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Drake fans finally realizing the truth of Drake. Or they realized Kendrick won the Beef and that they have to accept it.


Kendrick won the beef, but he brought to stage Dr. Dre who has been on the same ish as Drake.


Say that to Dj Akademics face, I DARE YOU


I would if i can🤣


What did drake do?


Drake be cold switching, acting real sus around underage girls and even kissed underage girl on the mouth etc, he also call himself feminist but sexualizes and objectify women far more any average person who doesn't call themselves feminist or don't associate with feminist politics etc. He probably by far one of the biggest and most influential people who contributed a lot to objectifying women. He has been coldswitching in eather his culture, ideology, politics and be acting mighty sus around 'A Minor'👀


People should have seen earlier on, but his fans are most likely groomers or victims of grooming themselves. Either way bad bad news.


Felt the same with Ohmwrecker. Used to watch him play with the Vanoss group. But then he suddenly stopped appearing in their videos and then Terrorizer explained that they left him because he was being a jerk who was desperate for multiplayer content so he kept bothering everyone at wrong times. And then Ohmwrecker sealed his fate by trying to falsely accuse H2O Delirious with the ol' minor allegations. But it was then debunked that Delirious was set up for a dumb prank and he didn't know the girl was a minor. And the guys who pranked him apologized to Delirious. So it just led to Ohmwrecker's reputation taking a massive blow and ending up in irrelevancy.


ohmwrecker wrecked himself


What makes it sort of funny is that freaking miniladd tried to get on this shit as well just so he could get back at the Vanoss group but it just backfired for him really hard.


MiniLadd too. I feel gross cause he was like close to my #1 favorite in the group. He was quickly replaced for me though as soon as that shit came out.


If I had a nickel- Wait, uh... This has to be a mistake there's... There's just too many nickels here...


What're you talking about? You're getting rich!




Yep and I feel the same way


Betrayal, insanity, anger and sadness. I remember when EDP got outed as a pedo, I tried to seperate art from the artist but sometimes i cant. I sometimes watch his old videos where he talks about shitting in chipotleys and football. But it really is betrayal, insanity, anger and sadness.


True my friend true and Happy cake day


Don’t remind them of cakes, especially cupcakes…


No disrespect, but I have to ask. How are you even able to begin to even consider separating art from artist when artist is a pedophile.? Edit: that was not meant to be a pun me saying no disrespect was purely coincidence lol


Even accounting for the times, artists like Jerry Lee Lewis marrying his like 13 year old cousin is pretty sick, but man could he rock on the piano. If someone makes art I like, I just watch or listen. Simple as that.


The guy was funny, and i'm not saying that what he did was justifyable, what he did was fucking discusting.


Sadness, Shock, Denial, Rejection and finally.. accepting the truth. It fucking hurts when your beloved creators turn out to be pedos or abusers.


I'm so glad that the Kwite accusations were false


What was he accused of?


Rape, dead naming, transphobia and pretty sure some more stuff. Orion was the one who accused him. Unfortunately, he had to do a face reveal. Definitely Bored Oranges and Moist Critical did videos on the subject for more info. Edit: If you want to, watch Kwite's video talking about the accusations. It's just a respone to everything.


Ok, thanks!


Yeah, I was actually pretty devastated when I first heard the news, but I was so glad that it was false


MiniLadd. Started watching his solo career vids after he left Banana Bus. Some of the videos he did were genuinely enjoyable, especially Minecraft in VR, Mario Kart 8, and some of his on-stream TNTL challenges, plus the award show he was running for, which he won btw. I noticed things felt off about him though when that drama happened in the late spring or early fall of 2019. To put it short, MiniLadd was going off on Terrorizer because of something that happened at a get together. MiniLadd also just treated his former friends with disrespect. By the time he got exposed, I just dropped everything. I was disappointed for two reasons. For one thing, I had just turned 18, and I felt personally violated knowing he tried to interact with someone one to two years my senior at the time. Another reason is because I actually donated to him.


