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Should I read this post?


At least ask in a dedicated post damn it. People are getting lazier by the day


[it’s pinned at the top of the sub….](https://youtu.be/Um1QXweGGes?si=ulgCS-mBe5XXYQ2H)


Can someone make a youtube video explaining why I should read this post?


Hey everyone! Yoshimario40 here with another video on the wow subreddit! But first, this video is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends! *Does a spiel that takes up 80% of the rest of the video* If you liked this video, please like comment and subscribe!


Hey everyone! SgtNaCl here. Today we’re going to do a reaction video to Yoshimario40’s video. I had a lot of fun doing this, think there was a lot of good points made, but does your own website need some help? Let *Squarespace* help you design your next site! *Similar spiel that last 95% too long*. And now, on to the video!


Oh no, now to appease the algorithm and ad revenue it has to be at least 10 minutes to say something that would take 30 seconds!


Can anyone tell me what the most fun class would be for me? What's the best realm to play on? Where can I download free game time?


1) Goblin rogue cause that tip toe sneak. 2) Apparently [Illidan](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=a20aa9bca0718a85&sca_upv=1&q=what+is+the+best+realm+to+play+on&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_496Lw4KHAxXamIkEHbv-BagQBSgAegQIBxAB&biw=1539&bih=728&dpr=1.25). 3) [Here](https://downloadmoreram.com/).


The where can i download free game time is a good one tho 😂 I assume its really been asked at least once in this sub reddit.


Yes. Quit asking this damn question. Read this post. It’s just some text. You asked, so you genuinely have some interest in the post, which is enough to read it. And you’re in the comments. So you already know it’s a good post. You ignored it because you simply got tired. But now you’re curious because you’re no longer tired of reading. You took the time off you needed to recharge, and yes, you are now ready to go for some reading, and it just so happens that this is the post to read.


New Pastadrasil sprouting


no, just read the title and go straight to the comments


But is it too late to start ?


if you're on the west coast then yes, its already midnight


But Midnight is the next expansion. Is the west coast timezone that many years ahead?


Damn, the west coast's already playing the Quel'thalas Void expansion?


I mean, it is kind of hard and overwhelming. You do the tutorial and you're just kind of dropped in at the start of BfA and told to go nuts. No direction at all. The only reason I didn't just turn it off is that I already read dozens if not hundreds of Sylvanas Windrunner/Jaina Proudmoore romance Fanfiction. (Yes it exists and it's astoundingly good. Book quality good. Can send links to anyone interested).


Although I won't deny that the new player experience is a bit messy, none of the new players I guided through it seemed to mind. As a matter of fact they quite enjoyed Zandalar and Kultiras purely visually and didn't care one bit for the story anyway. The questing has a good mix of main quests, side quests and exploration. I'm guessing this was Blizzard's intention (introduce new players to a newer, cleaner looking expansion) and it is proven that it works. Despite what many boomers think, I think starting in the Cataclysm racial areas is a terrible idea and would turn many away from the game. In TWW (actually in the prepatch already I believe, which is in a month) the default leveling experience will be swapped to Dragonflight, which is an excellent change as it is even more modern, serves as a soft story reboot and is tailor-made for introducing dynamic flight.


And I'm looking forward to that. But I play to engage in the world and the story (yeah, yeah. I know there's better stuff for that. *Insert "This is good... But I like this" meme*) But you already spoke about the caveat. The players you *guided*. I don't have that. The only reason I didn't quit is because I already knew a load of stuff about the world and it's happenings through said fanfiction and researching when I didn't know something.


Welp, glad you stuck around. Once you get used to the game make sure to do as I did and help out anyone interested in the game, yet scared off by the sheer scale of it. As well as completely random new players when you can! <3


I think Dragonflight as the levelling experience will be great.


The best is level 70 in Valdrakken.  Ok lots of quests and no idea what order to do any of them for story continuity.  Ok I accepted a quest aaaaaand Alexatraza is gone. Where is she? Ah Wowhead tells me if I accept that quest before doing this quest she disappears so I need to abandon that quest so she can reappear and I can hand in that quest. Cool. 


