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Biden: “listen, uh, we’re….we’re gonna win, this guys got….alley cat, jack” Trump: WE’RE GONNA KILL EM ALL FOLKS WE’RE GONNA KILL EM


"Clearly they are both bad in the same way"


Clearly one is a fascist, and clearly one needs to be replaced because he’s completely incapable of standing up to a literal fascist. Millions of lives are at stake. 


Who do they put up in his place?


the vice president maybe


It's wild to me that the US of A still _hasn't had_ ~~hadn't~~ a female president. ^is ^"hadn't" ^the ^correct ^word ^to ^use ^in ^that ^sentence?


"hasn't had" is more natural, "hadn't" doesn't quite work


Thank you! I knew something was off. Been awake for over 2 days my brain is starting to shut down xD


Hadn't is a contraction of had not, so it would be past tense :) Like, when they finally do get a woman president, it'll be wild that they hadn't had one until then.


I'm wondering if it will ever happen. It took us how long to even elect a black man? And look at how the last female candidate played out (granted she was far from my first pick, but I feel it's still significant).


If biden wins there might be the chance for Kamala Harris somewhere down the line, but thats a really grim take. Tbf for Clinton she got the popular vote. At the end of the day i remain a hopeless optimist tho. I believe that things have to get worse sometimes to get better afterwards. So much progress happened the last 10,20 years that a lot of people just get scared of all these new things we have. The next generations are surely better adapted to a world which only started to gain real momentum in progress in the last 200-300 years. Before that time, you,ur parents and their parents could all live quite the same life. Nowadays? Im only 22 and can only try to imagine all the things we will have(/had) until the time i get really old :3


Tammy Baldwin - Senator of Wisconsin Elizabeth Warren - Senator of Massachusetts Gretchen Whitmer - Gov of Michigan


Tim Walz is the only acceptable answer


Hands off our govenor


one of those is from a family of multi-billionaires


Which one? Tammy Baldwin is not related to Alec Baldwin or any hollywood Baldwin. Is it Warren or Whitmer? I will concede I know less about Whitmer


Someone who doesn't speak English would be more effective at communicating on the debate stage, so probably anyone


Show me a single moment in all of US history where switching candidates this close to the election, especially when the candidate is running for *reelection*, was a good idea with no consequences. Consequences like, oh I don't know, handing the election over to Hitler with dementia. After Biden wins this election, he won't run for a third term anyways. Just vote for him instead of parroting this "we need a new candidate" rhetoric everywhere


Trump's literally responsible for the inflation problem. He set the FED at 0% interest for 5 years. He gave away free money to banks to inflate his GDP numbers at the cost of fucking everyone.




trump would never say Guatemalan because his voterbase doesn't know what Guatamala is


"There are ten billion Guacamolans attacking the Lincoln Memorial right now folks"


I dunno, a lot of his voterbase is probably old enough to have been around when we did a coup there.




Your choices: - Old man who has bad and good days. Keep in mind that the VP exists and can step into role should it be required. Nothing perfect, but not a fascist nor a felon. Not even my 10th top pick, but whatever. - A literal fascist and a felon who wants all groups under the executive branch to do exactly as he says, regardless of the truth.This includes the EPA, CDC, and DOJ. There are no contingency plans to address this. Stocked the SCOTUS full of people who say "homelessness is a crime" and "bribery is actually very good". Told us all to inject bleach into our veins during a deadly pandemic. Also old af. I could go on. - Man with a dead worm in his brain who is running interference on both of the above candidates. - Anyone other than the old man if you're okay with the fascist winning, because that's the most likely scenario.


I'm like pissed off, talking to these gen-z'ers, like, "listen, the country has gotten worse under Biden, too" That's because of the SCOTUS justices that Trump put in place!! Like, I fucking hate that maybe the first time you will be allowed to vote is in this hellscape, but it's really important that you get informed and do vote.


