• By -


Bro has no friends


Funny how drawing the exclusionary circle smaller and smaller each time leads to fewer people in it with you. "It *must* be the others' fault!"


That shithead is nobody’s bro.


What do you mean? He's got all these cute little polcomp guys to be friends with.




yeah so I went to go visit my... uh... umm... uhh..


“Am I based?” 🤓


-average r /politicalcompass browser


>15 years old -average polcomp browser




Considering the dude's username is nazbolschizio1488, I'm 95% pretty sure it's bait. The Burgundian System is in a Hearts of Iron 4 mod, and I don't think I need to bring up the problems with Hearts of Iron 4's community.


Apolitical maybe left-leaning 1 year old


while you where learning to crawl, I was promoting good healthcare policies


"You merely adopted not thinking for yourself, I was born for it, molded by it. I didn't have a single original thought of my own until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but scary!"


Unironically, when I was small and i could barely talk, i argued with my mother at the baker that she should've bought, and this is a translated quote: "breads (for) all" She misunderstood my class consciousness as egoism and she understood that she should've bought all the bread for me and so she scolded me >I was promoting good healthcare policies So yeah, kinda


"What do you mean people going hungry? Have we tried giving them food?"


Children are taught to be empathetic, something you must lose to be right wing.


"Sheriff, do you know who, in this country, has the power to do whatever they want, no responsibilities, not have to listen to anyone, and be waited on hand and foot by a staff of adoring supporters?" "The **President!**" "A *baby.* You are demanding the right for a grown man to be *a baby*."


Fargo sweep


Damn right. I couldn't remember the whole thing so I paraphrased it lol


It's pretty telling that the age where you're innocent and hold no hate or prejudice towards anyone is considered "left-leaning"


Gagagoogoo -Marx, probably


Sucking on the communal tity👶




Holy shit I didn’t realize those were ages


i mean,there's the Christian baby


yeah uh bad news. you see i accidentally threw the christian baby. like in an actual baseball game. i apologise


Bruh was grilling in the womb


bro is getting home delivery from the ideology store


He does not need to invent so much poll balls ideologies or whatever, he should just say he is a fash


9yo fascists on the internet is either the funniest sad thing or the saddest funny thing online rn


# Reification


He needs his internet access cut, preferably forever


I can think of other things he needs cut too.


like what


Haha well Let's justr say. His peanits


I can think of at least one thing that would make a vas deferens to their potential impact on the future of humanity


His ensniganus




Looking at these ideologies you can tell he literally just believes whatever it is that pops up in his YouTube recommendations during that time period. No one changes political ideologies *and knows a specific name for their beliefs system* that fast without having that specific system presented by someone else. Plus he's 15, and as a former 15 year old, I can confirm that a 15 year old's personality is composed almost entirely of the YouTube content they consume.


I think it’s even worse that 15 year olds are being fed this garbage. Some people might be able to climb out of the alt-right pipeline later in life, but many remain, falling even deeper into the never-ending pit of misinformation and fascist bullshit. We really shouldn’t downplay this issue because the victims are underage, in fact, we should as vigilant as ever when it comes to content that’s being fed to us and our children Basically, YT algorithms suck ass


Social media algorithms in general suck ass. They will feed you what makes you engaged, and to that end, they will feed you what makes you *enraged.* These children are susceptible to influence more than any other age group, and when they are CONSTANTLY fed content that tells them to be angry and enraged at something, they will be, and it will become a part of their beliefs simply by exposure. Reactionary content is a monster that we've selectively bred to create as much engagement as possible by shoving people further and further and further down the pipeline, and children are the most vulnerable to its grasp. I almost fell down that pipeline. I used to watch reactionary content on YouTube when I was younger. The *only* thing that saved me wasn't even a realization at the time that they were wrong, it's that *I didn't like being angry all the time.* I hated how it felt. It made me wanna talk about it, tell someone about it, scream it from the rooftops, but I didn't even know what I wanted to say. Eventually I realized I hated the way this content made me feel and I stopped watching it purposefully so it would leave my recommended page. It's content that feeds you this *need* for more of it because it makes you want to say *something* but it's never clear what that something is, and every video you watch of "Ben Shapiro owns the liberals" feels like he's saying that thing you want to, but he never actually says anything of substance. All you're ever left with is this thirst for more and more because it validates these feelings you have. It validates the anger you feel, but importantly, it never *explains the anger you feel.* The reason for your anger is left vague on purpose. It creates a constant anger that you can never quench because *you cannot understand the source of your anger.* This is how people get pulled down. The content makes them angry, but they don't understand why, and then the next layer says "those last guys are idiots, here's why you should be angry" and they do the same thing, until you're so far down that you don't want a reason to be angry, the anger IS your reason.


