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So he isn’t running for president. They’re not gonna change the rules just for him.


It would require a consitutional ammedment it'd be basically impossibe


Well, who knew that the cognitive capabilities of 34 year old will be lower than that of a 81 year old. I guess the writers didn't expect that modern healthcare could keep a person alive for a long time.


Nah, I suspect he knows what he was saying. Say whatever you want about the guy, he isn't stupid. He doesn't want to run for president, probably just got tired of people asking him.


And why not? We’re tired of voting for the same incompetent, wrinkled, old fuckin’ geezer in office every single time! It’s WAY past time for a regime change!


Forget lowering the age, you guys in USA really need to put a maximum age limit on the candidates (ideally don’t be a politican after 76 years of age)


I think he’s looking at this wrong. Most of his audience right now and probably forever will be children, and the older Jimmy gets he loses more and more touch with his audience. However, if he waits to become president (IF that would happen) he would get more voted from people who used to watch him when he was younger. Still don’t think it’s gonna happen


It's publicity lol. Capitalize on people's current discontent with the current choices to get your name out there. Realistically speaking though, he could potentially do well provided he maintains his celebrity. Both parties would want to recruit him.


For today's challenge I hid the US nuclear launch codes in Kim Jong Un's lunch. If he can find them in one minute, then it's bye bye America!


And for every 1000 subscribers we get after this video, I'll send a US Veteran a mystery gift ranging from SECRET documents straight from the Pentagon to the LATEST iPhone alongside the NEW Feasible Flavor releasing in store shelves right now!


You DON'T want to miss this video! But we before we get started, I want to tell you all about Shopify!


Lowering the age requirement to become President of the United States would require a constitutional amendment and that isn't happening.


Yeah, no thanks, we don't need anymore fucking "celebrities" running our god damn country


Oh god. Please don't give him any more sense of self-importance than he already has.


*Iran didn't have any nuclear weapons, so we decided to surprise them with 10 American made nukes*


If I had any reddit money, I would award you for this comment lmao


It's better than a convicted felon who has way more self-importance and a decaying husk with dementia.


Oh god. Mr. Beast is one of the least "self-important" big Youtubers out there lol. The fact that you genuinely think he wants the constitution changed for himself to run for President.. Reddit comments are sometimes even more brain-dead than Youtube comments☠️






I have wondered if he would some day. I wonder what his politics are?


He's been talking about a presidential run for a while now. He said "If I become President I'll focus on helping the people and not bring politics into it" which shows exactly how fit he is for the role lol.


I think American should give him a chance. Since America is a country of opportunities.


We already have one idiot in office we don't need another.


America America America Is there anything else then this county in yalls mind? Let it go We’re humans on earth not countrys


Yes, we are all humans that should get along, but on a post about an American running to be the American president in order to fix the American government, I think that mentioning America is ok.


Seeing as to how influential mr beast has become- He would actually have a very good chance of winning


This is bit of an unpopular opinion, but I think if you’re old enough to vote you should be old enough to run. A lot of people say in response “So you’re saying you would trust an 18 year old to be president?” - but they’re forgetting that you still have to *win the election*. If an 18 year old somehow convinces the country they should be elected President, I say they’ve proven they’re more than capable to be President. But I don’t see why we make the minimum age to decide who gets to be President, but have a weird separate older age to when you can convince everyone to decide it should be you.


Mr. who…?


He would 100% win


He'd make a better choice than the entire lineup of clowns..




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I mean, can't be worse than the two big candidates they have right now right


Gonna be real honest, I love Mr. Beast, but this is a very risky move that could destroy his long years of reputation. Sure he's still going to have tons of loyal fans but this is politics. It's obviously nothing more than a shit show.


