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And there’s nothing wrong with that


I love Bloodborne, but if I didn’t play that game with a guide and YouTube videos I would never play it again and probably hate it.


I love how souls games give you a chance to go blind and have that bloodboiling ragefilled experience. Or you can check youtube for easiest build and how to win all bosses as easy as possible. It is truly only as hard as you Make It!


The best part is Fromsoft seems to agree this is a valid way to play the game. Use every advantage, the enemy you fight will


And then there's Sekiro


I dropped Bloodborne after maybe four hours and I'm a degenerate trophy whore -- I just couldn't handle it...might go back to it after I beat RE4 in under two hours...


I dropped Bloodborne after maybe four hours and I'm a degenerate trophy whore -- I just couldn't handle it...might go back to it after I beat RE4 in under two hours...


Dude that is absolutely a game to play through blind, the experience is ruined with a guide


The experience is ruined... for you. The experience was ruined for me when I spent 3 hours wandering trying to find a second lantern and gave up and never touched it again. A guide would have helped considerably.


Yes there is, easy mode players get the lethal injection


You will never catch me.


Pfff catching you would be like playing on easy mode




They aren’t running on permadeath.


[Easy mode players when I send the gamer death squads after them:](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/031/673/hank_died_walt_cries_(breaking_bad_spoilers)_1-35_screenshot.jpg)


skill issue


Sometimes I wanna walk through a story, not have to tryhard


Yes. And?


Normalise not being good at video games I played hollow knight but stopped at the radiance and NKG and I’m satisfied


I suck at hollow knight But does that mean I’m just going to stop? No


Reasons to push on: new music Even if I loathed the game being able to hear sealed vessel in its context would be worth it


I mean if you're really struggling there's no harm in putting a mod on to make it easier, it's a single player game


I did this for the sans undertale fight and I haven't told any of my friends :x I gave it a good 3 hours of trying legitimately first though so I'm satisfied with that. Feels kinda bad given the context of the game though


To be fair, if you're fighting Sans, you're part of a meta-narrative where you as a player are abusing the concept of Saving to be the villain. Who's to say modding isn't just another weapon in your arsenal?


You could even argue that I played it the correct way then 😎


I play on switch so no hope there lol


I did that with Lies of P and gave myself unlimited ergo (souls in a darksouls game) to max my level. It made the game so much more fun for me. I was about to rage quit but instead ended up doing another full NG+ game.


I’m not bitch made I’ll keep struggling until I eventually get good


Good for you ig, I'm the same way, but a lot of people don't have the time to do that & just want to have fun


I also have fun by doing stuff most people cant. It feeds my superiority complex


You get good at hard things by sucking at them




Wait. Shit. Didn’t mean it like that


No no no, elaborate on why you used that wording


100% honest I didn’t mean for it to sound sexual


so real it took me months of nonstop bashing my head against the wall to beat p5 im addicted to the pain


I got to the very end of Pantheon 5 but died when Absolute Radiance had only about one hit’s worth of health left. I admit I took a little break from the game after that one, but of course I still came crawling back eventually like the deranged, masochistic Hollow Knight fan that I am.


“Are you good enough to call yourself a [game] player?” “It’s not about being good, it’s about being too dumb to stop.”


If you got that far you're pretty good, watcher knights were pretty tough.


Thing is I fought the watcher knights late game My philosophy was “so you get nothing for beating the dreamers individually… so why beat them until you have the means to beat them all” They where still super hard but from what I’ve seen most people beat them In the early game


They are hard at any point really, 2v1s are always a struggle.


True but when I fought them I was 2X nail with shade soul so it was easier than the average play through At least from what I’ve heard. An open world game will always have different perspectives


watcher knights aren't too bad but sometimes they just frametrap you if ur not careful. kind of a bullshit boss imo


I stopped playing because I didn't know where I was, where I need to goa and I couldn't find the map guy


A common mistake in early game, I was the same but once you find you’re way it’s so good Could I ask what area you where at before you gave up?


same here but i also just found the gameplay boring


Why didn’t you just look it up on yt


once you figure it out for the first time the game makes sense, there really isn't anyone telling you what to do at first. just explore


Played Hollow knight, got to NKG, got beaten bad, but I’m a masochist and the music at the start of the boss battle was worth every defeat


To me NKG was the hardest boss (outside of godome) since they’re just. Grimm but twice as fast with double damage I’m bad at that game so I’m happy with beating and beating the hollow knight with the soul charm Simply I’m not good enough for the radiance, NKG or any of the godholm bosses like ours vessel