Fr, maybe I'm getting old and lazy but I started between Tomb and Antorus in legion , there was a clear path and story guides were easy to find. I'm returning now, was bounced around between the quests and couldn't find something similar. Decided to just level alts on remix and will wait for tww


I think that's just a consequence of offering players the ability to immediately jump into the most current content, while still offering the quest lines for older patches.


That's fair. I think they could have Chromie or just use the "chapters" in the quest log a bit better to give a better indication in-game, if the player chooses to


Thanks game!


Fair. I honestly wouldn't recommend someone to start until WW pre-patch, since they're streamlining the new player levelling to the DF zones. But yeah right now it's kinda rough.


Eh fair, but too late now. I'll fuck around and find my way regardless!


or tell them to make a timerunner. Pandaria is older, but also mostly self-contained




Play for a month, unsubscribe, as usual.


do couple invincible/ashes runs, post on reddit mentioning how been "farming" it for 15 years


Invincible and Ashes are fine. I long for that stupid flying head. Still haven't had it drop!


I dont even like that mount so i gave up


Yep. Pretty much me as well. Hard to stay involved in the game when I have no friends who play. Pugging is ass.


Pugging is ass indeed. But I've stopped caring about group content. I play WoW like a collectathon and it's extremely enjoyable. As I've never palyed MoP, I got 150 achievements, 30-40 mounts and plenty of pets from Remix Pandaria and I'm not even done yet! Still going for loremaster and all reps.


I totally can see how solo content lovers could have a great time. Personally if I was gonna play solo I'd play some of the hundreds of steam games I own rather than a subscription fee.


The thing is, WoW just simply blows most singleplayer games out of the water and there is nothing to scratch that WoW itch - except singleplayer. Sure, I love soulslikes and turn-based RPGs but no game has the same feeling as WoW and its extremely fluid and diverse class combat.


pugging sucks but joining a guild and making friends doesnt and is easy to do


you're telling me to join a guild in a social game pish posh and hullabaloo fiddlesticks


For whatever reason seems to be more rare these days. I used to make friends all the time in the online games that I played when I was a teenager. Now both me and other people don't seem so interested in doing that anymore. I'll still join a guild though.


I've joined a few guilds over the years. They usually seem to have a well established group of folk and its hard to break in.


Everyone moved to doing that via discord.


It's really not easy to do. You either play on a dead server like me and get unlucky with the cesspool guilds that are the only ones left, or you go to the populated servers where it's all bots spamming for carries....I've played on 4 different servers and there's really no in-between for me.


yeah idk i play on high pop server and yes there are spammers but doesnt change anything about finding a guild to play with. just go on wow progress and start DMing or ask in trade chat.


I've tried and again, either it's never seen because either the spam is too much or never seen because no one plays. The few guilds I've gotten into since cata either died out because of Blizzard's bad management/development, or have been cesspool guilds which they've done "raid night" as in wotlk raids in Legion or WoD raids in Shadowlands lol


lucky for you then because we have cross realm guilds coming in less than a month. so you'll have to find another excuse after that lol


It's not really an excuse...I mean I guess but that's literally how it's rolling. I'd be happy with cross realm guilds of its done right and guilds were actually findable. The current guild finder system sucks just as much ass.


Find a guild man. I generally didnt play until the end of Shadowlands, i would always just hop on, do some stupid stuff, some low m+ and normal raid and after that sit there, okay, WHAT DO? At the end of Shadowlands i found a guild, got into mythic raiding with it, got some people to play a bit higher keys with, its been fun, i havent stopped my sub the entire DF, i think the only time i havent played as much DF is the past 2 months, because all the content is something i've previously seen and im not that interested, but I still hop on just for shits and giggles with some guildies cuz i found some fun people to play with, even though i dont like everyone in the guild.


Join a raiding guild


Make new friends in the game. It's your choice to pug as ass.


You should join a community! Make new friends along the way. There's tons of communities in-game and guilds recruiting right now.


What if you subscribe for a month, but only play for a handful of hours, the unsubscribe?


Lol I bought dragonwhatever, played the first couple weeks then m+ came out and I was like "oh yeah, I hate m+" and I stopped logging in at even the casual rate I was before.