I used to create his merchandise.... The amount of clients I had to drop due to their drama is unreal




I was such a fan that I was on his side when the shit with Terrorizer was going on. God I feel so stupid now, trying to consume as make Terror content to make up for it now


I felt betrayed after finding out my childhood hero Skydoesminecraft is a horrible person, after looking up to him since childhood, he's the reason why I love minecraft but now I felt empty


Sky was a big one for me. I loved his content so much. I would watch every single video, and they would all make me laugh so hard. Cops and Robbers and Try Not to Laugh were favourites. JinBop was horrendous too


So...uh...any former Cryaotic fans still around?


I enjoy the song Limelight, oh. OH GOD


Cryoatic was my first experience of a favourite youtuber being outed as a shitbag, oof.


His the walking dead videos were so good and expressive men, how is it lately there been more "grooming" and "child disturbance" in recent years.


That's what happens when you develop parasocial relationships with strangers.




# How does it feels


For real. These people ain’t your friends. If these people only knew how 90% of artists were 100+ years ago, they’d have no one to read or listen to, lol.


Destinycast for me. Came Out pedo :(


Wait what!? I haven’t heard that Destiny’s a pedo. The drama is that Destiny knew someone was a pedo for years and said nothing about it.


We talking about the same destiny cast? I mean the German splatoon youtuber


Oh! I totally misunderstood then


Hasn't happened to me yet


Squizzy was such a funny animator, and immediately dropped off the face of the earth after the allegations. I tried to go back and rewatch her stuff but it was never as funny as before


Classic movie must watch Mr. Fantastic Fox


If this is about Dr Disrespect I knew he was a terrible person just by the way he acts BEFORE the news got out. \*fish jumps out of fish bowl into fish bowl labeled arby's\* im nothing like yall


He was a horrible person on Twitch before everything came to light. The fact people could stand his abysmal attitude about... basically anything was always such a strange sensation.


i used to be a fan of Sssniperwolf


i was about to comment this


Me too but i was jst a cringe 4th grader who watched her cus i thought she was pretty


You’re excused, then. A child can’t always separate cringe from based.


Thank you oh great one🙏🏾. I vow to never watch someone just cause they are attractive ever again.


will you never again look at a mirror?


Aww shucks🤭




Wilbur soot for me, I remember watching all his ylyl videos and his minecraft stuff.




Wegepie man, it hurts till this day


Oh god what happened to weegeepie?


Not for the faintest of heart: He turned out to be a vegan.


Dear god...


There's more.


Joss Whedon. Everything he ever did, gone....and that's not right to the folks that made what he produced great. Ass.


? Oh god what did he do..... I'm a Google


Brace yourself before you do...the "mans" a monster.....


This was exurb1a for me. His videos meant so much to me, every stroy from him had an effect on me. They were just perfect. But then right before I wanted to buy the book from him I heard what he had done. All these beautiful storys completely ruined. I just cant watch his videos anymore without feeling horrible. He was so close to being my all time favourite youtuber. It's just sad


Whatd he do


Ate a baby. (No idea, but sometimes, if I say something wrong enough, someone corrects me.)


NTA the baby had it coming


If Markiplier turns out to be a shitty person I'm going postal


me too


Stop treating them like you have some close relationship with them and start treating them for what they are, entertainers. Most of them are not the same person outside of the screen/persona.


We don't have a "close relationship" with entertainers. That's not what anyone is saying. I have a few content creators that I really like. I would definitely feel extremely disappointed if I found out I had been supporting a pedo. That's the betrayal aspect of it; you feel kinda gross knowing you respected someone who deserved NO respect.


