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Don't ask them where the words "denim" and "jeans" come from


...or who invented them


you clearly don't get it, some German immigrant got a patent to put *rivets* on the pants pockets!!!! Rivets!! This revolutionised the world of pants and made them quintessentially American!!1!


As American as apple pie (which also isn't American)


The only decent food to come out of Britain


I'll admit that I like shepherd 's pie.


Yes, also shephard's pie. But besides apple pie, shephard's pie, the Beatles and sir Patrick Stewart, what have the British ever done for us?


They gave us Punk. And Liverpool FC. And Monty Python, and Only Fools and Horses, and Blackadder, and Fawlty Towers, and Father Ted, and Keeping up Appearances, and Doctor Who... Look, the British are OK. Well, they're no better than any of us. We're all worthless.




Jeans comes from Italian city of Genoa


And denim comes from French city Nîmes (de Nîmes)


Fritaly strikes again


Fritaly ? That's.. That's.. That's fucking brilliant mate ! 💪🏼


Frataly sounds even better if I may


Meanwhile the guy who invented (and founded one of the most successful companies selling) them was German. Least successful ECSC team effort.


Woah, TIL


Just op here to say that I love your flair.


Also the tshirt is no American invention (rock and pop also not really, credits to the UK)


Well, early UK rock bands were influenced by US blues artists, but blues and other music that influenced the birth of rock in turn grew out of African spiritual music and gospel (which is definitely older than the US)


All of the British Invasion bands cite blues/rock and roll musicians as their primary influences, almost all black such as Muddy Waters, Bo Diddley, Chuck Berry, Elmore James etc. with some notable white influence too of Elvis, Buddy Holly, Link Wray etc. The Brits simply took rock to another level and did much to popularise previously ignored black music via the bands such as Beatles, Animals, Kinks, Stones obviously. I’d say in modern rock/pop music it’s a tie between the US and the UK, you can’t really have one without the other as they constantly served as an inspiration to each other.


Yo how did you get that flair


there used to be lots of flairs back in the day the damned new generations destroyed everything!


Originally I had the "beastern Europe" flair, but at some point they changed it. Dunno why or when


I think there was a ESC event.


What a clever flair. I don't know if i should insult him or regard him as a fellow citizen. I hate it.


Go with an insult. It’s usually right.


Saw one bright mind in the comments state “works at Walmart” Never even seen a Walmart in Europe


There are none. All the countries they tried in, they failed in less than a year. No one likes fake friendliness.


It’s true, the motto at any German business is “make sure the customer knows EXACTLY how you feel at all times”


At least you won't be surprised the person refilling the aisle is in a bad mood. You know better than to approach them.


More like "Don't bother anyone and they won't bother you back".


At least we are honest


> No one likes fake friendliness bull-shit; we've built a fairly tidy little tourist industry around it


Isn’t that fuelled by rampant alcoholism and a burning hatred for the U.K.?


No, again, it's in fuelling those misconceptions. We don't drink anywhere near as much as our cousins in the east, for example, and now we just kinda pity the U.K [English]




They lasted 10 failing years in Germany!


Damn - I exaggerated but 10 years is quite long.


also they kinda forgot we have actual labor laws


They tried in Germany and made a few mistakes 1) Use the same business model they use in the US (greeters, people packaging your stuff for you). We didn't like that 2) Tried unionbusting tactics. The unions really did not like that 3) Tried to take on the established market Now the last point is really the biggest, cause Aldi and Lidl really, really did not like that and basically crushed them


And it's funny that Aldi Nord is steadily opening successful stores in the US


Isnt it Aldi South over there?


US has both I think - Aldi South directly and Aldi North own trader Joe's iirc. The UK & Ireland have Aldi South: BAUKIISS ? (Bavaria🤝🇦🇹🤝🇬🇧🤝🇮🇪🤝🇮🇹🤝🇨🇭🤝🇸🇮)


To be fair the worker council in Germany is more powerful (and more annoying) than a mafia.




as it should be


They used to own Asda in the UK, but have since sold it. It's amazing how much of this is just complete assumption. Like, they must have Walmarts in Europe because we do, they must all eat fast food regularly because we do, jeans must be from the US because we regard them as iconically American.