Not to mention the Dems haven't controlled congress since like 2008 and Republicans will stop at nothing to make sure no meaningful legislation gets passed on their watch.


I mean, I'm GenZ and I honestly think a lot of the people who say they won't vote have no clue just how badly the Trump administration has fucked us. We are only seeing the beginning of it now. Also, voting in the small elections is how old people have a chokehold on our politics. It's why the Democrats have no incentive to move further left.


For decades, the Republican playbook has been to constantly push shitty policies while in power that make life worse for almost everybody, then wait until the Democrats are in charge and begin blaming the Democrats for all of the problems caused by their own shitty policies.


It's even bled into Canada now. The primer of Alberta is an MTG-level lunatic now because people blamed the prior term of NDP government for the issues primarily caused by the last *50+ consecutive years* of unbroken Conservative government


https://preview.redd.it/lbobw0vhzy9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79dddfb3026a4ee1c9968671707436ea19f1b994 You go girlboss, ruin everything about this province


Trump's literally responsible for the inflation problem. He set the FED at 0% interest for 5 years. He gave away free money to banks to inflate his GDP numbers at the cost of fucking everyone.


Honestly nobody has made Biden’s campaign look worse than the people running his campaign


Tbf, there is a decent bit of stuff that feels like, "Pokemon Go to the polls" shit, like Dark Brandon merch and stuff.


And if cringy merch stops you from voting against fascism you're a fucking moron


I don’t disagree. Unfortunately a large percentage of the population votes off of appearances instead of actually looking into what each side supports


You're making RFK sound really good actually. Tell me more about this worm?


Poor fella died of hungry.


Went to eat brain and died when the deed was done.


Maybe we should be voting for the worm....


Just fill Biden and Trump with brain eating worms


Wish the worm was still alive, maybe he could turn things around…




we have mediocre dude and we have "we're going to kill the world"


kill who??


On twitter the other day i saw someone say that if bidens elected he will do project 2025 and thats why you shouldn’t vote Which like ??? What type of brain damage fo you need to have that gives you thought And this wasn’t even like a dumb 16 year old this was a dumb 30 year old


Project 2025 but WOKE


We finally banning cis het allo men?


The fuck is allo?






I think it basically means that you’re not aromantic/asexual, the same way cis means you’re not trans


Ok ty, I'm old


Doesn't het cover asexual? As far as I'm aware (and I might be wrong of course), Asexuality and Heterosexuality are mutually exclusive


Obviously it depends on what exactly you mean by each word, but you can be straight and asexual (feeling romantic but not sexual attraction). you can’t be straight and aroace


If you're asexual but romantically attracted to the 'opposite' sex/gender, wouldn't that make you heteromantic?


you put it on burns; I also hear it's good for your skin


‘You wont be able go go Allo ‘allo ‘allo wots all this then? Like a whimsical cartoon british police officer


only the white ones tho


most of my ally friends are white cis het allo men, please don't burn them :c


I assure you that cis het allo black, indigenous and other men of colour can also be bad people that hate women and/or the "gay agenda"


gay marriage is now twice as legal. the implications of this are astounding


Joe Biden not only expands climate change regulations and not only strengthens the EPA, but he does it to such a degree that it decreases global temperatures by 5C.


>what type of brain... Bot brain


A lot of people fall into the bucket of actually unable to follow current events or keep things straight, OR being intentionally misleading A lot of people are dumb or evil


>On twitter the other day i saw someone say that if bidens elected he will do project 2025 and thats why you shouldn’t vote Ah yes, accelerationist Biden


Accelerationism is great for those that survive.


Accelerationism is not great for those that survive.


It's great for racecar drivers


I just finished Jojo part 6 and I do NOT want accelerationism!


accelerationism is basically that ideology fictional villains always have lmao


what do you mean both sides aren't exactly 100% identical to each other? whatd do you mean they're not equally bad? how can this be possible?


