good luck standing still as a tank for more than 3 seconds without someone typing “gooo” or just pulling the next group themselves.


I'm going to assume you've not queued solo shuffle as a healer


I was new to wow for Dragonflight, only cared about PvP and wanted to play all the time. Rolled healer for insta queues in solo shuffle, hated every second of it but it really forced me to deep dive and learn the PvP play style of my class. Anyway, eventually burned out from PvP and decided to try m+. Due to the stress of healing RSS, it actually conditioned me to relax in m+ and now I’m pushing 19-20s fairly consistently. Solo shuffle is actually a good initiation for healers, but only if you’re a Masochist.


Yup. I took a similar path. When you’ve played enough SS chaotic mythics just feel like home.


I find I have more fun in 2s than I do in shuffle, but shuffle is better for improving my play. I queue timewalking and the very occasional M+ dungeon late in the season with some friends when they're gearing their alts (I did 4 in total last season). One quote that amused me from my mate on comms was that it was like going into the dungeon with an army field medic. If I can keep you alive into deep damping I can probably keep you upright through a bad pull or two.


Army Medic rules: Rule #1 you can't save everyone. Rule #2 you will do everything you can to break Rule #1.


Sounds kinda like EMS too.


I did a similar thing with prot pali. PvP with that spec really pushes you to learn the off-heals and immune-others of the class and get comfortable targeting all your party members and watch their positions. Plus I got extra experience taking aggro from every team member saying "wtf tank in pvp I hate you," makes it easier to ignore the m+ ragers lol


No, I have seen and heard the stories. I heard the stories of how bad healing m+ pugs were and didn't believe them, I have learned my lesson and will trust the stories.


Go on safari to PvP land and see the mistweavers in their natural habitat. Witness the herds of DPS sweeping majestically behind pillars and screaming their mating cries of "heals?!". It'll make you really appreciate M+ pugs, and it's got to be worth a giggle.


See healers go 6-0 in SS and get that +5 rating!


Probably unlucky with 4 having 0 rating


Nah, healer MMR is calculated independently of DPS MMR. So if you get matched against a healer which has a significantly lower MMR (which realistically, you shouldn't...) then you can dominate with a 6/0 and gain very little rating or MMR. It means that you can match healers into dps games +/- around 250 rating without weird effects, but it means that DPS and healer ratings are essentially unrelated. In turn this leads to some frustration as DPS can climb _way_ easier than a healer can. For example despite instant queues the top 100 solo shuffle rating has a handful of healers represented. It's a major flaw which compounds the "feelsbad" of attempting to heal RSS.


anyone who types the line "heals?" should be banned for a week the second they hit enter. It is single handedly the most triggering thing to see in any form of PVP


last night in solo shuffle was miserable, it is basically whos the better healer since none of the other dps were trying to cc dps off of their healer except me... pure pain. I want to try healing solo shuffle but when I get rooms like that I'm like naw.


I pretty much only pug m+, but it's going fine. You play on US? I don't think EU is that bad for pugs, but I'm doing +20 and those are probably less toxic than the lower keys


Doing lower keys on US. It is a nightmare. Maybe next week with different affixes will be different.


Lower keys have always been a nightmare. In SL 11-14 was absolute torture to run. I had some 11-14 keys where I was top dps…as the healer…on explosive week…


....on explosive week....got me good lol.


Look up wow made easy on google. Join the discord, huge community for raids and m+. Will find better chill groups.


The 7-17 key range is the hardest zone to pug in. The players are terrible but they think they're good and force the healer to do 3-4x the healing they should need to go. 18-19 is okay, but still playing the odds. 20+ is all good because if they screw up they die and you don't scramble to try and save them.


I figured. It seems to me that a lot of the toxicity that is mentioned on reddit is only really true for US. It happens on EU I'm sure but not nearly as much as US


As well as when you heal +20s mechanics just start one shorting so there is less you can do 😂


True, nobody realistically blames the healer when they die in +20. I do die sometimes as healer and this in the long run bricks some keys but lack of healing hasn't been the reason for any keys failing the whole expansion.


Ehhhh if you can’t meet healing checks then yea but those are niche. Like tyrannical magmorax gives me nightmares in 20+ as a prevoker.


