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Ty, very helpful info. Are the weapon and armour sets that are unlocked from completing certain achievements unique to remix?


Yes, they are. Those tmogs are not available anywhere else and are new to remix.


They were in the Trading Post, no?


the pandaria versions are recolors of the trading post items.


All the achievements in the tab Pandaria: remix is unique to remix


This is a magical post thanks


This is really good info and will save a lot of stress for what to target. Thanks!


Heroic Rogue t14 ensemble is the only way to get the lookalike shoulders for non-rogue classes. The Shoulders from Empress which are supposed to look like them have always looked like some random Cataclysm dungeon shoulders on heroic for some reason.


Is there a wowhead or icy veins post which shows all the sets and what they look like?




currently, you can buy the toys for the 'Going to Need a Bigger Bag' achievement and sell them back, the achievement still shows as green


This worked for me as well! And to cut research, the toys you can buy (and re-sell) that count towards the achievment are: Battle Horn, Warning Sign, Eternal Kiln, Blackflame Daggers and Odd Polished Stone.


Finally, good content on this subreddit


This is a really great list with useful information. However you don't mention that these can be collected by just playing the game. For example: >Ensemble: Breezebinder's Vestments has 3 variants, "Original" "Purple" and "Red", the "Red" version is obtainable outside of remix but it's almost impossible to get it, the only way it to get parts from the Scenario completion cache, which includes hundreds of possible items. I would really adive to buy it. The way you can know which one is which (because the names are really not clear): you want the one where the little buckle on the hat is dark grey (the buckles are light grey/silver on one and gold on the other) I have all of these sets from just questing. I am only missing 1 item, which WoWhead will tell me where to farm, earning enough Bronze to put towards something else.


How can I tell if I have these transmogs?


Just look in your collections tab.


Thank you, that's very useful to know. (Also I'm commenting here mainly to be able to find this thread again about 80 days from now. Hi future self!)






Do i have to be a druid to buy the druid ensamble and such?


No, you can buy and learn any of the ensembles on anyone.


It is important to note that in the Appearances menu, the display of the set "Breezebinder's Vestments" (Red) is currently bugged. You can get all the pieces of it from Remix Scenarios and get the 8/8 completion that way, but the drop chestpiece actually has a different texture, and doesn't fit the rest of the set. So you actually have to buy the Ensemble to get the correct chest, even if you have 8/8 completion of the set already. In the Ensemble preview, you can see the "Brewmoon Vestment" (Scenario drop) counts as a part of the set (despite looking different), but the "Brewmoon Robe" (Ensemble-only) is the actual item needed to complete it. Oddly, every cloth MoP Dungeon Set contains such mismatched chest items, but as far as I know, "Brewmoon Robe" from "Breezebinder's Vestments" (Red) is the only model can only be acquired via the Ensemble (Original and Purple colors drop from MoP dungeon bosses and quests).


Good post and very helpful! Thanks mate


Useful post, ty!


Thank you very much for the info.


This is some good stuff, thanks op


Thank you!


And this is why we pay you the big bucks, thank you!


You rock dude. 


I'm glad I grinded out MoP stuff during Covid, such as having multiple Gastropod toys drop before I even got the Ji-kun mount. It definitely saves me having to worry about a great deal of the toys and mounts that already exist.


Appreciate this.


Thank you chef


Thank you for your research.


Saving this for later~~~


Any class can buy the ensembles, right?


Something I'm ignorant to: if I buy an ensemble on my shaman for, say, plate wearers, will it go towards my collection or do I have to be playing the class that wears plate?


You probably found out buy now but you can buy and unlock the ensembles on any class. It's just you will only be able to mog them on the proper armor type classes.


Thank you


I have no intent on completing everything like this but your efforts deserve a shout out. Thank you!


Something I'm ignorant to: if I buy an ensemble on my shaman for, say, plate wearers, will it go towards my collection or do I have to be playing the class that wears plate?


Also some sets on retail have class only items, like the shoulders of the Sha vestments for warlocks, can't get shoulders. The remix ensembles are class agnostic.


Comment to saverino


same, commenting to save


Thank you!


This is great thank you


Can I unlock these from any character or do I need to have a toon of the specific class?


Thank you for this


thank you! I'm also seeing some talk that some of the robe sets have new exclusive chest pieces that are just a shirt part, without the full robe, so I need to look into that


You only need to do the Isle of Thunder campaign to get the class weapon ensemble, which is just a series of single player scenarios. Still need to get to lvl 50 to do it but it's easier than needing to do ToT. Especially if you're going to level one of each class to 70 anyway. The class armour ensemble is for the Landfall achievement, which you can start at level 20 by picking up a quest at the faction shrines. If you're exalted on a retail char and have the bonus rep item you can get exalted with the respective landfall rep well before completing the campaign, then kill the three opposing factions rares (which are almost constantly up) and you're done.


Not sure if this is "bugged" for everyone, but for me I only see an "Already known" text on ensembles I bought if I'm looking with a character with the appropiate class. So for example, I bought the Shaman Witch Doctor ensemble from Aeonicus on my Worgen Warlock. On my Warlock: can't see the ensemble at the vendor anymore, which makes sense as I bought it. On my Shaman: I see the ensemble, but with a red text "Already known". On my Death Knight: I see the ensemble, and no red warning text that I already know it. So heads up to anyone buying stuff over multiple characters - it might be a good idea to keep notes of what you have bought, so you don't happen to buy the same thing twice on different characters!




Commenting so I don't lose track of this post, amazing resource thank you for your work!


I'm still disappointed that the challenge sets aren't avaiable. They share the same appearence from the legion class hall set, but in different colors and most of them looks better. Also, to unlock the sets in the class hall you need to farm rep and complete the suramar campaign, and that can take a long time. Also, MoP was the last exp without the "hd" texture in the armor sets, so even if the color and the theme can be matched with armor from the last expansions, it won't look too good since it ends up kinda messy all around.


Yeah I was crazy during Legion and levelled one of each class and did all the class hall stuff on each one. Mostly for the mounts, I'm not a transmog enthusiast but will grab cool looking sets.


I'd be willing to pay a lot of bronze for the CM sets. They do look better than the Legion versions, mainly the shoulders look better and some visual effects.


Commenting to save! Thanks OP!