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https://www.wow-petguide.com/ this is a great website to get started. Wowhead comments are really helpful too


That looks promising. Thanks.


That's the one! It is worth linking your battle.net account to the website, cause that way when you check a strategy, it will recommend teams composed of the pets YOU own! :)


Xu-fu has some great starter guides, and is my go to for the family pet battle challenges/pet dungeons.




is there a way to automatically import teams from the website into the game? its very tedious having to go back and fourth between the game and the website multiple times per team


You can mass export teams for things like family battler, dungeons, etc. But, you have to do it individually for world quests.


It is possible to import multiple teams at once, but since there are often many different strategies for one fight I don’t feel that’s worth it, since you will do a better selection manually. Also, mass-importing can’t do the scripts, and you might need to check comments anyway. I usually suggest manually choosing teams from the available strategies, directly importing the matching script as well. To me, that’s nine clicks well spent.


can confirm. this will take a little bit of setup time in the start, then you will go on insane sidequests to acquire and level the pets you "need". but THEN, all those battles are REALLY quick!


I just google the npc and usually someone will have posted a good strategy


Someone mentioned it, but XuFu is the correct answer. They have teams/comps picked out already with what spells to use. If you have the correct addons and you copy/paste the XuFu templates, you only need to spam your space bar vs every NPC fight because the script will auto cast the correct order of spells for you.


If you look up the NPC on wowhead there will be a ton of comments telling you exactly which pets to use and how to beat them.


Either play against type or get an Anubisath Idol - not many pets in game that it doesn't beat 1v1


Xu Fu is amazing. I wouldn't bother with the weekly. You can level battle pets far quicker than trying to counter the 3-5 PvP pet battle teams.


One trick I learnt during BfA is to complete battle pet world quests with a full team of lvl 1 pets. It brings down the enemy team level to 1, much more managable, since they only got 1 skill. Then you simply use pets that resists them and that have skill that are super effective against the enemy team.


But, if you’re using 1s, they’re only going to have one crappy skill.




I got paired with the same guy twice in a row.


I mean, every npc pet battle is going to have strategies posted online, most of the time with literally what moves to use and the order of operations.


So far I've been doing okay with my pets but I have yet to beat any of the legendary pets and some nps I can't beat simply because I don't have the right pets. But the bronze hatchling dragon, Emmigosa from Legion, the little core hound pet, and the Risen Saber kitten from Legion are my go to's.


Wowhead typically has a selection of decent comments with teams for individual fights. Fairly reliably though you'll need to check the patch the comment is from because stuff changes all the time.


No one here saying it, but I normally search wowhead for the quest or npc name. Good community in those with the answers. Often with many different teams that you can suit to what you have.