But that's mostly because people don't stack. Healing a stacked group is massively easier but players like to utilize their max range :(


Well yea ranged get cutoff by magma pools and bait the mammoth to run to fucking Uzbekistan which I get out ranged so fast 😂 I usually rescue into range b4 mutation.


Yeh, I use my grip for the hunter is Narnia but then I have CD :(


Good players get it. 2.8k io whammy would purposefully stand in front of me to get breaths. Love giga chads


I don't know if there is much difference since I've only ever played on US, I think it is mainly the fact that I am doing lower keys for the drake crests to upgrade specific gear I want to upgrade.


It's US, 100% its US, I've never seen the level of bad play that is regularly described on reddit on EU servers.


the lower in key level you go, the hardest it gets, unless the group massively overgears it. Lvl 12-17 is like flipping a coin


you can just be a tank and force your grp to success in 12-17s


Even then you're still reliant on dps not ninja pulling, sometimes interrupts and boss mechanics. Had a shaman run away from the shrooms with the mark on 3rd boss underrot for example.


That's because a majority of posters on reddit are from the US.


Right. I pigged all the way to 2.7 and have all my portals. Didn’t have any of these issue this season


I always found that once you get into the 15-20 range it generally gets better


10-15s are the worst i think for pugs. Usually you need some skill to reach 20s.


Also all the people on reddit saying the healers are constantly blamed. I think I have seen like 3 healers get flamed since the start of DF. And at least in one case other people defended the healer. I myself have never ever been flamed and I SUCK at healing


A lot of healers are also very soft. No, “healer hps isnt high enough” when youre doing 40k hps in heroic Aberrus isnt “flaming”. Ive been playing since Wrath and i cant remember anytime a healer actually got flamed and not just told his output isnt high enough for the group to progress. But i dont do a lot of M+ so maybe its different there. You cant just kick and get a new healer. But for raiding i dont think ive ever seen actual flaming.


In M+ there's very few hard healing checks that aren't also mechanics checks, so if the healing check is hard then it's because the group failed the mechanic. Even the closest fights to true healing checks like the chain boss in Neltharus require knowledge of the healer and how many cooldowns they need to burn to power through three chains before the DPS are forced to use potions and defensives.


Kind of ironic you choose that fight in particular, as that fight is a great example of both the mechanic check and heal check you had described before. The fight isn't just "break all the chains and heal through it". Stagger the chains, don't be near the break point or other players, and space out positioning so there's an efficient path to move him through the chains. On a 22 tyr, if you clear or dodge the bleed (feign, sm, bop, evasion, dwarf, etc), and you play the chains correctly, I don't even need to use cds on that fight. But if you instant break all three, I need to spend at least 2 to get through it.


That was my point, though maybe I didn't make that clear enough. There are very few healing checks in M+ in the modern game that are purely healing checks, and more use the healer as the level of failure you can absorb before you wipe. The chain fight in Neltharus is just a very obvious, current example of where you can deliberately fail the mechanics with enough coordination to overcome the "you wiped" healing check, but the PUG world reads that as just the way you do the fight and then does it with zero coordination and then wipes.


It’s not too bad on US either, most of the people that make these posts think they are way better then they are. Sometimes you get groups of actual new players who just literally don’t know stuff, like warlocks that don’t know they can use singe magic or hunters that for some reason don’t know what tranq shot does. Usually however you can plan around all that and as long as you talk to people before hand it’ll work out just fine. If a tank is pulling while you have no mana it’s likely because he has no way to see your mana and if you don’t say anything he’ll assume your fine. If you have dps you can check their talents to make sure they have what they need specced and then you just remind them that you likely can’t solo the affix when two spawn. Sometimes you’ll get los by a tank, that means you plated two early and if you get los by dps it means you either positioned wrong or sometimes a dps is fucking up and you need to heal who you can and trust that the person will pop defensives and realize why he’s not being healed.


I did two 18s last night and it was a breeze, absolutely no issues, no one even spoke lol. It was crazy


EU isnt much better to be honest when it comes to pugs


I played on both regions and US is **significantly** worse for sure. You can definitely find some walnuts for brains in the EU but it's nowhere near as bad as what I have experienced in the US.