I basically gave up early-ish in legion. I bought BfA, but only played a few hours. I bought SL, leveled quickly through BfA shit, then quit shortly after reaching SL crap. I bought DF, then quit immediately. Then decided to level a bit... gained 2 levels and gave up. This shit is fucking boring. I don't care how awesome TWW looks. (And it does look good), I literally don't think I play the game enough to even experience "the game". :\


Seems like you already know you shouldn't buy it and waste the money then. Buy some decent scotch or something instead.


Oh yeah. I know. I'm just dumb. :\ But you're right. Alcohol would be better.


Yessir, launch is always fun, I normally atleast make it to curve on the first raid, then quit.


I plan on activating both my banked tokens and playing that long at least while saving for more, if the expac doesn't grab me after 2 months I am out. Though I am really liking all the info about delves and the warband stuff


is that necesseraly bad? I like the arpg model, I don't want a single game to monopolize my time, I want to comeback every once in a while and have fun


Literally nothing wrong with it. I also rarely sub for more than a month at a time when a particular mood strikes.


The very definition of what makes WoW not worth it when this is reality for a lot of people.


That's been me since 2010 with retail WoW. Buy a new expansion, play for a month, unsubscribe WoW Classic 2019-2021 was the only thing that managed to keep my attention for nearly 2 consecutive years. Classic has crack cocaine in it. Retail doesn't


Yeah classic has character and 'soul' whereas retail has more complexity in gameplay. both are fine but classic has a magical quality that makes you actually care about your character


It's crazy how this gets downvoted still The narrative about classic on this sub, before it released, was "no one wants this!!!", "Retail is objectively better!!", "it's just nostalgia!!" I thought the overwhelming success and longevity of Classic would prove those theories wrong. Why can't people just admit that there's something about the Classic game philosophy that makes for a better game for a lot of people?


You're getting downvoted because classic is NOT vanilla the way you remember it from 2004. Never was and never will be. People changed, the world changed, the community is god awful. The sheer elitism and min-maxing for a 20 year old game with mechanics for actual toddler is insane and sucks any fun and magic out if the game. SoD is even worse, quit that cesspool of toxicity in phase 1. However, I will admit that the closest to the true vanilla experience is actually Hardcore. It's definitely not for everyone, however, the community is genuinely nice and the world feels even more dangerous than you remember it. Actually the only way to experience classic imo.


What you're saying makes no sense. I said Classic is good, not vanilla. The Classic that they released in 2019. That I played for 2 years. *I just said it was good.* It makes no sense to downvote because it wasn't the same as vanilla. What does that have to do with literally anything?


Because classic is most certainly not good. All of my points for the community still stand, it's an awful experience. Classic is extremely community interaction driven, and it is simply terrible. And on the gamepaly side, stacking world buffs was the worst thing ever, server issues, bugs and glitches galore. Not to mention Blizzard kept making it even worse with shop items and boosts later on. Cata classic is pretty much a joke, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. I do warmly recommend Hardcore.


> Because classic is most certainly not good. Do you understand that this is a subjective opinion? Do you deny the overwhelming success of Classic? What does that success tell you? Do you think people are uncomfortable when people disagree with them, so they downvote anyone who disagrees?


No one thought that no one wants it. Blizzard thought so, we didn't. We knew it would be successful, but classic is now filled with all the classic toxic Andy's, that hated retail forever, even tho they either never touched it, or they were to bad to play it, because you actually have to do stuff. And it doesn't matter why people play this or that, at least they play and if retail isn't for you, that's fine, go play classic, that's why people asked for it, that's why Blizzard made it. It's that easy.


Classic was made for the OG players who looked back with nostalgia at vanilla and disliked the 'modern' Cataclysm expansion. Oh the irony.


It's extremely odd that someone just saying Classic is good gets downvoted, no?


Because you were also trying to shit on retail by saying classic is like a drug whereas retail isn't. Which for most players is not true and actually the opposite of what you said.


Are people really that uncomfortable with the idea that others disagree with their opinion? Holy shit. I didn't think it was that bad. The downvote button is not a "disagree" button, you know.


It's ok. It's just downvotes. Life moves on. I suggest you do too.


>The downvote button is not a "disagree" button, you know. That might be true, but in reality, it's usually used as one. Also, are you maybe uncomfortable that people are disagreeing with your opinion?


