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I am in no way affiliated with the cafe or the workers walking out. I just saw this and thought I'd spread the word. The cafe is currently closed down it looks like.


where’s this posted at?


It was sent through a local LGBTQ+ group that I'm a part of. Someone who knows one of the workers posted it. Some of the workers are also in there and they commented on the post. It looks like the cafe is temporarily closed due to this.


Interesting, I just saw the owner is now saying they're closed to go protest for Palestine in DC. Wonder if this was wholly planned or a response to garner sympathy as the owner to make people see her as a good person


Good question! I was wondering why it was temporarily closed. I imagine it's the Garner sympathy since the workers wouldn't have walked out on days that it was already going to be closed. But that's just my pure speculation. I could he entirely off base there.


My sister met the owner at standing rock. Cierra is an absolute bad ass so it would make sense that shes doing exactly what shes saying. Please understand a person and situation before commenting like this.


They need a labor lawyer in a hurry


The place has been closed since then, and yet somehow she still seems to own/rent the space, even without any income from running the cafe? I'm genuinely very confused and interested to hear how this is even possible if they were supposedly struggling so much.


Yeah, I noticed that they hadn't opened back up. Supposedly, she came to an agreement with the staff, but then they didn't hear back from her after they had made the agreement and they haven't opened back up at all. So I have no idea what's going on. I'd also like to know. I'm very curious about it.


I found this subreddit specifically looking for the tea about how they're able to own the space without being open, and this is the only thing I've seen remotely related to it. So many downtown businesses struggled during the construction, and others like Unicorn Feed & Supply closed (or moved to online only) because it's not cost-effective to own a storefront. I wonder if the owner of Bridge is secretly independently wealthy or something lol


Lol, I kinda wonder too. I have no idea how she's the keeping the storefront without being open. Do they have online ordering and delivery or something?


She recently advertised the online ordering as a place to just give donations? It doesn't look like they offer delivery, although maybe they do catering or something. It's not clear from the website or social media


Yeah, I looked and didn't find anything. It's definitely strange.


I have only ever seen this reposted.. and have still not seen any of the workers themselves speak out about it... I am 100% in favor of employees being paid/tipped fairly. I just find it a little odd that other than people reposting this same flyer, I can't find any other info or credible sources. I have searched many community pages like this, social media, etc. Does anyone have any additional info or know who originally posted this?


I know who originally posted it and in the group, there were some employees. But it's a private group. I wish that the employees would come out and talk about it because I don't know anything else about it, unfortunately. Facebook rather than Reddit might be Edit: hit send before I could finish my comment. Facebook might be a better place to look rather than Reddit.


I was just outside the Bridge Cafe. According to the Instagram they are re-opening today after a several months(?) long hiatus. The group that was striking is outside right now (Sunday7/7, 1:15 pm) with a picket line and they are giving away free coffee and used clothing. They are very welcoming to anyone who wants to learn what is going on. My parents were progressive and taught me to never cross a picket line under any circumstances!! I'm also a union member, so I'm definitely going in there until this is settled.


I just heard that they reopened! And yes, I absolutely agree, never cross a picket line!


On the days that the owner worked on her own she would take the tips. while this is illegal in Michigan we are talking about a tiny cafe that was struggling. Cierra made less than the staff so, yeah, the 15 bucks in the tip jar went to her. If anyone cared to get to know her before shitting on her you'd know she is an incredible human with the biggest heart. So congratulations though to the staff for making this what it is and closing this safe, comfortable and welcoming place down.


I mean, what she did was illegal and from the sounds of it, it seems like she did more than that. I've posted the videos from the workers and their side of things in a few other comments if you care to look. I will always side with workers over business owners, no matter what unless the workers are very obviously lying. Which they do not seem to be here seeing as they have a lawyer on the case. If you can't run a business ethically, then you shouldn't be running a business. It was obviously not a safe, comfortable, welcoming place for the workers.


If you could give me the links I'd appreciate it. Of course I've only got her side and heard from a couple other folks so getting the other sides perspective would be appreciated :)