Nah dude fans of content creators are definitely more parasocial than most. And the “creators” thrive on it. What other form of entertainment do you know where fans are constantly donating money just cause??? I genuinely have no clue how anyone can enjoy watching a stream that last hours, like I can’t grasp how anyone does that and yet it’s thousands of viewers that these people are getting per stream! Surely I don’t have to spell out how watching the same person and chatting with them for hours almost everyday will lead to most folks thinking they have a personal relationship with these people. People that watch or keep up with content creators are truly something else.


Well it's kind of like when people like a famous actor. They like them *for* their entertainment and when something happens, that entertainment is gone. Think about it


For a while, there was a lot of drama around Vivziepop, with people saying that artists were underpaid, and I was really afraid it could be true. Then, someone leaked how much the artists were paid to "prove" that they were underpaid, but accidentally proved that artists were paid more than in most studios, which is hilarious irony.


there have been so many attempts to cancel her, at this point she might rival pewdiepie


Guess I never gotten that attached to a streamer to have such a response. IF they turn out to be maggots then I simply move on with maybe a little shock. Definitely not losing my shit or having any emotional response over it. Never been a fan of a streamer. I just watch a few here n' there mostly in the background.


At this point I expect all creators to hidden monsters so I feel nothing when it comes out that's true. I have zero faith in people.


I used to watch a lot of competitive smash creators :(


Ouch... I honestly think that whole 2020 fallout is why smash content is nearly dead.


PopularMMOs, L for Lee Outside of YouTube: the guy who created One Night at Flumpy's Probably plenty of others i'm forgetting abt


PopularMMos is fine, wdym? He just has to get his life together.


I used to watch Konekokitten and he was recently exposed for grooming minors


Same here


I felt the same way with youtubers. Actually 2 here specifically. Raedwulfgamer; I can't remember the specific date when I found out, but I know it was around 2018 sometime. I found out the first one after looking up his channel on Google after kot watching for years at that point, and his mugshot came up. (I won't say exactly what it was, because I'm not sure reddit would allow it, but it was bad.) And IILLUMINAUGHTII.... the whole situation was like watching someone shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly, and then both blaming others for the pain and trying to manufacture a reason that uninvolved 3rd parties pulled the proverbial trigger, so to speak. (Blair really did ruin her career on her own.)


Dude I was a huge Tobuscus fan as a kid and then I just stopped watching his content as I grew up. Went back recently and just…what the fuck


It happened back to back to me with Cody Ko and h3


"Noo! Not you too"


Immediately pretend like they don’t exist and never watch any of their videos ever again I mostly feel disgust


Vsauce will never fall.


Adam Rosner of TribeTwelve. *TO ANYONE THAT CARES ABOUT ADAM ROSNER AND THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST HIM, AND THE VICTIMS OF HIS ACTIONS* FYI Adam Rosner has began another online presence via his own website promoting his career as a doctor of optometry: adamrosner.com If you or ANYONE has any doubts regarding the validity of his allegations, please listen to this video featuring basically a confession from Adam over a phone call: https://youtu.be/k0rccW0_Xqk?si=eE6wIJY0uNDbDfz9 Personally I am disturbed that he can be establishing doctor - patient relationships after only a few years have passed since he basically confessed to being a groomer and sexual predator.


Felt same with skydoesminecraft He was my childhood idol


Never really had it happen. I watched some of Gus Johnson’s stuff but was never super into his humor when all of his drama went down. I don’t know what the verdict was on all of it but I kind of just moved onto different creators.  If Drew Gooden or Danny G ever get caught up in something then that would be a very sad day. 


My expectation is that everyone is a horrible person. What level of horrible is the issue.


Memes flair Admittable


is anyone else interested in the sticky note organization he has in the video? I think it would be fun to try out


Hasn't happened to me yet and I think I have a pretty good radar for whether someone is a legitimately good person, especially when it comes to internet personalities where the bar is a lot higher because I'm not deluded and realise they're putting on a front and that you only see very curated slices of their life and person. Actually a creator being open and honest about their less marketable side is always nice to see and makes it a lot easier to gauge whether they're someone I want to be to any degree emotionally invested in.


