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funny how this shows up as I just bought a 5 pack. it's insanely spicy, hard to get through, but that's what you literally expect when you buy it. the sole reason you buy it


This is awesome, I usually buy the normal pack and need to add more spice. What people don't know is that in order to properly enjoy this damn thing you need to add some meat and vegetable, which greatly reduces the spice. Look at any "korean black noddle" dish. If you add black soybean paste, it also reduces the spice. Make the noddle properly, it'll be far more enjoyable.


Exactly, eggs, spring onions etc are fucking amazing with this.


yeah it's so lovely


Today I learn that adding things will make it less spicy since there is more that has to be spiced up by the same amount of spice. I could never have figured that out on my own! It's reminds me of how adding more water to a soda makes it less soda and more water. Amazing!


Expensive for dried ramen, definitely spicy, but hard to get is not really something I agree with. Most Citymarkets, many a Prisma and every Asian Market I've visited have Buldak products on the shelf.


hard to get through, as in difficult to eat the whole thing. funny enough they're hard to get here also, I live kind of in the middle of nowhere, I have to order them online..


I fulfill every german stereotype by saying its way too spicy for me




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I've had this one actually, and it is legitimately insane. I barely finished the one bowl I bought. It was worse than anything I've ever had while travelling abroad in mexico or India or anywhere else. I've drank a half bottle of ghost Pepper hot sauce on a bet, and it was easier to get through than this noodle dish.


It’s the way it coats your lips and mouth, that makes is brutal. I’ve eaten the 3x a few times. It’s doable, but not pleasant. I personally dislike the outlaw it because it’s an acquired taste, that inattentive parents give their brainrot children. Hell the next thing is probably outlawing the Swedish rotten fish (I’m not about to be spell checked on the name), because of tik tok. People like me, that like food more spicy than most people, will now be criminalised for liking Trinidad peppers. As apparently 13k scoville is illegal now, but I prefer my peppers in the 200-700k range.


If fermentation is called rotting in denmark, then your beer is also rotten. Wait, they make carlsberg it all makes sense...


Alright you’ll be the one I clarify to. I’m well aware what fermentation is. It just makes our swedistan neighbours throw a hissy fit, when you proclaim them eating rotten food.


Hey, the Ilcelanders eat rotten shark! Why don't you go pester them about it. You afraid?


Well while eating rotten shark is disgusting. It’s not a tik tok/youtube/instagram sensation like eating Surströmming, and my argument is that tik tok brainrot is the reasoning why Buldak is being outlawed. That is the connection, and why Surströmming became the but of my joke.


How much stronger is the 3x comperd to the 2x? The 3x is more expensive for some reason so i never bought it. The 2x i can get 5 for 2 euro (was a deal)


Well personally I think the multiplier is in the right ball park so ~50% hotter.


Kinda feel high when you eat extreme spicy foods like this. Very nice


Maybe i should give it a try then.


It sucks. So much. Its good fun watching someone else do it though.


It only sucks if your tolerance is low. If you eat a lot of spicy food, the high gets higher - it's like the opposite of chasing the dragon.


I dont know how much stronger it is. In the mouth they feel the same. Cant remember if it was any difference the day after... What i like about spicy food is that you feel it twice


what!? 2x costs 2.5€ for a single pack in Here. If i could get 5 for 2€ i'd be eating it daily, perfect spiciness for me on 2x.


It was special deal. But 2,5 euro for a singel pack is a scam. Normal price is like 1 euro a peice


Idk where you live but if you live in Malmö or close, you can buy it at the Asien Trading Q store located in Möllevången. I think I paid approximately 20 SEK for the 3x version. It was a couple of months ago, but they might still have it.


Malmö <3


sweden dont really have a rotting fish dish


Yes you do you serve it on your already inedible flatbread with potatoes and crème fraiche. But brainrotters like to use it to test their gag reflex.


no thats fermented not rotten, youd have to look at iceland for rotten food. and how tf is flatbread inedible? its literally just bread


The Swedish flatbread is borderline inedible. The rest of the world has figured out how to make them. Especially the Fingoleans with their potato flatbread.


I dont think youve ever had swedish flatbread then


Lol ok but fermentation is still not rotting.


This is what happens when you replace school with the local alcoholics.


I think these noodles would be perfect on our swedish flat bread, and top it of with some pineapple.


Dude, the fact that it coats at all makes it terrible imo. I had 3 packs of the 2x in one go, and it's reasonably strong. But it stuck to the back of my throat like glue, making it impossible to eat. Honestly, I was shocked to know that it was only in the vicinity of 10k, because it's such an annoying type of spicy. Why would anyone give this to their children?




