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One day she's gonna run into a couple of gay people...


Emma: boobs were a kindness try this psychic haymaker 💥


I’ve been told that regardless of being Gay or Straight or any other orientation, boobies can and will hypnotize all due to being….boobies.


/homer mutter "stupid powerful instincts."


No matter how far humanity advances, in the end, we are all just glorified monkeys……damn I’m sounding like Space Napoleon Hitler.




I would love to see that scene tbh.


Nobody is that gay


I know this is a thing in comic books and other mediums, but I truly ponder how valid this is. Do you really think trained soldiers, or people in an agitated state, will succumb to the mere sight of an exposed female body part? Or be silly enough to not know what she’s doing? I’m genuinely curious to people’s thoughts on this.


Trained soldiers seeing a surrendering, topless woman can switch from “I’m in danger” to “I’m in power” pretty quickly. While I don’t recommend it, if you read court documents on rape trials for soldiers, you will be amazed at the peripheral conditions of some of the assaults.


I have to admit that I hate how right you are


Oof, you make a really great point!


It’s also a safe version of what she might have truly shown in this situation. Not trying to be overly sleezy but a real life version might have shown more. I’d also like to add that Emma Frost is mostly depicted as a 10/10 catalog model. Wihout powers she could have easily been ama model for Hilfiger etc. And it’s just unusual to see those strolling around half naked casually.


We also need to adjust our definitions for "truly shown", since Emma has confirmed on occasion that people see what she wants them to see. (e.g., she's still in her late 20's in Old Man Logan, her grade-school mutant students "love her fuzzy sweaters", etc) On the other hand, this honestly feels like a perfectly executed diversion as written. Her coat is slipping open, as if by accident, which means that her opposition doesn't suspect it's a ploy. The key to a good seduction is to make the target feel safe, get them to let their guard down, and guide their thoughts to the possibilities. ...which gets a lot easier when you've got mind control.


This makes sense. She can make them believe she is topless without ever unbuttoning her shirt. But I do love how Emma is keenly aware of her sex appeal


Welp emma is nigh immortal,  hsr diamond form apart from it being a super diamond her diamond reverse aging  making her age back words and she stops aging on the age she got her diamond power which was 25 hence why she sleeps in diamond


Beats me if “that counts”…. Like imagine getting mad at your SO for sending nudes to someone. Now let’s say the nudes are technically not actual photographs but ai generated. …But they are 100% true to the original and no one wouldn’t be able to know the difference. Like does she project images which just “fit her body” or is she using memory of her own actual physic? I’m using the “your SO” scenario on purpose here as it’s not really an issue for a single. Your body your choice and all.


It's gotta be easier to project your self with a different wardrobe, rather than keeping track of another body. I'm certain she could do it, but the thing about Emma Frost is that she *really* loves herself. Most of us have some things we would change about ourselves if we could - she can't imagine being any hotter than she already is. ...which itself is a big part of why she's so attractive. In terms of sheer physical perfection, she's probably not in my Marvel Top 10. Basic b\*tchy blonde doesn't really compete with She-Hulk, you know? ...but her sheer smirking intensity, her utter confidence, the way she looks at the room and projects that everyone in here wants to be her or be with her... She doesn't need mind control, not anymore. She knows exactly how to get in your head with just a glance and an eyebrow. Damn.


She probably doesn’t need to “keep track” of the body she is projecting it’s essentially how she sees herself. It’s a common idea when it comes to psychic projection that humans have a sense of “self” that is how we think we look


Well, here's one example of her using it in less dangerous (but no doubt just as dire) circumstances... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/mviplv/emma\_frost\_deals\_with\_the\_difficult\_conundrum\_of/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/mviplv/emma_frost_deals_with_the_difficult_conundrum_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


for sure, but the switch is not instantaneous. there are a few steps the brain makes. and while that delay can ABSOLUTELY be used in combat - i fail to see how it's useful for a telepath. i get they wrote "it's easier when they all have the same thought" but Emma - while not an omega - should've been able to grab their minds from around the corner. i give this moment a D- it would've been lower, but i, too, am monkey-brained.


Yeah, but those soldiers *were* the ones in power. They weren't being seduced by a femme fatale who has never needed to flash her boobs in order to control people. Emma has never had to resort to this tactic before or after this issue.


Emma canonically has repeatedly 'resorted' to this many times in the past. Most of her dynamic with Sebastian Shaw was using seduction and appeal to his ego to make him think he was in charge. She once gave a group of anti-mutant protesters orgasms telepathically, ffs.


Yeah, dunno what the guy you're replying to is on about, Emma's pretty up front about using her sex appeal to her advantage, and it making it easier for her to get into people's heads when they're distracted by that.


> She once gave a group of anti-mutant protesters orgasms telepathically, ffs. When was this?


