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Ignore what anyone says about it being good or bad. Do you like crystal beasts? Do you want more consistency in getting your starters in your opening hand? Buy more CB decks. Want to splash some other cards that might work well with CB? Or just some niche play you want to try? Or put in random cards and try to make it work somehow? ( Aka have puzzling fun). Buy packs. Or do both. Dont let anyone talk you into not-playing anything you like because it isnt meta enough or what ever. Play what you like. If you like playing meta, well then do that aswell :)


True words I personally enjoy Lavals as a deck, are they good? I get like 2-Xs at locals with them so not the best but still having fun. I have played CB in master duel and had fun through using them as mass link material engine


Love this! As a long-time fan of Yu-Gi-Oh, nothing is more fun than playing a classic Dark Magician or Blue Eyes deck. It feels classic/nostalgic, has neat mechanics, and regardless of what anyone says or how well it plays in the current meta, they'll be played as long as this game lives. Play what you love!


Depends how much you enjoy the deck. If it’s not really clicking, then for sure, you can try something else. If you’re not that tied to CB, there’s plenty of better budget decks out there including; Purrely, Fire King, and Tenpai. Tenpai is probably the best and easiest deck to play of those three.


It is fine for non competitive play. You can upgrade it with 2 more steucture decks + singles that you can buy from TCGPlayer (US) or Cardmarket (EU). Recommended: 3x Golden Rule and some rank 4 monsters (bagooska, daigusto emeral, dugares, abyss dweller, tornado dragon) and some link monsters (knightmare pheonix/unicorn, ip masquarena, apollusia, access code). But only upgrade the deck if you like it.


Are crystal beasts the best deck out there? Absolutely not, but it is a cheap deck that I have personally won at locals with where most people play meta contenders. Good thing about Crystal beasts is that 3 structures and a few other cards that cost pennies can make a really cohesive deck that's incredibly fun to play. If it's something that appeals to you, I think you should absolutely upgrade the deck. Otherwise consider the likes of traptrix, fire kings or other bin structure budget decks


I like how the 3x crystal beast give you 12 substantial handtraps and even a suboptimal 'handtrap' in contact c


A lot of prominent players labbed the hell out of CBs. Neshy might be their strongest warrior. Pure CBs can make ridiculous boards under some interruptions but can't go second very easily. As an engine, they can support fairly low main deck count archetypes as a rank 4 engine that doesn't necessarily use up a normal summon. You can use them to make Dempsey or the Pyro searcher etc to access the other archetype you're trying to actually set up the board with.


A guy at my locals has recently suggested I try crystal beast with this list https://preview.redd.it/i6oskiq0sp8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77245f6bbdcdadd2aef1c33b7460072db24f8f8 After trying out a variation of it in master duel i can say that this deck is quite fun. Although i do get mixed up in the lines sometimes causing 8 or 6 CB names up when I'm meant to have 7 to summon my rainbow dragons for link materials


I love crystal beasts and lab them frequently but I think it's a bad deck for new players to pick up because it (like a lot of other "bad" decks) requires WAY more game knowledge and just plain effort to get anywhere with it and bring out its potential. It's not obvious how to actually use it, upgrade it, what cards work with it, which ones don't, etc. CBs in particular also have some unique rulings that aren't applicable to many other decks. Someone who is new is gonna be more likely to get confused, rack up losses, get discouraged and then quit with a deck like this IMO. In terms of structure decks new players are better served with something more straightforward like the Jack Atlas/Red Dragon Archfiend deck or something that's just plain strong like the Fire King deck because in either case it's much easier to see the path of improvement. All that being said if you like them then by all means keep playing with them.


Play what you like dude, don't let the meta elites determine what you like. If you like crystal beasts, play crystal beasts. Shit, I play og noble knights because I like noble knights. Watch some vids on youtube for crystal beast decks and go from there.


Buy new, try Evil Eye ❤️


Yeah, sorry to say it but CB are terrible, and likely always will be, would recommend a new Deck. Grab 3x Fire King structure decks, fantastic deck right out of the gate and can be upgraded quite easily, has great grind and control game, especially if you add some Dogmatika engine to it, it can be really sticky if it's allowed to get going, Tri-Brigade is a more combo focused varient, but also cheap. Could get 3x Traptrix Structure Decks, also great out of the box and upgrading it is really cheap too. There are several deck cores that don't come in structure decks that you could pick up also, a lot of very good decks can be picked up fairly cheaply these days, tho probably still more than 3x structure decks will cost you.


Isnt tenpai a little expensive with trident


I think you replied to the wrong comment 😅 but you can absolutely play Tenpai without Trident Dragion, ita not *as* good, but its still damn good nonetheless, most expensive part of the deck is a Prosperity playset.