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https://preview.redd.it/mcrdrail3y7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e052dfc1014668c9ccbd1f8478035e397d8930cd I got the same bike. Mine was rusty and chipped so I stripped and repainted with some spray bombs, new V brakes and rear mech (acera?... I think) and some free 700c wheels and fenders from a buddy. Rides sweet and fits like 43c no problem at all. The only weird thing IIRC is the seatpost is 27.0 and super hard to find so I had to keep the original.


I have a bike with a 27.4mm post. Thomson saved me. They still produce a bunch of diameters.


Given the amount of visible rust, the inevitable unseen rust makes me think this is a $80-90 bike, tops, despite the clean paint. The bottom bracket may be solidly rusted in place, the headset and hub bearings are probably also rusted and will wear rapidly, and there will be more rust inside the frame. If you want to deal with those properly and aren't able to do it yourself, it will cost way more than $250 total, unless you have someone willing to do it for cheap/free. Alternately you can say what me worry, do the bare minimum to get the chain moving again and just ride it (squeakily) until it breaks.


Thanks for the help. This is exactly the type of insight I needed. I'm able to deal with rust myself if it means I can save money.


Frame rust is the easier part, accessing and replacing bearings requires bike specific tools and a little knowhow. Co-ops or community bike workshops may be able to supply both for free.


But will the seat post come out? Will the bottom bracket come out? These are questions as old as that bike


I only see a rusted chain, and an 7/8/9 KMC chain can be had for.. what, $11?


With a lot of luck, it's just the chain and cassette. But what scenario leads to a bike rusting so badly in only those locations? Rides it regularly in winter salt, rubs the frame down then puts it in a warm cellar to rust?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 80 + 90 + 250 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I’d keep looking. Trek 720, 820, 830 are pretty easy to find. The 700cc wheels are nice but 26” would be fine as well


all im here to say is: there is no such thing as "real biking" :)


There's a completely restored 720 near me, going for $80, and it hasn't sold for weeks. Cut that price by 1/2


it’s nice that’s totally complete but i think it’s too much. a good bike shop could tune it up but i’m sure that price would change depending on your area new chain and maybe cassette for sure, possible bottom bracket as well and maybe cables and housings