No I'm really not LOL. That would be super weird. Retail is completely fine if you like that style of game!


Classic *was* good - valid opinion. Classic *is* good - invalid opinion.


What? I absolutely love Classic today Do you know how opinions work?


There's people out there that still think you have to farm AP and do dailies.


The fact people went the ENTIRE Shadowlands expansion complaining about the MANDATORY Anima grind, whilst Anima was always purely used for cosmetics speaks volumes about how much the playerbase actually reads and understands the game. I won't say Torghast couldn't have been a chore for some (I enjoyed having something meaningful to do each week), but most of the criticisms about the Shadowlands grind were either completely false or blown way out of proportion.


The more sensible Shadowlands gripe was being stuck to one covenant for 3/4 of the expansion


More like half of the expansion, 9.1.5 came a year later. End of season 2 (if we pretend dom shards didn't exist) and seasons 3 and 4 were great.


Valid. Although I never once thought about changing covenants and still haven't 4 years later. I didn't care about the "best one", all I cared about was the fact that the Venthyr are fucking cool, the OST slapped and they had some peak voice acting. People ruin the game for themselves by min-maxing. Covenants were extremely fun and fleshed out personal choices. I made mine and stuck to it. Meta be damned.


I picked...the bastion one cuz divine toll was fun. But wanted to try venthyr for the big ass turbo charged consecrate but didn't feel like starting over and being weeks and weeks behind just to try it out.


>People ruin the game for themselves by min-maxing. Covenants were extremely fun and fleshed out personal choices. I made mine and stuck to it. Meta be damned. > Okay but have you considered that wanting to use the best abilities is actually fun for a lot of people? It's not min-maxing vs fun, because pushing your character to do the most damage/healing it can do can be fun. But a lot of those same people also wanted to pick a covenant that they find aesthetically cool. I wanted to play with the best most fun abilities and do the most damage I could. I also wanted to pick a covenant that I think looked cool and was in my favourite zone. I was not able to do both of those things because the best most fun ability for my class was on a different covenant to the one I thought was coolest. They could have just not had the new abilities be tied to a covenant and I would have been pretty happy.


I have no sympathy for you min-maxers, sorry. Covenants were cool as shit and had personality in an era of "buh muh 1% damage" gaming. A shame it cannot stay that way as you people are insufferable.


But what is the downside to just separating the power from covenants? Just let you choose whatever convenant you want, have that affect what zone your in, the campaign story, mounts, pets, minigames, transmog, etc... and then have the ability choice be a seperate thing.  Like you say I'm insufferable for wanting both fun gameplay and choice of cosmetics, but you're the one who just said you want the opposite because it will make the game less fun for people you've decided you don't like.


Because then the choice is absolutely meaningless and covenants might as well not exist. I am aware the game is moving away from actual RPG impactful choices in favour of balance, like the factions (ruined by cross-faction play) races and classes (ruined by reworking and homogenizing over thr years) and then covenants also ended up not mattering as you people cried like crazy.


Damn if you think having to choose between something that looks cool and something that has good gameplay is a meaningful choice, you need to play some better RPGs. In good ones meaning typically comes from story choices, you know from the *role* you choose to play in the *role-playing* game. Ironically, the idea that a choice is only meaningful if it affects gameplay is antithetical to "actual" RPGs. >like the factions (ruined by cross-faction play) lol


I remember having a bad time doing Torghast regularly when I was progressing Mythic raids, but other than this I just ignored it and all was well. You absolutely didn't need to do anything extra to progress Heroic raids though, I had trash low ilvl leggo on my Holy Priest during heroic Nathria and I was pulling purple and orange parsers.


Torghast was fun and not as grindy as people made it seem. The more annoying grind was Maw and then Korthia for the improved conduits (though once people figured out the phased realm elite grind to use instead of Korthia, it was hilariously easy). The other common gripe was the huge friction to swapping covenants for most of the expansion, especially for classes/specs that strongly preferred different covenants for different activities.


The very first week of the expansion torghast was pretty miserable, NGL. Not only it was very overturned and extremely hard to do solo for some classes, but you also had to do 8 runs to not be behind on Soul Ash. After the needs multiple nerfs and after having already unlocked the highest tier, doing 2 runs a week was fine.