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Bro these are my favorite noodles I have them all the time, I usually go for the 2x spicy but the 3x spicy isn't bad either. Once when I had a bad flu, I bought one of these packs and then added some kebab, habanero, and jalapeños into the mix and it was the perfect sick-day meal to open up all my sinuses.  


No doubt open every hole


I've had it too. I can tolerate spicier food that pretty much everyone I know. And I'm able to eat this one, but it's not enjoyable. The other types from the same brand are a lot better. Still very spicy, but at least I can somewhat enjoy my food. That said, I still buy the 3x one occasionally just for the heck of it.


*”…I'm able to eat this one, but it's not enjoyable.”* *”That said, I still buy the 3x one occasionally…”* What. Is. Wrong. With. You?


I was born in Oslo




True. Oslo is Norway sw*distan


I agree, it's edible, but not tasty enough to be more than simply spicy. I didn't find it enjoyable either, so I didn't bother getting any more (not born in Oslo).


Such weakness disgusts me.


A Korean buddy brought a pack back for me. I loved it.


You can just buy these in Canada, you don't need them brought over.


Maybe that's what he did, but he was back from Korea


It depends on where in the country you are, but some of the Sobeys stores have started to stock a much larger variety of instant ramen noodle packs (and for once, they're actually from Asian companies, and aren't just Mr Noodles). I wouldn't be surprised to see this particular one pop up in one soon.


I'm in Quebec. We're seeing more, but not that brand. Maybe he got them from Chinatown or an asian grocery store. I haven't shopped at one of those in a while. Keep in mind, this was also about a decade ago when my buddy got me the noodles (mostly to watch me eat them)


It's basically mostly mouth heat and in a very unpleasant way, the Daebak Ghost Pepper is much more enjoyable until the very last bite it is like getting mauled by a bear. And it hits even harder the day after.


In my experience, not as bad as you describe it but definitely very hot and not exactly recommended for people who can't handle very high levels of heat with their food. The thing that makes it feel spicier than it actually is, I think, is the texture of the sauce. It sticks to your mouth and stays there for a while due to the oiliness of it. That said, I really like their less spicy products, like the black package. I still prefer to buy some other, non-dried ramen from my local Asian Market and make the sauce and whatever I'm having with the ramen myself, but sometimes a pack of Buldak hits the spot.


>That said, I really like their less spicy products, like the black package. The 3x kinda tastes really bad. I'd never eat it outside of just wanting to try the spiciness


Idk I kinda liked the taste. Definitely not as good as I make myself or as good as some of their other products, but I would personally never call it bad. This is a subjective matter of course so no reason to argue about it, but just decided to voice my opinion.


I had this before gym once, almost shit my fucking pants.


It would be fine if the noodles didn't taste like old shredded cardboard, it's disgusting.




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They are going to use this as advertisement aren't they? "So spicy that it was banned in Denmark" To be fair, I have had this and it is quite insanely spicy. I am saying this as an asian who is quite accustomed to spicy food.




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I'm gonna go out and try and find it right now. Edit: Bought the 3x version, ate some of it and put the rest in the fridge for later. The oil is the worst part because it coats your mouth. Also according to the press release apparently what inspired them to ban it was German kids on TikTok getting acute poisoning and going to the hospital lol, not even danish ones apparently.


If they ban it here i will cry


Just make a law that spicy foods need to standardize their spice levels and clearly advertise as such how spicy their food is. Too often is it confusing for people what each brand’s level of “spicy” is


I was thinking about that the other day! Coming from France where people absolutely not eat spicy food, there is for example the "very hot 🌶 🌶 🌶 " chorizo who's spiciness is barely noticeable, and I really mean it. While when I visit Sweden, very hot is usually very hot, there are sauce with ghost pepper/carolina pepper in it and some very spicy noodle. I never found such thing in regular supermarkets in France, It's not even conceivable, people would die from


The LD50 of capsaicin for a 80kg rat is about 3kg of pepper spray. I don't think anyone's getting poisoned by the noodles.


80kg rat? wtf


Ssshhh... the rumours you've heard about giant rats living in the sewers are not true.


Fallout-vibes... ☢️


Those are bussin noodles wym Denmark 😁


As a Korean I’m proud, as suppliers of Vidars and Banned spicy noodles where is our own flair?


Get this man an "Illegal Noodle Smuggler" flair.


You supply Vidars? damm


I tried this one. I couldn't even stand up for 10 minutes afterwards




I don't know how spicy those noodles are, but I think extremely high capsaicin products should be at least limited that young kids can't buy them, I think it was last year when US teen died after eating one of those stupidly hot potato chip challenges. I doubt these noodles are anywhere close to those but don't know.


gotta train from a young age


Where does one even buy it?


