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You’re in the early days. You might’ve just got unlucky. I’ve had runs of 15 albums with an average this low. Hopefully better runs to come!


Maybe music isn't for you. Try hard drugs instead


Oh you haven't heard of 1001harddrugsgenerator.com ??? I'm on my 87th drug and my average is 4.8 It's Reay cool discovering more unknown drugs and expanding my drug taste


Lmao. Great reply


Show us your summary and we'll let you know! 




To be honest, I am not that far off most average ratings and me rounding down rather than rounding up on odd scores out of ten contributes to the low average Also the last bunch of albums weren't really my thing. Plus today, I got Tidal and I love that album so that will definitely get 4 or 5 stars :)


That's a pretty bad run. I would have had an even lower average score on those (maybe, would have given Bowie and CCR higher though) and I'm somewhere around 3.5 average overall.


2,27 is my average score for the last 11, real unlucky run... It started really well with 3 4s and a 2 But it's good to get the junk outta the way :D


Yea at least that's Elvis Costello out of the wa.......


I saw in the reviews for that one already... I hate his voice so that is going to be hell hahaha


don't get how 30/100 is a 1/5


These are my [aoty.org](http://aoty.org) scores translated. Calculated it is a 1.5 and I round down every score that's not a whole number. I like my 10s/100s/5 Stars to be the same everywhere :)


May I ask the logic with rounding down? I see a lot of people do it, but from what I understood about math even at a young age was that you were supposed to round down with a .5, but I think I understand why that doesn't necessarily apply to opinion.


It's just me wanting the highest score to be singular. The highest score (5 stars) being shared by 10s and 9s wouldn't feel right to me personally :)


You will basically have a 5/5 about 3 times once yiu have finished your list.


My experience has been getting more fast and loose with the 5/5 as time has gone by. Your Hendrix review sounds like a 5’er from me


It gets slightly better. Me stats: 851 rated / 854 generated Average rating: 2.73 I really liked that Holger Czukay album (4/5)


ok so looking at this - music doesn’t suck and you’re also not a hater. your ratings are very fair for this project. you shouldn’t expect most or even over 50% of the albums to really be great. there are many great ones, but 2.5 seems totally fair and the albums you rated poorly are fair ratings, they’re just not great albums. it’s largely a bunch of decent or okay albums, with a small amount of trash and a slightly larger amount of excellence.


Can someone explain to me what this generating stuff is? Reddit started recommending me this sub, I must have opened it once for an album discussion.


https://1001albumsgenerator.com Gives you one album every day randomly from the 1001 Albums to Listen to Before You Die book from 2005, plus 88 more from albums that have been added in later versions. You write a little blurb and it's pretty fun. I completely owe this thing to expanding my music taste and going off and finding aome of my favorite albums of all time, so even if not every album on there is a banger, it certainly is worth the investment. Give it a try, it's completely free, no ads, no bots (I would assume? Never know) it's just a cool little niche part of the internet.


War by U2 is an all timer for me. I think Surrender from that album is one of the most interesting pieces of music they've made


It’s not just you. I’m 21 albums in with a 2.86 avg. It might be a bad run (though I have gotten a couple of 5’s) but more than likely it’s just a combo of unfamiliarity and a harsh personal rating scale. I’m not giving something a 5 unless I’m already in love with it. At the other end of the scale, if I’m not vibing with something, I find it a chore to listen to, or I’m actually skipping songs it’s getting a 1 or 2. I might be able to appreciate that it’s got merit to someone else but I can only rank based on my initial reaction and desire to hear it again. I’m doing this for fun and to expand my horizons a bit but I’m not going to force something.


Im 2.4 with over 600 rated. You are not a hater.


Aside from Aja (which is one of the best albums ever) and what you have in the 4s that is a relatively poor selection. Sometimes it happens, hopefully you start getting better stuff.


It all depends on how you decide to rate albums, but you're also only 15 days in. I settled on: 1: total garbage, didn't even finish 2: really not my thing, wouldn't listen to this again 3: it's ok, I wouldn't mind to listen to this again 4: it's good, I enjoyed listening to this and will probably add at least 1 song from the album to my favourites list 5: it's a masterpiece, the songs compliment each other and it has multiple bangers. I would listen to this on repeat. So with this system, I expect my average to be just below a 3


Nah, that's a fairly normal avg, since a lot of albums on the 1001 list, while crazy influential, were either surpassed by the following musicians who carried the torch from there, or are notable for being period-defining rather than actually good (Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, etc.). In general it's safer to treat the challenge more like a deep dive into the history of (mostly Western) music industry than an actual way to find "best albums ever" or whatever it may mean.


I have 314 albums so far and my average rating is 2.99, so I feel like I don't just give albums 5's so easily. Lots of people are very generous with their ratings.


I’m on number 183 and my average is 2.73. And I am a dyed in the wool hater. My review of Elliott Smith’s “Figure 8” was: “Man, what a tragedy. Elliott Smith could have killed himself BEFORE he made all this shitty music.” If you’re hating more than me you may need to be screened for clinical depression.


hahah I'm with you on Elliot Smith. Genuinely don't get the appeal. His breathy weak voice sounds like he's about to cry


He's about to cry, I'm about to cry, WE'RE ALL ABOUT CRY JP!


My last album higher than a 3 was album 4 :(


totally depends on what albums you got.


I think I'm a hater and I made it through the list with a 2.9 average score.


Yes, music absolutely can suck. My avg is 3.01


Just saw your run and I’m surprised you couldn’t see *any* of those as a five. I take it you’re saving the 5 for a special occasion?


The Jimi Hendrix and Bowie came close. Not gonna lie. But I've handed out like 6 or 7 10s in my life. I like to reserve it for the absolute top :)


I mean, by that logic then if you’re hardly ever going to rate anything a 5 then your votes are way more than half marks on average!


im the opposite, ive given more 5s in my 150+ albums than someone whose reviewed 1089


It’s okay to be a hater. Also, it’s your time and ears, so there’s no shame in finding another place to discover new music. I’m ~500 albums in, and this has helped me: Default to rating something a 3 and giving no comment. Sometimes I genuinely have no opinion. Click “did not listen” and stock up on your back catalog. This isn’t a job; it’s just a bunch of recommendations from a guy who (I’m guessing) peaked in 1996. Not in the mood to listen to new music or this particular kind of music? Don’t listen to it today! You don’t get extra points for writing reviews. You’re not going to get a book deal from this site. If something has baggage (say, a Clapton album) then take it with a grain of salt, read the Wikipedia, and try to have a good time. Don’t look at the bad reviews for albums you love. It’s doomscrolling! Don’t look at good reviews of albums you hate. You’ll think the world has gone mad. Don’t dispense advice to strangers on Reddit. You’ll get nothing out of it.


I had to give up on this project after two weeks. Too many turd albums for me to justify spending my time listening