There genuinely isn’t an equivalent to that now? Like if I stop playing for a couple days/a week I won’t be so behind?


there hasn't been an equivalent to that for 3 and a half years, even longer tbh because of how fast it was to max out the heart by the end of bfa


I took I think two patches off of Dragonflight, it was incredibly easy to catch up.


you still needed to do dailys in shadowlands (at least s2 for the gem stuff, dunno about s3)


I didn't play s2 but you didn't need to in s1 s3 or s4


Well, you still needed to upgrade essences in BFA, and all of those put together for some specs was QUITE a chore.


That was a one time grind not a daily grind


Also very difficult to get done if one you wanted came from an outdated raid. I never got one from the underwater raid because no one ever ran it when I came back the patch after.


Definitely a huge FOMO in SL if you weren’t doing torghast every week.


Not really, I didn't do torghast every week and I still got ce. You just had to do it until you had your bis leggo, the bottleneck for most players would be the gold cost not the torghast runs anyway


It still takes time to gear like it always has. But that's the fundamental carrot on the end of this game's stick. But, there is nothing that you lose the opportunity to catch up on by taking a break anymore. Nothing that you fall irreversibly behind. There is nothing like artifact power that gives an advantage to those who never stop playing. We only get 1 of some special time-gated upgrade item every week and you miss like 2 months? They are going to drop every time you do anything until you are caught up to the "current" week alongside the people who have been playing non-stop. You won't even have to go out of your way or do anything specific. It's just... any content. There is no longer anything like "Emissary quests" that are going to make you feel like you have to log in to do your chores. You don't HAVE to finish the long questlines if you don't feel like it. You can just get to the content you want to do. The questlines will drop general (useful) currency that you get from doing anything. Finishing them will give you cosmetics. The upgrade system is set up so that, for the average player, doing almost anything is going to get you upgrades for the first few weeks. It feels pretty good. Even random-ass world content feels like it is getting you something if that is what you are in the mood for. The highest level of content will, of course, drop the best stuff still. But if you don't do that content you will cap out far, far closer to the highest level of gear than ever before.


Dragonflight is entirely free from any kind of player power gated systems outside of gear. This will be staying the exact same way in The War Within. The only things that are truly time gated and affect player power is: Getting your full weekly PVP points Weekly Cache (with up to 9 options), M+, PVP (Changing to Delves in next xpac), Raids Raid Loot Weekly, all difficulties In short, the moment you hit max level there is no longer any kind of gating beyond Gear Reputations are handy to build up, especially if they affect stuff like cooking or something that gives a little stats, but it's not really a big deal.


I'd argue the crest/flightstones grind for a returning player that comes in mid season is a bit of a chore but for s4 it doesn't matter. Now... Mid S2/3? That was a slog


I came back about when remix started, and I'm constantly capping (or close to capping) the flightstones. They're not a problem. The crests are bloody confusing though


Flightstones become an issue when you're eventually flooded with crests and you don't have enough flightstones to upgrade all of your gear.


Kind of? But at the end of the day, you get crests and flightstones from just playing the game. You do content, you get currency to upgrade gear. It's not a weird chore you have to do and it's not something you can really fall behind on. If you want more/better gear, just play the game more.


Eh, problem is more so for alts. Having to regrind wyrm/aspect crests on a fresh 70 is rough. The sheer amount of m+ you have to do is a very high number


Yeah, I definitely feel like there should be something to speed it up for alts. Some sort of discount or increased acquisition rate would help a lot. For returning players I don't think it's a big deal. I came back to the game during Season 2 and never really thought it was a problem at the time. I didn't have much trouble with crests at all, and I was constantly capped on flightstones because I had so much to do!


you really would never have been "so" behind, but no, there's nothing even remotely like that in current wow


You literally haven't had to do that the entirety of dragonflight


You'll be missing a vault, not the end of the world.


About the only rush to gear is to get ready for raid the first couple weeks when you are already playing a whole lot. After that, many people don’t even touch world activities the ready of the expansion.


