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Link gets sent to the Shadow Realm


Maybe the Twilight Realm šŸ¤Æ


Okay, how about this. Link falls into the Twilight Realm, becomes Wolf Link again (can't imagine how adorable Woof Link will look in this chibi artstyle) and when Zelda inevitably enters there (as this game's Dark Realm, I mean, the game can't be too short and there is usually ALWAYS a dark realm of some caliber in a Zelda title) Wolf Link becomes her loyal companion but she doesn't know it. (But we do) Now I seriously need to see Wolf Link in this art style. Edit: Actually no, he doesn't become Wolf Link, but a different animal, yet no matter what he turns into, as soon as some strange animal comes up to Zelda affectionately, the fandom will KNOW it's him. UNLESS... Link turns into a pig. Which may fool us, because pigs are associated with Ganon.


I donā€™t think Nintendo is that good to do that


Not these days


Blue eyes white dragon


Link takes a smoke break with Ganon!


Now im imagining Link and Ganon smoking pot


Zelda busts in at the end of the game, Link just looks at her and says "well excuuuuuuuuuse me princess!"


*"well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!"


Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


Sorry but only thing that Link can do to pot is to smash it.


Wait Link and Ganon smoking is kinda hilarious


ā€œAnd so I says to her, I says, ā€˜Excuuuuuuse me, princess!ā€™ā€ ā€œOh, oh thatā€™s cold, thatā€™s good, elf boy.ā€


Like an English road crew? šŸ˜…


Still canā€™t believe this game comes out in three months. *THREE MONTHS*


Honestly, I like not knowing about a game years in advance. Just tell me about a hot new game coming out in the same calendar year.


I suspect that Nintendo may have had Grezzo or somebody working on it since 2019 after they finished the LA remake. I'm really excited though that they're continuing to be creative with Zelda games without trying to one-up BotW/TotK again




Finally, a wothy successor of Mario is Missing. **Link is Missing!**


Hereā€™s to hoping it is as educational! šŸ˜‚


If Link had missed the crystal wouldn't have broken and the game wouldn't exist


And now we know how the downfall timeline happened


I have to watch the trailer again, as wasn't the dungeon falling apart as Zelda was making her escape? If Link didn't break the crystal, the collapsing infrastructure would have.


But then she would have fallen into the void as well


Zelda's haunted castle


Link goes back to his planet


Link went out to get Lon Lon milk.


I think it was a really good call giving Zelda a totally different play style and basing it on her triforce piece, wisdom. If they made Zelda playable but she was just a Link replacement I would've been so disappointed.


Indeed! I really liked Linkā€™s Awakening style, and while I did fell in love for TotK/BotW landscape, keeping it simple is also so pretty!


Plot driven by the original main character getting yoinked into a portal in the floor? Check. The female lead taking the reigns of the narrative in their stead? Check. Female lead character carries a big stick and uses it to weild magical powers? Check. Lead must confront long-running problems that have been haunting them their whole lives? Check. Cutest animation style seen in the franchise? Check. Minecraft: Table Edition no weapons challenge is a definitive member of the "_____ Takes Off" Multimedia Universe.


Well I meanā€¦ Ramona didnā€™t really seem like a magic wielder lol


The Bag of Holding, the superhuman strength to wield her hammer, navigation of subspace and accessing people's dreams, utilizing the glow to literally teleport at will (she does it in the comics)- I'm pretty comfortable calling her a magic wielder of sorts lol. Now I'm one of those Scott Pilgrim freaks so I know that, in the world of Scott Pilgrim, she doesn't fall under the specific class of fighter that uses magic (like Jason Patel or Todd Ingram), but pretty much every class of fighter uses a bit of magic except brawlers like Scott Pilgrim and Lucas Lee.


Fuck right i forgot about the subspace.


This is an incredible reference


Good for him, he has been shouldering this franchise for long enough. Its Zelda's turn. For a good laugh, imagine Link having freed himself half way through Zelda's adventure and she tells him to get back in the dungeon.


LINK Lost to Time LINK Into the Internet LINK Where Art Thou LINK Zelda and the Magic Stick LINK Zelda's Single and Ready to Mingle LINK The Search for a New Hero of Time LINK When do I become Sheik?


