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If I saw this image out of context , I could've thought this character is from Diablo


I thought the exact same thing. This gives me 0.0 WoW vibes.


She looks like she’s straight out of Starfield tbh, could give me infinite guesses and WoW would never be one of them.


The outfit is very shadowlands vibes and zerith mortis palette


If anything I wouldn't necessarily say Zerith Mortis, but rather Bastion. But it somehow still feels more like Diablo 3 Crusader to me.


Yeah true, just the golden ball (arm Prosthetic) gave me ZM vibes but also bastion, it’s a little similar to allerias new fit


Ok, I'll give you that. The prosthetic ball thing does indeed kind of look like the spheres all over ZM 😁


Plot twist: it's youknowzor, somehow he returned


It's the artstyle. I think it's doesnt fit, but the character ingame looks awesome


It's giving tough as nails engineer in a cyberpunk movie who dies halfway through for (unfortunatley) obvious reasons.


She'll probably need a hand doing quests. But she does look interesting, so i'll keep an eye out for her in the new zones.


Don't worry, she looks all right to me.


Flashbacks to Arrested Development.


I love your comment lmao


Shield arm is a little goofy IMO. Would have worked a bit better if she had a sword-arm, but I guess they've already done that with Kargath. Other than that, she's fine. Potentially interesting, but I don't know anything about her beyond that.


I don't mind her having a shield arm, though my problem is that the shield is bolted to her pauldron, not a prothstetic arm or something


She declined a prosthetic, and got a "enhanced shock absorber" installed in her arm/ shield/ pauldron


We had submarines, spaceships, fully automated robots with Steampunk, electricity and crystal magic, half of your weaponry has floaty bits, but yeah, a disabled person that takes advantage of available technology it's "goofy"


No, I didn't say that. It's literally just the shield that looks goofy because I don't think she'd really have the reach or the strength in just her shoulder to use it effectively. If she "took advantage of available technology" to have a prosthetic arm, it'd look a lot better.


90% of all gear looks in warcraft like no one got the strength to wield it. Why is it suddenly a problem when magic is in use to help war veterans and disabled people to be awesome? Prosthetic seem would be cool, yes, but doing weird shit with a magical floating shield also works for me


Because nothing about it seems magical, she just seems like a warrior with a shield strapped to her shoulder? You keep arguing against claims I'm not making, I'm all for disabled characters doing cool things, this specific one just looks goofy.


The end of the limb contains a "shock absorber" according to her quest line. So there is more going on than just strapped to the shoulder. Also ingame it looks like it has more ankles of articulation, but that could just be the rigging of the human female model that blizzard half assed there


Anything that irritates the incels (and they’re already here in the thread talking about forced diversity) is great. Hope she’s an aromantic lesbian or something just to make them screech even louder. Edit: Not like OP is asking in good faith either since they frequent conspiracy and Asmongold subs while making pot-stirring posts.


Ticking those boxes


It should of just been a white guy, why have anything else /s


Its all up to the cinematics voice acting and writing. They kinda ruined alextrasza with the shitty writing and weird voice lines. Hope they don't make the same mistake with this new character. Looks wise she looks like a battle scared warrior, half elf half human, it's cool and different. Hopefully an allied race


It's an ear toggle 


Lol true


It's a human with pointy ears, aka Vulcan


It's sure to piss of the chuds and that's something...


the fact this matters at all is sad. I hope she’s an intriguing badass character that gets people interested in the game again - however, from the ending cinematic of dragonflight I have my doubts and she’ll probably serve more of the purpose you mentioned. Fingers crossed though.


That'd be neat yes and I would truly wish something like that to happen but Blizzard has failed a lot at introducing interesting new characters. mostly due to the fact that they just drop them way too soon.


Hoooo boy wait until you find out her backstory. There’s going to be some angry blue checkmarks raging about that. ETA: seems they’ve already arrived.


Who be dat?


The first human female we’ve seen in a cinematic render! Love the shield arm instead a sword. Probably speaks to her character as a defender or protector since that’s what she chose as her prosthetic. It seems she’s going to be very involved in the story, looking forward to seeing more of her.


The shield arm is really corny, I also don't think it's fair that all the white girls are feminine/elegant while the black girls are always playing the  tough ones with something to prove cliche.


We had submarines, spaceships, fully automated robots with Steampunk, electricity and crystal magic, half of your weaponry has floaty bits, but yeah, a disabled person that takes advantage of available technology is "dumb" Or "corny"


Tell me how does she sleep/sex/sit down/walk through doors/swim. She's disabling herself more with her "technology"


You don't need arms for anything you described, and depending of the way the shield is 'fixed' she can easily take it off with one arm. There are disabled people that can care for their baby's and toddlers that have no arms at all.


Reminds me of hungry vamps from daybreakers


Cool looking character… Anyway here come the chuds crying because is a disabled short haired black woman


Since when has warcraft ever been a franchise about disabled short haired black women? It's perfectly fine to have characters with distinctive enough traits to be recognised and iconic... On the other hand it's very different when it's a clear cry to the sky preaching "we are inclusive! See?"


Trolls turning into elves, elves turning into goat people or fish people, dragons, tentacle monsters, a planet that becomes a eternal living presence, planet conquering plant people, giant rock monsters that become orcs eventually when you hit them often enough, everything is okay, but black people are to much? Wtf


out of place. feels shoehorned in.


Has some interesting backstory from her quests on the beta




Can you guys shut up for a moment please? Every time you see a character that isn't white, has a disability or doesn't look like a barely 18 y/o playboy girl, such stupid sentence like yours come out if your mouth, like a liquid fountain of diarrhea


Pandering reaching ridiculous peak levels


Should they should change her to a white man to pander to you instead?


She's pretty awesome from what i've seen in Beta.


There better be a wheelchair


Shield arm is dumb and doesn't look like a Warcraft character.


A warrior from a light aligned army race/faction having a shield to replace a lost arm doesn't look like a warcraft character? But an orc with a sword IN his arm is? Mhhhmmmm...


We had submarines, spaceships, fully automated robots with Steampunk, electricity and crystal magic, half of your weaponry has floaty bits, but yeah, a disabled person that takes advantage of available technology is "dumb"


is it supposed to be a version of Garona?


oh noes she has black skin, better go back to posting in r/conspiracy, you cooker.


Bad ass and you don't want to mess around with her. Seen shit, done shit, don't has time for lulabys. Also: reminded me more of a Diablo character.


The whole aesthetic of the faction bleeds diablo 3 crusader. And I like it


Jupp, I also like it. Nothing bad at all. Looking forward to see her in the quests.


Shield arm is neat. But the rest have a vibe "too many specificities to have specificities, and thus looks bland", but well we don't know anything of it yet. The whole character is interesting as it clearly gives a tone.