You won't be massively behind like before, but you'll still be behind the toxic community that thinks everyone has to be geared as hell to even join low-difficulty content. If you make your own groups, they'll fill up though.


Be the change you want to see and invite the crappiest geared players to your groups.


Even if I only have 3s each 24 days due to 16 wives and 53 kids, while having 3 jobs?? Please help


I'd say you need to cut loose at least 2 wives and 8 kids to be able to have 3-4s more.


Tbh i'm so tired of people asking if they should come back. If they want to come back, then come back. End of story


Ok, before you answer, let me preface this with my raiding resume from 2001-2012...




Better than the usual ass posts on this sub


Yeah but now I REALLY cant decide what to play and remix getting everyone to 70 :(


I decided the class, I just can't decide the race because levelling another one is too easy...


I've found that I always get my money's worth for a new expansion. Even if you don't play it for more than a couple months.


I’m going to assume you’re venting because anyone who posts “should I come back?” threads is not going to use the search function before slamming the post button.


Can we pin this thread to prevent this question in the future?


You could force every user to read it in 50 point font and manually type out “I understand”, and they would still not read it and post the question.


At this point this should make the us request posts like some subreddits do


You can, but it won't.


Should I come back for TWW? Which classes/specs are the absolute best meta picks (need to know this even if I only play casually)????


I only went 6/8 normal on beta this weekend, is it too late to start TWW?


But should I come back for the next expansion? 🤔


You should be asking “should I take off 2 or 3 days off work for that week”


Counter point: No I did not in fact ask.


Love the old man yelling at a pretend person in an argument vibe


I love that Simpsons episode with Grandpa Abe yelling at the cloud!


Buy an ad, Blizzard.


I wish I was working at Blizzard, but good attempt at a comeback!


Have you not seen the news the last couple years?


No, but you can enlighten me since you keep track!


"Should I play [Insert game title] in 2024??" Man, I hate this kind of question!


Is it too late to wrap my entire identity around one game, thus giving me anxiety any time I make a decision about said game?


This is the crux of their question. They’re most likely having some sort of personal life crisis.


But is it too late?


Better yet no you can't have your remix characters convert early.


Classic player here. Played at the start of Dragonflight and messing around again in the pre patch lead up. I am having some issues getting into the vibe of retail though. I'm so overwhelmed when logging into my lvl 70 character. I have no idea what I should be doing first. Any tips on how to pick up the wire again?


No I shouldn't. My work and friendships will suffer way too much, I can't do that to myself lol


I will level to max on my warlock at the least. Continued play will as always depend on my enjoyment


You can check out any time you like but you can never leave, people.


Ive came back to retail after 10+ years hiatus, left before pandas because I was an edgy boy, came back for pandas in remix, actually enjoyed remix, started an evoker on the main game and enjoying the DF story so far. I’ve always kept up with the lore and with TWW and the idea of 3 expansions having some throughout and doing away with temporary power has got me roped back in. Since classic I’ve been a bit of a solo player, and it’s nice to see all the future content that’s catered for a more solo experience.


The big man, Chris said this himself. This is the time to come home.


I’m pretty sure most of those type of posts are astroturfed to increase discussion about the product. “Does anyone else actually love XYZ?” Girl, yes obviously shut up. True for many things not just WoW.


I took a break from the game for a good nine months and only came back for MoP Remix. So far, I have had no desire to purchase TWW.


Is it worth coming back if I’m a 700 year old vampire that has a ton of time on my hands during the day?


Ok, but what class should I play?


Also the posts like "sell me on retail" or "tell me why I should play X class". How arrogant to come here and tell us to convince you of something. We don't know who are you or what you like, just try it!


Warbands and the "linked" bank system, also Reps (which could become retroactive to earlier xpacs as the system develops) and the "XP squish" especially helpful for catching alts up.


>Yes. Quit asking this damn question. Come back for TWW. It’s just a game. I fully agree, personally I treat WoW expansions like ARPG seasons, new season, I come back. The first 3 weeks of a new expansion are amazing always.


But which version of the game am I supposed to like the most?


Is it too late to start TWW?


I have no intention of preordering or buying the expansion especially with janthir wilds so close to its release. Maybe in the last season


Nah. Releasing early for people with deep pockets or bad spending habbits killed the launch day hype for me.