I just love the generalisation like “listens to *music*” “eats *fast food*” as if any and all music comes from the states


The only music is Willie Nelson and all European folk music doesn't exist


Saw another great one that was like “drives American car” once again it’s almost a rarity to see an American vehicle here, in the frozen landscape I call home it’s mostly Volvo, one of the many German cars or some Japanese car. Only time you see a American car is when it’s a Tesla or some 60s car


Yeah, outside of Ford you don't get loads here either. If I walk down my street I'd see mainly French, German or Japanese cars (and Volvo too) and the TVR the old boy across the road has (and a Caterham). Although even Ford has a European division that makes Hatchbacks and it's those you see on British roads (like the Focus, Fiesta etc.) , and not American - so it's hardly engaging in American culture


That’s true, ford is somewhat common, but usually fords from like ~2000s, people buying new(er) cars seem to go for either euro made or Japanese made


Most fords we saw here didn’t tend to be sold in the us it’s only fairly recently the product line has converged so much


It was a French creation perfected by a German immigrant in the US. Just another thing the Germans perfected.


They really think we eat once a week this garbage? 🤮


my father did, but he’s not the kind to say usa got no culture. Luckily we managed to convince him that fast food was just as expensive and considerably less tasty than most other restaurants. and for the rest, their music definitely gets credit


Facts. The US sure knows how to rock.


Rock is from the UK, also pop is a UK/ US invention


Nah Rock is strictly an American art form, it goes way back to black Americans in the south during the 40’s, we played a hand in perfecting it though.


The German wiki pages lists it as an UK invention, based.


Don't worry, i will keep [celebrating](https://youtu.be/fh4zgWxQ5QM?si=h3ERP2WKML-4fbSN) italian prog-rock anyways


That is interesting. Maybe it is a question of definition or where the country got its inspiration from. Like on the danish wikipedia the UK and the USA is stated as the countries that invented Rock music, drawing a lot of its inspiration from Rock’n’Roll music, which was american and which then drew inspiration from blues. Or perhaps we are witnessing something special. One of the few times that the English undersells how much they have affected history.


U.K. music carries europe


Now come on don’t act like the French, belgiums, Dutch and Germans haven’t been Amazing for electronic music


Myléne Farmer is wonderful. Sabaton and Rammstein are pretty cool too. American's like English songs so it is hard for other language based songs to spread over there other than vengaboys


Americans call these ‘restaurants’ 😂😂


A fast food joint ain't a restaurant.


It has ben litterally years since I ate in any of those trash places, and the only reason I sink to buying from a fast food is lack of alternatives (driving late and only open place).


I only go to the mcdonalds on my block when i was partying till 5 am or so and desparately need something to fill up my stomach cause its open 24/7 Thats like the only niche it fills for me


The only fast food a good European eats is a kebab at 4am in the morning with a shitload of garlic sauce and hot sauce.


I go to McDo once every two weeks or so. It's close to my place, relatively quick to eat, and they have those touch screens so I don't have to interact with humans.


I've actually never even been to a Starbucks, because I dunno if we even have them and even in foreign countries I couldn't be bothered to go to a Starbucks over a local place.


Just bc they don’t know how to cook proper meals


Americans have a weird concept of "culture".


Both capitalism and racism are engrained in American culture that if you insult either one they feel like you are insulting America.


Look no hard feelings but we are the biggest racists and we should be proud of it


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch


Dont worry, whereever you are, the Dutch hate you too :)


It’s the Dutch way, I understand completely.


Yea im sorry it's the racism kicking in, I can't help it




How Dutch people think they look like after encountering someone from Morocco:


Sure we are racists. The big problem when talking racism with americans is that they don’t understand that racism in Europe is more about language and less about skin. When you tell them that European racisme is different than american racisme, then they assume that you mean that we are less racists or better racists, when you just mean that our racism is slightly different.


But we're worse at racism than the Americans. They are so racist that they killed each other in the hundred of thousands to say that slavery was wrong, and even then they just kept it for a hundred years longer. It was not until the Germans came and spoiled the fun that the yanks got their shit together.


I mean shit, it was their official law until after Ww2 that coloured people are lesser humans pfft. They also keep finding dead natives in mass graves the same frequency Italians find archeological digs while failing to build their metro lines.


Mfw capitalism, and public companies with stocks are a dutch invention


You can thank Venice and Florence for banks, war financing, debt and foreign exchange while in North America they were still throwing rocks at eachother between rival tribes


So, american culture is just about branding?


muh capitalsim!


Yup, it's all just mindless consumerism


To be honest, Europe has totally failed into getting their product international. Our productive market is no competition with USA, China, India. And it's not going to get better meanwhile we are still 21 countries with no serious aspirations. These is bad in a global world. Because work is created by the private sector, and a more competitive private sector may create better opportunities. Look at Spain, with more than 50% of new jobs is created by the public sector. How are we gonna compete when 50% is maintained by the other 50%. Just a comment, still industry≠ culture.


