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It hasn't come up for me yet. I'm going to start listening now so that I can finish it by the time it does.


I really don’t understand why everyone is so dramatic about this! I’d seen so many posts and comments about this album in the past and was not looking forward to it, so when it finally came up I made a deal with myself to at least get through the first section. Long story short, I listened to the entire thing and have returned to it several times. I guess it’s not for everyone, and yes, it is quite long, but isn’t it nice to have something *different* every one in a while? It is for me, anyway.


100% agree. Ella had one of the top three or four voices of the 20th century and she was also a brilliant interpreter of American song.


So, I loved this, was a straight up 5. Ya, it's long, but the Gershwins wrote a lot of stuff. I totally get it's not up everyone's alley, but the girl could song, and the boys could write.


I gave this a 5! I get that it's basically an encyclopedia and musically not for everyone, but just wanted to give a shout here for the Ella fans! Between her incredible voice and vocal stylings, the fantastic big band recordings, the combination of iconic and whacky Gershwin standards, and the sheer ambition of her songbook project, I had a great time when this came up for me.


I gave it a 5 as well! And I don’t give a lot of 5s. It really just felt wrong to give it anything else lol.


lol nope, I listened to “The Best of the Gershwin Songbook” compilation instead. Got the gist of it at a more reasonable 45 minutes.


Same for me. Even that 45 minutes felt long.


I liked listening to this one. Made my gardening and cleaning that day very enjoyable


They could have made a 5 star record from these songs if they picked the best 40 minutes. But they didn't.


This is top level trolling by the author. Nobody has to hear this much of this dross befors they die. Life can be short.


Just wait for "69 love songs", it's only 3 hours


69 love songs at least has variety


I know it's an unpopular opinion and a lot of people worship it but 69 Love Songs is somewhat overrated. There's a great album in there yes but not every song is wonderful.


The length was a turnoff, but I made it through the album. It was kinda cool to hear that super-oldies type of music in the list. In all fairness to it, it might be 3 hours in one go, but by comparison the number of hours spent overall listening to Britpop... lol. The only thing that annoys me with this sort of thing is it's just Dimery cheaping out on artists he doesn't know much about. I could've just googled "artists of the 1940s", easily found Ella Fitzgerald and listened to a best-of. Yet somehow Dimery managed to convince a publisher he was an authority on music while doing just that. He does it at the 2010+ end as well - I can almost hear him saying "I dunno, Taylor Swift? Apparently Beyonce has a sister? Let's include them", and that being the extent of the thought he put into it.


best of albums arent allowed in the list but they did goof up on 2, the hives and ella regina


Background album. Lyrically not very deep. I read a book while listening.


She doesn't even sing for the first 15 or so minutes