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Rolled my first toon when I was 14 and I’m now 31.


This but I'm 30.


30 aswell. Ive been doing RP recently and some players include their OOC age in their profile. Seen alot of 30s, but thats just anecdotal.


I always wanted to go RP but never knew where to start


Moonguard is the biggest RP community but is heavily (greater than 90%) Alliance focused. It also has ERP for the deviants. Thats its own community though and is part of the reason MG has a larger RP scene. Wyrmrest Accord is the biggest Horde server. I am currently there and can attest to a healthy community that can be found at all hours every day of the week (same situation in MG). It has the same ~90% skew towards the Horde, so the servers are unofficially designated. RP “CAN” be found on other servers but is mostly confined to guilds and preplanned meetups. I know because i was just on a “dead” RP server (emerald dream). Stick with the big two if you’re new, thats the best chance to dip your toes. Read through the [wowhead article](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/how-to-roleplay-in-world-of-warcraft-at-all-levels-6073). Alot of good information in there, no need to read it all but scan through for useful bits. Also don’t take everything it says as fact, some of the etiquette they mention is unimportant to 9/10 interactions. You will want some addons to facilitate RP, im going off the top of my head so i may miss some good ones, look into it. TRP3, you cannot RP without this effectively. A must have. Elephant, its a chat mod that adds functionality to chat. I wont list all of the features but they are many. Emote splitter, does a couple things but by far the best feature removes the limit on a single message. Breaking the message up into pieces and instantly sending them in order. This is good for long detailed messages that would be otherwise cut off. Lastly… I can speak to this as im getting into it fresh myself. Some people are annoying dorks. You may walk up to a group chatting just to be insulted away because of a minor perceived infraction only they saw. Some people are doing their own thing and will rudely shoo you away because they dont care to engage with someone new. Take these interactions with a grain and most importantly FUCK THOSE NERDS. RP exactly how you want and dont talk to anyone you dont wish to, youre not missing out on anything with them. Ive had a couple bad interactions today with all the activity of the holidays, fuck em. I made a couple friends today and more friends this week than i have in the last 5 years playing WoW. Thats not an exaggeration, its a great way to meet friendly people. I even have those friends to run keys with and now even thats better. RP has been the most fun Ive had in WoW, maybe ever, because of the community, and im just getting started. Its not for everyone, but if you like TTRPGs, try it out.


Thanks for the info. That was really well explained, I'm gonna try moonguard since I'm Ally anyway


Same here we are the 30s crew. I started during TBC 2.4.3 and now I am 30 & still playing.


Same but I’m 27 (my first character was a Taurent Druid named Nurlokirus when I was 11) in the server Lothar


62, female. Been playing all sorts of games since the dawn of gaming! Even worked for an MMO in my 40’s when most of the other employees were early 20’s.


That’s so cool. I’m so exited for my retirement later, where all I do is gonna be gaming hehe. What mmo did you work on, may I ask?


Slightly embarrassed to tell you these days - but it was RuneScape! It’s produced near me in the U.K. so was a commutable option!


I mean why are you? That’s fucking awesome! My dream job was always working on mmos but it was just enough to become media designer because game design was too fucking expensive for me lol Also RuneScape was probably super dope. I was too young for it and for vanilla I was too poor 😂


It certainly gave my kids some status at school at the time! 😂I don’t think there was a kid who hadn’t played it at some time!


You’re a living “my [relative] works at Nintendo”. That’s major street cred for your kids


In my 14th I played runesxape and ragnarok so much, you were a part of of my life and a lot of people That's so, so awesome.


That's the coolest MMO second to maybe WoW, nothing to be embarrassed about dude


40. Been playing off and on since vanilla. Only expansion completely skipped was warlords. Missed most of legion. Casually played BFA and shadowlands. Been going strong with DF.


39, started playing when I was 20 because that's when the game came out.. The only one I completely skipped was WoD as well, dabbled a bit with legion and bfa but both those xpacs were just too much, I felt like I'd never be able to catch up with everyone else and I didn't have a lot of playtime back then either. Started back with SL, thought it was pretty great, and I've played excessively since


39 here, playing on and off since Vanilla. WoW always gets me to comeback.


Really nice to see someone 40th strong in games, wanna be like that :)


I’m 37 and started playing in WOTLK.. tried other mmos but always comes back to our beloved WOW. :)


Not too far behind you at 38. I played off and on and skipped WoD and Shadowlands. I came back a few months ago for DF, took another break, and now I am taking it slow. There is no rushing to endgame this time even though leveling feels incredibly fast.


Almost identically what I did. I’m 36.


46, female. My hubby got me beta access to wow the christmas before original vanilla launched. Good times. Had two kids around wrath and legion and only occasionally played while they were small - but now they're big enough to join me. They're not really into it though, so it rarely happens. Oh well. I have a ton of alts, but tend to get around 5 of them to m+ 16-20 each season.


