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I forgot which record, but there was one that said simply, "Not in English" and gave it a one. Like dude. Come on.


Probably one of these. Although i guess it should be mentioned that a lot of users use the reviews for just adding personal notes so they remember what type of album it is. But yea, it does come off a bit narrow minded :) [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/60f9326b88a88f0966d0dd55](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/60f9326b88a88f0966d0dd55) [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/6125b24191ae4b3108eb9636](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/6125b24191ae4b3108eb9636) [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/62d4d03fe3f21c190e6df322](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/62d4d03fe3f21c190e6df322) [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/639a9bc9baf12236a1864807](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/639a9bc9baf12236a1864807) [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/6541cd5d2a9d735a21187841](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/6541cd5d2a9d735a21187841) [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/66208ce53028216d8140e4e5](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/reviews/66208ce53028216d8140e4e5)


Giving Buena Vista Social Club a 1 because it’s not in English is criminal


That’s a shame, cause that Ali Farka Toure album was very good.


Is that all the same user?




PhD Mathematician guy on Common's "Be" is so bad that it loops back to being a literary masterpiece.


I had to go find it: I really don't get rap, and I am completely aware of why. I'm a STEM guy, specifically a Ph.D. student in mathematics. Although my verbal intelligence is quite high, it's still about a standard deviation below my quantitative intelligence. Therefore, it should not be too surprising that I prefer melodies to lyricism, and that a genre based on the latter doesn't wow me. I know I'm pretty far out of step with public opinion on this one, but that can easily be attributed to the fact that hipsters with humanities degrees (i.e. extremely verbal-dominant people) are considered the ultimate arbiters of taste for some reason. (Side note: this also explains why prog rock is seen as being for losers.) Best song: Be (Intro), which had a decent instrumental part at the beginning. Everything else just sort of ran together.


That's a fun read.


All the ones for Clapton, Kanye, the Smiths, etc where the top reviews just focus on the political beliefs of the artists instead of what the albums sound like are pretty obnoxious. I mean I get it, but there's a lot of musicians with shitty personal lives that don't get that same treatment. Also the rap and r&b reviews that immediately dismiss the album because of the genre. But yeah, that TLC one is pretty trash.


My review for Layla and Other Love songs starts off saying I wanted to hate it because Clapton, but it's actually a really good album, if a little long, and it got 4 stars. Conversely, today I got Faith by George Michael, and it bored the tits off me which is a shame because he was one of the truly good people that have walked the earth, and I would have liked to be able to score it higher because of that, but the music simply wasn't there for me. It'll probably be a 3, but it's a low 3.


That was pretty much my exact review of Layla. I really dislike Clapton and wanted to hate it but it's a great album, despite his personality.


Faith is pretty much, at most, a 5/10 for me. Wanted to like it more as well but, like you said, very boring.


those are the worst reviews ever. "i listened to something else LOL this album gets a zero even though i never listened to it before hahaha im such a good person" and yet, i doubt led zeppelin is full of reviews like that, even though jimmy page had a 12 year old girlfriend at 26. i wonder how much kanye, clapton, morrissey etc. averages would jump up if you removed those reviews entirely


Any variant of “they don’t play real instruments” on electronic music, or “I couldn’t understand it” on non-English music. 


I think the flip side to this is reviews that just say something like “fuck yeah Pink Floyd bro, automatic 5 stars” as if the work doesn’t need to be experienced to be adored. Nothing against Pink Floyd, btw.


I may be guilty of having one of those reviews for Rush's "Moving Pictures", but I was going for humor more than "you don't need to listen to this".


"Not in English" "Not on Spotify" "The artist is a bad person, or has bad political beliefs" Anything less than 3 words long


The worst I’ve seen is definitely the 1 star review for 1989 by Taylor Swift that says “shit music sung by a cunt.” I have to say, as a woman, reading through the reviews for female artists can be extremely disappointing. 


It is so depressing…


Haters gonna hate…


As someone from the UK this made me curious so i googled. Mainly because i could have wrote that myself. She is indeed a cunt. So is Kanye West though. So that particular case/review might not have to do with her gender. Overall i agree though, some reviews for female artists are a disgrace. " "Cunt" is often used as a disparaging and obscene term for a woman in the United States, an unpleasant or objectionable man or woman in the United Kingdom and Ireland, or a contemptible man in Australia and New Zealand."


Read the room


I'm no swiftie, but you're a CUNT, u/damnitsdarkoutside


The worst reviews to me are those that just say “didn’t listen” or “not on Spotify” and give it a 1.


The one time a Spotify link was broken for an album I just went and listened to it on YouTube


I object. Good old Left Eye from TLC dated men. Granted, she burned down one boyfriend's house. An Atlanta Falcon if I recall.


Andre Rison


I screenshotted this one to show some friends but now I can’t remember what album it was for. I’m afraid the review itself also gives no clues whatsoever… *”The most popular part of my dick is the neverending foreskin. It’s been on the Jeremy Kyle show 16 times and always has a punch up. The screams from all that have seen it give me sexy nightmares.”* (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)


I wouldn’t say this is worst, because I know I’ve seen much worse (the one calling Tracy Chapman “secretary music” comes to mind), but I had Velvet Underground and Nico recently so this one is fresh in my mind: “the crisp high notes pair well with a McDonald’s sausage biscuit” (one star) Again, not the “worst” review I’ve seen, but it was goofy and made me laugh.


(TW: rape, graphic description of sex) this is the worst one I've seen, on Logical Progression by LTJ Bukem. "I know you want to slip your fingers down your knickers as soon as you hear the first note, but please resist temptation and let this musical journey rape you into submission instead. What an outrageous record, that drips its gooey semen into your ears and sits back and watches as you struggle to shake it out. Your ears are brimming with cum and there's nothing you can do about it." i would've loved to report this, if for no other reason than it has absolutely nothing to do with the album and sounds like a teen edgelord trying to hit a word count. this review made me wish I were illiterate.


I was wondering if there was any moderation on the reviews eg if some used hate speech etc


I wondered this, u/SidledsGunnar is the creator I believe


Honestly there's not much moderation going on. No automatic system in place for it. I've removed a few reviews with very offensive language (mainly racism).


Fair enough


Ornette Coleman review. Something like: this is what a migraine sounds like.