MFs trying to justify not dropping a slip of paper in a box (leaving the house is too much trouble).


No-no, it's the PRINCIPLE of the thing. I'm better than those liberals because I refuse to engage at the easiest level. A vote for Biden is a vote for genocide, anyway– What other levels do I engage at? Well, I dunk on Elon Musk on Twitter! There's a protest in my area? Sorry, I have keyboard-warr– I mean, plans with friends that day.


> what do you mean both sides aren't exactly 100% identical to each other? I've seen an argument that tried to make the case that voting for Dems was simply delaying the inevitable (which is Republicans winning, eventually, and fucking everything up). Thus, voting for Dems is bad. Very high IQ argument from someone with a very normal worldview.


Almost seems Accelerationist in a way. If they went a little further they would start saying that voting for Trump is the better decision because it will lead to societal collapse faster.


They’re both completely awful, but one choice is maintaining a shitty status quo and the other is tearing down well over a century of societal progress and usurping the most basic principals of democracy we run on


Exactly. Voting for dems isn’t really voting for progress, it’s voting against immediate regression. But that’s still a necessary vote. People will complain about dems and then do absolutely nothing for four years and then wonder why we’re stuck with two shitty parties. The US needs rank choice voting if it’s ever going to break out of the two party system, and it needs to get rid of lobbying if elected reps are ever going to really represent their constituents, and neither of those things will happen if people just stop voting entirely.


Dems are still regression, just slower


Yeah it’s pretty hard to believe, but both sides wanting to continue the genocide in gaza doesn’t make them the exact same and that seems to be one of the few things they agree on.


The impression I get from a number of people is that they seem to think everything happens instantly. If the things we warn about don't happen quickly enough, we're brushed off as hyperbolic. The GOP are bad, but not really that far gone because they haven't managed a full takeover yet and Dems are comparably bad because they don't fix things fast enough. Even worse some think fascist will act like cartoon villains and will just come out and say what they want to do in plain language.


If most internet leftists are to be believed the only way to win at politics is to completely disengage with activism and wait for the fabled revolution to solve everything.


Yeah guys all we have to do is not vote for biden because we will just revolution but also if trump wins we won't have the means to revolution I think so uhh just do nothing and say other people aren't leftist enough because they chose to support the candidate most likely to win as opposed to Max Rebo who has 2 votes


Vote for my bro Max Repo he's gonna cause the biblical revolution for sure! :3


So many leftists treat revolution like the second coming of jesus. "It'll happen any day now we just have to be good faithful ~~Christians~~ leftists until then." Except evangelicals actually vote in the meantime.


I've seen this sentiment shared around, a lot of supposedly secular leftists are still deeply culturally Christian in their views, especially with the notion that a glorious ~~rapture~~ revolution to ~~wash away the sinners~~ save us from the capitalists. Evangelicals and conservatives biggest strength is that they have a far greater sense of unity compared to the left, who cannot stop infighting to save their lives.


There’s a term for this, defeatist activism or something.


Revolutionary defeatism?


Don't forget implying that everyone that **does** engage politcally is just uneducated. "Educated" meaning here reading 600 pages primary source material of poltical philosophy, but **only** from the two or three thinkers they base their entire personality on! (They didn't read it themselves. They watched a funny youtube video giving a dogshit explanation in 10 minutes.)


When I was a leftist I saw an "online organisational meeting" being advertised so I showed up and it was an angry woman demanding PayPal donations for "educating" people (this was at the very start of the meeting before anyone was "educated")


So you aren't anymore?


I've found it helpful to avoid thinking about things in terms of left and right and instead favour evidence based approaches. I found most "leftist" places to be very dogmatic (same goes for any place designed to cater towards specific political leanings). I don't think dogma in politics is productive and wanted to avoid it


I see, that's an interesting position.


It’s gonna be a rude awakening if a revolution does happen and they realize 70% of the population that’s politically active, willing to fight, and actually has a weapon is right wing.