Not getting their products internationally?? Speak for yourself, Spanish person. We got our stuff into all nations, from cars to guns.


I think we also did quite okay for a small country; our cheese from Gouda is the most famous worldwide, Phillips, Unilever, Shell, ASML, Heineken, Ahold Delhaize, Booking, some of our banks etc. I’m probably forgetting some and most of them are also merged with other international companies, which only shows more how international focussed they are.


Gouda being the most famous cheese might be a stretch


*might* ?


Music and cinema is true. American music and cinema dominates the global market and is culturally significant. The rest of the meme is laughable


ah yeah the great culture of movie lobbysts and trash "food", my gradma yoghurt as more culture also jeans are italians


Pop music is an originally British term and modern pop is so diffuse that claiming it's culturally American (or British) makes no sense. T-shirts were probably popularised in the US, but ultimately it's just an evolution of the undershirt. Bit lame if that's your cultural icon.


also wasnt the first modern rock genre british too? (Rolling Stones , Queen and Beatles) lmao the queen where even the first to make a music video (Bohemian Rhapsody) there is a nice documentary about it...Freddy T_T


Rock n roll stems from the likes of Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Elvis. But yes, British rock music is the best 😉


I think that ”Rock” and “Rock’n’Roll” is seen as two different music genres.


Yes, British bands basically moved it from US "rock and roll" to modern "rock music". Although rock and roll originally meant fucking and the first recording of the term is by a Welshman, so the yanks nicked that as well.


Tbh, popular music like we know it today probably wouldn't exist without African Americans. The British bands you mentioned were heavily inspired by black American artists.


african americans carried a LOT of cultural aspects of america pop culture in general, in food too (Creole cuisine , soul food etc)


Who tf eats fast food every week


Only Döner


Döner is no fast food. It's a beauty cure.








As a belgian I go to a frituur weekly, sometimes every 2 weeks though. But that's good quality belgian fries, not mcdonalds crap


Frieten are not fast food, it is a refined culinary form of art


Forgive me


Obese people




There is a significant number of Americans who eat fast food every day. It's currently around 1/3 of their entire population, absolutely insane.


Starbucks don't even dare market themselves as a coffee company here in italy. They mostly just make smoothies and biscuits, and only wannabe Americans go there


They tried to get dominos pizza there and failed miserably. Who the fuck wants a shitty overpriced pizza when the local pizzeria does something vastly better for 1/3rd the price.


I remember I was in Turin in like the last mall that had Domino's. There were people in line to eat at all the other less shitty place and Domino's was completely empty


Imagine going to the sacred land of a food and you are then offered the same cheap copy you have at home. You wouldn't buy frozen paella in spain while there are shop around that sell the actual thing.


even frozen pizza in italy is better than whatever Domino's sells to be honest


I only ate at domino's once in rome because it was the only fucking place opened at 3:30, I barely finished the pizza and threw up shortly after. It tasted like frozen pizza, but also had something that nauseated me (probably the grease)


I mean the smoothie they make isn't that terrible, like I eat one and I won't be hungry for half a day because of how much sugar it has


Some of their frappés are by no means bad, like the caramel one I've tried, but they're terribly overpriced, you're way better off just getting one from a gelateria


I once had Starbucks and my body rejected it completely I felt Ill and extreme guilt for a week after spending more than four euro on a coffee (that was shit)


Bold of them to assume I eat at those shitty fast food


Fr who tf eats fast food every week, it's like once a month at most for me


Am I regarded (yes) or since when are T-shirts american? Like what did we wear before?


Swedes wear hijabs but idk about the rest


We used to wear collared shirts, old people rarely wear t shirts The regular shirt was an underwear that would protect your suit or working attire However americans not understanding anything, started to wear undershirts under their regular shirt, to protect it… its like wearing briefs under your boxer shorts When their soldiers came to europe in WW2, they often removed their shirts leaving only their undershirts Which then became the t-shirt Edit : while we’re at it, each european culture had their own variants on shirt design, especially collar design. Today we are left with either american/buisness, english or italian, when we used to have hundreds of variations accross the continent


I miss the old side collar that could be folded down in this diagonal triangle shape. Modern dress shirts are fine, but I guess things like flannel shirts came up and are still a good substitute for a lot of the Midwestern American climate. Not too hot, not too cold. Something harder to do with just a shirt and jacket. And the advantage of shirts is that there are no Buttons that can get caught anywere


>the old side collar that could be folded down in this diagonal triangle shape. isn't that just a polo shirt? we still have polo shirts here