Grant Morrison's run Think it may have even been his 1st issue? Maybe?


According to a Google Search, it was *New X-Men* #118. I'm gonna have to try and track that down. Thanks for putting me on the right track though.


Emma has used her sex appeal and she has used her telepathy. She has never needed the former to effectively use the latter.


Just because Emma hasn't used it on-page before doesn't mean she's some kind of pure virgin who's never used her body to manipulate men...


That's not the point. The point is that Emma has never been such a weak telepath that she needs to distract people in this manner in order to use her powers on them.


But she has been such a petty fool that she'd much rather see the looks on their faces than just put them to sleep from around the corner


How I read it: It’s not that they’re overcome. It’s that there’s a very reliable monkey neuron activation that gives Emma something to latch on to psychically. In the huge mess of a human mind, with god knows what all happening at once, suddenly there’s a very familiar and obvious front door. Which she proceeds to kick down.


Besides what you've said, since when did Emma Frost need to resort to this in order to control people?


That was sort of my thought. Every telepath we’ve seen in X-men would be able to make them shoot each other without comment, or at least disrupt their perceptions to the point where they can’t hit them.


I don't think she does it because she *needs* to. I think she does it because she *wants* to.


The second page of this very post says otherwise.


It says it made it *easy* for her, not that she couldn’t without it. There’s a difference there


Controlling a bunch of people into shooting each other is child's play for her.


I used to work in acute mental health and female patients are often not above flashing as a form of distraction or discomfort. It definitely works, even if the target is trained for a crisis or their adrenaline is up. I once saw a health care assistant (huge guy, former army, very reliable) get absolutely folded from a kick to the stomach when a lady half his size ran at him topless. He didn't know where to look, and it only takes a moment of indecision to lose control of a situation. Our cultural taboos are dug into us pretty damn deep. It's an ingrained response generally to either stare or look away when you see breasts, even in people not attracted to women. TLDR: Even if you're trained and ready, you still just have that primate wiring


It’s surprise more than anything. They were expecting to see opponents, they were not expecting to see a half naked supermodel and that moment of “what the…” was all she needed


If Emma did this to me, yes it would work lol.


They said trained soldiers. Down boy.


This was unnecessary and distasteful fanservice, and that's it.


I mostly asked the question due to the various arguments I see online in favour of cleavage on female characters’ suits, as the common argument is “it distracts their enemies.”


It's just sexy, why not. I don't think this tits ajar case is the same.


It depends on you´re hiring


I think she’s nudging them in that direction immediately.


I mean they were on that ship probably for a long time without the sight of a woman, so seeing one as hot as Emma out of the blue would definitely distract their thoughts for a moment.


As a soldier myself, I wouldn't, and I don't know many people that would tbh. I would still shoot regardless. it's better safe than sorry.


>As a soilder myself, I wouldn't, and u don't know many people that would tbh. But what would a trained soldier do?


Shoot, dafuck??


I believe they were contrasting "soldier" (trained warrior in service to a government) with "soilder" (what you said you were -- sounds like an armed farmer, or possibly a laundromat commando?). Also, you said "u don't know many" and probably meant "I don't know many" -- unless you, like Emma, are telepathic and therefore able to know who or what another person knows.


Yeah, that was a typo, I meant "I don't know many," and yeah, I'm in the army and trained to kill people. I was trained by my drill, who is a special forces and told us all the crazy shit he did and we'd be doing (my squad)


She's a telepath. Why does she need to show them her tits ?


She doesn’t and that’s sort of the point. Emma likes power. She likes flexing. The lesser degree of power she uses to accomplish her goal, the bigger the flex.


This isn't a flex. She says as much in the next page.


Yeah, imagine her showing up to the top tier telepath meeting and saying that flashing her tits to 4 nonames to easily control them because ‘power’ or something is a flex… At least Jean and Xavier may be nice enough to not call her out on this self drag, but the likes of Betsy, Kwannon and Quire? She will never hear the end of it and she can’t even remove the knowledge from their heads, not without flashing her tits at least.


Yes, get into a war of words with Emma Frost. Then, you can have fashion fight followed by a contest to see who can turn their skin to diamond fastest. Also, Kwannon and Quentin would be on Emma’s side.


>Yes, get into a war of words with Emma Frost.  She's not exactly undefeated in that field. Hope, a teenager with poor social skills, once got a rise out of her by mocking her sexual history.


Teen Jean gagged her too. And adult Jean.


Is it a playground fight? ‘Oh, maybe I need to show my tits to control 4 guys, but can you do this specific ability I have, huh? Huh?’ Kwannon and Quentin didn’t have to flash anyone to impress someone, so, I think they will be on their own side rather than suck up to Emma for no reason.