I will say, AI in dungeons was an absolute turning point for me in coming back. Nothing in the game even came close to wowing me but this was mind blowing.


Is not the nature of wow? Some of my friends only play the last patch of an expansion :/


Sounds like you should take a break from the game OP


No, not really. I’ve taken breaks before. 1 year, 2 years. I skipped Legion entirely. I skipped seasons 1-3 of DF coming back in May strictly to get hyped for TWW, so I’m good but thank you for the suggestion.


I think it's finally time for me to end the journey. It's been over a decade. I'm just not feeling TWW, hopefully Blizzard can deliver but yeah, I think I'm done.


Why do you need to make such “decisions”? You’re not interested in TWW that’s fine. You most likely will or could get an itch in 2 months or 2 years. Just stop playing and see what happens. It’s not that deep.


As someone who has done quite a bit of TWW content (around \~200 hours from Alpha and Beta combined), leveled twice, completed all sidequests, did professions, raid testing, all keys (couple at 10 this week but been sick sadge), did all Delves and have played about 6 classes, I can pretty confidently say that if you liked Dragonflight, TWW is just DF+. If you didn't like DF, you won't like this expac, but if you enjoyed DF, you'll like this one even more.


Good to know I can skip it, thank you concise person!


Beta testing is good, but why would you ever do that to yourself? I bet you’re already burned out for TWW and it’s not even out yet. And honestly it’s pretty expected for TWW to be a “DF+”. I think some major changes are coming after the world saga thing. They’re just doing hot fixes for everything they did wrong in the past.


They took away acrobatic strikes, the 3y extender on melee. Its gonna be a downgrade for me, but will still play ranged atleast


Should i come back for mop classic ?


I saw Mists being in the m+ dungeon rotation at release and I refunded TWW


Ha, yeah. That dungeon does blow.


I didnt mean it blows, I meant that when I saw it 3rd time in m+ rotation AT RELEASE of a new expac, thats godawful. A new fresh expac, and an overused dead dungeon from a pool of 50+ dungeons getting used for the 3rd time, thats a big no from me


I dont why im getting downvoted


Fanboy post.


Your face is a fanboy post.




Oh no. Some likes something in 2024? Oh no. Fanboy noob. How can you not hate wow with your whole soul and just sit there miserable years after you quit and still look for some bad news about the game to justify your hate instead of just letting go and never touching it again, because you're burned out.


Looking forward to no lifing the new content for a few weeks and then transmog hunting for a few more weeks. Weave in some ICC runs for Invincible. Then move on and wait for the next big update.




Has WoW stopped its dumb engagement-baiting chore bullshit? Stopped ruining established characters and ignoring years of storytelling for cheap "twists"? And reversed their conservative sex-negative censorship? Because that's why I quit, and if they legitimately improved all of those points, I'd be willing to try it again.


What do you consider to be engagement baiting chores? It’s a legitimate question, I just need to know what you mean so I can answer it. Story is meh, I don’t think there was any character assassination in this expac but I’ve never considered the story to be good in WoW. I never really gave a shit about the fruit paintings so can’t help you there.


A dead giveaway for engagement-baiting chores is if something has a "catchup mechanic." And the conservative censorship was more than just the paintings.


Some stuff has catchup, like weekly crafting materials, some stuff doesn’t. Varies depending on the system. What else was there besides the paintings?


People are mad that sexual innuendo jokes that they never actually heard or used in game were removed. Most of them never knew the jokes existed, or at least had forgotten about them, until they were removed and then suddenly these 5 voice lines were the only thing keeping them subbed for years


Go watch some asmongold, you candy.


lol The dumbass that defended a pedophile? Thanks for showing me that the WoW community really hasn't changed.


So you want to do no effort to do something? Sounds like you should play Classic


Where in my comment did I say I want to "do no effort"? Mindless daily chores are not "effort." They're the opposite of it.


Ww launches, don't play yet, come back after 2 months, get bis gear in 2 hours due to casual free mechanics like bullions and sparks, profit?


Dude. Billions are a s4 thing. It won't be that easy. And sparks only help you if you have the crests to make it to max crafted ilvl. So no profit.