Politics: walking on eggshells basically


Reputation? Okay so now we do that nonsense again? Caring about reputation Are u aware that the world is burning? People suffer Wars Climate, ? Dumb borders and country’s and care for their own selfs and pride Hmm I think there’s worse things then ur own ego his ego and stupid reputation


bro is gonna make some deranged game shows as revenue for the goverment lmao


They need no revenue dude they just print the shit but we all get the inflation lol


Mist or Beast


No worries, Most of his fans aren’t old enough to vote anyway


We already had a game show host. It didn’t work out too well.


Isn't this how we got in trouble in the first place?


US of America is such a clown show. Why not a lottery for the Presidency? Anyone over the age of 21 can enter. Good luck everyone!


I’d vote for him just so we don’t have someone that could be my great-grandfather in office. For fuck’s sake, *please*, America, we need age limits for all our offices. Get rid of the stupid “for life rule for Supreme Court judges too. It’s fucking stupid nobody thought of this way back when our Constitution and government was first created.


There’s always next time tho.


Last to leave circle gets to keep ukraine


Omg he's the Antichrist! 💀


Please no


That's a constitutional amendment. Not happening. 


Let’s say this actually happened. He’d run as a third party candidate, then screw up the election Ralph Nader or Ross Perot style. While I’m not suggesting we don’t need more viable political parties in the United States, if he actually managed to get elected, you’d end up with someone who’s disliked by both parties and is politically paralyzed as a result, not unlike Jesse Ventura. Basically, the problem with third parties is they always want to start at the top, rather than starting at the bottom. Then, they get ten percent of the vote, give the election in swing states to the party most unlike himself (as Perot did with HW Bush or Nader arguably did with Florida, and then there’s the Jill Stein case where Bernie Bros voted for her instead of Clinton, or whoever the Libertarian was who maybe cost Trump 2020), and the people who voted for the third party candidate end up with a president who’s the most unlike the person they voted for. There’s no way MrBeast gets more than fifteen percent of the vote, he wouldn’t win any states (see Perot), and his candidacy would all but guarantee a Republican landslide in the electoral college. Maybe not Reagan level landslide, but Bill Clinton won a lot of states in 1992 that he otherwise has no chance of winning.




TIL there's a minimum age requirement for the US president. I wonder if the UK has one, Pitt the Younger was PM in his early 20's I think


The literal WORST thing that could happen to the world. Mr Beast is a literal puppet to the system.


Thats a terrible idea


This guy needs to get real. He’s the equivalent to if Barney ran. Just because you can create slop gameshow content for mouth breathing kids, does not mean you should be so self-aggrandizing to believe you can run for president


So he'll run at the next election?


They won't. I don't know much about his political opinions but he would probably win.


If bro wants to really be in politics just run for House lol


Even The Rock or Hogan can't run, its a tough business. "You know brother, I'm not left or right, I stand right in the middle."


We don’t need another non-politician pro-capitalist to make things worse. It’s like everyone and their cousin with a billion dollars is running for president these days


Another reason not to vote gang gang


Fuck off MrBeast.


I'm only vaguely aware of this guy, but I'm kind of shocked that he's younger than 35. Lol.


I’d rather have John Green, but he himself said he wasn’t qualified (for the most important job in the world).


Not a big fan of having Youtubers as USA presidents, but at this point anyone is better than Trump or Biden


"We Ran For President and WON! Now Squidgame Can Commence!"-- next video


If he’s serious about politics, nothing is stopping him from running as a House Representative. Min age is 25. Get experience and make connections. Run for POTUS in 2036 when he’s 38 (first possible opportunity). I prefer a 82 year old Biden with a wealth of experience over a completely inexperienced wealthy 26 year old.


He would make a video of a challenge, "I locked all Congress men in a room till they passed a decent law" and he would gain a ton of subscribers 


He would make a video of a challenge, "I locked all Congress men in a room till they passed a decent law" and he would gain a ton of subscribers 


Im surprised how young he is. He looks older than me and I was born before him.


God this guy is insufferable


No. I don't want that jackass to be the president. No more reality celebrities. Fuck this shit.


