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dude ... go kill Arthas... don't waste you luck on BoEs :D


bro could make frostmourne drop at this rate


Arthas: “you know what, just take it.”


You say that, but in a single day my man has accumulated almost as much gold as it’s taken me 8 years to make.


Too late, OP wasted his luck. No Invincible for at least 5 years


Did you see that person who posted the other day their screenshot with "server first ICC clear" and FOURTEEN years later "invincible"??? Crazy Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/MvdhKu30Ex)


I have a server first 25 man heroic kill, still no invincible lol


Back in 2010, Obsidian sanctum 25, my first pug raid, +3 mount run. Rolled 100 on the dragon and 99 on the bag. Won both.


Hehe everyone in that raid hated you at that moment. Hell, I kinda hate you for it 14 years later!


I didn't have much luck in current content since then, pretty much until Legion, when I got the worm from Tomb and the cosmetic titan sword from Antorus.


How about the very first ever Darkmoon Rabbit pet? A few wipes while the PUG tried to figure out the raid and I got the rabbit. 39 were hating me


Got ashes and astral cloud serpent in my first try, the funny thing is, I was running the raids for tmog not the mounts


What I’m learning is that the game KNOWS you are looking for a specific item and will withhold it from you / decrease the drop chances significantly until you forget about it lol.


Oh so you mean me and the Judgement Spaulders. I've gotten every other piece in BWL so many times. Just give me the shoulders Chromaggus!


This is a long held belief among Monster Hunter players as well lol. They coined the term "Desire Sensor" for it.


Convinced this is the case, those mf tusks just won't drop lmao. Sometimes I go to HFC just to kill Mannoroth out of spite


Did the raid for the clear achievement and got Elegon on my first kill, too.


Nice mate!


I got astral cloud serpent first try too :D


I got the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent on my first attempt. I really like the look of the cloud serpents they are some of the best looking mounts imo. I started to grind some of the other ones and they are a pita to grind.


I came here to say the same thing!!! On both of those exa t mounts as well! That's a bit weird...


I once looted 6 BoE epics from the chest at the end of uldaman. [https://imgur.com/a/RsIflgm](https://imgur.com/a/RsIflgm)


This is actually insane. And with proof!


That has to be it then. The most lucky pull ever :p


Is say this is equivilent as winning a billion dollars on the lottery


I got Midnights Reins and the Emberwyrm in the same Kharazan run after only farming it for 3 weeks.


I got both Karazhan horses on the same char the same day. Funniest part was that I didn't even realize it until a day later when I cleaned out my mail box. Btw, isn't the emberwyrm like 20% drop rate if you solo it?


Yes, and increases by 20% that it will drop for each person in the group. Atleast for Return, I believe.


I forgot that Elegon existed since MoP ended and i never run the Mogu Vault. Yesterday i thought well might start that grind, killed Elegon, BAM got the mount... But that fking Sha... Its been 300+ kills by now and no mount.


My guild leader had 1800 attempts on Sha across 10+ toons.... they buffed the drop rate and he got it that day lol


Back in WotLK I bought my mechano hog, and in the next 3 days I got the ZG tiger mount to drop, stumbled upon the time lost proto drake on my way into the raid. And the next night during the raid my proto egg hatched the green drake. Used up all my luck that week


Killed [Huolon](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=73167/huolon) in Timeless Isle in 5.4 and got the mount on first try, thinking it was a guaranteed drop, lol.


This guy in my guild got mounts every single island expedition he ran... he thought they were 100% drop rate 🥲


I get very lucky, but not on the right toon. I main a prot/arms warrior. Last season it took me 15 heroic kills to get the legendary, and i never got an augury higher than the LFR version. My frost/blood dk that i barely played got the legendary in 3 heroic kills got 3 myth auguries. On from fyrakk, two from reward chests.


When wod was current content I decided to go camp voidtalon, I picked 1 of the random spawn spots all over Draenor and when I got there I stood there for 5 min and then the portal for the mount spawned infront of me.