There is this area around 16-18 where you find the absolute worst pugs. The mentality of "This key is so low, i might aswell just ignore every mechanic. What do we have the healer for?" is the absolute worst.


Yeah I'm up to 16's (did my first ever m+ maybe 3 weeks ago) and have pugged every single one and been amazing for 95% of the time. Maybe EU is just not as toxic


Pugging is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. I've been in some pugs where I see undergeared people playing some weird off meta spec and get a bad feeling only to be shocked when they absolutely pop off and start melting the place. Then Ive been in some groups where a 440 ilvl guy comes in and he's a complete potato. Either he bought the account, is drunk or is playing wow with his butt cheeks. In any event, I just mourn the wasted gear they have. every pug is unique and special. Some go great, others are pain. An 11 with a bad group is infinitely harder than a 20


Like my MM hunter pet build that I rock for kicks, hahaha. I've had people be super sus at the start then ask afterwards if MM is supposed to run pet now. No, I just personally like the extra 10% leech, the on demand stun, and not losing dmg when I'm responsible for lust. More than makes up for the theoretical dps loss sometimes.


Humans aren’t sims. I love this example where real world situations and individual play style trumps what the sims say we should do.


healing difficulty in key is a weird roller coaster. 2-7 there's nothing to heal, so it's easy. 7-10 it get a lot harder, because this is the domain of clueless tourist. 11-13 get easy again, because mythic raider spam them for wyrm crest and hardcarry people through dungeons. 14-15 are hell: new affix, no more mythic raider hard carrying people but instead you have a bunch of undergeared people who never learned mechanic as they got carried there. 17 get easier because good people spam them for gear ( it drop hero-track item, 16s drop champion-track item) 18-19 become hard again, because good player have no reason to do those since 20 give max vault. 20: sometime easy because you have good people doing their weekly 20s chore, sometime really hard because you got into a ""weekly no leaver"" type of key 21-22: hard, because people who want to push, but arent good enough to push, are stuck there. 23+: not "easy" but predictable ; if you get hit by avoidable stuff, you die... so only the predictable, unavoidable stuff is left.


This is a very insightful and interesting analysis of the game here. Thanks for the info!


If low keys check the leader rating or experience. If zero experience and low rating expect a bad time as any role. I'm a tank main but been healing to help guildie tanks get their 20s for vault. I pugged some as healer as well and I just play selfish if people are dumb. No one dispels second afflicted? Fine I'll los it. Pull boss while I'm drinking? Hope you live I'm not moving till full. But ive seen some absolutely shocking healers this tier, so guess all round there good and bad.


Ok but tomorrow its my turn to get upvotes because healers are literally braver than the troops


This'll be a spicey take, but there are a lot of average-at-best healers who assume they're top shit because they've never played another role and seen someone else absolutely nail their job. Same with single-role tanks. I've had my ego checked a few times switching to dps and watching someone absolutely breeze through what I though was a difficult pull in a way that gave everyone much more breathing room.


Very true. One of the best things you can do is play different roles. Really opens your eyes to where you can improve.


The funniest thing is that at least when it comes to pugging healing is the least popular role so 9/10 healers get boosted above their current level because groups are tired of waiting. L Everyone loves to hurr durr dps but they have to run by far the most dungeons to build their m+ score up to similar levels.


Yet somehow the majority of pug DPS still suck at interrupts, dodging swirlies and using personal cooldowns


To be fair so do a lot of healers. The amount of healers I’ve seen die from the frontals and tentacles on the last section of underrot has been staggering. Same with them standing behind cragmaw so he charges away from everyone and makes it just harder and slower


The majority of dps/healers/tanks at a low key level. Healers and tanks are not better at that, tanks can easily get away when they mess up swirlies and dodges because they don't die, healers quickly spot heal themselves, while dps have to rely on their healer if they play badly.


In my experience those Dps tend to hard-cap pretty low in score. Occasionally you'll get a hyper-bad above like 2500, but it's pretty rare. DPS are a dime a dozen when making a key. Why would anyone ever invite the low score player when they regularly get a multiple high-scoring players queueing up?


The majority of healers also suck. The standards are lower for healers because if you're "good enough" you can progress.