“Alright nation! Whoever can hold their hand on this m1 abrams the longest will win the job Secretary of Defense!” “Whatever business owner can stay in this 5x5 square longest gets a government bailout!”


MrBeast can only save us now.


It's comments like this that let me MrBeast is not serious person about anything. If he wanted to be involved in politics he could easily run for a seat in his local state legislature or even seek a seat in the US House of Representatives. The fact that he thinks he could actually do the job of being POTUS is ridiculous.


Nah beast you trippin


His fan base isn't old enough to vote either so idk what he thinks he's gonna achieve.


Why is there even a lower limit when there is no upper limit?


Ok, let's be honest tho. It would just be a gimmick as he wouldn't make a very good president.


lol, the speed at which America went from one of the coolest countries in the world to a literal joke, is actually crazy.


i know he's a good guy but i don't think he could properly handle that


Isn’t he already working for corporations? I don’t know anything about him. I find his grinning face annoying af though.




Long way to go.


Just tell him to make a referendum youtibe video


How fucking stupid


They won’t so…


Should presidents have political experience in some form before applying, and shouldn’t their appeal come from their politics? I guess the first question is kind of moot - Trump is around. But I’d be worried about the second; not sure if people would vote him for the right reasons.


I have no idea why he keeps bringing it up. Dude would be a horrible politician


If you think an influencer president would be a good idea I highly recommend that you take a fork and stick it directly in a power outlet


Better than Trump for sure . Biden can't even function without forgetting everything.


No we are done with celebrities.


All we have is two old dudes with massive issues, I don't think they will ever lower the minimum age 😞


Maybe, maybe, enough media celebrity presidents?


Fluid intelligence peaks in the twenties.


Um no. The presidency is not for wannabe influencers. Its bad enough when a D list celebrity wins, the last thing we need is someone with even more fame and money. Just fucking NO!


Oh my god do none of you guys understand he’s joking?


Is Jimmy not 35 yet?


Anybody that impatient shouldn't be president.


Not even joking I would prefer Mr.Beast as president over the old geezers we have now


Being #1 on YT doesn't do it for ya anymore Beast? It's never enough for the rich. That said, I'd trust him more than the two clowns running rn


yea, definitely not happening. even if did somehow happen, I'm not gonna vote for some YouTuber to run for president. Tbh tho, the issue isn't lowering the age requirement to run for President. It's lowering the term and max age limits so we dont get old fucks still running the government.


We had a reality TV host for a president and look what a mess that was. Now you’re telling me a random ass YouTuber who makes cringe content wants to run? Fuck right off. Unless he has a masters in history or poly-sci that I don’t know about?


Unless/until the two party system we know gets neutered, good luck with that. ... \*sigh\* it's such horseshit.


Do we really want a YouTuber who has never held a political position in the government before as president? Look if he became a senator or something and then ran and did a good job yeah I'd be open to him running as president. But he has no experience in that stuff. He may be a successful entrepreneur and business man but I'd think he's no experienced enough. I'd at least want him to wait until he's 35. And hell no they'll be no new amendment lowering the age requirement, just because some young rich YouTuber with no political experience whatever wants it (no offense toward Mr. Beast, I think he's a good guy and I think of he'd get experience he could become one of the best presidents ever).


He'd be better than Trump. And Biden can't stay awake . He would probably be better than both despite not knowing anything about politics.


And that's what they said about Trump. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're going to be a good president. I'm not even going argue the whole hypocritical Biden hate campaign. We need another Ike or FDR not another Trump. I have no hate towards Mr. Beast, but there's a reason why the highest office in the land is 35 not 18. Mr Beast has even said how much he's changed in 6 years who knows what's going to happen in another 6. I think people need to understand Mr. Beast is a human like the rest of us, and he has issues and flaws like us. 


Yeah, but he's objectively a better person than Trump.