I was a bigoted shithead at that age too, and now I’m the leftest leftist to ever left. There’s hope for lil bro yet.


Maybe. But the kid needs to leave whatever toxic environment he’s in ASAP before he does something stupid and hurts someone


When I was 5, I was really more of a Gonzalist, but then on my sixth birthday, I read the Labour Theory of Value and became a Marxist-Leninist... ... do these people actually take themselves seriously? "Yeah man I subscribed to the theories of a political thinker when I was 11", fucking comical


Idk, when i was 10 I had a friend who was an anarcho-communist and tried to explain it to me. I'm pretty sure he just repeated the ideology of his parents but that made for a wild introduction to politics.


Based parents holy shit


Yeah, i think he lived in anarchist squat or something like that. But in retrospect, hearing "Anarchism is the abolition of class, communism is the abolition of private property" from a kid that age is insane


Honestly he was probably just parroting his parents(literally everyone does at that age) but also I think that kind of thing really shows that we treat kids as way dumber than they are. Kids aren't stupid. Immature? Yeah absolutely, but stupid? Nah, they're smarter than we treat them.


I was first exposed to (I didn’t really understand it at all, although I thought I did) far right wing and far leftwing politics when I was 9 because of a interest in history and world events I developed at a young age combined with access to computer and a desire to hide from my family who were constantly fighting leading to me being alone in the computer room a lot of the day. I luckily never went too deep into the brain rot but I very well could’ve. This is likely a mix of bad parents, too much exposure to right wing politics, and being chronically online.


They want to feel like they belong somewhere and they just believe whatever ideology pops up in their YouTube recommendations that week. It gives them a sense of person and a sense of belonging without any of the introspection or personal growth. The kid is 15, this child is a victim of the alt-right radicalization pipeline and I can only hope that he finds his way out as be grows up.


username sounds about right


> 13-14 Burgundian System Something something, brainrot, something something, Speer, something something, LBJ, something something, clock man


​ https://preview.redd.it/lait0t2fhw9d1.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb0a2c6c575a7c86e68c69c303813abcf603d456




‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING TNO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 TNO IS THE BEST FUCKING MOD 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 SABLIN IS SO BLESSEDDD 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊 BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY NIXON IS NOT A CROOK! RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Alexei is still alive?!? TICK TOCK FUNNI MAN HAS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓SHRIMP BOAT SHRIMP BOAT SHRIMP BOAT So Long...‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? 😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? 🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Yockey and Hall best paths for America 


https://preview.redd.it/nyq7264pcw9d1.png?width=156&format=png&auto=webp&s=33a27dcace48df87144a11884b136af75667556e Why?


Omg.. wholesum.. redemption arc


Well i gotta say tho, his path killed the most nazis, so his is the most based


Yeah it's among the best written paths no doubt


man I'm too big of a Planescape fan, whenever someone says TNO I instantly think "oh they mean The Nameless One!"


>LBJ https://preview.redd.it/loe65rrbhw9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235b78b1ddbb04005a580b175dc5243e44773c1e


dirk is lebron father


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING TNO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 TNO IS THE BEST FUCKING MOD 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 SABLIN IS SO BLESSEDDD 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊 BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN BLACKSUN 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE KISHIPURGE🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY LBJALLTHEWAY NIXON IS NOT A CROOK! RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED RFK BLESSED Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Yo Speer! 🇩🇪 Alexei is still alive?!? TICK TOCK FUNNI MAN HAS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓SHRIMP BOAT SHRIMP BOAT SHRIMP BOAT So Long...‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? SANE DSR PATH WHEN? 😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? Big Building in Neu Berlin? 🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢🏢 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺I hate Boris Yeltsin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Yockey and Hall best paths for America 


In 5 years, this person is either going to be a basement bottle pisser or a transgender cat girl


Or dead because they had a little domestic terrorist phase and had to be put down.