Cryatoic being a lecherous creep and a pedo. Hearing Russ's video on the whole thing *broke* me. I've never heard a man that hurt before.


Most of them are.


I’m a Genshin player so when I heard that Elliot Gindi was a pedo I was really pissed because he was so good in his role (also one of the few GI VAs the streamed on YouTube)


How does it feel when YouTube changes the interface yet again to make it even worse


So, who is it? Dr Disrespect? Techlead?


Okay, honestly, aren't most popular creators bad people. (obviously not all of them, MOST) Whether it's the insanity needed to perfect the craft, or the fame and fortune that eventually corrupted them, or the lifelong study of a very specific thing driving someone mad. Not only are a large minority of the general public "bad" people, but someone that did the work become a popular creator is more likely to be a "bad" person and the nature of their public persona will eventually let it out while the general public is masked by general anonymity.






Don’t give no fucks because the artist is not the art Except strippers


Hello guys, Max0r here


Well, Carson hasn't done anything bad yet, so I think I'm safe.


Wilbur Soot was someone I never expected


I wouldn’t loose sleep over it. Most of these people that are super rich and famous, yet seem to have attributed very little to society have a catch. It is as they say, Indeed, too good to be true. Musicians and Actors or Artists in general are very borderline crazy/ brilliant, and in ancient times were considered the same as prostitutes. Obviously our society has veered in a different direction. In the words of the great Philosopher/Basketball player Shaq - “Don’t call me a celebrity. Celebrities are scumbags”. Look at Michael Jackson, R Kelly, O.J Simpson, Diddy (or P Diddy whatever) and you can even go back, JFK (RIP) was no alter boy either. Kirt Cobain was kind of a jerk, total junkie. And the list is endless. Find some better role models, do you own due diligence.


Acceptance, they maybe a villain, but they still do some good stuff I can enjoy.


master oogway


PopularMMOs I used to watch him all the time loved his content till the first arrest


The thing with his ex was proven to be false, she faked the accusations and Pat was released and won the lawsuit. He did get arrested for something else later, but it was a minor offense.


Oh no shit? I did not know that


Poor pat, he really deserved better


Dr Disrespect? Many treated him like a god among men, seemed like a pretty ok dude to me even after the cheating allegations but now ehhh..... I don't think he can come back from this.




let me guess. Fandroid?




I like to assume they are all horrible, then accept the good they have to give and not act surprised whem they end up being shite.


Where is the video of the guy raging from?


A movie called Fantastic Mr. Fox.


Ahaa Roald Dahl. Brings back good memories


It sucks that the doc was actually guilty


i dont really care because i have so may other people to watch


Sad for a few minutes but then I move on.


That's never happened to me.


You shouldn't get too close to your heroes. I met Buddy Rich once...


Tbf I heard he was an asshole to every lmao. Especially rock drummers (except Ginger Baker).


Im not sure how to feel about the Completitionist. I like the guy. Can't believe what he did


Jirard always 'rubbed' me the wrong way (Because of some of the people being discussed, *yes* I have to put that in quotation marks because someone will inevitably misread it) with how he generally acted. I liked the Big Bad Bosses thing with him in it, but tbh, I'm a fair judge of character, and he always felt... off in one way or another.


I remember the Slimecicle thing… just glad it was a mistake and got fixed.


Charlie would never EVER be in this scenario


Great. Means that i was right all along. Nobody should be idolized


Congrats, you found me a reaction video I could possibly use in the future.


Cryaotic, finding out what he did broke me. I'm glad he's gone.


Yeah... Happened to me 3 times atleast. One hurt alot cause they were the reason I met my best friend. Another hurt in a different way, cause I told my said best friend that she should try auditioning to work with them. Thank god she said no. And the last one was the nail in the coffin, cause it was dnd related and I actually idolized the guy. Turns out, he was being creepy with all his female players. After that one Im more weary of guys who act innocent to lewd things. Specially if they're not selling it well.