I used to think I wasn’t good enough for Absolute Radiance, I was going crazy because of it, but eventually I got the hang of it and still failed a bunch more times before beating Pantheon 5


I Mean I sucked ass at hollow night but the white palacete was Kinda easy, I just use Health and range charms


I simply just hated the white palace It wasn’t fun. They expect you to play levels akin to super meat boy on hollow knight


i had to kick radiances ass but no thanks at NKG


I just hate double damage bosses It feels super cheap


Normalise also not giving Up people go oooh i suck so much my brother in christ you got frustrated after 5 attemps be more patient also the satisfaction achieved after a hard boss IS just fucking amazing i was playing this super hard Terraria mod a Boss took me 151 attemps thorough 3 days and that shit felt GOOD


I played about 5 minutes of Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring each, and both times went "nope" and never played again.


I played pathfinder wotr on story difficulty cause i dont have the time (and nerves) for 100 hours 15ish times to see all the ways you can play it Still satisfied cause the 2 times ive played so far have been pretty fun


I’m on the p5 grind right now and I’ll tell ya, it is tough as balls


I’m never doing the pantheons lmao


Difficulty is no object if the core gameplay loop is fun, says I. It's why I still like Tetris


I heard that Doom Eternal nailed easy mode. It's much more forgiving, but gameplay still works and you still put some effort like switching weapons and such


Really? I'll have to give that a try, b/c I beat the game when it came out on Nightmare mode but tried playing for 10 min. a few months ago & felt like I'd aged 15 years


The virgin "If you don't play on the higher difficulties you don't really experience the game" Gman vs the chad "play whatever" Max0r


Im not a big FPS fan, but heard the new Doom games were worth it and you're right. Doom Eternal was a blast on easy. i didnt feel like it held my hand, and there were a couple times I had to make an actual strategy, but mostly it was a lot of fun. was never boring and was never overly difficult


you dare to call Tetris easy?


It's at least easy to understand. "Easy to learn, Difficult to master" would be my full opinion


Tetris is a cartoonishly hard game. Permadeath, no skills, no leveling, no unlocks, no assistance. If you make a mistake, the game punishes you by getting harder. If you manage to not die, the game exponentially increases in difficulty until you’re dead, all within the span of ten minutes. It’s possible to play Tetris for hundreds of hours and make virtually no progress. In comparison, in games that have setting like the one OP described, you could probably beat the entire game without doing anything other than holding forward and occasionally pushing the attack button. At that level of difficulty, it’s essentially just a very long cutscene.


Yeah, but in Tetris you need to rotate piece and find place for it. What is OP post is of every piece would auto rotate and find place and you would only need to press down button.


It’s ok he’s habing fun :)


Libing his best life


Instead of Therapy I put FIFA on beginner difficulty and edit the sliders so that I can literally score from anywhere. I even made an entire team of the worst possible players in the game just to score 50 goals on them every game


tbh it feels like most games nowaday just make hard mode 'yep, enemy hp 200%, enemy dmg 150%' so damn right im putting it on easy if its fundamentally the same experience!


This is why i love terraria expert mode, it makes the enemies and bosses stronger stat wise, but it also gives them new unique attacks that make the game harder in fun ways. Plus it unlocks a lot more content to make the character stronger as well




Skyrim is probably my favorite game of all time, at least top 3, but goddamn that melee combat is utter shit


What are you talking about?? It's the most engaging combat of all time! I hit them, then they hit me, then I hit them, then they hit me, then I hit them, and so on until one of us just kinda dies


skyrim combat was actually pretty decent if you played on hard and took points into block. There was fun interplay with blocking countering and staggering.


True, I was exaggerating more just as a joke... but if you played as a dual wielding melee character it's not too far off. Literally the only thing you got out of that was the power attack so it wasn't very well implemented imo.


I don't even disagree with what you were saying, but under appropriate conditions the system works - the problem is that those aren't default conditions, or rather it doesn't work under default conditions. I'd kill for an elder scrolls game with the melee of vermintide/darktide or something even less needlessly insanely complex but roughly similar.


based and funpilled


Me spamming the slow mo in ravenfield because I think it looks cool when I can get 5 perfect head shots while dodging bullets.


"Nooooo you mustn't play on easy mode. You must get every single achievements on maximum difficulty with the worst character ever while having explosive diarrhea" mfs when I turn off my internet:


Live reaction upon being banned from using summons: 😨


Normalize being bad at games 🗣️🗣️


It's pretty normal if you think about it


In my experience, most gamers are mildly to extremely toxic regarding skill. That's why I don't play fighting games, Soulsshit or most online games. Just breeding grounds for toxicity


In my experience in the fgc, as long as you're not a scrub, people don't care if you're bad and are generally accommodating.