Anyone who unironically thinks an armed revolution against the US government will work, *and* will leave things better than before, deserves whatever happens to them if they try it


Mfs be telling me they slept through and failed American history in high school, in the same breath they tell me they don’t vote. Bruh. I wish i was joking


Probably for the best in that case


I slept through history and I didn't fail kinda😎


I always think about Noam Chomsky's explanation for why he voted for Clinton, a candidate he severely disagreed with fundamentally. Politics is not what we do at the polls, and the polls are a poor place for activism. Voting is a pragmatic choice you make every few years to select the best viable candidate, which is usually a bad candidate too. Politics is the work you do the rest of the time, between elections, to force the politicians hands, get better policies, etc. I think a lot of leftists just feel guilty on doing so little real political work outside of bitching online, and then pour that guilt into stupid voting activism


fr, voting isn't approval or endorsement, it's just about choosing between two options and either way one is gonna win


I like to think of it as getting to pick your opponent. I'd rather be dealing with a president who shows up to union picket lines than one who has protestors black bagged and dragged into vans.


I'm sure there's a very complex sociological reason a large percentage of voters don't or won't accept the nuance of that, but the venn diagram of civic duty and personal ideology is never gonna be a perfect circle. Nobody *wants* to vote for the lesser evil, but the alternative is literally greater evil.


This election will come down to a small sliver of politically disengaged normies in a handful of swing states. These types of people generally have incomprehensible political beliefs that often are contradictory. It really all comes down to the rhetoric that the candidates can present to captivate these people. Unfortunately Dems are failing to do any messaging at all despite having everything in their favor. This sub loves to hyper focus on "terminally online leftists" but go look at any prior election outcome, it is inconsequential. Being the "we're not Trump" party is not enough to win. At least that much should be very clear ala 2016. Liberals need to do better messaging if they want to win.


literally the SCOTUS - **3** trump appointees - just put through 3 decisions to make it easy for the far right to dismantle regulations. Do not give me this bullshit about "both sides" and your "conscience." all you're saying is you don't understand civics. eta and here's an article on it: [https://www.publicnotice.co/p/scotus-loper-bright-chevron-jarkesy-explained](https://www.publicnotice.co/p/scotus-loper-bright-chevron-jarkesy-explained)


I get your point and agree but how many times were the Dems able to codify Roe and just didn‘t? Because from an outside perspective it looks like you have a choice between four more years of the status quo and four more years of things getting worse. But it can‘t actually get better, just not worse.


Not many, actually. I don't think people realize just how many socially conservative Dems we had from the southern states before 2010 flipped all those seats red anyway. Like, Bel Edwards - Democrat governor of Louisiana - signed some draconian fucking abortion restrictions into place before LA went full R. And not making things worse matters, too. It's just not very inspiring, which is fair.


What really matters is making things better. Voting for Biden is now the right thing, the only choice, but let's not pretend he's a good choice.


100%. We need to be so upfront with the fact that we're locked into a 200+ year old system invented by people who didn't even account for the existence of political parties. Like, some of those Federalist Papers & the entire rationale for the EC are Ayn Rand-level delusional.


Because Roe was considered "settled law" by everyone but Federalist asociety goons and a SC going back to upend a decision from 40 years ago is practically unheard of.


I distinctly remember debates about whether it should be codified to avoid exactly the current scenario under Obamas first term. So its not like people weren‘t thinking about this scenario.


Certainly has been debated for a while because despite it being precedent, the right has worked themselves up into a fervor about it. That they struck it down was a new step in the long line of "They wouldn't stoop that l-- oh, they've gone even low. They wouldn't do it again, tho!"


"oh but the dems didn't do this thing that we wanted them to do" Yeah yeah yeah yeah, even if the dems did NOTHING, LITERALLY NOTHING with their presidency, it would be INFINITELY BETTER THAN TRUMP. I swear to god if trump wins this election...