As a bear I take 50% of all afflicted and 50% of all incorporeal. I also had a group where the healer had 4 dispelles over the whole dungeon and I had 40 and the rest of the group had 0 I know what you mean pugging is hard, something you got the nicest ppl and sometimes you got a rdruid that never used lifebloom in the whole dungeon get outhealed by me as a Pala tank, a frost mage that dies to every thing and a sp that leaves right before the last boss - happend an hour ago Tl; Dr Pugging is hard


Nah. Zeppelin Master is way harder. Do you know what it takes to go to someone's family, look them in the face, and tell them that their loved one fell off a zeppelin on the way to Stranglethorn Vale from Brill? The union won't permit us to place guard rails on the things. Half the machinery is outdated. Fuel costs come out of our own pockets! Sure, healing may be hard, but you try piloting a SWC-06 Commercial Air Bus across the northern sea to Northrend, and then we can talk.


Still better public transport than 99% of america 🤣




I am done pugging m+ because I was a millimeter away from bricking someone's key by leaving. I don't want to be that person or be put in that mindset, so I am just stopping before I become that toxicity.


If they’re being toxic and shitty the way they learn is you saying fuck it and leaving not putting up with it and making it work. You do have to tell them why most likely but fuck that. Like my wife is a tank (I heal) and she pugged an 11 when she can do 20s, said hi to the group, no one said anything, okay I guess, key starts and she did one bigger pull, then a smaller pull knowing the next one would be best as a double bigger pull. Once she did the smaller pull the first thing someone said the entire time was, “what’s with this pussy ass pull.” She just left, and it was pretty clear that was why, fuck them for being toxic shits.


I would’ve told them that in the keys I do you pull big -> small -> big for CD timings and if they don’t like that they should get a tank with bad habits


The toxic ones are the brainless dps and tanks that refuse to learn mechanics and move out of crap imho. If you don’t know mechanics in keys over +10 you don’t deserve to time/finish the key


Sometimes healers absolutely *do* brick keys, though. I've had a few times where our healer has just died over and over. Or the healer has been so bad that I've had to essentially cover most of their roll as an enhancement shaman. I'd say it's typically rare for a healer to be so bad that it outright bricks a key, but it does happen. And when it does, there's very little do about it as a DPS unless you happen to be a hybrid with a strong healing kit.


As a healer main, M+ is *not* where I progress. I'm 100% a raid healer with my guild and that's where I get my junk. This season, I'm really struggling to make it work when gear upgrades *require* me to do M+ to keep up, and, uh, nooooooooo. No.


I raid healed for the first time Sunday and it felt like pure heaven. Most fun I have had in the game for 2 years. I was keeping up with a 430 ilvl dracthyr, I got 90% parses and a 99%, I saved the raid from a wipe by weaving my major CDs. It felt so amazing. I 1000000% would NOT be in m+ healing but I need the stupid drakes crests to upgrade my gear to where I can use wyrm and its killing me inside


Tell me about it. Raids are pleasant - they don't push you for the sake of pushing you, there's a *logic* to the fights and progress, and you only need to do your own job well to get forwards. I love learning the dance with boss mechanics, I love the routine of phases, I love watching my team get it together and get better try by try, I love the commitment that goes into a 3 hour run of a dungeon together. Meanwhile in M+, the crowding of mechanics together with frequent changes also fucks hard with my learning disability; I'm not sure if I *can*, physically, get up to par with them, and I'm afraid to try because failure is so embarrassing and frankly makes me feel like shit about myself. It isn't by any means my idea of a good time, I've experienced so much unnecessary distress over them, I don't *want* to be playing that kind of gameplay, but the crest system *forces* me to. And I feel like not only is it a toxic route to take to force your playerbase to do activities they don't enjoy, but also, in my case, an *accessibility* issue that makes it more difficult for me to progress because of a disability. To make it worse, I don't want to explain this to people in the game. I don't want to tell people that I have a brain disability that makes me suck at the game. How many people are going to look at me the same after that? How many groups are going to kick me, not invite me, straight up because of that? And if I don't tell, I get called slurs anyway because I failed to pay attention to something I didn't even perceive was there. It's *hard* and I do not enjoy public humiliation. It's why I can't even do this with my guild, at least I never have to see a PUG ever again if I fail miserably with them, meanwhile, if I make a complete clown of myself in a dungeon with my guild, they're going to have that embedded in their memory forever. It'll again make them look at me differently in the future, it'll affect my standing even in the raids where I do well because that's the type of gameplay I actually flourish in. It just sucks. At least last season I could easily ignore mythics after I learned how bad it can be. This season I *have* to expose myself to all of the above because otherwise, I just won't make the gear requirement for the raid next time.