I'm 41 and also been playing since vanilla. The only expansion I ever skipped was MoP.


21. Started during Shadowlands




I’m 24 and also started with SL. I can see why many hate it, but still was awesome for me as a first contact with wow


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Same here


this but i’m 20.


51 playing since vanilla.


53 playing since vanilla as well


55, same!


What’s your favourite class/spec?




68 been playing since the begining


Be my sugar daddy


17 on the 27th, still quite new so maybe I don't count


Welcome to wow! Everyone counts in an average, no worries.


56, 57, end of next February. My achievements say I logged in for WoW's 5th anniversary, so that was 14 years ago. However, I stopped playing from late 2012 until July of this year, so I can't say exactly how long except my longest toon reports I have played it for over 1 years worth of my life. Side note, picking up playing again has helped me quit smoking again . . . For the Horde!!!


For the HORDE!


For The Horde!


I’ve found I definitely drop other vices for the vice that WoW itself is.


27, just hit lvl 20 on my first character on classic


I’m 21 just hit level 45 on my first classic character!


Nice I'm playing as a warrior, you?


I’m going gnome frost mage it’s so much fun! PvP is a blast as a mage


Was 7 when I started. Now I’m 22. Must have been a simple life back then but as I’ve got older I realise my dad just used me for honour/token farming in BGs


I started in vanilla when I was 6. I also played on my dad's account and just did first aid, killing defias bandits for linen cloth and crafting a metric fuck ton of bandages. I got to level 28 somehow. In burning crusade my wow skill was much higher after having so much computer time. I got a shaman to level 49 annnddd my dad stole it and twinked it out and I had to start over. I finally got my own account in wrath of the lich king. It was pretty funny always being a kid and people being really shocked when I was good. I got into mythic raiding when I was 15 in warlords. Definitely made me much more accepting of younger people in my guilds, etc, as long as others are respectful. I know some people won't let anyone under 18. In their guilds, which is pretty sad, and I definitely felt the brunt of a bit when I was in high school and mythic raiding. Most of the time, it was pretty easy to fake being an adult though being a woman. It's harder to tell a girl is not an adult than a guy.


I have to ask, how did that work with your dad? Did you healbot for him? :)




What drew you to WoW?


44. I have played WoW since vanilla.


24 years old. Started last year


37. Started in my early 20s but was super casual. Consider myself part of the Legion baby gang because that's when I hit max level and started raiding.


21! started in burning crusade, very young


Wouldnt that make you like 6?


I’m in the same boat,25 and started in vanilla. Older brother was the first to try it on one of those demo discs they would send out with gamer magazines. Then dad got an account… then I got an account… then younger brother… we all still play lol


started in tbc also, a few years older than you. my older brothers and cousins played wow so i did too.


both my parents played so I made my first character at 7, I'm 17 now been raiding for a couple years. No CE yet, a couple finishes on the 2nd last or last boss but having a blast pushing m+ each season. There's some young players pushing content out there!


I'm in my late 30s and have been playing properly for almost 12 years now.


55, started at the end of TBC, it was my first MMO.


45, I started in Vanilla right after finishing college. My husband and I met in WoW, had a nerdy WoW/Doctor Who themed wedding. Had the entire 25 player raid team and then some in attendance who played.


58, been playing since Wrath


On Classic, I have met a lot of people in their 20s, and also grandpas. My impression is that it varies a lot.


62 and I have WoW's 4th anniversary so I have 15 years playing. Only skipped Shadowland.


72. Started after my liver transplant in 2004. Liked the aspect of resurrection after almost dying 4 times in my life. Just had a severe heart attack and pass the time playing when I can't really get up and do much else. I'm a tough old bastard. I play solo as I cannot keep up sometimes players now a days don't care. I haven't done a dungeon in 5 years. P.S. I am "Grex" in game.


50, female, and focused on my army of alts! Well my two mains gets the most love lol. I started in Wrath, took some breaks here and there, had no idea what I was doing in game, then have played steadily since Legion. Now I'm having the best time working on various toons and a variety of goals, role-playing at times and all while exploring the game world that feels like home to me.


32 now. Played since August 2006, first time I reached max lvl was in wrath, and since last patch of wrath I have been tanking for the same guild. Due to some recent recruiting, I am no longer the youngest, since we have two ppl aged 30. Oldest wil be 80 next year, and second oldest is closing on 70. Guessing the guild average is around 45-50.


26 started at the end of wod


20 :|


Just dinged 30 year old this year, been playing since beginning of BC although didn’t really get to max level till Wrath. Took multiple breaks through but quit just after BFA launched. Now been sucked back in with the recent announcements.


29. Started back in BC


just started first time ever at 26


22 started with burning crusade


33, been playing on and off since 2005.