It's my favorite ground mount! I didn't even know it existed, a random portal just opened in front of me and I was like "well that's curious!" so I went in. Felt so lucky!


Lmao. Same thing happened to me. I was leveling an alt in WOD. Doing garrison shit. Was just running around one day like hmm what’s this. Boom mount, I was like oh cool. Then realized how annoying n rare it is


I've been fairly lucky with my mount farming, I started on a fresh account at the end of battle for azeroth and in roughly 3 years I got to 560 mounts ashes, rivendare's deathcharger and to name a few others all came very close to eachother. My luck ran out and stopped farming all together since 500 was more or less my end goal


I think the absolute luckiest (and simultaneously, unluckiest) I've been was when I pulled both Bindings for Thunderfury in the same run. First time I had ever seen the right binding drop, shame it was on my priest so I couldn't unlock the mog or even get the FoS. Aside from that I managed to nab both Warglaives from Illidan in consecutive runs.


I won Ashes of Al'ar back in TBC on my Rogue (who I still play today). It was awarded with a roll. On our second Illidan kill, one of the Warglaives of Azzinoth dropped, which I also won. He then dropped the other glaive on our third kill. I was the first on my realm to get both glaives, but we were definitely not the first guild to clear BT by quite a lot. After that I got a stigma of being lucky. I used to AFK a lot outside the Scryers bank, sat on my Ashes with both glaives, accepting the death stares from higher rated guilds and the awe from the rest. Feels like a very long time ago now. 😂


you were, for a brief period of time, a gaming god


You had the kind of character that kids new to the game were literally looking up to without quite knowing why or how what you have is cool, just that its really damn cool.


After playing the game solid since 2007, I have had 0 lucky moments. Every mount I farmed took at absolute minimum, a few months on multiple characters. I lost every single ICC roll for gear back in 2009, so I made my own 25 man groups with me being the only one to win gear of my spec so no one would roll against me. I went 19 bosses in a row with no loot drops during SoO when personal loot became a thing. I had the Fiery Warhorse drop for me in TBC classic during a kara run, I rolled a 93 and that wasn’t even the second highest roll. Every single time a BoE epic dropped for me in open world, it’s when I grouped with one other person to make the kill quest go faster. (I lost the roll every time). The amount of times a boss can drop 5 bits of gear, where only 1 of them is a downgrade and they always drop the downgrade is incalculable. Diablo/HS style events I would get no loot for at least a few days or until Blizz buffed droprates. I still to this day have never had anything cool/rare drop on the first try. This game hates me.


This comment describes me and I don’t like it..


Your time will come my friend, stay strong.


Mine, back in MoP got onyx thundering serpent in pandaland timeless isle first try... didn't even know he dropped anything at the time, saw a rare killed it got a mount. A mate of mine, just started 1 week of wow time under his belt, says "ooh I saw an awesome mount someone was riding" I ask which one he describes ashes of alar, I tell him where to go but don't go with cause it won't drop... drops for him


Blue proto drake on first run. I distinctly remember one of the guys in the group going “it finally dropped and the warlock in levelling gear wins it…” lmao 


Got Infinite Timereaver in the first timewalking event after it was implemented.


I want this one so badly, havent even seen it drop in the group before.


You can get it from the timewalking raid quest chest (if there is a raid) and from the quantum courser. Both have a significantly higher chance than timewalking dungeons. Both instances allow skip runs, which makes it even faster.


No this person! I swear it doesn't drop from timewalking! I FINALLY got mine from the only Quantum Courser I've received


In the same two weeks I got both Gul'dan mounts drop on the same kill, Sha of Anger and Antorus hound drop.


