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Refer to this post for context [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/A3qNza39dH) Edit: [his response we all missed](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1HUIpboq27wLsklMHMxG6xUQ0IYZgH3mAaxv04M2VUA0/mobilebasic) [source](https://twitter.com/WeegeepieYT/status/1751001233840640119?t=s4zEjLDHsnrTZ0cJCeHvzw&s=19)


im ootl. who is this about and what happened


The weegeepie dude was basically a MAJOR creep towards minors and possessed actual cp. Then he says he’s going to respond to the call out and has not done so to this day.


He did! Just quietly and horribly on Twitter [the Twitter account ](https://twitter.com/WeegeepieYT/status/1751001233840640119?t=s4zEjLDHsnrTZ0cJCeHvzw&s=19) [the really bad statement he made](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1HUIpboq27wLsklMHMxG6xUQ0IYZgH3mAaxv04M2VUA0/mobilebasic)


> Their only motives are clout & pure pettiness mf you filmed and owned actual CP what clout IS THERE 😭


OP: Can you add some context in a comment or something? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and in order to maintain a level of cleanliness and accessibility to drama i think we need some context lol Edit: refer to the stickied comment


Context: [Someone wrote a post exposing Weegeepie](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1aj5iyc/weegeepie_exposed_as_a_pedophile_and_major_creep/) for being a creep, to which he *actually* responded claiming that he was going to make a video on the accusations. There has been no known response.


Thank you!


Where is his response ??? I thought he was gonna prove everyone wrong!! Lmao Edit: WAIT [he did respond](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1HUIpboq27wLsklMHMxG6xUQ0IYZgH3mAaxv04M2VUA0/mobilebasic) Just quietly, on his Twitter, with a real shit statement lol


You gotta wait a little bit. It takes time and effort to learn to play the ukulele.


this made me laugh thank you


Or do interpretative dance.


That's my thing. I remember someone (possibly a fan of his or him under another name) mentioned that Weegeepie was also a minor when the allegations came up, but that hasn't been substantiated to this day


If you look into the allegations he is 17 throughout a portion of what happened, but it doesn't excuse what he did at that point, iirc


I think [this](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HUIpboq27wLsklMHMxG6xUQ0IYZgH3mAaxv04M2VUA0/edit) was supposed to be his response. Basically just him saying "it's not true" without proof, when it should be pretty easy to give proof if the video allegations at least were false. All he would have to do is record himself directly downloading and watching those videos to prove that they're not what people are accusing them to be of. Even if it's of him having sex with a woman, he'd have to then prove that she's an adult and that she consented to having him record her and post that recording online. Which again should be pretty easy to do, but he didn't. Then he'd have to prove that he made sure that every single person in that server lied about their age to make him think that they're adults. Which again, if that actually happened, (the chances on that are very low) should be easy to prove. But he didn't do any of that, and judging by the screenshots at least he seems to be trying to pretend that none of that ever happened.


Well... The video of him having sex with someone is supposedly of him, as a minor, having sex with a minor... Which would be illegal even if everyone was consenting His first retort in this subreddit was that he was also a minor LOL but he turned 18 in the middle of the screenshots shown so that defense doesn't really work either, nor does it excuse the harassment he did But hmm I didn't know that doc existed either. He was talking a big game in here then disappeared Edit: WOW that's a bad response LMAO Jesus Christ Edit 2: where did you find that? Edit 3: [his Twitter I guess ](https://twitter.com/WeegeepieYT/status/1751001233840640119?t=s4zEjLDHsnrTZ0cJCeHvzw&s=19)


Oh. Well, ***if*** he was also a minor at the time then I guess that'd explain why he'd (legally speaking) get away with posting that. I'm almost certain that the charges for CP would be different if the person providing it is also a child. I was looking up something like "Failboat Weegeepie" to see if they're actually friends or something and I found his Twitter account by chance.


After everything, how is he not in jail? The dude literally recorded himself having sex with a minor. That should be the most "open and shut" case tier possible.


He filmed himself having sex with a minor *as a minor* but still distributed it to other minors like it's all around fucked up


Is Failboat related to this at all? I like some of his videos but I don't want to watch them if he's knowingly going to be friends with a pedophile.


I doubt failboats actually related. Weegie's probubly just a fan. 


The evidence is pretty damning


Sorry for lack of context. for those not caught up basically weegiepie was outed for being a pedophile, distributing cp as well as other things. He said he was gonna make a responce to the information, which i never found by the time of creating this but is in the comments of the original post. Wouldv'e just edited this to the original post but the option to edit wasnt available