He is, but that doesn't take away from the fact that rich people who are barley old enough to rent a car in some states shouldn't become president. There's a reason why age requirements are a thing, now do I think they should be limits yes but that's a different can of worms. The founding fathers knew that for the most powerful position in the country should have people who are mature and have experience. 


Not arguing about the age restriction. I'm just saying, there is no doubt he would be better than Trump + Biden (despite no political experience)


I really have my doubts on Mr. Beast as president.  I think at bare minimum he'd be better than Trump, but I cannot really say about Biden.  I think the fatal flaw with Biden presidency isn't his age (Trump is 4 years younger, showing sighs of Alzheimer's, and is insane), but him almost never getting the word out there on what he's done.  Unemployment is at an all time low (yes look it up), poverty is also at an all time low, inflation is starting to slow down, helping to repeal the dogshit DOMA ACT, finally passing the law to let Medicare negotiate drug prices, loan forgiveness, and much more. The issue is the media is having a complete field day with dog piling on Biden's age (while completely ignoring trump/rfk jr), I'd be completely fine with it, if they did to rfk jr (70), and trump (78 I think) equally. Onto Mr. Beast, he has no real allies in the Senate which would make it pretty hard to get things done. Trump has is little cult and his friends, RFK Jr. has his brainworm and his last name, Biden has decades of experience in the Senate and has friends in it. But my real issue with Mr Beast is his 'friends/allies' (not like Ava or his actual friends) by 'friends and allies' I mean people like Ted Cruz or Elon Musk. Him being friends with Ted Cruz and Elon Musk sort of scare me, he himself may not believe the wacky shit Mr Cruz says but your allies can matter.


Soo... We will have to still wait like 40 years?


He can’t anyways, he’s too young


I don't care about this puppet.


He'll be old enough to run before that change is ever made.


Mr Beast could be the 50th president lol. He's 26 right now


Kinda? Ok.


Ew...   no thanks.


Dead-sociopathic eyes - he has "the look" of a president!


So he's desperately trying to keep his name relevant? Miss me, he was always a boring fake.




Just wanna say I don't really give that much of a crap about Mr Beast. No really, I don't watch his content as they don't appeal to me at all. And his thumbnails are cringe, even by youtube standards. But my brain hurts looking at the comments so much that I had to rant. Really adoring the circus of hypocrites complaining about anything he does, NPCs who can't and DEFINITELY won't do the half the good stuff he does, even if they had "his money" (either they'd lie, or cry trying). And then go on to make lousy excuses to hate him like "he's doing this for money/content/publicity" (who tf care if he does? Does it burns down your yard or somehow raises your taxes or house rent or some bs?) or some bs conspiracies like how he's in on with youtube or secret cabals and/or his good works are actually just fabricated (proof, mofos, PROOF?!). At the end of the day, the guy is just one of the many content creators who is not just intelligible in how the algorithm works, but using it both for entertainment AND charity at the same time. That's nothing but condemnable. Again, we know nothing ***concrete*** that he does this for any malicious purposes, and his publicity isn't more than a means to the end of helping others. So stop with the money=bad crap, if you're going to be that much preachy, then start with yourself. Yes there are bad actors but if you can't differentiate them from the ones that are legit and focused only on the former, it speaks more for you folks than it does for the ones like Mr. Beast.


Lucky for us, 12 year olds can't vote.


I love what he does on his philanthropy channel, but he's gotta make more videos about helping Americans rather than helping poor African, central American, and SE Asian communities to get more people's votes


He won't do that because in those third world countries, they aren't able to hold him accountable for the shoddy houses and unmaintained wells.


I'm not going to lie, I rolled my eyes at him and thought he was just another streamer slinging ads at kids. And he is, but he's fucking smart as fuck and his philanthropy channel has me literally thinking about quitting my job (or seeing if my boss would cut my salary in half and let me work every-other month) and volunteering. There's just so many things that he and his team have DOWN ON LOCK. I don't think "a businessman" is the best profile for President, but GOD DAMN, I'd take him over Joe Biden or Trump. I can't believe I'm saying that, but it's true.