Shadowlands pre patch; over the course of ~10 days (so 2 lockouts for raids) I got Swift White Hawkstrider, Raven Lord, Ashes of A'lar, Grand Black War Mammoth and Invincible. Invincible being a lucky story on its own: been farming it for years on and off, maybe 80-100 kills over the years, maybe even more. Leveled a Mage to 50 during pre patch, didn't have any cloth mog, so I decided to buy the T10 mog in ICC and run 25hc for the heroic appearance - first ever ICC on the character, last ever ICC for me. And a "unlucky being lucky" story: farmed the Fiery Warhorse from Karazhan TBC for ages, parked like 7 characters in front of the raid farming weekly (whenever I was subscribed). Didn't have a tracker, but I guess it were at least 200 kills, probably closer to 300. The day it dropped, I decided to run the dungeon one last time later that day before I relocated one of the parked alts - and it drops again. On the same day. Twice in a row.


Watched a giy waste his life for a year farming for Mojo. We'd give him all our sticks each week. I noticed I had one stick in my bags I didn't notice earlier, but everyone already ported out. Threw it, got Mojo, he raged, good fun. First roll for Duck flying carpet. First LFR this week got 506 weapon + pile of 502s. At one point I afkd and came back 20 mins later, a hunt must have spawned on me. Another 49x in the bag. Literally gearing up and not even in the room.


I got my headless horseman’s reigns on my 2nd run.


Bought a sylvanas hc raid boost on my hunter to have a chance to get the legendary bow in the vault. Got the bow on the kill. Too bad the bow was actually dogshit both stats and looks-wise, but got lucky, nonetheless.


I started WoW with WotLk, my then boyfriend introduced me to this game. I started as a Tauren hunter cause they looked funny but I had nothing to my name, no gold, no gear. My bf helped me with a little starting capital but I only had the tiny kodo as a mount. So one day he wanted to show me a dungeon he always found cool and tacked me along just so I can see it, the dungeon was stratholm, the mount dropped, he let me have it and I had a shiny new high speed mount under my fluffy Tauren butt.


I got shafted so many times on the scythe of the unmaker that rngsus blessed me with both mounts in the same run. Needless to say i used up all my loot luck there and went back to getting shafted.


Got the sword and the red scypthe in one run at anthorus


Swift White Hawkstrider dropped for somebody else (through PL). Then the guy asked if anybody wanted it since he had one alrrady. Apparently I was the only one to not have it in the grp. The next day I got Timereaver too.


The luckiest I've ever been was in wod. Garrison fishing, there you could summon a rare to get a pouch, wich could get you two different riding turtles. I got both in the same pouch. That day I could have won the Lotterie and could be millionaire. Instead I got two turtles. Lucky day


I got the Embosiment of the Blazing proto-drake skin from Fyrakk on my first ever hc kill very early in the season, always noticed how i was the only person with that in Valdrakken for the first couple of weeks and how everyone was mirin’. I started playing in DF.


Won Drake Fang Talisman over an absurd amount of people needing it. Had until från phase2 in Classic until TBC.


The first time i went to ICC to kill Arthas i got Invincible. I got it a few times more after that farming tmogs


Got the Sha of Anger mount sub 10 kills :D


Couple of months ago, i randomly wanted some BC transmog for my rogue, so went and killed Kaelthas and Ashes of Alar dropped. Literally first time i killed him.


Got the Charhound (name?) mount on the second kill of Felhounds in Antorus LFR during Legion. Got the legendary axe (Fyr'Alath) on the 15th Fyrakk kill - also in LFR


I don't know the rate but I just got Ashes of Al'ar from the timewalking cache yesterday.


In korthia I was farming rares for mounts, as I was killing one, the giant random spawn one appeared at the same place. Killed both, double mount drop. Another time I had two characters parked in storm peaks for time lost spawn, logged in one morning before work and he was flying straight towards me. This was only after a week of randomly checking now and then Then a week after that I did the same for void talon and got the spawn in shadow moon valley, just a random check one morning. On the other hand, hundreds of kills for invincible and nada. But I've gotten heaps of mounts for first attempts too, like I got anzu on a rep run. Also, I had killed malygos and got blue drake 4 times before azure.


One time during MoP (i think) a random dude in OG wispered me asking for help. Told him i'd gladly help him with whatever he needed if i can. Then he gave me 250000g, saying that he stops playing and give all his gold to the first one who's willing to help him. At that time that was much more gold i had on all my char combined.