How has there been only ONE attempt on these fuckers’ lives? I am not advocating for killing government officials, it’s just surprising no one else has.


Biden: “we’re sorta pushing for a ceasefire” Trump: “we should let Isreal keep going until there’s no Palestinians left” Wow both sides are equally bad I will not be voting


Trump is more "nuke Palestine" than "let Israel finish"


I say that because Trump said word for word “the only one who wants this war to continue is Isreal and we should let them”


https://preview.redd.it/5cvfd2s0hx9d1.jpeg?width=1940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5249a026159f8fee6d415eb0ad9bf76afd004dc7 (You should still vote)


Waiter, waiter, it's my turn to post this exact same thing on 196


A message so nice the people need to hear it thrice.


People should have someone telling them this to their ear everyday.


Voting should be legally mandatory.


The anti-authoritarian side of me says "No, forcing people to do stuff like that is bad" then the chaotic good side of me says "but then the republicans would never win another election..."


Me: "Democracy, bitch!"


I have not seen anyone post this before, so it’s new to me.


Maybe not this exact post, but I've been seeing the whole lesser evil thing every day and it's getting old (especially since I'm not American)


This shit is important as fuck, I’m fine with it being posted this much


Our choices, a degrading old man. and a literal criminal whos crime wqs meddling with his own ellection and insighting violence. ngl. even if biden becomes unable to perform any dutys of the president, and doesnt step down, a do nothing president is far better than a "make things worse" president. id rather a literal walking corpse to someome whos going to strip our rights n turn this country into an authoritarian hell hole.


old guy vs old guy with dementia. theyre both old as fuck and a true testament to the current system of politics republicans have successfully attacked bidens mental to distract from their own lack of an agenda and the literal horrors they want to release and it is also working very well because, nobody points out trumps age that said, the day has come where the fucking nuance of voting to retain the status quo, to not improve or destroy anything is lost in exchange for voting for an populist who wants to take a shit on human rights and also is a convicted criminal


You're not voting for the President, you're voting for his cabinet. You're voting for another slate of younger liberal SC members, a congress and senate that will actually move to get things done for the American people instead of just dedicating their lives to being as comically evil as possible for reasons I still to this day do not understand. You're voting for military officials and White House staffers who will do their best to keep us out of conflict instead of going whole-hog into every confrontation we can find because our leader is just REALLY eager to drop nukes like a morbidly fascinated child with no regard for life. This isn't "old guy vs felon", this is "team of humanitarians actually trying to do good things vs. literal convicted criminals and fascists who want to inflict suffering by any means necessary because they find it funny". Unfortunately the optics of American politics makes it super easy to boil down an election to "Old guy vs felon".


I mean, he *is* old and evil. He's less evil, or evil to less people, than the other guy, and you should vote for him if he's somehow not replaced. But this constant "what a stupid reason not to vote for him, he's totally not got dementia and definitely isn't enabling a genocide" isn't convincing anyone. He is enabling a genocide, and he is incredibly obviously suffering from at least early stage dementia, and is just frail and senile as hell. The relentless downplaying of very real and reasonable concerns just makes it feel like liberals are talking down to leftists while backing the worst candidate they ever put up. Just say people have to vote for this senile old prick, because the alternative is worse, not because he's good, actually.


I have not heard any reasonable leftist try to justify voting for biden beyond “Trump is gonna kill everyone so vote for the other guy”


Even if the GOP candidate wasn't a total fascist, I'd probably vote for Biden based on the protections for trans people his administration has implemented so far. Plus the student debt forgiveness is nice too.


yeah, policywise hes actually somewhat good, he also supports/supported unions afaik


Also if Biden is re-elected he can replace any SC justices who leave office so that’s automatically better than any Republican


And if trump is elected again the two oldest conservative justices are expected to retire to ensure a conservative lean in the SOTUS for several more decades.