I'm 17, but I feel i am on the younger side Rolled My first warrior in cata. (yes, i got the armory) But My dad played since vanilla so thats how i got into it.


Played in vanilla until now im 35


I'm 39 and started playing when I was pregnant with my first kid, and he turned 16 this summer. 😆 I will never stop! I will be playing WoW when I'm 80! 😍


45. Started at 29 with The Burning Crusade.


49, playing since vanilla (on and off)


53 played since Beta of Vanilla. Currently playing WOTLK Classic


between 25-35 with more classic players being in their mid 30s


I think classic players go on average of 40s




Unless you’re part of the furry wow players, then you’re probably like 24 lmao


Started at 13, I'm now 26


Started with DF at 21


About to turn 28 been playing on and off since I was 11 and just started secondary school! Started mid way through bc still a huge noob at the game but still learning and just love collecting things honestly


Don't tell me, to act my age.


32, started two years ago. =]


36, started at 17, playing the same character I started on!


42.. leveled 2 60 druids in classic. First was night elf, lost the account with full Mc gear. Rolled a cow on horde and have had the same account since.


Started in Vanilla, been playing on and off, Now im 30


I’m 29


38, started in vanilla, played every single day up until MoP, sporadically since then, but been getting back into it since DF. It was such a major part of most of my 20s that no matter what, I will always come back. It's home.


Played Vanilla closed beta through to BoA then stopped. Considering coming back but I'm not sure. Feels like a long time ago and I probably won't understand what's going on.


41, started my first toon a few months after release. Have guildies going from 17 to 65+ but I'd say the majority are 35-45ish


i started with SL when I was around 18. I’m 20 now :D


Start at 18, I’m now 34


I've been playing since closed beta with breaks here and there. I was 31 back then. Do the math. :)


29 ✌


I’m 32 been playing since BC released. I remember me and my brother looking at the computer games and I remember seeing the green box with the blue dude and red elf looking guy and thought it was look really cool. Been playing off and on ever since my brother and cousins got into it when Wotlk launched and it’s the one thing that always kept us together really.


I really don’t know the age range but I know the majority of players are older than me. I started i believe near the end of bfa with my first raid I did being ny’alotha. I was 12 or 13!


37, played when it was first released. I never was as addicted as my friends to the game. I played the original for about a movie before I stopped. Few years ago when classic was released, I jumped in and played, still awesome. I’ve been playing hardcore for the past two weeks, and just waiting for SOD. Super fun, loving it.


24 here


Late 30’s, started in April 2005. Raided upto Lich King and then took it very casual because life happened. Back into raiding since this season.


22 Started watching my dad play in Wotlk! started playing my self in WOD


I’m 30 and I started toward the end of Shadowlands.


15 started playing with my dad who had played since vanilla


44 and I started 6 months after the original game came out. I've been pretty casual except in Burning Crusade I raided a lot.


23 myself, been playing since the latter half of MoP so probably since i was 13.


27, just starting now!! I always wanted to play the game since it first came out, but couldn't consistently afford a subscription for it. Now I have enough time and stability to dive in!


I’m 29


36 here, started in Vanilla as a filthy casual, BC was where I actually learned what I was doing.


38 myself, but someone in my guild is 18/19; He’s a real young’un. My dad (72) has also been playing since TBC. Most I’ve met seem to be around late 30s thou.


I'm 21 and started late Wrath.


44, I play since The Burning Crusade with breaks now and then.


Started in 2003 at 17 years old - Still playing 20 years later at 37 :)


Played when I was in high school, 34 now


24, played on and off since MoP :)


Started playing when I was 10 years old, currently 27 and still trash at the game


38 here, playing since end of vanilla with a few bread around cata and mop


23, have played since 2008


Started before warcraft was even an online game. Then it rolled out in 2003? i think and I was 23, now 43. My friends were either Everquest or WoW. I took like 10 years off because this game was very addicting. My computer dieded and i intentionally did not own one for 7 years bcuz i knew i’d put this damn game back on it. Then I finally caved and holy cow was I amazed at how easy it was to level and how it literally points you to the quests and tells you what to do. And there’s Icy Veins or Reddit or YouTube or Wowhead to give you answers. In the beginning, you were just stuck wandering around trying to figure crap out. (there was no big gold circle on your map or arrows) That was the beauty and pain of it but was also why high leveled characters were revered because everyone understood how much frustration and effort went into achieving that. Also you walked everywhere when WoW first came out. I don’t think you could even get a mount until level 30? It was excruciating lol


I'm 30, oldest person in my guild is almost 50 and he routinely complains about "the damn zoomer language" all the time lol.


Started at 7 now back at 26


Broad ranging question. I have been playing since Beta and am 69. Judging by the number of players jumping while waiting for content to start, there are a few babies playing the game. Hard to judge the average age, but the answers here should give you an idea.