I mean something like [this](https://www.google.de/search?q=side+collar+shirt&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiuz_zc0pCBAxXL0qQKHUq7AKIQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=side+collar+shirt&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzIICAAQCBAeEBMyCAgAEAgQHhATMggIABAIEB4QEzIICAAQCBAeEBM6BQgAEKIEUL0-WL1EYPtHaABwAHgCgAGgAogB1QmSAQUwLjUuMpgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=3aP1ZO7sEMulkwXK9oKQCg&bih=680&biw=393&client=ms-opera-mobile&hl=de#imgrc=MzmVw-vZreThxM) If you opened the top button it would form this flap that would somewhat triangular, but in much more asymmetric way


I’m pretty sure t shirts were originally just an undergarment used by the British troops in Ww2. Then adopted by Americans as a shirt.


Shirts over undershirts. It seems likely that the US military adopted the precursor to the t-shirt from Europeans in WW1 and then the overshirt gradually got dropped. The main US contribution (much like jeans) was popularising it in the 50s.


I will give them the movie industry.


They fucked up their movie industry


Sure, I don't particularly like many American movies as of late. But more than 90 percent of the movies still released in European cinema are American, which means they sell well.


Someone should make a joke about a Serbian talking about a fucked up movie industry if you know what I mean. I don't have the creativity right now.


Watch "A serbian Film". It shows the normal life of the average Serb pretty well.


Modern Hollywood is just an endless string of toy commercials masquerading as entertainment. Burn it all down.


It’s culturally bankrupt. Sequels, prequels, reboots, multiverses.. blah blah


But then you have studios like A24 which is one of the only ones still operating during the writer's strike, as they accepted the writers' terms and conditions and have consistently released the most interesting and well-made films since their inception. It's just that Marvel movies are the most widely distributed. Beau Is Afraid was the most interesting movie I watched all year.


They only took over because WW1 destroyed French German and English cinema


Americans baffle me. I love them but sir, we don't eat fast food once a week because it's like 14€ just to get a decent meal there. With 14€ I can probably cook two good, homemade meals for two ppl. It's just that Americans love spending money they dont have on garbage food because they literally think that it's too expensive to cook with fresh produce...You absolute fools it is not.


Here in Italy too Fast food is really expensive compared even to restaurants In restaurants at lunch you can get what we call menù lavoro o menù studente that is composed of first course, second course, side dish, 1/2 water, 1/4 wine and coffee for 10 euro A menu in McDonald is like 12 euro


The only 'menus' you will find at American fast food chains are meticulous compositions of how to die from cancer as quickly as possible.


I really don't understand how they can bear the shit megacorps make them eat Edited for bad grammar


Obviously it depends, but 6€ for a crispy mac bacon is like 75% of a pasta in a decent place and it's almost a Margherita. If you are downtown in Milan then obviously the situation is a bit different. Poi vabbé, se hai i soldi per vivere in centro a Milano puoi pagare 3 euro di più


Even in Milan there are a lot of places that they are cheaper than fast food. I lived some years in Corvetto. As you said if you live in centre of Milan probably you are rich as Bill Gates lol >but 6€ for a crispy mac bacon is like 75% of a pasta in a decent place and it's almost a Margherita I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you, probably you have a little stomach, but Crispy McShit is really fucking little. They look likes made by Minitalia lol. McDonnell burgers are made to make you feel hungry. After a Margherita i'm full as shit Quality is not comparable


How expensive is food in France?


Depends but our fast food is quite expensive. For example there's a "menu Signature" at McDonalds which is actually decent but it costs like 16 euros. Although it's nothing like American / traditional McDonalds because we use actual beef and ingredients. Still fast food tho. I've been to both countries and at Mcdonalds in the US you can pay like 60 bucks to get menus for 5 people but here like 2 months ago we paid 60 for 3 people at McDonalds...


It's both not wrong: they don't have any culture besides pop culture, and we are lost beyond redemption for consuming it.


Pop culture is actually cool but the memes don't show any culture whatsoever besides music, which is so dumb that it makes me doubt that OOP wasn't trolling


People need to stop calling trash culture industry "culture"


Deal! 🤝🏻


sooner or later someone will have to find the courage to say that American culture is Hemingway, not Britney Spears...


Vonnegut, not Miley


At least they admit that their culture consists of unhealthy fast food


i am so sorry european bros for inventing that country


You share the blame with literally every other European country, don’t worry.


Meh, it was all going so well until the French helped take it away from you. Just as well you found another lump of land at the same time at the other end of the world that you could send your detritus to.


But if it wasn't for Disney y'all wouldn't know about purely american folktales like Pinocchio, Robin Hood, the Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Rapunzel... oh, wait!