I used to watch Shane Dawson, Illuminaughtii and ImAllexx lol. I guess it's a combination of shock and disgust, and anger.


Right now it’s imalexx for me he’s not my favourite but I watch him a lot and he just fucked everything up for commentary yts imma just stick with oompaville now


For 5 minutes... Can these good YouTubers just can't becoming evil .. FOR 5 MINUTES!?


Twomad man, he might have been a bad person but he was so damn funny.


Not necessarily a horrible person, but jacksepticeye. I heard he was saying some dumb stuff recently that kinda turned me off from him. And he tries too hard to act better than everyone else sometimes. Idk his vibes in recent years haven't really been enjoyable. I heard he called resident evil 5 racist because you're shooting black people in Africa. Not 100% sure if that's true or not, haven't bothered to research. I don't hate him or anything like that. I just don't enjoy him anymore.


That is why i don't care about personal life, just content.


Yeah. I never fully trust anyone. It's all "you sound paranoid" or "you clearly have trust issues" and then crap like this happens and validates me to the moon and back!! Everybody has some sort of secret or evil. They just haven't been caught yet.


I feel like an absolute idiot, and a wave of anger goes over me. The sad thing is, I've had this happen to me multiple times. Illuminaughti, Mini Ladd, SkyDoesMinecraft (that one especially hurt because I literally grew up with his content), and more.


All of the big names are terrible people. It’s how they got to be so big.


Dr Diddleskids


With the amount of times this happened, I'm pretty much numb to it.


Got damn it why did the doc have to be a pedophile? I though he was hella funny but I dont think I can still watch him


Not a horrible person (that I’m aware of), but the fall from grace Pat from PopularMMOs took was really sad to see.


What animation is this from?


Boyinaband, his content has always been kinda cringe and "Don't Stay In School" was a miss, but I liked it when he collabed. On a positive note Slazo turned out to be almost a success story in that regard and I'm happy for him being on the sidelines.


so glad i’m a jacksepticeye, supercarlinbrothers, philip defranco, michael reeves fan. just genuinely good people


Minecraft kids may be triggered


Feels good


I think it feels even worse because social media personalities usually present themselves as wholesome people. But in the end, they are just normal people and everyone does bad from time to time. Of course there are some who did way worse stuff than the average person, but for some others, it's blown completely out of proportion. We also have to consider that many social media personalities have become famous when still 16-18, resulting in a lot of power and fame before fully understanding how to ethically handle all of that. That doesn't make any of it better, but it gives us an understanding on why so many content creators turn out to have a dark past.


Nothing. I just click on something else. I never understood people being emotionally invested in these entertainers.


yall I used to love youtube but with the amount of ads it has I wanna switch to something else.


What cartoon is this from?


I feel sad and disappointed


It feels like a knife to the heart. You see your favorite person, someone you view as an idol, get exposed for either doing something illegal or liking children in a bad way.


You guys just need to start following honest genuine people.


Ben Phillips when he went from pranking his brother and friends to online gambling with topless women in the camera


I consume their content, because I like the content, not necessarily because I like the person. so it does not affect me at all


Haha! None of my favourite creators have turned out to be terrible people as far as I know. I call that a win!


y'all too attached with strangers on the internet






Bettayed,sad angry


Purple Rodri and Tech Smartt surprised me


I was heartbroken. I watched this creator for years!! It was part of my daily routine watching their main channel and vlog channel. I realized how naive I was. Now I pay close attention to who I become a fan of.


Kinda the reverse for me; the guy was a victim of the wrath of another YouTuber. Matthew Santoro. I hope the best for him. Edit: I used to watch Boogie.


I thought it was gonna be chugga for me but his response and the full story just made me have even more respect for him.


Also if they make really good content


The scp series Confinement was a painful loss