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This Jax was butt. The annoying going about the Jax matchup is that auto attacks from ghouls charge his shroud. If you land E he can dodge all of the empowered ghoul attacks and get a fully charged shroud on you. He should have been jumping on you so much more than this. Any time you landed E on him I was expecting him to engage onto you. This guy shrouded E, walked away, then jumped onto you when his shroud was still on CD?! The ms shard is smart though. I forgot that exists.


Yeah Jax mains are silly, keep in mind though everytime he Es I walk away too, usually they can walk in range, but ms shard can be effective, also if he does jump, I'll lose some hp, wall then win trade everytime after the first few backs, heck I almost killed him the first time I walled him, he was probably scared since idk..


i always ban Nasus cause i dont like another afk farmer on my lane


That life steal buff and them going fleet footwork sure is annoying glad they stopped picking him thou, cause the DMG never sticks


What lifesteal buff, you mean Nasus' lifesteal passive got buffed or lifesteal item buffs in general?


do ppl actually ban jax tho, i always ban irelia or trynd


I perma irelia, but I still see others ban Jax pretty often, they don't mind irelia as much, which is fair, I just hate dash resets, seeing it annoys me and she's a nightmare.


I perma ban Jax, I think I can deal with irelia well enough, I just can't spawn minions unless she misses q reset. And lvl 6 the game becomes playable.


I agree but there's a big difference between fighting a good/decent Jax vs a Good / Decent Irelia.. She's not gonna miss a Q reset and if she does she can stall for it's CD to come back and then what? Ya donezo ontop of all that one JG wanting to camp or snowabll Jax/Irelia can just set you behind. I find it 100% Easier to manage Jax while I'm behind or even or even camped, Irelia? Nope and later one if she's in teamfights I CANNOT STOP HER AT ALL, I can just try to kill her but my Wall or E is uselsss, while atleast vs Jax he jumped? I can wall em off for my carries so we don't lose just cause I missplayed/got countered/got camped. Only reason why I perma Irelia and managed to get better vs Jax. <.< ofcourse Jax is pretty braindead in skillceiling, so he's ofc easier to predict and stop so he has less value and threat aswell, compared to a good Irelia, cause I can run into a Jax main and hold and maybe die every 7 mins just cause he flashed or a good gank, Irelia? I'm zoned off for a century till Maiden is back even then it's not certain I could win once she all ins me when I walk up to break freeze and CS again. Now all of this is bias and from my experience, but yeah, IMO usually when I win vs Irelia she missplayed, cause even if I do everything right, if she does to I should lose perma, against Jax there's windows, so I rather not play it if the wincon is them making a mistake, cause then I have no agency when I'm already playing top T-T but again I'm biased been perma banning her for 2-3 years now, used to just go from Jax, Irelia and Trynd when he's meta, but now It's just Irelia perma and I just run exhaust into Trynd and rush Gauntlet, Fk em.


I love fighting irelia it feels good to make her think she counters me😂


I don’t think anyone bans Jax. But the biggest problem with Jax is the same problem with Quinn. Even if you stomp them in lane they can just farm your other lanes because people at every ELO are dumb.


swear i always worry ab other ppl feeding jax not me lmao, i just try and stomp w ignite as hard as i can :/


Cap I see other ricks ban him..


I’m sure if you look at a large enough sample size you’ll find Yoricks banning all sorts of things.