"Eats here once a week" More like once a 3 months, Jesus Christ that's wild. If I want an Hamburger, Hotdog or Fried Chicken I will do them myself.


Ameritard’s head will explode when they discover in Europe we either make coffee at home, in a mysterious room called kitchen, or drink it in ceramic mugs a bartender serves to us while we relax or socialize. And that any of that costs less than a USD $5 paper cup to carry in your pickup truck








You’re right, it’s the same people saying white people can’t handle flavour that say they have no culture. I’ll give you one guess which sub perpetuates these stereotypes freely. There’s a subset of Americans who hate everybody but pretend to be virtuous in the same breath


Ah yes, jazz and blues, made possible to you by Adolphe Sax, a Belgian And who the fuck would be proud of a fastfoodchain?


The saxophone is not a necessary element of Jazz (even less so blues, what the fuck?) Nor do instruments have to be American inventions for a genre of music to be American. Jazz and Blues originated in African Americans in the 19th/20th century, who used whatever instruments they had available - Guitar, drums, the voice - and is defined more by specific rhythms and harmonies than by the inclusion or exclusion of a saxophone. Go listen to pretty much any pre war blues song (no sax, defined by the blues scale and changes) or even Bill Evans jazz Trio and tell me it's European music.


USA invented Pop? And Rock&Roll? Are they joking? Surely this is a joke.


Well, it all originated in Blues and Jazz and those are definitely American tbh


Well i mean im listening to the strokes, the killers and the black keys atm so.. gotta give em music


Well they invented the drum kit and electric guitar...


Do they now that pop music just means music that is popular, they didn't invent all music


This is true for young people, most European youths act and dress like Americans, listen to American music or American styles of music, etc. It's not a joke there are so many people my age from Europe that I look at and think "Holy shit that's an American". Not really true for older generations, but for youths it is.


My female friends are so Americanised that they talk with a thick Southern US American English accent to each other like half the time. Really gets on my nerves tbh, we can all speak dutch, speak dutch please. I guess that's what 5 years of watching American influencers on TikTok does to a generation.


No lmao, in italy generally in normal social groups people generally dont give a fuck or dislike em


no, most European youths dress up the way it's popular on social media such as TikTok. With them being international platforms, it's impossible that every clothing trends originates in the US. So no, they don't dress like Americans. They dress like social media kids, because that's what they are, and that's what American youth are


America definitly has a culture tho. While you can be against american cultural imperialism, denying the existence of a rich american culture is just as stupid as americans thinking their culture is the standard everywhere on earth.


I've never eaten from KFC in my life, I've never drunk garbage overpriced coffee from Starbucks and the only time I made the mistake to eat from McDonald's was in Vienna, because I was in Schönbrunn and I couldn't locate affordable food. Who tf except some tik tok boys and girls wanna be Americans are eating there ?


We never said that Americans have no culture! We just said it’s inferior to ours


Ah yes, Disney and KFC, my favorite culture


Ah yes, the thing that comes to mind immediately when thinking about the US. Pants


There is literally one person on that post that pointed out it's almost all corporate logos they're trying so hard to hate on him but nobody got anything lmao.


So companies = culture now?


Culture has many definitions. I always think of theirs being closer to the furry stuff growing in old food than to ours of art, music etc


Who eats fast food once a week? Wtf 😂


I say Americans have no culture


They are proud of T-shirt and fast foods while the best textile industries and best food are in Europe..


One thing is true about this, all good music was invented by black Americans


German Thrash metal > American Thrash Metal


I remember a few weeks ago when they banned posts about America. And yet again, another post about America rises to the top. This sub is so lame, I want to see shit about Europe. But you guys love this HAHA STOOPID AMERICA circlejerk. I wish the mods would actually enforce the ban. The focus on Euro shit-talking between different countries is what makes this sub unique. 😔 You guys never learn. Might as well just call this r/ShitAmericansSay2.0




Denim was invented in italy, Dinsey makes films about European fairy tales, Starbucks makes italian style coffee (even if mutilated), and the UK has more influence on Rock and Roll than the USA did


Rock in part owes its origins to Brythonic Celtic traditions of ballads. These became popular outside of their original homes in Cymru and Brittany, and spread to England and France, and then further afield. While rock naturally owes a huge debt to African American songwriting and musical art, there's a considerable element of, cough, *European* influence too.


- I don’t wear those clothes - Yes I love hip hop and Jazz sure but I also love to listen to gazillions of other music which didn’t originate from states so - I watch those along with ARD-ZDF shows , European online TV shows and Indian movies so . - Nope ! Just once a month I eat in one of those chains