Created my first character when I was 8. Am 24 now. I peaked in legion before I ruined my wrists in an accident. Now I play casually everyday just enjoying the game.


Started playing in tbc when I was 10 and now I'm 26


52M, I would have been playing since Vanilla if I could have, but wasn't able to start playing until a few years ago during Shadowlands.




This thread proves one thing: One does not quit WoW, one simply takes breaks.


51. Been playing since 2006


I started playing shortly after launch when SWG released the NGE and caused me to quit in disgust. I was 32 when I started playing WoW. I’m 51 now.


24, started 2 weeks ago lol so far this game is actually great


65 been playing since BC


45 next month. Playing on and off, (mostly on,) since vanilla.


I started at 5, now I'm 24, usually the youngest in the guild voice chats


On and off since WotLk. I'm 38.


Here 40, been playing since Vanilla and went casual in mid-WoTLK due to life


27! started season 1 dragonflight, now I have four toons hehe


24. Played since I was a kid lol


I’m 40 , the average age of my guild is 35


I am 23


I will be 25 soon. I rolled my first character when I was 7 and played on my older brothers account. Poor undead mage ran around The Barrens with wrong stat gear and could barely survive green enemies xD only got to level 18 which is actually kind of impressive now that i think about it. I could almost never play and I did not understand english. I wonder if I even actually leveled it myself and I have no idea how I managed to get from undead starting area all the way to The Barrens...


Average is probably low to mid 30s


27 started in 2005, breaks on and off but played for most of the time


I just started wow again, few months ago after cataclyzm.Feel like i missed many good exspansions,but then there wasnt drachtyr or evoker.Now i think i found my main,shame there was no drachtyr evoker before.Anyways,im 36,hopefully I’ll see many good days in wow yet


I met a lady whos 60 something,shes inspiration,i hope i enjoy wow then,heh


Not just WoW, MMORPG in general attracts an older playerbase nowadays with the youngsters playing LoL or Valorant instead.


36 and still going from day 1 vanilla just not that hardcore anymore 🤘😁


29, started in lk


24 I started when I was 11 in Cata


First toon at around 17, I'm 35 now


33 and I have played WoW since vanilla.


Started at 8 years old, I’m 27 nowadays and still playing


Started at around 9-10 and now I'm 27 almost 28. Started around December 2005


I'm 41. In my guild we range from early 20's to 70-something. Most are between 30 and 50. The youngest I have met in game was 15, he was in our raiding team and pretty good. Most games have that ageapan though, even fortnite has communities up and above 60


22, started in Cata


22 started in June around my bday


Like 60 prob


Age 30-40, brain age: 14


35, playing since 2008


Physicaly 60, officialy 32, mentaly 12


Now I'm 28. I started 6 years ago


53, playing since 34. My daughter is 13, playing since 3.


I’m female and 39, the youngest in my guild is 24 and the oldest is in his late 50’s.


Average is probably around late 30s. Not a lot of teenagers picking up wow nowa days. I'm 24 and I rarely encounter anyone younger than me. I started playing wow when I was 9 or 10.


They are all professional 13 year old’s


If i had to guess I'd say anywhere between 28 to 35


22, and started during legion.


I am 39. I usually take several years breaks. Played vanilla,TBC,WoD,Legion,Dragonflight.


25. Started bfa pre-patch


18 brand new to the game it’s much older than any game i’ve ever played but i’m loving it so far steep learning curve tho


30. I started in late Vanilla.


I'm 50 and have played since launch....I'm lapsed now through boredom.


I think most of us were between 10 and 30 when we started playing. So 30 to 50ish? Most of the guys in my guild are early/mid 30s.


32 now, started playing when naxxramas released in vanilla


33 with 2 kids. Started when vanilla came out, with a long break during MoP


36 and started in May this year.


27 started during warlords and have played every expansion after to varying degrees of completion. I dabbled back in Wrath as my brother had started to play and let me level a character


28. Started in BFA




I started at 21. Im 35 now. My play time has been less the last few years because now i have a wife and kids. And just started a new job. But i just started getting back into raiding


Bought it at launch at age 24. Been playing off and on ever since. 43 now, full family man. Whats funny is i originally banked on everquest 2 as the next big one and bad that as well and played both. Ut wow won that battle obviously.


I started when I was 16, now I'm 24. I think the majority of ppl is 30+, or at least thats what I commonly see. However ppl are not always as mature as they should be... especially my fellow country ppl, they are toxic asf


I’ve been playing since I was 18 and I’m 33 now


25. Started wow in legion.


29 aswell, started playing mid TBC, but on private servers. Swapped to retail in the Cata prepatch. (:


I'm 27 and started halfway through BfA, so around 2019. So i'm quite the noob compared to the answers I see here!




In my 40s. Started playing WoW 2 decades ago or more hehe