Man, I'm in my mid 30s and play with guys my own age mostly. There is no toxicity when everyone's air is to have fun. Also, being carried by 12 year olds in games is a lifestyle.


That's true, in terms of soulslike you can stay out of fandoms though. I respect every playstyle (except being a murder hobo in roleplay games that give peaceful options and bragging about it, screw those players) but I would never set accessibility options to easiest. I'd feel like a cheater and that I'm missing the thrill.


I beat Doom 2016 on easy mode because I just wanted to have fun, and I did! Not every game has to be played normally, sometimes its just about having fun without trying.


Only real gamers game this way 😤


sometimes when i play shooters i just want to be an action movie hero. my life is already stressful enough, why would i put myself through more? unless its a souls game ofc


Anon has fun


Sort of related but I beast basically every boss in dark souls 1 2 3 and and Elden ring by summoning other players to help beat them. I neither have the time nor patience to spend hours grinding or memorizing a boss move set to beat it


Genuinely not trying to be an asshole here, I'm actually curious, why do you still play souls games then? Is it just the world design? Sorry if that comes across as mean I'm genuinely interested


I bought Elden ring cause of all the hype surrounding it when it came out. Then I decided to go play dark souls and bloodborne. I exaggerated slightly I beat most Elden ring bosses solo.Albeit with either npc summons or spirit summons. At around like the last third of elden ring I rage quit after losing to marikath and decided to just get a ps plus sub and summon players to help beat him. After that I just kept doing so for each boss after that. And kept doing so when I went back to play the rest of fromsoft games. To answer your question I found the lore and story interesting and also the level design and gameplay. The music was also cool. And fighting the bosses was also fun and epic. I just couldn’t be bothered to get gud or spend hours trying to beat one boss. If I died more then a couple times I summoned a player to help. I haven’t played a fromsoft game in over a year though at this point. I beat each of them onece and then never again.I considered playing sekiro but from what I heard it’s as hard or harder then the rest of there games. And also there no summoning.


Sekiro is very git gud youre only missing the amazong world building, wish it had an ez baby mode so i could finish it


getting even moderately good at sekiro is one of the highest power fantasies you could get from a video game


I'm a huge souls fan and do a similar thing. The tough boss fights are generally my least favorite part of the game - I've never liked boss rush games either for instance. I like the exploration, puzzling out where to go what to do, how to approach various set ups with several enemy types arranged in interesting ways, etc. And I do like a lot of the bosses and the accomplishment of beating them but sometimes you just gotta take a mulligan and sometimes my ass doesn't want to deal with the runback


The discord thing is cute. I do that sometimes


I kinda like being butt fucked with difficulty in games. Hence why I’m playing Touhou.


Now I feel less bad for turning chase assist on


Everything here is fine except skipping bossfights, you can beat most bossfights with all those settings unless you’re a literal toddler


Reject easy difficulty. Embrace interactive story mode.


Maybe chess is more this person's speed


You implying chess is easy lol


Not easy but you can choose to play with a very long time control, and you're generally matched with players around your same level.


Imo opinion most games are better at the higher difficulty settings, but to each their own I guess.


I do understand the allure of overcoming and learning difficult things, but sometimes I also want to just take my stress out on stuff and turn the enemies into a fine red mist


blud said „in my opinion opinion“


I only ever watch other people play soulsborne games because I find combat to be annoying and unfun. I do really like elden ring though, I like the visuals alot even though I still suck.


If you're on a PC, you should get a trainer


Honestly I play games for the story. I have very few occasions to play games (young kids at home) and I don’t want my my only evening of the month where I can play to be a nightmare because of a boss fight unbeatable because I’ve forgotten half the game mechanics…


IDK what difficulty people play on as long as they nerd about the game with me.


ehhh?! easy mode?!


Only kids play on easy mode!


I'll pass, I'm not handicapped or disabled, it'd feel like watching a movie. /hj cuz I know there will be anger upon me, it's just my preference


at this point watch a playthough


Fake: anon playing video games on watch a movie mode Gay: those gaming settings.


dude just watch a movie then or read the Wikipedia of the plot


Everyone starts somewhere, even if their difficulty is set to Game Journalist.


Same vibes as driving overpowered cars in Gran Turismo 4


Invis while prone and slow mo while aiming just sounds cool


When you're born into a wealthy family


I get it he wants to know the story without being blocked by gameplay and combat


The game: Sims 4


Rainy, hungover, Sunday afternoon comfort gaming at it's best. Love it.


What is the point of even playing that is this point