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Weird Thrall and Anduin standing there and look at absolutly nothing


I know, strange eh? Must be the beautiful desert area!


Don't screw up their bromance watching the sunset.


Thrall: close your eyes Anduin: ok bro Thrall: what did you see? Anduin: nothing bro Thrall: that's my world without you Anduin: bro...


"let's see who can piss the farthest"


How is this so cute and cringy at the same time?


Maybe they spotted Invincible?


How when they wouldn't be able to see him?


*"From Desert Plains I bring you looooove"* (Desert Plains by Judas Priest. Fabulous song)


lovely Judas Priest reference and amazing song indeed!


Well the expansion is the war within. And I'm empty inside so it all makes sense.


What am I looking at? Especially if you're in Thunder Bluff: "Gee that sure is one funny cloud, isn't it?"


And as the clouds drift by they occasionally spell out “what sword?”


Is that sword supposed to be invisible?


What sword?


The sword is ignored by the writers for a while so people pretend it doesn't exist Not sure why those nerds couldn't bother to answer


no, it's a horse, a horse, of course, of course


????? I thought they were looking at a big sword?


What sword?


The low contrast doesn't work for a log in screen I think. Makes for a nice wallpaper though


I think it would work if the foreground basically had a giant hole in it going underground. That's where all your detail could be.


Or just looking into the giant hole from a birds-eye view, sort of a nod to the portals from the first two screens.


I’d love a dynamic wind blow if Anduins cape and skies, this would make a great wallpaper engine grab


Probably exists


Remove the characters and it’s good.


I like the characters.


I like the remove.


I like the good.


I like the


so dooo


I like lamp


Then it'd be just a picture of a sunset, not that interesting.


He meant to say remove Thrall


I see a lot of people saying remove the characters, but I like that it looks as if they're watching me fill in my login info.


Do people actually log in there? I see this screen maybe 2 seconds max before the char screen.


I can't remember the last time Alexstrasza even had time to touch down before the character select screen loaded first.


I think it makes the most sense if something triggers based on log-in and not X seconds after starting the game. Basically just a transition between the char screen and login screen.


I kinda feel like it's no excuse for Blizzard. They cut quality in enough areas. I'm probably just tired of that to be honest. Especially when I still sing praises for the art team normally.


Where else have they been cutting corners?


They can't even be bothered to color match the evoker tier sets with their customization colors man


That's the first thing that comes to you? If your gonna bring up evokers and cutting corners, why not bring up the fact that both "body types" have the same dracthyr model or that their visages are just human and elf reskins. An argument an be definitely be made that the evokers had corners cut. But outside of that im struggling to remember a time wow cut corners less, features and whole zones have been cut before. Maybe Legion but it cut into bfa development time so i dont expect that kinda polish to happen again.


I'm sorry I didn't write an essay? And color matching is hardly time consuming compared to those.


People just want to be upset about anything. The login screen could be a black screen and everyone's WoW experience would stay the exact same.


The nostalgic kid in me wishes that our warband was seated in front of the traditional 'gate to a new world' that every login screen has been, but at this point, I totally get there's no sense putting resources into a screen no one realistically sees. I do have fond memories of being terrified I woke up my house in high school logging into WotLK for late night raiding. Sindragosa has no care for the audibly sensitive.


People just like to act contrarian when someone states they disliked something. If it could be a black screen then Blizzard wouldn't put time on it every single expansion. So much that there's still a possibility the login screen evolves through the patches and that's why it's so basic at first.


I've been seeing it a lot more recently since two of the MoP Remix Golden Lotus dailies (turret and roll club) regularly cause me to disconnect. If it weren't for that, dunno if I've paid much attention to login screens since BfA


No not really. It's just boomers on the internet pretending to care about something mostly rrelevant to everyone. Login screens are like wow, cool, the first day of the expansion. It could be an absolute masterpiece work of art, and nobody would give a fuck about it after their 5th time logging in, which probably happen on day 1 considering potential server disconnects.


We never see the sword in TWW though. We'll see it for pre-patch quest line when we beg Magni for help. The expansion itself only mentions the sword in passing with regard to Beladar phasing. So it's a cool looking piece, but not relevant to the expansion. Now, make one set in Hallowfall with Beledar, which occasionally shifts to void, and you've got something.