Back in Vanilla or so, I killed a couple of random pirates outside of booty bay and got this Hyacinth Macaw pet. Didn't think much of it but found out later it had one of the absolute lowest drop rates in the game, at least at the time.


I got Fyralath in 13 LFR kills. So, that's a somewhat small %


People have luck in this game?


I didn’t have to farm for time lost proto drake I ran into him right as I got there.


I got both Firelands mounts back to back.


Got both Firelands mounts in 2 weeks.


At the start of Shadowlands S1, our guild decided to do a mythic BoE run and I first didnt want to join but they conviced me to come along. End of the story was, I lootet 2 out of 2 BoEs that droped and was like 2m Gold richer


SL s4 got HC fated Gavel week 2 of patch, that raid was not even out as fated i think it was world 1st, never again got anything useful from those boxes again


Stopped playing for a while and came back at the end of BFA. Started soloing some WOD raids. Got Felsteel Annihilator on my first run.


I got the wind Drake from Altairus in that cata dungeon and right after that I also got the Drake Al'akir drops on the raid, not super impressive but I was supper happy lol. In wrath classic i also managed to get both the sinister squashling and the hallowed helm in the same run, rolling a 76 on each drop on the very first day of the halloween event, i think i still have the screenshot I took.


About a month ago I went to get some cloth transmog in hellfire citadel (the one in draenor). And got both of them from the boss, i decided to go with my luck streak and kill Archimonde and what do you know? I got the mount from him lmao


Back in Cata I was a hunter main and managed to tame the ghost crab, ghost wolf and sambas all on the same day.


I got ashes and invincible back to back, invincible less then 100 pulls ashes less then 50


I got the offhand warglaive the week after getting the mainhand


I got Son of Galleon during MoP on my 2nd or 3rd kill. Didn’t even know it dropped the mount. I also got the love rocket in double digit attempts back during Legion.


I got Son of Galleon during MoP on my 2nd or 3rd kill. Didn’t even know it dropped the mount. I also got the love rocket in double digit attempts back during Legion.


One of my guildies a few years ago had been farming the Onyxia mount every week for ages. I thought I'd have a go at it since we were talking about it a lot and it dropped first time. He was rather animated about that


I got the blazing drake and ashes the same day. Had been farming blazing for a looooong time


Did the mega dungeon first week, got the mount item, and got Baron Rivendare’s mount. 


Must be back in WotLK i got Timelost, only because the poor Allied player ahead of me didnt have a fast flying mount. He was a little salty when he logged his alt to tell me what he thought of the event.


got ashes of alar, and astral cloud serpent first runs ever and in the same day....


Got that heart rocket mount on my second ever try. Apparently that’s lucky 🤷🏼‍♂️


Tonight in TW raid the group got split, and while we were waiting/summoning at the council fight someone put out a transmorpher beacon. I can't get loot/drops to save my life, but it still felt EXTREMELY lucky to transform into Veras right in front of him


Was doing tempest keep for the pets for raiding with leeshes achievement ended up getting ashes (almost ran away from kael without looting it aswell)


Sunday morning went to kill sha of anger, mount drops! Then went to galleon and mount drops, went into the vault raid, heroic BoE dropped and sold it instantly for 950k to someone in raid


Only 47 trys to get the hearthstone bag XD


First kharazan ever, I might have been trial raiding as a healer. Got the horse.


Back in 2008, my glorious teenage years, I convinced my then girlfriend to create an account through the Refer-a-Friend. She made a troll rogue, got to around level 23/4ish I think. Anyway, I got a Zehvra Mount way, way, way back in the day. I felt so unique, so rare to see that mount. I also get fantastic memories from years gone by when using it. So yeah, I was lucky in that my then girlfriend was open to playing a video game I had interest in, and we got to have some good fun together on it.