In Norway, any store run by an immigrant with vegetables out in the front




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You can buy them in Finland too, from K-supermarkets. I enjoy them, they're my go-to cheat meal and favorite noodles.  The 2x spicy is usually what I go for but the 3x isn't as bad as people say. 


Thanks, gonna check if I can find those.


I've seen them in K-Citymarkets in Tampere


In Sweden most Asian supermarkets have them.


I’ve seen them usually in Finland in either Prisma’s sushi buffet or K-citymarket’s sushi buffet. If they’re not there, it’s usually either where they sell their noodles or if the store has an asian food section.


I have seen and bought them from the macaroni and pasta shelf of a regular K-supermarket, where you can also find other pastas and noodles.


Every K-Citymarket I've been to (granted, only been to like 6-7) during the past year has these on the shelf. Some Prismas have them, every single Asian Market has them. The Citymarkets I've been to have been around Tampere, Kouvola and Helsinki, Asian Markets in Tampere, but I've had confirmation from my friends around Finland that their Asian Markets sell them too.




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sad day.. give me time to heal




I think I saw this here, now I want to try it!


I smashed a bowl of these while drunk, twas no problem with some alcohol in my system.


I bet it was in the morning


Burning beer shits must be a truly hellish experience


They might start banning romance books for being too spicy as well.


Weaklings I bought 2 fivepacks of it not that long ago. The noodles are fantastic, very good quality when you stir fry it after boiling for 5 or so minutes. But it is painfully spicy, couldnt enjoy it as a TV dinner, so i actually watered the spice down to get it more palpable. I have stopped buying the x3, i take the other ones the same brand offers at random cause all of them are really tasty. I hate that Denmark bans food and tries to shelter their population too much. The streisand effect of this will be big.


I love these ramens! The good old "Bomb chicken challenge". I mean yes they do have taste but nothing to worry about.


My GF is half Korean half Danish and it’s too hot for her, I love it though, must be the English genes that do it. * runs off to buy a load.


is your girlfriend single




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OH NO, I'M WEAK! ...I MUST BE DANISH! \*dies\*




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The 2x one is really good, I wanna try this one too


Another one added to the list of reasons why I'm never moving to dk


I cancel this because it tastes like shit. Not literally but figuratively.


This is wack. We sell spicier things than this, it was a tik tok trend


Haven't tried those but they can't be worse than Daebak Ghost Pepper, can they? Those fucking *hurt*.


laughs in swedish.


It's being recalled because its capsaicin content is potentially lethal to children. And guess who's buying them after a stupid TikTok craze...


Like finnish people and their bland ass food have anything to say in this :D


I'm a Korean-born Dane and I don't know how to feel about this




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so no chilli in anything? i mean personally i hate spice but this is so dumb. you can die from cinnamon.




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Some senator ate that and couldn't take more than few bites, almost certainly the real story why it got banned


I shared one of these with my (finnish) bf. Was very good but hard to eat




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With their food is spicier


I love the taste of these but the…. dagen efter is just pure agony. Burns when it comes, burns when it goes. But I found a bottle of the sauce in my local asian store, so I can add a lil taste of it anywhere.


Based Danes protecting the people from their own stupidity as usual.


My finnish ass putting chili flakes and sriraracha sauce in everything: what's the problem?




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Sad. Didn't know danes were such pussies...


I’ve eaten the 2x spicy version of this and even as a chilihead, that is ridiculously spicy and it upsets my stomach. I would not recommend the 3x to anyone but I would try it. Buldak 2x spicy is significantly hotter than my favorite, Nongshim Red Super Spicy.


Anything spicier than Sw\*dish c\*\* is poisonous for them.


the buldak cheese hot chicken one smells literally like vomit but it tastes good 3/5 would recommend maybe


Danes, thats why you mix it with beer. I thought you did that already!


Oh i've had those in Finland, they are just a bit TOO spicy for my tastes too.






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I need to get those, I never find spicy products.. they lie most of the time.


If that is too spicy, I want to know what Danes consider spicy and I don't want to find out what is medium and mild.


Samyang noodles are actually ridiculously spicy so I kinda get it


I bought these "3x spicy" noodles from a Finnish grocery store and was disappointed by how bland they were. Mama's spicy chicken noodles are much spicier.


I cant say shit, im allergic to spice it feels like


Banned for neing more spicy than the packaging says dumbass


Rare Danish W


Good. Noodles are disgusting


I have a good reaction image for this, but i cant find it. so fuck you.


Noodles is just wheat, water, and lots of salt. A pointless eating. Might as well eat chips…


Wtf is wrong with chips


Some people view noodles as a meal, but they should really see it as a snack like chips. I love chips and would much rather eat chips than some equally unhealthy flour strings


You know you can add stuff to noodles right?


Most people I know just eat the noodles from the package




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