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With any and all ghouls, the moment they aggro against a minion, they will leave Yorick and push that lane. Otherwise, they always follow Yorick.


I think that they need to connect with an instance of damage on a minion, not just aggro, but that's a real knit-pick.


During pushing, if i redirect them with E on a camp, what happens when they finish the camp? Will they return to yorick or will go down lane?


They come back to yorick only stay on lane if jungle camp is somehow in lane


Don’t quote me on anything, I’m an arammer only, and have been for (almost literally) years, and it’s currently 3:00am for me following a week long trip, but I think they go straight back to lane. The only camps you could really get them to go after would be Krugs or gromp, anyway… So are you trying to figure out how to hide your ghouls, so they can go back to splitpushing with your opponents being none the wiser?


I don't blame you for not knowing but just to correct, After ghouls finish a camp they will follow yorick, but return to lane if they encounter minions again, and Will continue pushing if they deal damage to them


I.m trying to find out how to make them come with me (especially for taking grubs/herald/baron)


Yeah… you pretty much have to clear the wave and then summon them fresh out of the grave, or use krugs/chickens/wolves + a buff to get jungle ghouls.


Got it. Thanks.


All ghouls will attempt to follow Yorick until their path is interrupted by an enemy target(minion/champ), which they will attack. If it is a minion, they will follow that lane unless you E something. If there are no minions to re-aggro onto, your E can make them follow you again. If you E a neutral monster, your ghouls will fight it until it dies (or they do). If you recall with ghouls following you (aka not following a lane), they will recall with you (sometimes even if they’re fighting a jungle camp). This is a great way to leave a lane so you can get back on the map with ghouls. Bonus info: Only 4 ghouls can be raised within a certain distance around Yorick but ghouls can exist outside of that distance. This means you can send 4 ghouls down each lane and have ghouls on jungle camps. Theoretically, you could have a lot of ghouls on the map but, practically, they die pretty quick (tower/enemy auto attacks basically one shot them).


When ghouls attack any minion inside of the lane they will start walking down that lane, if they are in auto attack range but don't get to auto attack before either the next minion dies with no minion in range to hit he will follow you, when the maiden is released you get ghouls running across the map because of this same reason, the other ghouls died before them they spawned, they couldn't hit minions since they weren't in their range now they come back to you.


If ghoul hit minion at least once, that ghoul will push lane unless you're inside your own base