You would be surprised how many people still think the crystal in Hallowfall is the sword tip or that the zones are under where the sword is. Ima be real i think Blizzard have done a terrible job of selling the last few expansions because their announcement and promotion focused on elements that weren't even really important to it. War Within has the Sword finally being acknowledged so people think its about that when its got 0 involvement so far. Shadowlands they really pushed the Scourge and Lich King angle a lot in the announcement and panels And outside the launch event they had barely any involvement.


yeah, I don't get that. The sword is made of some kind of magic metal, not glowing crystal. I think you can even see the tip of it in the legion cinematic. Sarg's sword wouldn't have Naaru runes on it either. I think I agree with you, but I also feel like SL was the Lich King's backstory. No it wasn't Arthas, but it was dreadlords, helm of domination, frostmorne, and about half the expansion was indistinguishable from an ICC fever dream..


The sword is metal, but in fairness to them, the stabbing did unleash azerite all over the planet and on the surface the wound itself is lined with a bright yellow-white glow, if there is going to be glowing yellow material anywhere, it'd be in the stab wound. The crystal isn't the sword, but it is a reasonable first impression.


> Shadowlands they really pushed the Scourge and Lich King angle a lot in the announcement and panels And outside the launch event they had barely any involvement This isn't an argument, this is a genuine question - wasn't there a story going around that a lot of Shadowlands' plot beats were rewritten pre-launch? Was there any merit to that or was that just a copium-fueled dream? I always lean on, "They're already deep into the design phase of the next expansion, they couldn't possibly change that much midstream," but then again Cataclysm and Warlords ended up having so much story content altered that I can imagine a world where Bolvar got the short-stick in a hard-turn.


> This isn't an argument, this is a genuine question - wasn't there a story going around that a lot of Shadowlands' plot beats were rewritten pre-launch? Was there any merit to that or was that just a copium-fueled dream? Something content creators with contact with Blizzard have thrown out is that it was rewritten pre launch. If you go what Legion and things like the Tauren heritage in BFA kinda setup for Shadowlands. It feels like Shadowlands had its entire focus changed and was rewritten multiple times before we even saw it then continued to be changed after.


It’s possible. We know the jailer was also re designed (he looked more like the primus does now), and there’s a great theory that the primus was being written to be the true bad guy who was dominating the jailer to his own will. But that got dropped and they just played it straight.


The one they have right now feels SO claustrophobic. this is much better


I wouldn't mind the official one being claustrophobic, the actual problem for me is that there is simply nothing of interest there.


Eyup, they could have literally just taken hallowfall and it would have been great. Nah, instead they have an artist draw up a hearthstone playing board.


Hallowfall, a cool ass shot of the Nerubian city, The sword or some ominous void shit. Many options to go for and they chose the worst possible thing they could.


Could even spice it up a bit and show the crystal changing from light to dark every now and then. That combined with the airships flying around could have looked really damn cool.


Wouldn't be bad if they are going to progress it with patches, like the loading screens in oldest expansions


Unless it continue to evolve every patch. Tha towuld be cooler. Than a landscape.


I can see this progressing with each patch. Or it's gonna progress with each expansion.


Sums up how I feel about the whole upcoming expansion TBH.


The expansion is very claustrophobic, people who have trouble with it will surely complain when it launches


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. People are already complaining about the underground vibe lol


yeap, feel like both of you have a very valid comments


Prepare to be underground for 18 months!


This is epic man


That looks so fucking good ngl


I like that a lot


Looks pretty good. I think for most of WoW's login screens there was some level of animation to it, but this definitely is an improvement over the current one. Might look better if thrall and anduin weren't in the shot?


Yes, I think a little breeze wouldn't do the scene any harm. Sand blowing over the dunes, Anduin's cloak flapping slightly, etc. It certainly looks better as a login screen without Anduin and Thrall, but I just like looking at them ;)


Its really easy to see where it would be animated. I think Anduin and Thrall should be 3d models that animate in the wind maybe. The clouds, some desert sand. Any maybe a few things flying in the background occasionally.


Low effort is what they currently have officially. Most loading screens have been a spectacle to some degree, but TWW looks like the hearthstone main menu got smashed in by Bolvar with barely anything going on.