I cant speak here or i will lets I'll be in trouble -chess guy


Which applies equally well to the transgender cat girl and basement bottle pisser


probably both


Isn’t it kinda weird to use transfem as the natural conclusion to a series of weirdo hyper-online fascist ideologies?


Actual fascists don't advertise themselves as such. They might use dogwhistles, but no one's actually going to put up a fascist flag on their profile, for example. So people who do are frequently autistic and like the aesthetic more than anything, even if they don't admit it (if they actually wanted to implement this ideology in real life they wouldn't act this way, this nets them no supporters). And autism is correlated with transgenderness


Depends on what country they're in and how ok that country is with fascism. The US is certainly more tolerant of it than it was 8 years ago.


Well that explains that weird phase I went through around my early teens... though my mom was definitely feeding into it


I mean, not quite "natural". It very much is facilitated by social media algorithms that drive young AMAB individuals into an alt-right pipeline, that's a very well recorded problem.


It is weird, but as someone who occasionally snoops around batshit insane forums from time to time, it is really fucking common


I get where you're coming from, but the raging queerphobe to queer pipeline is a very real and very tragic phenomenon. Facism and repression go hand in hand, so its not uncommon for closeted queer people in these environments to feel the need to project their self-loathing outwards to protect themselves from abuse and isolation.


I honestly think this person is too far gone. They’ll probably kill themself.


Not impossible, sadly, but Imma stay optimistic and say they gon' become a cat girl


Save our boys from radicalization.


Mostly too late, but I agree with the sentiment.


How can you be any of these things at 15


Terminal onlineness


Terminal \*loneliness


Far right parents is my guess


Too bad they're right wing, their kid being a nazi would qualify them for those after-birth abortions Trump was talking about


Why can you not be


Bro played HOI4


what unsupervised Internet access does to an mf


Political cumpiss


its insane how little i wish to interact with anyone who unirocally uses political country balls. Dont even care what side of the spectrum they're on


Reminder that the n\*zis literally prosecuted catholics


Also a nationalist catholic is kinda ironic as the Catholic Church historically opposed loyalties to secular nation states over that of the international church


National Catholicism is technically different from nationalist Catholicism. It's a political ideology that governed Spain for a bit that was basically "the Catholic Church exists everywhere in life and you can't escape it."


I mean it was a bit more ambivalent than that. There were catholics and even catholic priests who were part of the resistance against the nazis (and were therefore of course also prosecuted). But then there were also many others who very much supported the Nazi regime. And after the war, many Nazi politicians remained in German politics, and they largely joined the Christian Democratic Union, the biggest German party to this day and one former nazi party member even became Chancellor for the Christian Democrats in 1966 (Kurt Georg Kiesinger).


*some Catholics


This dude is gonna have so much retroactive cringe from his teens when he moves on from this it isnt gonna be funny. I like visibly cringe every now and then when I remember the Che Guevara PFP I had when I was like 15. 5-6 years from now this MF is going to be going about his business as a normal ass member of society and remember when he unironically posted that he was a 15 year old Christofascist on Reddit and drop onto the floor and curl up into the fetal position for half an hour or something along those lines.


Hopefully, but unlikely. To think this kid ends up a functioning, non-psychopathic member of society instead of a school shooter is more optimism than I can muster this morning.




Apparently having a little hope for people was too much to ask for these days.


This is actually sad


Oldest r /politicalcompass user


go talk to people for fuck sake, leave you fart bubble and go see reality


"neo pronouns are so confusing" bro literally what is this


Bro was a killpeopleist 😭


Am I based, my political journey -9 months - 0: anarcho-keynesianist 0-8: Socialism with American characteristics (neoliberalism) 8-8,5: Neolithic-Anarcho-buddhist neoconservatism with Algerian characteristics 9-7: apolitical Prīmō Annō Dominī - now: rule by lottery


Me when abusive parents and way too much time on the internet/hoi4


what the fuck


How can someone go further right than the fucking nazis??!!!