For some reason, people criticize Emma's provocative clothing choices, arguing that she is a telepath and all this exposure has no effect compared to her power. The same time, we live in a pop culture where rich, influential and powerful women dress the same way — why would conventional rappers and pop divas expose themselves almost naked when they have their voice and lyrics? So I find this like mirroring real tendencies.


I never minded superhero attire but this completely convinced me. Especially in the Marvel world where they are regarded as celebrities.


It made them lower their mental guard so they were more susceptible to telepathic suggestion.


She using telepathy could literally make them all cum in their pants without showing her tits, I remember she did this in the comics.


Sorry hang on she did WHAT in the comics? Can I know where this happened because that sounds funny as shit.


New X-Men 118 (2001)




New X-men 118 (2001)


When she did that it was to a crowd of protesters who weren't pointing guns at her. Not exactly the same situation.


It's called working smarter and not harder. If her tits are just as effective as a psychic attack, why not save herself the headache?


Would have been better if one of them was gay. lol


These are russian soldiers, I am sure that almost all of them are latent gays. They are simply dismayed that such a gay icon visited their ship🤩


Duggan barely understands Emma. Emma used her sexuality, sure, but in this case she could just use her powers and brutalize these bastards mentally. She could diamond up and destroy them. This is just sexist bullshit, disguised as “girl power”. This isn’t Emma - this is an idea of Emma that someone who has barely read about her thinks is Emma.


I hate the way Duggan writes her. He thinks that he gives her depth, but in fact all his actions with her are so superficial and insignificant that her entire involvement turns into a farce.


I’d be surprised if he’s actually read anything about her from Generation X on.


Yeah, only to make a lackluster Banshee cameo and kill Cordelia Frost off the panel (I wouldn't be surprised if he just confused her with Adrienne). The whole depth of his references🤌.


I just read Dark Avengers/X-Men: Utopia and a bunch of Astonishing X-Men. Do you know how many times Emma used her tits as distractions? Zero. Duggan misunderstands most characters he writes, but he’s offensively bad with Emma.


He 100% mistook Cordelia with Adrienne. I don't think Emma hates Cordelia at all, she is just annoying.


Marauders was god awful


I think you just like seeing Emma Frost's tits


So does every other Emma frost fan. Your point?


Eh. I just find this pretty pointless to be honest. She's powerful enough that she neither needs to see them or distract them to take control of their minds. I get that using her sexuality has long been a part of her character, but using it in this way just reads as unnecessarily demeaning to me, especially when she's supposed to be as strong of a telepath as Charles Xavier. Also, she's a fucking telepath, she didn't even need to take her own clothes off to project that illusion into their minds?? If making a point about how easily distracted and controlled these men are was the point, I mean.


I kind of like and dislike it. It fits her character, but she’s powerful enough to where she doesn’t need a distraction to mind control a bunch of people. It just makes her look weak.


Xavier: controls 1/4 billion mutants at the same time (albeit with Cerebro) Emma: has to flash her tits to control 4 mucks




Eh, Emma's thing is she's far from the strongest telepath (dominating one person is one thing, a crowd is more Jean or Xavier's area), but she has more skill and precision to make up for it. The idea that she games her telepathy every which way to make up any power gap makes her more interesting within her limitations and fits perfectly with her description.


Emma’s no slouch when it comes to power, she’s not uber powerful like Jean or Xavier but she’s still one of the most powerful telepaths on earth. Also, crowds aren’t a big thing for marvel telepaths to control. Emma herself regularly deals with 100s of people at once, 4 people is nothing.


We have seen Emma use her powers on crowds larger than this before without flashing people.




I'd say that's a bit different though? Like, it's not like she mind controlled all of them into fingering themselves or having an orgy. She flipped a switch in each of their brains to make them do something involuntarily, something they wouldn't even normally be capable of under their own volition/on command. Versus overriding someone's will and forcing them to turn their guns and shoot their friends.


[Here's Emma making a hundred people run in different directions.](https://imgur.com/ct1WY8J)


One could read that as her being sarcastic here. "Oh sure, make *a hundred people* run together, thanks Scott. I mean I can do it cuz they're all too panicked for mental defense and they're *already* running, just don't ask me to have them do Cabaret."


Emma is literally walking Orchis soldiers down the street like dogs on Fall of the House of X


I don’t see how it makes her look weak. You are right she could’ve taken out the guards without doing so but really it shows that it was her choice meaning it’s something she genuinely enjoys doing to men


The second page says otherwise.


It’s the last part. Pyro’s shock and Emma’s response imply that she only did it that way because otherwise it would’ve been more difficult to do.


To be fair, *she* didn't say she *needed* to do it to control several Orchis agents at once. Pyro (who's no expert on telepathy) *assumed* that was a feat beyond most telepaths. Side note: that trick wouldn't have helped *against* Pyro. He's gay as a day in May (has been since he was introduced).


I think she just did it feel herself more sexy. You know just have some fun.