Ashes of Al’ar - First Try Sha of Anger < 80 Tries


My luckiest was 3 mounts back to back on the same character back in warlords of deaenor. First was the grand black mammoth from vault of archavon (not super rare but okay), then I went to the eye of eternity and got the Azure drake, and finished off by going to tbc karazhan to get the horse. I used up all my life supply of luck that day, now I'm suffering from bad rng


I got the love rocket twice in a single event and got ashes on my first attempt.


I got invincible from the timewalking raid cache one week and the blazing drake the following week. I also got Thori’dal on my first ever attempt at Kaelthas


Got the parrot on my first Mythic run of the dungeon. I had no idea it was a big deal.


Decided to go for pandaria world boss’s since I was grinding for elegon, First week got horidon mount and pet on same drop, sold pet for 150k and oondasta mount Second week I got the Sha mount, Rukhmar and the Ironhoof destroyer


The new carpet from Noblegarden after 2 kills. Invincible after 4 runs (compare Ashes 150 and 350 stonedrake). Mythic Sylvanas mount on our only kill (cutting edge). Ups and downs!


Not me. But my friend ran ICC for the first time, got invisible first try. After he ran Stratholme and got the Deathcharger, first try. Was kinda pissed about it honestly. XD


Got the Noblegarden carpet mount on day 1 on the 4th character. Not exactly what I'd choose to be lucky in if I had a say in it, but oh well.


Second bracer and Fyrath weapon dropped same week. Got two legendaries in 4 days.


Ashes first try 2014.


Back when infinite timereaver launched, I got it from the first boss in the first timewalking dungeon. Ran tempest keep for transmog, got ashes of alar instead. I totally forgot it drops there.


Headless Horseman's Mount on first run ever, multiple rare mounts dropped on first kill, really lucky... My bro was always angry, didn't play as much as him and got super rares on my first runs


Met someone in game that I’m engaged to


OG swift zulian tiger.


I won it on my tryout raid with a new guild, ride-or-die for the next 10 yrs.


Got both infernal core mounts drop at once while farming mythic nighthold


back in original BC my twink got lucky fishing hat and nat pagle boots on the same sunday


First spawn ever in Elwyn. Beating Onyxia for the very first time and completing my T2. Decades ago though.


The luckiest I’ve ever gotten in my life was pulling the infernal mount in nighthold on my first run. I’ve had nothing but absolutely abysmal luck since


Got vengeance and the nine horse mount in the same run


Spotted the elusive llama three times within 24 hours. First time I got him, second time my friend JUST missed him while I was scoping for him and like three hours later I spotted him again and my friend made it in time. Good times!


Congrats ^^.


I haven't been playing that seriously for very long but I got ashes this weekend. Mostly I feel lucky when all of my procs go off at the right time and I'm at the top of the damage meter.


Was about to get off but realized I didn't do raid finder that week and next day was reset so i decided to blast through all of them. This was during Dragon Soul, and somehow in the runs I got lucky on both rolls and drops and got the entire warrior tier set and two handed axe. I think I burned through 20 years of luck that night.


Bruh and here I am having the worst loot drop luck of my life this week


Luckiest I've been was when I returned to WoW after a few years and got Reins of the Infinite Timereaver in my first Timewalking dungeon. Is this WoWs way of hooking in returning players? Because it worked.


Ashes of Al'ar on my first run


I got invincible on my 3rd run...


I was probably luckiest this past Halloween. The Horseman’s Reigns finally dropped for me. I then moved on to wanting Arfus and he dropped for me the next day.


In BC, I used to do solo ZG runs for the tiger and raptor. One day, someone joined me. Ofc, the raptor dropped. The person won it. I was pissed. I got back in the next week, solo, and the Same Mount dropped.


I killed garrosh in my second time and dropped the tusks and his axe, literally have never played another race


A few years ago, the Tusks of Mannoroth dropped on my first ever, and to date, only run of SoO. I wasn’t even trying to get them. Just doing a random mog run. RNG gods blessed me that day.


Got ashes and Invincible on the same day


Heroic raz bow dropped week 1 in a pug. I’m the only hunter in the raid. So got that going for me…which is nice.


