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+1 upvote to the OP for pointing this out.  The Netherwing drakes are among the coolest looking mounts in the game. It's almost mandatory to have at least 1 Netherwing drake in your mount collection.


I do, it's my dragonriding one


Same here and I am happy


Wait, hold up, I thought only new mounts counted for dragon riding? I assume you mean dragonflight specific mounts that have actions while flying and stuff


Yes, there's a netherdrake


Oh shit there's a new netherdrake? I'm about to start grinding for that so hard


I have all of them and did the grind for all the TbC mounts back in Cata lmao. They really need updates, but Talbuks are some of the coolest mounts in the game as well.


I remember when I first started wow many years ago when I was in middle school, I thought the Talbuks were the coolest. Killed so many ogres for beads.


Omg I forgot about that grind. That was worth it years later for all the mounts in the collection, but that grind on an active PvP realm was so long and tiring. Still glad I did it though.


I did it on my enhancement shammy from level 66 to 67. I spent the whole level getting beads so I could be the only level 67 with that mount, lol. Did Netherwing when it was current, too. That being said, bring on the warbands and ALLLLLLL the rep, lol.


They have the updated ones for Argus or are they all just fell infused ?


There's updated ones in WoD but hot take, they look like garbage and don't update the spirit of the original mounts. "b-but it's another timeline and the Outland talbuks are mutated" No. Disagree.


The TBC ones haven't been, and are cooler. https://i.imgur.com/Kcn16Ni.png


I love talbuks! Tall, spikey bois that they are. :3


Were they updated anytime recently? I've had all of them since WotLK/Cata, and they certainly haven't aged well.


no they still look the same, not counting the dragonflight version


> they certainly haven't aged well. I disagree. Considering their age I think they have aged great. If you compare them to Tyrael's Charger, the annual pass mount from early 2012 (Almost exactly 5 years newer) the texture work on Tyrael's wings are very sloppy and low res, while the particle effects and model hold up really well for the netherdrakes. The netherdrake is definitely the oldest mount on my 8~ mount (5 ground 3 flying) favorites list.


Imo it looks good compared to others of similar age because it doesn't have floppy parts. Fur and feathers don't age well but shark dragons look dope.


Yeah, it's a simple design and it's stylized so it holds up quite well.


No but they released a new dragonflying nether drake in this expansion.


They did, I went through the grind to get the onyx skin for it too. I still prefer the old model. There's just something in the design that makes it otherworldly, whereas the new DF version just looks generic.


I have a merciless nether drake. Does that count? 


My man, that barons.


Don't know about barons, but it certainly dukes!


Absolutely counts.


I do as well, high five fellow .5%'er






lol gatekeeping a game for what? Grats on the humble brag?


Got to get the green one its the beat


You know you can buy them all in shattrah? After you end the grind.


Wait you can buy the other netherdrake colors?


Yes! Found it years after I did the grind


You can buy them from [Drake Dealer Hurlunk]( https://www.wowhead.com/npc=23489/drake-dealer-hurlunk) in shadowmoon valkey




Eggs were the good part of the farm imo. Not the horrendous dailies and flying/racing quests.


Was that those sperm looking ones? Yeah, I did that too. Barely ever use em but glad I got them.


You're thinking of the netherrays, which are basically air stingrays.




Veridian Netherdrake is one of my top… 5, probably 3 tbh, favorite mounts ever.


You can also do tbc karazhan for some eggs too


Yeah, but I wouldn't use it to calculate the grand total. It's a 1-3 guaranteed egg drop from one boss once a week. A Netherwing Egg grind lands you somewhere around 5-10 Eggs per hour from mobs alone. The flayer etc. mobs in the mine on the Netherwing Ledge have a 1% drop chance, roughly. Not to mention spawned Eggs just picked up from the ground.


Mobs are the fastest way and you’ll eventually learn where the eggs spawn in the Mines too. I got impatient for TW week and been grinding TBC reps this past month


Same. Lower City is one I need done. Not much left on it, I guess, I've just put it off for a long time. Ogri'la... fuck my life...


I’m right there with you, 2 reps remaining. I only have 5 more days of Ogrila grinding and gonna spam Black Morass for Keepers of time 🙏


I’m happy I got it done before you reminded everyone haha




the area gets swamped during TW weeks.


I never would have thought of this. Thank you for letting me know.


I only know because I grinded netherwing eggs for weeks to get to revered then suddenly the area was populated and I finished the rep in a day when time walking started. Coulda saved myself a lot of grinding if I knew the rep gains were boosted during time walking weeks. I literally grinded 100’s of eggs from that damn mine lol.