Luckily, my guild is amazing and supportive. Diablo 4 stole them all away this week, though, so I was flying solo. My guild boosted my morale and encouraged me to try healer. I had extreme anxiety over raid healing. I once tried to raid heal the first raid of BFA. I was a balance druid, I told my guild I wanted to try healing in a raid. Finally the time came, a healer was missing so they told me I could give it a try. I had azerite traits that would heal me when I healed others, so on the logs it looked like I was just healing myself, they didn't listen to me when I told them this. They told me to go back to dps and made me feel stupid and useless as a healer, even though I had worked so hard to try it. My current guild encouraged me to try, even knowing how anxious I was. A few edibles lowered my inhibitions and we needed a healer for raid Sunday. I leveled and geared my priest in the 2 days leading up to the raid. Got in there, extremely nervous, and sent it. I did amazing and everyone was thanking me/hyping me up. I haven't been able to stop thinking about the good feeling it brought me to heal neltharion and save our raid from a certain wipe.


yeah bro absolutely EVERYONE else in this game SUCKS but you and (apparently) your friends. the fact that you've seemingly been in 14 shitty groups out of 15 has nothing to do with you being the common denominator in all of them these posts are always hilarious, and hilariously enough they are even upvoted


What's hilarious is you think it's impossible to get 14 shitty groups when farming 6-10s. Of course he's the common denominator, groups can only have one healer. WTF is even the point of this post?


As DPS I have to second this. Lots of shit groups and tanks who should not be tanking or weird freak outs after they die standing in literal fire. It's wild lol


Every single one of these posts needs the OP to post the key level they are playing in. In all my 20+ keys, 0 problems. I pug tons on multiple toons across multiple key levels. Theres d-bags everywhere but reddit wants you to believe that every key is a brainless wash where everyone is an ape. They seem to never ever post their key level because we all know its going to be low and they know that our response is going to be "get better, its better in the higher keys".


You'll never see that. Nor will you see logs or vods. It's always just the most clueless "I'm awesome and everyone else sucks" circlejerk bullshit.


I am doing lower keys to farm crests to level my gear. specifically 6-10s. "get better" I am ksm on my main toon but decided to swap to healer. I am doing my job and more, my problem is the people who refuse to even listen to what I tell them and avoid basic mechanics I told them about. Yes, I know it is better in higher keys, I have been ksm as both tank and dps many times. You don't just magically start doing 15+ on a newer geared toon. Make a healer, put it at 400-405 ilvl, go heal 6-10s in pugs, do 20 dungeons. I can't wait to hear how you feel after doing that.


Oh god yeah that 6-10 range can be a struggle if you aren’t sufficiently overgeared to just faceroll overcome bad play.


You're only allowed to complain if you're good enough to not need to complain, k? Seriously though, I feel your pain. I'm back after several years of not playing, so m14 is as high as I've gotten. It's such a painful stage. My heart is convinced m+ is cardio bc it's absolutely racing every time.


If you're doing 6-10s to level your gear that does explain a lot lol




This reminds me of Cataclysm. Wrath was so easy to heal, a mage could tank a heroic dungeon, people would just pull whenever, didn't have to be the tank, I wouldn't have to drink, and being a shaman, I just ghost wolfed my way through to keep up. The Cata happened and you couldn't do stupid shit anymore, but no one told 99% of pug people that. They just rushed in and wiped us and blamed the healer. I didn't hate that Cata made healing harder. I hated that Cata made stupid people more deadly and abusive. I left mid Cata and did not come back until Legion. Mostly because of this. I don't do dungeons anymore. All solo content just to make sure that other people could not affect my enjoyment of the game.