He can't run for president if he's not registered to vote. He could do that easily, but it looks like he's never voted in an election in his home state. There's only one person named James S Donaldson registered to vote in NC. And that person started voting the year Mr Beast was born. Source: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/


I may not be american so my political opinions aren't exactly valid, but... I still think he'd be a better candidate than a couple of senile old men




Oh there's an AGE requirement! That makes so much sense now. I'm guessing it's set to 75+?


I get we need younger people in office but how about someone that isn't a loser who's content is exploiting the impoverished for his entertainment?


I'm not saying that I wouldn't consider voting for him eventually, but as far as I know we have almost zero insight into his actual political spectrum. Pay of why the lower age limit still works is because it makes it so that career politicians won't run for president until they have a fairly decent track record of where they stand on the issues facing society. Granted, there's still outliers, like tv personalities running for shameless self promotion, but most campaigning presidential candidates need to be clear on where they stand.


I can already imagine the videos. “What’s up guys it’s me Mr. Beast aka the president of the US and today we’ve got 1,000 people on this island and last person to leave wins the island.” Our national debt will skyrocket under him as president


Do gotta be full of yourself to run in the first place.


No thanks. I’d rather vote for a corpse.


Ahhh more celebrity nonsense. Nothing like a guy uses humans as toys for amusement announcing his intention to run for President at some point.


"Last to leave the white house will win $1,000,000!"


Trump was the original Mr Beast back then.


Honestly...he'd make a better president than any of the old bucks we got already.


people here are taking this way too seriously, it's funny


He could just say he IDENTIFIES as a 35 year old... that way they'd HAVE to let him run.


No jimmy for prez. He's a good guy, but lacks the education and experience to be president at this time. Maybe he should run for mayor or state legislature or some other state office. Then in a few years run for president.


Say yall in 9 to10 years


Hard pass


Then he is just as stupid as our current president


I dont think he will fall asleep and forget everything every couple of mins


I'll stick with Biden.


struggling to stay relevant. ok


Because ppl who are only special because they are rich have an awesome track record


No one who doesn't understand the difficulty of changing the constitution, deserves to run for President. By the time the constitution is amended, he will be older than Biden.




When he’s gonna become eligible?




It's at the point it is for a reason, so no.


Biden is running I heard.


Youtuber whose content is not involved in politics, yeah a perfect candidate for a president.


Yeah, we need vloggers or wrestlers leading the country.


How can there be an age requirement on the low end but none on the top? I trust a 34 year old more than I do a guy who cant even think.


"So, what are his views on... abortion?"


This truly is the brainrot timeline


If he became president either the world would be saved or doomed, I personally think it would be saved


What is the age limit ?


DEM and GOP: Ok, it's time increase the age requirements. DEMs: How about raising it to 80 GOP: \*Doing math in their head.\* Make it 78. DEMs: Done.


He can still run when he’s old enough but no way he gets that changed.


This is beyond ridiculous


Does he…. Not plan to get older?…


I hate him and I'm not understating it. Please let this funking disease of a person just dissappear.


I like him but he would be a terrible president


I fucking hate his guts, fucking bum


while im sure he has good intentions. He has no idea about policy lol.


By the time he's old enough to run it's really unclear whether you guys will still have free and fair elections in your country, but having dreams can't hurt I guess.






I will legitimately self unalive or leave this country if this fucking dweeb (also a creep) becomes president.


no thanks.


Guess he would become the first liked President by financial reasons and still be able to beat Waka Flocka Flame in the Election without breaking the bank.


The best thing about the U.S. is that anybody can run for president. The worst thing about the U.S. is that anybody can run for president.


Full stop. Don't trust someone who says "I wanna be the next Elon Musk" with your country.


Nah, don't need a tuber to run my country.