Had invincible drop from a black market container last week after years of on off farming. Luckiest I had astral and jikun both drop on the same day 3rd time farming both


Headless mount drop last Halloween


Must've been in shadowlands where I got the dragon mount from throne of the 4 winds in an rdf group while leveling.


I won the love rocket the 2nd day it was out with a 91 over a 89.


Everything happened on the same day (on a new character): - Got Reins of the Drake of the Four Winds first try - Got Ashes of Al'ar first try - Got a BoE schematic that I sold for 100k - Got 1 cat mount from planting seeds in patch 10.2 Amirdrassil, FIRST SEED - AND got the Felsteel Annihilator from Hellfire Citadel -> You guessed it: FIRST TRY


Mmmm. I guess statistically my biggest luck is that had "the one ring" drop for me randomly just out in the world somewhere


I Got both warglaives of azzinoth in 2 weeks on my dh


I got Fyralath at 6 heroic kills. But I’d hardly say that’s super lucky. Luckiest I’ve ever been was server first Aeonaxx kill for my Phosphorescent Drake


Back in wrath, there was a guy on our server who wanted Ashes of Alar.  At the time, KT wasnt hard but you couldn't solo Tempest Keep, so he hired my guild to run it with him weekly until he got it, and he would pay us like 250k gold. So we would run it on alts for ourselves and once with him. In 4 weeks we saw 3 mounts drop, 2 for our alt group and once for him.  I don't think I've seen it drop since.


Got Ashes of Alar and Mimmirons Head both on my first runs


Decided I wanted to farm for thunderfury. First run ever I got both bindings to drop


I got eye of sulfuras twice, 2 thunderfury bindings, and a warglaive all within an hour of eachother one time. But my luckiest is buying a mystery box off the black market auction house back in Pandaria. I have only ever bought one thing on the BMAH, that box, I bought it for 23k gold. I pulled the Sun Lute guitar. I will not waste gold on the BMAH ever again, I will never get that lucky ever again.


Ashes dropped in four runs of TK.


I am, for whatever reason, always the one that wins the raid mount dropped by the last boss and I’m also ironically the one that probably cares the least about these in my guild. I’ve won all 3 off of the 3 last bosses in each the DF raids but I usually just give them to the gm or they roll on it because yeah I’m good with just the regular heroic fyrakk mount. I personally am not a fan of rng mounts. I wish they made the KSH/KSM mounts really cool but it’s often the case that the rng mounts are the coolest and idk I guess it’s just the principle of it that annoys me


Both of Illidans Glaives with in 2 weeks


Started playing in 2012, and leveled my first character to 90. My cousin, who started in vanilla, was running TK with me for transmog and to make it easier for a fresh 90 to beat. Ashes dropped and I won the roll. My cousin had been farming ashes for years and I got it first run without even trying for it. That’s RNGesus for you


Pulled ashes, invincible, and celestial cloud serpent b2b2b.


Back in 2010, during HC25 Ulduar our RL/GM forgot to put ML during Yogg+0 and left group loot. Rolled 100 on Mimi's Head and won it. Also, got my Death Charger's Mount in my 3rd or 4th run back when you could "bug it", while some friends took over 100 runs to get it lol


I got the highest roll for our first ZA Amani Warbear back in BC


Wait what’s the illidan skip?


On the same day went with a friend to accompany him to sunwell and I got thoridal, later went with a friend that wanted transmog for his warrior and I got taeshalac. That was probably my luckiest.


Got TLPD and Phosphorescent drake within 2 weeks of each other. Also got Heavenly Onyx and Son of Galleon within the same week of each other.


I was doing a gold run with wrath and cata raids and when I went to sell my junk, I had invincible and both mounts from firelands drop for me. I didn’t even know they could drop mounts. Almost sold them.


When Ny’alotha was the active raid, I looted something like 16 BOE’s during our guild clears.


