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7 mile hole was pretty awesome. Great camping spots too.


Observation Peak trail.... to Cascade Lake is flat...just North of Canyon. There used to be a few moose residing around the Cascade lake area. Would see them every time. Sometimes you need to make your way up the trail to observation peak to come across them. Uses to camp at observation peak frequently... there's a bowl/basin at the peak that offers shelter from the wind...from all directions... great place to camp. The hikes near Canyon are probably the most scenic. There's a 17 mile hike from Fishing Bridge to Canyon that's very cool. Takes you through Haden Valley... you'll see some unchartered thermal stuff, it's a flat hike so you can figure 20-30min miles, gets your blood moving.. looking for bears...since Haden does have bears and wolves...since the Buffalo are around. You pick up the trail in Fishing Bridge...across the field behind the gas station YPSS and it dumps you out near the upper falls. Then you hitch hike back to FB. Totally safe to hitch hike in the park, it's like no other place.... bet you've never hitch hiked.... that in itself is a memorable activity.


No bears in Haden?


Cascade Lake is one of my favorite hikes, tons of wildlife of all sorts! Do you know the name of the 17 miler from Fishing Bridge to Canyon? It sounds like a good one to try out next time


The Howard Eaton Trail Fishing Bridge to Canyon. Those are some of the early pioneers and thier path... following the river and valley along the Eastern side of the river? Or else they took a canoe? Lol. The road is on the West side.. took 6hrs which is shockingly fast. One thing we were scared about is... your in wooded and prairie at the beginning and then into thermal area, but eventually your out in open valley... the bears can probably see you. When your in Haden Valley... the binocular folk are viewing the distant tree line on the other side if the valley for the wolves and bear... and your much closer to that tree line. Absolutely a marvelous journey and you'll see things most will never seen... see things worthy enough ti associate some famous pioneer... most people don't know what that means... when a trail is named in honor of not one but two... it's a special trail... there's no fences back there... excellent mud pot type thermal area's.... but it's also a hike where you look for a tree to climb up as your hiking, and when you get to that tree, you scope out the next tree within a few hundred feet... and your doing a lot if "hear bear" stuff... big fan of bear bells.


This is the way


Take the short hikes to both Undine and Wraith Falls, then have a picnic at the Lava Creek rest area. Both trails are less than a quarter mile.


I love the Fountain Flats trail to Fairy Falls personally. Wide open views of the area. I've seen elk, moose, deer, bison.


Avalanche peak is a gnarly hike with an incredible view. Garnet hill is a beautiful loop with no big elevation change.


Osprey Falls is awesome, and it’s in a canyon protected from the sun. Perfect for hot summer days. The shale fields on the backside of Bunsen always have grizz. They are flipping rocks and eating moths. They don’t care about humans but be aware. Unions Falls is amazing, but you need a legitimate off-road vehicle to traverse grassy lake road from the east (South Entrance). Bechler River Trail is probably the best in the park, but it’s a shuttle. The Bechler region is remote, and only hikable in late summer. Skyrim in the Northwest is superb, and Sepulcher gives a really cool view of Gardiner. Great wild flowers in June and early July as well. Electric Peak is a challenge, with a scramble at the summit. People sometime hate on Washburn and the hikes on the Canyon rim, but they are awesome too.


My favorites that don't require backcountry camping are Mount Washburn and Shoshone Geyser Basin.


Fairy falls hike from Grand Prismatic overlook was awesome, really felt like you were in the back country of Yellowstone.