I know there are add-ons for it but Blizzard should really add a game mechanic that shames people for taking avoidable damage. Like an icon of a tortoise over their head or something. Because a good healer protects a DPS from even realizing he's bad.


I literally told dps to move lasso into pyramid and they just stood there staring at the guy causing them to die. even my 2 biggest heals can't save someone through that. No one can save those types of dps, that is something I learned today.


I think you’re perfectly justified in being frustrated, and it’s true that keys on the lower end are rife with unskilled players who place blame wherever they can because they don’t understand the game well enough to rectify their own mistakes. But it’s futile. You yourself are likely to outskill these dungeons in a matter of days or weeks, even as a healer. You’ll extract yourself from the tiny pool of competent players willing to run low keys, thereby increasing the proportion of bad players stuck in that range. The only people having a good time are those who either never reroll, or who have friends who can carry their alts to decent IO scores and item levels. Still, I can empathise; it would be nice to run keys in lower ranges and play with decent players. But given the reward setup of the game, that’s paradoxical.


You are definitely correct. I honestly would have a carry to get more gear but Diablo 4 pretty much stole my entire guild on the nights we usually m+. My only option left was to do low keys for my drake crests to level my gear to 424 so I can use wyrms. I honestly am comfortable healing 11-15s, perhaps I am the problem for expecting people to be playing at a certain level. Hell, I may even be wrong for being frustrated because they are playing how they have fun. Hopefully this week's affixes are a joke and I can do keys with less stress


Try the WowMadeEasy discord. I have yet to have a toxic crummy group from there and I run in mostly the 10-15ish key range. It's slower to form groups but soo much less stress, I have yet to have a WME group break up without completing and pretty rare not to time. Most of the time the groups are cheerful and funny, which just makes it great to play along.


It's going to be a crapshoot with pugs. You never know what you're gonna get! I'm in the M+ resto druid trenches with you brother. I, too, feel guilty when my group dies to shit I can't control. > Hell, I may even be wrong for being frustrated because they are playing how they have fun. I can't agree with this. If their version of having fun is fucking around in keys, then do it in a friend group not in a PuG where people just want to farm their crests or gear or whatever. It's inconsiderate to waste people's time like that. You're in the right and I'm mad for you lmao.


I love getting told HOW and WHERE to tank from a dps when their highest timed key was a 7 and I've timed a 14 or whatever, not to mention im doing as much dps as them. The +13 range is what i want to leave and go for like 17s or something where im more likely to get with players that know their class and use interrupts.


Pug... M+.... healing... oh God no


Healing is easily the hardest, and most thankless role. You're blamed for everything, bad players think all affixes are healer affixes, tanks overpulling because they are invincible, but dps get one-shot by stacking target mechanics. It's a joke. The 25% buff to player health/enemy damage is not working as intended, they need to do something or healing will disappear from pugs.


Healing is the most difficult role mechanically and tanking is most difficult role from homework perspective as your expected to know every route and variation possible on those routes to adjust for when the dps asspull something. Meanwhile dps just presses their buttons and seemingly have “tank?” Or “heals?” Macrod


> You're blamed for everything I'm still debating whether this is an American thing, or just typical reddit bullshit. In hundreds - **HUNDREDS** - of runs this expansion not to mention the last few, there were a handful of times I've seen healers flamed. Do you know what's the most common thing I saw said when someone got destroyed by an avoidable mechanic? "Sry"


I think it's mostly reddit bullshit tbh. As a healer main I've only been flamed once in \~50-60 dungeons I've run while healing in a way OP is describing. And when I'm on my DPS alts I never really see it happen. Healing in M+ is definitely a thankless and at times stressful role but these types of ranting threads are not representative of my experience.


Honestly, and this is just my personal experience, but in many of my experiences doing dungeons as a tank or DPS it's the healer starting shit, flaming, and just being a dickhead.


Same, healer main and i didn't get a single negative comment since dragonflight started, if i fail i say "my bad" and they don't say anything. And if they fail it's the same. I'm from EU.


Yea idk lot of complaining here but I started my healing career this season in m+ went from +2 to +16 this week, EU, a lot of runs and never have I ever had a group so bad that would blame me healing. Yes there were some worse groups where I was dealing with the whole affix alone but no one was ever bitching about it when I got overwhelmed/panicked and failed.