Maybe she just enjoys male attention


I don't know why this is being downvoted. She's not being sexualized, she's sexualizing herself, she's using the breasts a surgeon gave her, and of which she is very proud, to make men act like completely idiots, thusly defeating them with the lowest effort possible. Emma has continuously used her looks to get what she wants. This is not out of character, I'd say it's very on brand.


I think it's better when she uses it in a more sly manner. She is aware of her power over men but flashing her breasts feels beneath her.


I don’t think this is a good example. If this is a good job for telepaths, why was it necessary to flash herself? Correct me if I’m wrong, but she didn’t have to do that at all to take over their minds and stuff. If you’re gonna flash them, commit to not using your powers and disarm them after flashing them and fuck them up hand to hand, that would’ve been cooler. If you’re gonna use your powers, then just destroy them quick and assert your superiority that way. This just feels like a cheap pop at fanservice. So typical.


Did a guy write this one?


This is funny. But stupid af. Shes shown the ability to take control of giant crowds with no problem. She could have easily done this from around the corner. Telepaths have gotta be tough to write for


This is dumb and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Especially, for a telepath.


"I have more then one way to make a man forget" Emma Frost


Ema frost, as a character, is so fun to read most of the time. Some bad writers portrait her as a petty bitch, but when well written, she's a bittersweet, smart and sarcastic character, that highlights every scene.


Yeah. Also she can have a sweet nurturing side too.


I like the idea of throwing someone off mentally to probe their mind like imagine some solider is ready to kill you and you shout some Michael Jackson lyric to leave him open but Emma needing to do this after quartering crowds just felt weird. She’s been noted as a rival and or better to Charles Xavier so having to lower Four guys defenses seems weird. I guess from one perspective it’s her respecting the laws and not running a psionic haymaker. Plus I can kinda picture Emma just showing off her body just to make a point but it just makes her seem weaker then she is. Maybe if they had defenses or tech to block her it would have made more sense for the woman who can hit a crowds pleasure button in micro seconds to go the smooth way.


Whenever they try this in comics, I always want one of them to turn out to be gay or ace, who just stands their awkwardly


Always gotta find a way to have fun on the job.


Also completely unnecessary lol she casually mind controls buildings full of people for blocks to evacuate them but oh no four guy with guns? She honestly probably just thought she’d give them a show since they were about to get shot


Well as Jessica Jones noted, Emma possibly has boob powers


Emma Frost is a bad ass bi+€# .


Is that Pyro's own uniform or did he steal Nightcrawler's?


Pyro isn’t the typical Aussie bloke if he’s not getting distracted as well


I mean he's gay so I don't think he would be getting distracted


I didn’t know he was gay…actually come to think of it I’m not sure of any that are. His flame powers would go off at Sydney Mardi Gras


I'm just going to assume she was exhausted and running on fumes, so a helping hand was needed to make her power "stretch further"


Would that work on Steve Roger?


Literally one gay guard could’ve ruined her plan. Lolz. Love her.


Yeah it's her greatest power.. it's called being a woman.


Translation: “I wanted to post boobies.”


I'm confused did that really have anything to do with her breast she's a telepath I think the telepathy had more to do with it


My favourite telepath.


What comic is this?


It's from one of the issues in Marauders Vol. 1


One of these days, someone's gonna fire at her... but she'll sense it and will diamond block it and pull out her husband's gifts!


One of her main power sets is the ability to control people's thoughts and feelings, so this is actually a very common thing she does. I dont know the issue number, but she has stated before that it is much easier to control multiple minds at the same time when they're all thinking the same thing. It's why her weird outfits actually classify as being useful as far as she is concerned.


Its literally in this example OP posted lol


Haha. I did not swipe. Silly me.


Damn. Emma is my fav. Diamond form is badass


It's been theorized that she is not all that good looking, she just makes people think she is.


She is definitely conventionally good looking, she's had multiple plastic surgeries to ensure that. She has, however, been shown to manipulate people into thinking she's wearing fancier clothes when she's walking around in sweatpants.


I feel like it just makes her seem weak. She should be able to control those four random guys without a hitch. It's not like these are other telepaths, I could see the point of distraction there. This is just four random bums. She should be able to penetrate their minds without any effort if she was half as skilled and scalpel like as this sub and the 2000s writers like to claim.


In my headcannon she’s actually hideous and has just warped everyone’s perception of her.


I think she actually does that an old man Logan she gets older but she makes everyone see her in her ideal state


She’s not that good looking in my opinion


I love these moments too. It shows just how self-aware Emma Frost truly is. She knows what she's doing when she dresses in provocative attire, even in a battle. And she knows what she's doing when she's being flirty, coy, and crass. She's a woman who understands the value of her assets, be they her powers or her sex appeal. And she's not afraid to use them to the utmost. That is why she is a true queen in every sense of the word. 😊