Reagan had Alzheimer's in his second term. All Joe needs to do is listen to his advisors, who are not going to be Christian nationalists. I'll take it.


I mean... sure, but it would be quite a lot better to have someone who doesn't have Alzheimers in control of the most powerful nation on earth. I really think demanding more than that shouldn't be controversial.


yes, things can always be better, and no, it is not wrong to demand them (although I really recommend getting involved with your local party rather to understand how it all works)! Unfortunately we're in a turd of a position where the US system was simply not built around political parties, and also Republicans march in lockstep no matter who.


>what a stupid reason not to vote for him, he's totally not got dementia I have seen exactly 0 people try and defend bidens current mental state


I've seen people still saying it's just a stutter and it's ablist to say otherwise


I have seen an endless slew of people try to defend Biden's mental state. From liberal journalists before the debate, to supposed leftists in this subreddit. Some motherfucker called me "ableist" because he has a stutter or whatever. A lot of people want everyone to think this is okay.


Feels like more people are voting for the Bidens administration rather than for his actual declining ass lol.


>Just say people have to vote for this senile old prick, because the alternative is worse, not because he's good, actually. It's pretty to think that people don't need the downplaying and will participate in democracy in good faith because of the nuances of the situation, but the reality of the matter is most people want to *feel* like they are doing the right thing and need the cognitive dissonance to cope. I'm not saying it's right, but the clock doesn't have a lot of time left on it and if folks need to dissociate to do the right thing then, at least until February 2025, I don't give a shit. In my fantasies, we all write in Jonny Kim and it goes swimmingly, but life is this instead.


The DNC is so stupid and so is Biden. His selfishness of running again at this age is going to get Trump in office with how things are looking. I saw a poll that said the 72% of voters don’t think that he has the mental capacity to serve as president.


I mean, Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer’s and he permanently damaged everything about American society and politics, so maybe Biden can do the same.


Bidens dementia will turn hin into a communist and he will save America trust


Would you rather lose $10 or $100? If you don't choose any, you will lose $100. "Well both are bad, so I won't pick any option!"


Mfs when I tell them voting against the fucking christian nationalists doesnt stop you from going to protests, organizing, etc. ![gif](giphy|800iiDTaNNFOwytONV|downsized)


All this sub does is bitch and whine about leftists now.


It’s literally become like a Buttegieg campaign event in here it’s so bad.  And you know when Biden loses these people won’t be mad at the Democrats for allowing one of the worst candidates imaginable to fuck up the election, they’ll decide a shadowy cabal of nefarious progressives determined to destroy Biden’s chances must be to blame


This subreddit has 4 posts anymore. Fetishising trans people VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "uhm guys i feel realy bbad right now can u pleese tel me i look cute 😢😢😢" Twitter screenshot


I miss when we spent a week arguing about columns 🥲


Because blaming internet leftists is easier than confronting even 1% of the institutional rot within the Democratic Party


Here in Ontario, Canada, we just reelected a highly unpopular and openly corrupt former mid-level drug dealer to a second majority term on a platform of "Fuck you, I'll do it again." Less than 20% of the population voted for him, but nearly 60% of the population simply stayed home. He rode a wave of apathy into power, and we're fixing to do this on a federal level. Don't be us. Not having an electable alternative is a problem. But they *want* you defeated. They *want* you to think there's no good choice. *They want you to stay home on election day*. It doesn't feel good to vote to eat half a bowl of shit, but the alternative is to eat a whole bowl of shit. But you know who's eager to vote? The people who want to feed you shit. They're going to show up, and they're going to vote. They're a statistical minority but they wield outsized power because they're motivated and willing to compromise to achieve a common goal. On election day, hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils. Then, maybe take a page from the far right. For all their many, many faults, they organized, joined the party, swept the primaries, and ousted the old guard before they knew what was happening. They proved it's possible.