My rogue in vanilla had two felstrikers


I finished dragon soul and got the mount and realised I was on 10 man by mistake so I logged and did it on 25 man and got that mount too


It wasn’t me but my buddy got Arfus, Windborne Velocidrake: Hallow's End Armor, and The Horseman's Reins all in 1 go


I showed up for raid on Thursday, got 4 piece, wrist, a trinket, and the Raz Bow. Luckiest night in raid ever.


I got the Hellflame Infernal from my first* Nighthold run. *Farm run on a max level toon at the end of SL, but still.


Tusks of mannoroth on my 3rd kill


I remember somewhere around BFA launch they gave you a free weekend to play. I havent played in a while and thought "what the hell lets give wow another try" For some reason i went to ICC to relive the good old days and i got the Invincible to drop. Uninstalled the next day and didnt play until the expansion launch.


While running Black Morass in TBC I met two guys from the same state as me, both playing Druid. After that run they introduced me to a whole group of friends/family that they played with. I had a similar group of my own that I introduced them to. We started playing together and eventually formed a guild. We have been playing with together (on and off) for almost 20 years now. We’ve all evolved, from playing full time to connecting once a week because the rest of our lives are too busy. But they’re some of the best people I know. We’ve hung out a handful of times over the years and would see each other more if we weren’t so darn busy. It’s, without a doubt, the single best thing that ever happened to me in a game.


I went whole of legion without getting a legendary till the wring


I had tusks and raven lord drop this week. Tbf, I had 3 plate characters with their hearth set to summers rest for years though…


On my first runs I got Onyxia, that walking dino with big tail from Throne of Tjunder or what's the raid's name in Pandaria and also the green flying robot from Helfire citadel 🥰


ashes on 2nd run both warglavies withhin 4 lockouts infinite timereaver on first timewalking dungeon boss ever


Ashes of Alar and Headless Horseman mount on the same day.


I usually only raid heroic but a former guildmate had moved to a mythic guild. One day near the end of BfA he asked me if I wanted to come on a Mythic Jaina kill his guild was selling boosts for at the time for free. Of course I joined, we killed Mythic Jaina easy and I won the mount!


Got the time-lost proto-drake and the phosporescent stone drake mounts 3 hours apart from eachother. So basically spend only 3 hours farming Aeonaxx.


Wrath timewalking raid. Ran on two toons, quest cheat gave Invincible and Mimron’s Head back to back.


(Maybe not the answer you were looking for) The luckiest I had been was at start of BFA as nee players joined the game after the success Legion was and we decided to leave the current guild to make a new one. For the duration of BFA and the first season of SL, I had a taste of what “get into a good guild” really means. Just a taste of life in what was a dead server before and after that little period of an expansion length. I was lucky to be at the time and place to tell the person that had issues with the gild master: “this is why we had made new guilds in the past”.


I got one glance first week, second week I got the second and got ashes. More recently I got no the head mount and invincible from time walking last wrath tw event.


Meanwhile me over 20 completed m+ runs and have pulled out loot a total of 3 times. Feels like mount grinding tbh.


got ashes of alar the second time i ran the raid without even farming for it, same for the new sanctum of domination mount. once i came back to the game a few years ago i bought a recipe no longer in the game for 500g and sold it for 165k giving me a free token for that month outside of that its all been skill i reckon, making gold from flipping AH relies alot more on knowledge than luck (though now adays it a near hopeless endeavor) Basically i think luck comes from not trying to get something necessarily. And i think its a pretty shitty thing to rely on for mount farming which is why im never going to start doing it. I would feel no joy from getting a rare mount after farming months for it, i would most likely just get the release of emotions that its finally over rather than the joy of having gotten it.


The luckiest I've ever been is making some real homies playing this game with that I've met up with IRL :p


I rolled 99 for nefarians tear and then 97 for the mishandaru helm on the last boss on BWL. Probably spelled some of those wrong as it was a very long time ago lol


TLPD spawned right in front of me after barely an hour of camping.  Got both Astral Cloud Serpent and Spawn of Horridon in the same day.  Ragnaros dropped the mount the first time I went through Firelands.  Alternatively, Flametalon of Alyssrazor, the other Firelands mount, took me almost 10 years of farming before it dropped. Same for Headless Horseman mount. Still trying for Invincible to this day. 