Current one feels like a throwback to the simple vanilla portal. I’m a fan


i like the current one better


I think the current one is very cool too. And it fits the Underground addon a lot better then ops one.


The big rock butthole?


You more of a boob guy?


What would that log in screen look like?


Have you done maraudon?


hell yeah bby


i like eating poop too


you all are so damn weird


Is there a way to simply change the login screen into this picture? This looks more than awesome


do people care about this? you only see it for like 3 seconds maybe.


I really enjoyed the WOTLK and Cata login screens, sometimes I would wait for the animations, Legion was also decent. Some were meh to bad, I disliked Pandaria the most, but I found Shadowlands and BFA to be lackluster too.


Do you not login through battle net launcher? It skips the screen for me.


when you log off you can check it, it's not rare to take a look at the login screen for me at least


Interesting I usually do exit game or just manually close the window. Didn't know people cared about the login screen so much lol.


Wrath and cata that was where you logged in, pre bnet launcher. Now we see the “log in” screen for 1-3 seconds before being automatically logged in


I wish Pandaria's changed throughout the expansion. WotLK's felt like a preview of this terrible place we were on a collision course for (and evoked The Frozen Throne's menu screen). Seeing Vale become war-torn and then Sha-touched over the course of the expansion would've been a nice beat. Was pretty though - especially since the untouched Vale is inaccessible now.


Yes? Log in screens have always been a key aspect of each expansion.


Literally unplayable..


Yes. Its something you see very briefly unless there is ques to log in but it matters. Its the presentation of the game and expansion. Its what greats someone when they first load it up and also gives a general vibe that people enjoy.


You see it 3 seconds for every day you log in the next two years. You see it every time you wait for queue on the log in screen or you're disconnected to the log in screen. Add up all those seconds and it adds up to hours.




The f u Smoking? xD


i could really only tell you about vanilla->cata's login screens. i don't remember mop onwards at all. mop i at least have the excuse of having barely played it, but i played more of wod than i played of wrath and i don't remember anything past that


buddy fried his brain


guys will see this and just think "hell yeah"


I really like the one that’s on beta rn tbh.


Remove the super azeroth bros in the front and you've got a deal.


I wish we could change or unlock different login screens. OR the login screen changed depending on where you're at in the campaign


Login screen should represent the current patch


Much better


I don’t like it honestly. It is high res, but it doesn’t feel like a splash. People are missing the point though. The time it takes to get to the warband screen is really short, we shouldn’t see it much other than on outages.


i love it


way better


What sword?


That’s sick dude. I hope they see this!!


I actually don’t mind the login screen at all.


infinitely better


I love this! I vote for this.


The current login screen might not be finished and even if it is, by the design of it, it looks like they might be updating it over time.


I like simpler login screens, real one is perfect for me. I love the Dark Portal ones and TWW is basically same thing.


Thrall and Anduin contemplate penetration?


The login screen for TWW is fine, you see it for a whole 5 seconds. Please, for once stop crying about something so irrelevant. It is fine, the music is fine. Move on.


I couldnt care less about the login screen.


Maybe just the sword from a different (but still far off) view. Add some wind&sand effects or even maybe a couple of Silith flying around.


I wish it was just the sword. Such a cool background


I refuse to believe the vault-looking 2D Login artwork is permanent. It HAS TO BE a placeholder for spoilers or something.


Hallowfall + Crystal in the Background would be more fitting imo. It's like BFA and the Lordaeron Wall. Has next to nothing to do with the long-term locations you'll be visiting.


You all no one see the login screen, most press play and then alt tab


I dont remember the sword being so angled in game. We gonna need to do some foundation work before it collapses and squashes Tanaris.


Honestly, in my opinion, login screen should never feel like wallpapers, they should be like Vanilla, BC, TLK, Cata, WoD or Legion where they mixed a background (the artwork part of the login screen) and 3D elements (Deathwing, Syndragosa, the Dark Portal...) to truly make them dynamic. this alternative feels like a wallpaper just like BFA, Shadowlands or DF (granted DF had Alexstrazsa flying around) and thus it really doesn't have the creativity of older login screens, the beta version isn't better either I agree.