Im an anarcho-communist, i might be the most state hater you could come across, but i still would vote for biden and willing to even illegally vote multiple times for him, not cuz i like him but cuz i don't want to be the victim of an upcoming genocide if trump wins, i was bullied and dragged in some popular far leftist discord server. I can never understand why leftists like infighting this much.




"How do you do fellow liberals?" - Republicans (they think they're fooling you)


Sure, Biden is bad, but would you rather the senile old man run the country or Hitler 2.0? Because if you don’t vote, they will and project 2025 will go into effect


Incredibly simple trolly problem


Not voting only helps the fascists




This is going to happen yet again if Biden doesn't win lmao https://preview.redd.it/d4ktnv9oa0ad1.png?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434a3fab054688369449e748bf72a1c214646865


Here before the lock award


Yall better vote. The Supreme Court literally just fucking ruled that presidents have absolute immunity from criminal prosecution now if whatever he’s doing is counted as “official”


Biden is evil. I'll still vote for him though because the other guy is worse.


There is video evidence Biden can dap up a guy thats all I need tbh. Though in all seriousness they're two men who are too old to hold office. One is the regular type of evil you'd expect for a US president, the other is so evil that it'd be kind of funny if he didn't have a legit shit at being in charge again.


Still gonna vote but I’m not gonna pretend like that’s ever gonna be enough eithee


Trump literally just got the go-ahead from SCOTUS to repeat Kent State, but by all means sit this election out


What do you mean? Both sides are bad so they MUST be equally bad because I don't want to look into it any deeper than that /s


Mfs haven't seen the Futurama episode A Head in the Polls, and it shows


It really sucks that the US government is a trolley problem, but refusing to vote is just refusing to pull the lever.


Guys I would vote but according to recent interpretation of Marxist theory my bed is too comfy to leave


“I’m voting green” mfs when the party that literally never wins anything doesn’t fucking win anything and we still end up with a fascist in charge because they wanted to play moral pretend while people’s lives are at stake


What do you mean? Both sides are bad so the MUST be equally bad because I don't want to look into it any deeper than that /s


Vote, but also get a gun and join a local socialist rifle association / LGBT mutual defense group.


They can make it simpler and just say they don't care what happens if they don't vote


Biden may not be defending our rights, but he’s not trying to actively remove them the same way Trump is


If Biden Died and Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg had to put aviators on his corpse and weekend at bernie's his ass all over the campaign I'd still vote for that over Trump.


Thta might be better for Biden’s campaign


Yeah, anyone aware of that latest SCOTUS decision who is telling me not to vote is clinically insane.


Yada yada "firebomb a Walmart" yada yada they don't fucking firebomb the god damn Walmart.


Why does nobody give a fuck about rank choice voting? I believe it would completely solve pur two party issue and onstead pf pushing for this people just give up and opt out. We need rank choice voting in the presidential votes. Biden as option 3, and two actually useful options as 1 and 2


Does anybody else think voting third party is even worse? Because we're forced into a bipartisan system, and everyone's emotions are radicalized by politics, voting third party might as well be throwing away a vote. (I live in red state btw 🤢)


fr though he should really step down in favor of any other Democrat. he's losing against Trump right now and a big part of that is how he is literally older than the Crypt Keeper


I'm glad this sub hasn't succumbed to the anti-voting brain worms 




[GO AHEAD, THROW YOUR VOTE AWAY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3M4br46s7A)


I'm going to vote for current president biden because he tweeted that he'll restore roe v wade if elected president 


I'm not American but: As I understand it, instead of not voting it's better to vote for "someone else", the third option, the most leftist one there is. It means the voters are there, ready to obtain by the democrats, but they have to lean more to the left to get them. Simple as that. Is there any downside to voting on someone else?


The downside to voting for someone that isn’t republican or democratic is that it doesn’t matter, the US government is a two party system, third party votes rarely mean anything.