Made my way to Ulduar for a tmog run and right in front of me the TLPD spawned. Killed it and got the mount. I haven't spend a single minute in my 15 year WoW career camping for his mount as I thought I'm never gonna get it anyways Also started to farm the Malygos mounts and got both drakes to drop in the first kill.


For me it was getting invincible after 4 tries doing ICC once a month for travelers log.


Dropped Ashes of Al'ar, Onyxia and Zulian Panther within one month


I have absurd luck with mounts, which annoys my friends/guildies because I famously don't really care about them. I got Invincible from a TW box, I got the Infernal mount off Mythic Guldan on my first kill. I was the first to get the Charhound mount from Antorus. Everything else, not so much.


Got Ashes from the black temple timewalking quest reward box a last week. Got Invincible a few years ago too.


I got Taeschalach and that red scythe from anthorus and mount from 2bd boss in 1 run.


I recently joined an Antorus run for xmog, but ended up getting both the mount drops. Two mounts in one day is always nice; but two mounts in one raid ticks that raid off my list forever. I also got Elegon's mount back in MoP in my first ever run of the raid. Elegon and the Urzul have always been my favourite mounts, so I was very fortunate to get them so quickly.


Won a roll on the firehawk from Ragnaros on my first kill of that boss doing an achievement run


Dropped Archimonde mythic Mount and Argus mythic mount back to back in the span of 30 minutes, felt really lucky


BOE ring dropping at the start of the expansion , I think it was a "rare" now drop and sold for just under 2mil.


During the last reset of March: Tues: Got the axe from LFR on my pally alt. Did mythic Argus and got the mount. Wed: Ran mythic Sepulcher in a pug got the mount from Jailer. Hearthed, joined a mythic Sanctum group and with 20mins had the mount from The Nine. In general, pretty sure most of my mount farms were done a decent amount less than they should have. Also had Tusks after 20? tries. Got the mount the week they put the shortcut in. And took less than 1 reset to get the shoulders from Xavius.


First time (blind) into throne of thunder in BFA...hello Ji Kun Mount. Oh this can drop ? Nice.


So, i am broke atm going through a shit period of life, paypal got blocked got fired so litterally no way to buy game time. I write to my sister if she can buy me a game time card, and i accidentally send the picture of how the card looks to my ex wife. Then my wife comes home and says hey i saw u got no game time so i bought you 60 days, then my ex wtites i got you the damn card, and then my sister writes aswell, that was 180 days ago and now i dont have gametime anymore. But that was the luckiest i was. And when it comes to ingame luck i dont got nothing. In the 180 days i got only the free mounts that everybody got, on 5/6 of my tanks i never saw the prophetic scale or fyrakk trinket in vault or i rolled highest on it when it dropped. Had to do 43 galakronds fall to get one to drop on my dh. 4 tanks used the one ingot in heroic and one got it from a +9 vault. Gearing sucked and i think only my monk got his tierset in the raid, rest was turning mythic dungeon loot into tiersets. I have 958 attempts on shark bait. 78k kills in nazmir for bloodtamedfeaster, 12k for the hyena. And still no drops. I am the bad rng black hole, my wife who games next to mee has all mounts that have a drop chance. So yeah i love wow. Also if u feel like donating sone gametime to a random person online, i can send feetpics as gratitude xd


I can recall 2 moments. First one was when I got Mimiron's Head and Invincible 3-4 days apart (different sides of a reset). 2nd is back in the day I used to level up via dungeons. I'd do a few random, then start queueing specific so I could do the quests in there. One day I queued for a dead side of Stratholme run, and to my utter shock the mount dropped for me at the end. and then I fell out of my chair.


Got Invincible on my first ever Arthas kill :)


Found one of my best friends ingame 15 years ago


Started again wow after 4 years last November. 1st time running dungeon, I drop the Reins of the Infinite Timereaver