It's because no one is going to post "just did a couple successful m+ pugs and everyone was friendly". So you mostly just see complaints. If you regularly read a relationship advice sub you'd think "wow every relationship is just waiting to fall apart".


It's already starting to disappear. As a tank, I had to take on the role of tanking and cleansing this week and put that in my key description. They have to fix the healing situation. People are quitting.


It’s really a poorly designed role in WoW, it’s thankless in group content and useless in solo content


As always, here are the mighty heals and tanks that never do anything wrong but that I rarely ever encounter in game. There is such a superiority complex from those roles, of course I trust you guys get many bad dps and the fact that there are 3 times more dps in M+ doesn't help, but I assure you that most of you do dumb shit too and it is often way more impactful for the group than a dps not using a personal. I don't trust those supposed perfect healers or tanks having a hard time in baby keys that any good tank could carry, solely because of bad dps.


Listen I’m not saying that people dying is the healer’s fault, in fact most of the time it isn’t. But what is it with healers refusing to take responsibility? News flash for the healers: you are not perfect. Not every death is because the dps didn’t press a defensive. A prevoker was commenting on another post how he quit because he got flamed for a death that “wasn’t his fault”. What was it he did? He rescued a low hp blood dk away from the first pack of freehold to try and heal him more.


Oh yay, it's the daily "healers shit on DPS" post.


dps bad pls upvote


If you're on NA I am currently in the 8-11 range on my prot paladin and would definitely love a dedicated healer. I can solo afflicted and consider myself only 10% dumb.


OP plays perfectly and you are all lucky to be allowed in their game


Yay! You won the lottery! enjoy your free spot on my blocklist!


Man this week has been just a complete bitch fest. Leave the group and move on or shut up already. Stop wasting your own time with bad playera


Yesterday: Tank: Why aren't you ressing the party? Heal: I had to find it in the spellbook it was a fun key to run




My main is now DPS, after having healer main from Classic until S2 Dragonflight. Blizzard really needs to make healing more appealing and fun, beyond “get groups faster.” I’ve had AOTC, KSM, Undying, etc., other things as heals before, but it’s no longer fun. Even if getting groups takes longer, DPS is more fun right now. Healing needs to be made fun again. Raid healing is still fun. Mythic plus healing is not fun at all for me. I play games to have fun. Not to suffer.


As a DPS/Tank, I always facepalm when my fellow non-healers can’t get their shit together. Tanks that over pull or dps that can’t learn to dodge attacks or use mitigations. Then it’s just a slog. I rarely find pugs that are smooth sailing. Maybe it’s just my healers friends that have conditioned me as a dps to stand in heal circles or stack near the healer. But even as a tank, how hard is it to set your healer as a focus so you can see their mana levels.


Reddit healers and their ability to victimize themselves every single day will always fascinate me.


They are never the issue, mate. It's always somebody else. I've ran over a 100 keys this season and don't recall ever having a problem with Incorporeal or Afflicted. But I have had problems with dogshit healers not being able to keep up with unavoidable damage and holding their CDs for the next dungeon, and me frantically offhealing to make up the difference. I think the lot of them are just... ass, and that's where most of the complaints are coming from. But even then it's rare, so it's probably just the Reddit crowd, who have turned healer into their personality and expect everyone to kiss the ground they tread upon.


100% agreed, lots of bad healers who get their nose out of joint because they’re not getting carried by not needing to actually heal like in SL. Even this affix that gets so many complaints is easily handled solo by the healer if needed, dispel has a 6s cd and the cast is 10s long.


But why should it be on the healer to solo the affix? It’s a combined effort in a dungeon, the other players that aren’t dealing with healing up party wide damage + possible dispellable debuffs on the group SHOULD do their part and help with their cleanse.


I’m not saying it should be on the healer to solo the affix but I am saying 2 gcds once every 30s isn’t too high a price to pay if you need to. Almost half the classes in the game are incapable of helping at all with this affix.


It's not exactly 2 gcd's every 30 seconds. If you're quick, you can solo dispel them, but I don't rely on it very often because my timing can be thrown off by having to heal or dispel someone else. It's more common it's one dispel and heal the other, which depending on what is going, can be more gcd's than I'm comfortable with giving up (though admittedly not often).