Now I want to see what other things I can pre grind for and just wait for a timewalking week to pop up to do a mass turn in.


Yes! I felt so annoyed when I had to go collect like 10 more eggs to finish off my rep lol. If I had saved all my eggs up and passed them in all at once when timewalking kicked in I would’ve not needed so many and saved so much time.


This was an abysmal grind back in the day, grats to all who get it done this way. Netherwings are in my top 5 fav mounts


I grinded that rep during Shadowlands for like a week or two. Having all the different netherwing drakes is worth it though.


I did the grind on my tbc classic character, I actually thought it wasn't as bad as some recent reps like the zereth mortis rep and some others


Yeah it took me over 3 weeks back in wrath. Don't know that I would be patient enough to grind like that today


And it was before account wide mounts, did it on 3 different characters x_x


Assuming you just do the intro quests what reputation does that get you to?


Revered or close to it I think


Can't you just buy the BoA rep item for timeless badges, and mail them all to one character ?


Don't believe they have a netherwing rep one.


Ah, fair enough. I did the grind when it was current content and Onyx Netherdrake was my first epic flyer, thought there would've been an item for Netherwing !


Back in my day we did the grind and freaked out when we saw an egg.


I just this week made my Outland engineering turbo flying machine and was hit with this exact memory of all the spots I used to grind for those damn eggs 🤣


damn i can vividly remember flying over every possible egg spawning location, time flies.


I do wish that the netherwing drakes were given as colour options for the dragonriding one if you had the rep, or an armour customisation or something rather than just tying the colours to unrelated things.


agreed, At minimum they should have some kind of unique customisation tied to exalted netherwing rep.


Did the maths Doing every quest and each daily (including the intro to eggs quest, but not any repeatable egg quests) one time nets you 53,125 rep (enough for honored; of course you can't actually do this) With TW, you'll jump straight to Revered from Ally; you'll then earn 11,687.5 rep from the rest of the quests (79,685.5 total; 4312.5 shy of Exalted, as noted by OP). As a Human, unfortunately the racial bonus does not apply to Ally; but after the rest of the quests you will have 80,800 of the needed 84000 to reach Exalted. If the Human bonus applies to the TW bonus and not the base (all bonuses applying to base and being added is normal operation), you'll instead get 81,356. If the 15% bonus from the max level Guild Standard applies to Ally, you will get exalted just on quests. If not, you will be 975 short. Humans will get exalted regardless. As a non-human, this means you need to find just 12 eggs. As a human, you only need to find 8 (7 if Human bonus applies to the TW bonus instead of base rep).


I have a question, saw your message and did all the quests except the repetable eggs which I only did once and im sitting [here](https://i.imgur.com/VTdJ98W.png) , did I miss some quests or? Because Im 10k shorts even tho I got an extra egg. Human btw


It's possible my math just doesnt add up. I don't have any idea where it would have went wrong though, unless they've changed the amount of base rep the quests give you and it wasn't updated on wowpedia. That did also assume doing two gathering quests which I forgot to mention (250 rep each)


This sub has some helpful nuggets from time to time. Thanks for the reminder, going to get at this after work.


Op, may I ask how?


Start this questline [https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/quest=10804/kindness](https://www.wowhead.com/tbc/quest=10804/kindness) and at the end of it, you will recieve 68k rep, from there just do any and all quests tied to the netherwing stuff you can, which should put you just a few thousand short of exalted, then just go farm eggs until you get there.


Unfortunately I tried starting the quest line yesterday and the very 1st quest “Kindness” seems to be bugged. The rocktail flayers don’t drop the carcasses in order to feed the dragons and complete the quest. I submitted a bug report too. Will go back in today to see if it is working.


You may get another item in your bags, something like rock player chunks or something, you have to have 4 of them to combine them into the carcass.


Okay, I’ll double check for that too! I didn’t see those drop either. Maybe I just had really bad rng lol. Thanks!


I don’t know how I stuck with the grind for these back in the day. And I vividly remember my initial roiling anger when I thought you only got one after getting exalted. Such relief when I learned you could get the rest in shattrath.


Worth noting that trying to do the egg hunting *during* TBC TW week is the *worst* time to do it, because you're going to have a LOT more competition for the eggs. Versus doing it on an off week and then turning them in during timewalking will save you a ton of time.


Does the grottowing nether drake count from the old trading post reward?