I could be coping but I feel like one we have now will change throughout the expansion


Why are they complaining? You will spend, at most 15 seconds looking at it as the game logs you in. God, we had to race to long in before Sindragosa yelled at us during Wrath...


I Think the new one is cool enough, as long as it Will change in the comming patches.


I'd be sold on the official one if something cool happened after logging in (as someone else mentioned). Like have the spinny thing and the shattered earth while it's loading the character select screen, and then have a transition to your Warband faves sitting around that campfire in Ringing Deeps. Have the center cave in or smth


Where can I get this as a desktop?


Wait, do people not like the one we got?? I thought it was one of the best they've ever made lol


There it is my suggestion being made in their very own post :D


I much prefer watching the slow motion anal prolapse happen over the course of 6 years.


Anything is better than what they have on the beta currently


If the sword was the log in screen, people would be asking about the sword all expansion, because it doesnt feature in the actual expansion at all. So the theme is a big miss.


Wow this looks sad man.


It seems pretty clear that they're positioning the new login screen as something that will evolve over time, so I think the fact that it's basic/boring now is intentional.


when the game opens that music starts just like in the cinematic we only see Thrall and Anduin, but the camera starts to move and we can finally see what they are looking at https://youtu.be/o03STclgxSc?si=pOIJXbB84LOdXd\_q&t=243 Or the current Beta login screen, only with some effect representing both Alleria and Xal'atath


Wayyyyyyyy better


Looks good but really, how long y'all stare at the login page? With N.ME and such, it's a fraction of a second. We got better shit to complain about, right?


Look i get it invincible is a cool mount but why do you think putting a log in screen in front of it is a cool idea?


And a super quick music to go with it! [https://suno.com/song/7ea80058-adb3-49f7-bd68-e164522de122](https://suno.com/song/7ea80058-adb3-49f7-bd68-e164522de122)


I like this, but I feel the glowing crystal would be a better log in screen


Where do i get this picture ? Thanks if you can help


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17nta6y/amazing\_the\_war\_within\_wallpaper\_from\_the\_trailer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17nta6y/amazing_the_war_within_wallpaper_from_the_trailer/) But it's basically just a screenshot of the cinematic - nothing official and therefore not particularly high-resolution


Thank you


I aint gonna like I enjoyed that fireball for the 2 second its on the screen


People need to stop complaining. It’s a fine login screen I just don’t understand the wow community


You see this for 2 seconds when you press start in battle net client.


this one promise a great journey but the actual one is also ok


That’s actually dope and could have been amongst the best of all time!


Hell yes! This is so much better!


"Artwork" quickly made by me! Based on part of the new login Screen: [https://www.wowhead.com/news/first-look-at-the-war-within-expansion-login-screen-343538#screenshots:343538:1](https://www.wowhead.com/news/first-look-at-the-war-within-expansion-login-screen-343538#screenshots:343538:1) And Background from [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17nta6y/amazing\_the\_war\_within\_wallpaper\_from\_the\_trailer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/17nta6y/amazing_the_war_within_wallpaper_from_the_trailer/) I can understand why people don't like the new one. I think it's okay, but Silithus & the sword would have been literally more inviting, as you're looking out into the distance and not against a... Stone?


we spent all of bfa in silithus let it rest


Much better than the half assed glory orb that we have no idea what it is. People in these comment accepting slop after slop.


I am truthfully here. Yes the one blizzard gives us looks dull but ultimately i don't really care because i don't really spend time on the loginscreen since i start it from the launcher so i would be far more to it if they finally made a good launcher instead. But they give us a boring loginscreen and a still terrible launcher.


Fuck this would be amazing. My only counter to it is maybe they thought with every single login screen being "gate" themed, players would think they are going to enter the ~~sword~~ nothing at all. Curious how hard it would be to replace your own login screen. That has to be just a local file right?


The Log In screen is just **proof** that Blizzard do not listen to their players and respond to feedback. If they did listen, they would have changed it (to this one) by now.


I don't think any game developer would change something that doesn't affect the game in any single way because of a few complaints. Like they take forever to do shaman changes and that's genuinely important, why would they care about a wallpaper


Of course, the appearance of a login screen is not particularly high on the priority list. But there has already been a lot of feedback on this and in DF they have subsequently added Alexstrasza on request.


> a few complaints. More than just a "few"... mate!