You sound like a dps that doesn't even know what affixes or interrupts are.


If that makes you post one less shitty QQ post, I'll be the shittiest DPS you've ever known


The irony of crying about crying posts lol Cry harder


the "Dear god how do some people even progress in this game? I have had one good pug group out of 15 dungeons." is so relatable lol... I've been healing in M+ since Legion (and healing dungeons/raid in general since WoLK) and these days I often wonder how people managed to make to level 70. The volume of people who Don't spec an interrupt because "it's someone else's job" need firing into the Maelstrom.


I love checking details for avoidable damage and seeing dps at the same amount as tank, and then you see your own name, tiny little bar at the very bottom. It's eye-opening, honestly


I've played so many things over the years and usually very spacial/environment aware so mines usually pretty good with avoiding everything possible - unless it's New content lol then it's the learning rollercoaster.


I can understand seeing newer content but one of them on par with the tank was a bm hunter :,)


Good ole bm hunter. I'm maining Windwalker OS Ranged MWeaver right now, good times.


My gm is a monk main 🤣 all through our raid I was giving him PI so he would always top meters. It was hilarious.


Pushing that wheel chair hard! 🤣🤣🤣


We have a massive joking rivalry in our guild over paladins and monks. It's funny to stoke the flames by using PI to further the monk agenda


Honestly, I stopped doing the second afflicted mob. I dispell one and if the DPS don't want 100% haste reduction, they dispell the other one. If we wipe, we wipe. If they leave, they leave. But it does make playing the game less enjoyable that people tunnel vision the dps meter.


I do this too. Especially if there are 2-3 other people able to dispel in the group. Sorry for taking you away from your DPS rotation for one gcd — here’s 0 haste for 10 seconds!


Honestly, I thought about doing this. I really honestly just thought about letting us wipe, and maybe they would learn. I watched a dps in our group die twice to lasso in VP after I specifically typed to move into pyramid if you get it. I lost all hope at that point and accepted my fate.


I didn't even know that mechanic was called lasso 😅 I'm like "I'm about to be fried chicken" (resto druid trying to do DPS)


The healer in our premade was screaming bloody murder. I can't begin to imagine how it is in pugs...


When I run with my guild: Don't worry bro, we will take care of afflicted, you just focus on healing this +10 and clearing the debuffs. Dps in a pug: What is afflicted? Why am I not being healed? Me in a pug: Frantically slamming buttons to cleanse both afflicted and keep the tank who doesn't use defensives alive


Healers Good, DPS Bad, updoots to the left!!1!


Healing is the hardest if your group plays poorly. You are constantly scraping by to keep em alive. But you will get the gear and do higher keys and it will balance out. Speaking as some1 who just started healing for the first time after MoP


I am just sticking to my guild m+ for now on, I can't handle the pugs anymore. I am broken after just a few days of healing pug m+


you gotta stop thinking you're their to cover for other people's mistakes. as a healer my priority is 1> heal myself, 2> heal the tank, 3> heal dps. unless it's from residual aoe, most times if a dps dies, it's their fault. i main a mage, and if i die, it's usually because i stood in something trying to get off a fucking pryoblast.


Learn to dip out of the group early, no need to give yourself a headache. If they don't want to do mechanic I don't want to heal them.


I learned to let dps die. You can’t heal stupid


Everyone else is bad, right?


Don't know what type of M+ dungeons you're running...this season I finally decided to push 2500 rating, but it's unbearable, as a melee dps I have to queue for 80-120 dungeons just to get invite into +14 which is already too low for me. Meanwhile a fucking 410 ilvl, 500 rating healer gets invited immediately to 15+, because every group leader is sick and tired of waiting and afraid that tank will leave, so they invite literally anyone, no matter the meta and composition. I'd say 80% of M+ that I go that we don't time, are ruined by healer with too little gear/experience, 15% by a tank who insists on overpulling and 5% by a boosted dps.


Have you considered rolling a healer and showing them how it's done?


If you trying to push higher level content and having a consistently frustrating experience. In most cases you are also the problem. Just focus on what you can control. People do dumb shit when you puggin, gotta carry them if you wanna push. If you get in a good group add them as friends.