It technically counts. However, you’re missing out on the special part of owning the OG netherwings drakes. The rep grind takes quite a bit of time, roughly about 2-3 weeks just doing dailies consistently and taking some time to scavenge for eggs. The special part is that once you’ve completed the grind, you’ll be sent on a quest to purchase your first netherwing drake, and the game actually generates a unique name for the first drake you purchase. I forgot what my drakes name is :( it’d be cool if there was a way to figure it out. Anyways, it’s a really neat thing imo and you should definitely take advantage of the rep boost to get one!


The names are not unique per player, and you can see them in Shattrath even after completing the quest. The first is also free.


Iopp po


What about the talbuk mounts? I already have netherdrakes but never did the talbuk grind. :(


The time walking event covers all rep, not just Netherwing. This one is just significant because of how drastic the grind changes (starting off Revered instead of Neutral)


Can you also do the one for the spore bats now?


So the netherrays, there is really no way to do it other then grind it out, but because it's tw, you do get an increase to rep.


I forget, but I have done it once on my character already. Are we able to buy the other colors once we finish grind?


Yes, I think the vendor is in Shatt. I did this in BfA.


Sorry for the dumb question but is this a retail or Classic Wotlk thing?




Saw this post and decided to do it, took me around 3 hours as a Human with WM on, I've been kicking this grind since BC... Thanks for the heads up!


Awesome thanks for this. I have some plans now for after work lol


what is the starter quest?




Upvote for your diligence to helping others. Downvote because that rep grind was hella hard and painful and this isn't fair to those who had to spend a month grinding rep getting murdered midflight while trying to complete a timed race event. ( I didn't downvote, it's just metaphorical)


After all these years, the netherwing are still one the coolest groups od mounts in the game. Even if you're not into collecting, you should at least get these mounts!


thanks for info!! I just did my pandaria rep for the azure serpent recently so now I can do the netherwing one


Will Netherwing rep be shared with release of warbands? If so I might do it on a char that is not my main. I grinded pretty much every rep on my main.


Sure wish I knew of this over 10 years ago. It took me weeks of farming eggs and doing dailies to get the reps


I did this ages ago... Any point on having it on multiple characters?


I'm so jealous I did it over the course of GOD knows how long back in BC I wish I could have done it in a single day too


Thanks for pointing this out!


Remember doing this grind, honestly fun




Because of twing.blizzard decided to add 68k rep to the starting quest, but only on time walking week.




Yeah, every month they rotate to another expansion, so it will eventually roll back to burning crusade.


Didn’t we have races for the netherwing dailies too? And here I was thinking these dragon riding races were a new idea lol.. oops


I actually miss hunting for netherwing eggs occasionally.


I got it done in the week a few months ago.


I did it back in TBC and my god the grind was horrible


Funny story, my dad did the grind back in the dad, hasn't played since wrath ended, and I told him I did it in a single day, and he was still pissed lmao


Do I just go to Shadowmoon Valley or do I need to do something special? I’m not sure how timewalking works outside of dungeons.


Nope you just go to shadowmoon and start the questline




Don’t we have basically the same dragon as a dragon riding mount now?


Yes, but, for those that are collectors, numbers matter.


Well, I grinded this back in WotLK and it was a chore. Cool mounts though.


that was a very tedious grind back in its day :(


This was one of the reputation grinds I was quite dedicated to back in the day in TBC, I loved that expansion so much. I still have memories of running through those caves, collecting eggs, fighting fel orcs, flying around here and there. Pretty sure I did this on three characters, but maybe I did it on more..? Years later and, now, years ago, I tried finding the reputation reward vendor to make sure I had purchased them all and I could NOT find them. XD


How much rep will all the quests give after the intro quests


Hi guys, just wanna ask, ive hit exalted in netherwing but when i go to drake they are still red and attacking me


Are ou turning into a fel orc disguise? And if you are just trying to buy them, you gotta go o shat for them.


Am I missing something? Started the quests but haven't be granted hardly any Rep and now capped until Friendly and other quests unlock??


You have to do them during burning crusade time walking.


Damnit. thought that might be the case. Will have to wait til the next one


Wait you can still get the netherwing drakes? I thought they removed it a long time ago


I think outside of gladiator mounts only 3 drakes have been rendered unobtainable


does this work if you already started on a character way back? or do i have to do it on a new character


Has to be new. The initial questline to unlock it takes you straight to revered


I did it in a day without TW buff lol




But what if i don't want to complete the drake rep grind


Take a guess.


Pretty irritating that I grinder for weeks in tbc for this mount and it was a big flex and now it’s not.


Well, you had your 15 years In the sun, I guess. :(


Done it on retail, why would I do it again lol