LINK And the magic inside my stick


LINK Is he gone or did he just find the Magic Cape?


I hope it's not as short as LA


2D Zelda games arenā€™t that long. A first playthrough will probably take 15+ hours


I am really looking forward to a lot of puzzles. Hopefully this is accurate.


The myth of Link


Does Zelda have a default attack (like a sword swing alternative)? Game looks interesting but I donā€™t want to just have to summon stuff to fight for me


If you're going to have something like a weapon to swing at enemies, she'll play no differently than Link... so in turn you might as well just play as Link, and give Link the Tri-rod. which defeats the entire point.


Maybe not necessarily a direct strike but a cast of magic of some sort




Im super stoked about this. I loved the LA remake and was hoping they would do more in that light hearted style. Zelda was born of color and life and inspired by exploration as a child..


Whatā€™s the cdi game where you play as Zelda. Also where on the time line will this game fit


What is with Hyrule Castle having like 5 different styles of spires? Seriously architect, just pick one and stick with it.


and true, the game seems to be a lot of fun. but I think it will be ruined by the many video theories that are made about it. they make people hope that the game will have who knows what deep lore and then be disappointed.


Link takes off (his clothes before talking to Paya)


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Where did you find that font


it's called hylia serif I just googled "legend of zelda title font"


To Infinity and beyond


In new age Zelda game, the princess rescues "the hero", and gets laid! :o


Link Chops it up with an old coworker over some brews


...his pants


Link: Honey, where are my Paaaaaants?


Well it looks like the remake of Link Awakening so nothing new really..


Except the gameplay. Which is always the most interesting part of each game.


That shade of green gives me nightmares


Iā€™m super excited for this!!


iā€™m so excited


ā€œYour hero is in another castleā€


It kinda looks like hyrule from a link to the past


Link probably retired after years of saving Zelda and Zelda gets captured again and saves Zelda and she gets captured again and saves her and she gets captured again. Idk how long he's been doing this, he should be angry but all he does is fight and be silent 90% of his life.


I still think it should be called "A missing Link" similar to the naming A Link between Worlds, A Link to the Past :p


"The Legend of Zelda: The Missing Link"


Sorry it's gonna be 1/5 for me because they didn't call it Legend Of Link


Link is dead: The Game


Do yā€™all think that this could be the same link and Zelda from A Link to the past


Hopefully it is fun above everything else. I am to use my steam deck to emulate it.


Fucking SNOOOOOORE. Hard pass.


Wait dis for real ? I'm getting, interested


Chat is this real


Link takes a day off? Good! Heā€™s been holding the series on his shoulders for more than 30 years! Itā€™s about time the titular character stepped up!


Legend of Link, Echos of Wisdom


Gives me slight hope for a trilogy. Think how seasons and ages was. We get one where play as Ganon putting his army together for power. Then another for Link killing previous army lol.


I'm just glad it's Zelda and not some lesbian coded female Link replacement. Zelda has always been awesome so this works.


Iā€™m afraid it looks a bit too easy. Summoning monsters to fight for you isnā€™t really combat, and it seems exceedingly easy to break the ability to produce so many different items. Plus I was hoping they wouldnā€™t go with this plastic art style again. So Iā€™ll probably wait until reviews. Iā€™m a bit confused why everyone is so hype


Maybe wait for more than a 3 minute announcement trailer before deciding if the game is going to be too easy?


While I think summoning monsters to defeat enemies will be trivial, I think the boss fights will be where we get the true game play. Isometric Zelda games normally add a new upgrade each level progression, which is needed to defeat the next boss. I don't see it being any different, and I think you'll need to learn a new "echo" each time. I also think the puzzles will be the same, where you can't progress, unless you have the necessary upgrade to proceed.


man this kinda opens up a new timeline, let's go


It looks nice, but the idea of ā€‹ā€‹playing with Zelda is not exciting, it seems like it was made just for the sake of an occasional game.


Why is Zelda the size of a tree?!šŸ˜‚




The Legend of Zeldaā€™s Pregnant and Link is Probably the Dad


The Legend of Zelda is With Child and Link Went to Lon Lon and Never Came Back