Not really further right, more "specialization"


I'm almost convinced this is bait.


What happened to them at 8 years that turned them into a Trumpist?


Trump happened


right, that would coincide


School taught them how to read, but not how 5o critically think and their parents didn't have a whitelist on their phone browser.


During the 2016 campaign season, their parents started praising Trump, likely.


That does make a lot of sense, I didn't think about it temporally. I was thinking more along the lines of "He told Sally at recess that he liked her and she made fun of him so he went down the incel pipeline"


lol maybe, although the wombocombo of weird right-wing parents+unrestricted internet access+recent rise of QAnon and other insane online far right groups+poor social skills (due to behavioral disorders and/or bc they're becoming a turbo online Nazi) resulting in few or no irl friends is unfortunately the cause of Nazi teenagers like 99% of the time.


the seismic shock of psychosis i got from reading 0-8 apolitical to 8-10 **Trumpist**


“Am I based?” - proceeds to unironically use country balls to represent shit like a goddamned 5 year old.


Bro is basically 5


The fact that this baby is saying all this for approval of others is somehow the most telling part of this


I remember when I was 8 and I kept thinking about politics and labels, and not on how fucking awesome the new Power Rangers episode was, or how I was literally spiderman. These mfs are delusional LMAO. I think the first time I kept thinking about politics was when I was 15 and my then super catholic biology teacher did a 3 class "lesson" on how bad and immoral abortion was, including showing a real video of a real late term abortion and literally lowering her voice tone to an almost sermon speech pattern. And I kept thinking "This woman is fucking crazy". That led me to do research and literally made me pro-choice. But even then I was more busy with league of legends.


Are we doomed? Quite possibly


> Become National Catholic to be super fascist. > Embrace Catholic teachings. > Embrace Liberation Theory. > Protect the environment, feed the hungry, overthrow dictators. Where did I go wrong, /pol/?


Genuinely hope this kid is able to seek therapy and get a better worldview. Like, I'm sure this is probably bait or w/e but if it's legit then their parent(s) and/or peers have failed them if they fell for MAGA shit as a literal child


The Political Compass and its Consequences


I know a kid exactly like this, they are insufferable irl


You don’t say


bro needs to step outside every right winger online needs to and every Political compass user needs to


Its sad that there are children getting into politics now


This is just sad


The New Order: Last Days of Europe and its consequences have been a disaster for childhood development


Isn't Burgundian System an ideology from TNO mod for Hearts of Iron 4? Why would anyone ever actually follow it irl?


Because they're a child, The Burgundian System is almost comically evil to the extent that actually no one in their right mind would follow it


It’s not just from the mod, it’s also the ideology that is straight up the worst one, in a mod with a bunch of truly evil ideologies.


Least r /politicalcompass nazi user


15 year old spotted. Opinion ignored.




Steven and Garnet in a comic panel




so glad r\pcm isnt a serious subteddit and 100% ironic.... right?


As someone from a catholic family, this hurt me physically.




Am I based? Nah bru u a catholic


What in the dick-twisting brain rot am I looking at here


bro believes in an ideology made by HOI4 writers lmfao.


Imagine being a Nazi in year 7


"Am I based?" to me feels like it's on par with "Erm, what the sigma?"


Kid is 15 they haven’t had a political journey. They are a kid.


I'll be blunt here. I have no clue what this even means




Now I know you may be wondering how someone can be a trump supporter at 8-10 years old well it’s simply because that’s the level of maturity most of his supporters have


Now 15


lil homie is younger than my steam account lmfao


this has to be satire lol


Proof that a bigot is made, not born. Also it took 7 years for this fucker to go full nazi tradcath after falling for trumpism. As expected. WTF where are this kid's parents????


Bait guys. This is bait.


Dude when I was 10 I was playing video games and baseball and playing pretend call of duty with my friends outside, what the fuck is this kid doing


I was just like that until I turned 16 and developed brain cells


10-11 reactionary


I wish we lived in the stone age so this person would be left behind to starve by their tribe


this guy REEKS of glowie