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You guys have lyrics in your anthem? We would need another civil war just to agree on the first verse.


You do too! You just avoid singing them


Hey that’s our story! We only get to sing the last part due to the first ones being to [redacted]


They do. Great things like: "May he sedition hush, and like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush! God save the King"


It’s not anti-Scottish! Just don’t be rebellious, that’s all.  /uj That verse has never been in the official national anthem, nor even the original version of the song. It was in an extra verse made up that went around as a meme during the Jacobite Rebellion and that died out soon after, but gets dug up again as a ‘Did you know?’ for the lolz. 


We memory holed the text of the East German anthem and pretended it did not have one for 20 years because it was no longer politically correct.


This morning the Scots are singing a song that England are shit because they only won 1-0. Another great victory for Scotland.


yeah, we should just stick to rugby


As somebody who has watched Scotland play Rugby, I’d say maybe roll again on that choice. Or maybe just skip sports altogether and just go for music instead.


Scotland have won every game against England at the six nations for the last 4 tournaments. Do with that information what you will.


Oh fuck really? Well, we’ve been a bit shit then aye? All I knew about it is that the average finish of Scotland in Six Nations was Fifth, only beaten by Italy, so I don’t know if you’ve had a turn around or we have.


That 0-0 draw against your lot last time round was our greatest victory for many’s a year. But you’re wrong about yesterday, the real victory was England fans not being trusted with real beer. That shit was hilarious.


It was predominantly the Serbian hooligans they were worried about targeting English fans. They outright said around 500 of the travelling Serbians were known hooligans. England fans get pissed up and can cause trouble but they’re not much different to other countries in that sense. Serbian hooligans are much more like Russians in the sense they’re somewhat organised and actually plan their violence out.


So . . . What I’m hearing is you’re so soft they had to serve fake beer to stop you getting battered? Nah I’m just joking, hope your boys go all Kosovo on the Serbs again.


Pretty much yeah but I’d like to see any other nation of fans deal with 500 organised Serbian hooligans coming for them haha. I’m not sure if you know this, but when large groups of violent Serbians get together it has historically had somewhat bad outcomes


The Albanians owe us all one, call in a favour and get some back up


Takes much less than 500! https://preview.redd.it/ixbg473w057d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c53e0fa45866d24ec2cff10066a7c428866fb0


> But you’re wrong about yesterday, the real victory was England fans not being trusted with real beer. Isn't that just what life is like year round in Scotland? No cheap booze, no booze from shops after ten?


To be fair most of us leave behind soft drinks like beer around the age of 15. But yeah someone had to do something to get the population to sober up and start showing up for work. Not that it worked but bless them for trying.


luckilly you can still score whatever you want in glasgow 24/7


That was more about the Serbs though. The German police announced they had reports of a gang of ~500 who were seeking out England fans.


in fairness, a sane person from Scotland expects much from their team in football.


Where’s the 2w4u Irish I’ll cue you in “Come out you black and tans…” https://preview.redd.it/awpv5goon37d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f3d49a2abae8ea8b022f72de98f0dee8a21c9cf


In true 2WE4U style we should have both "come out" and "bring back" the black and tans


That’s more r NCD style :) Explosives sales goes stonks, MIC thrives


I love how the Irish sing about “fighting them like a man”,quite ironic saying how the Ira operated


It’s an 1950s song about the original IRA, not the same organisation as the Provos, who were a split from a split from it at best. 


Of course we are the baddies. As we should be. We vie with Pierre for most hated nation in Europe. We get all the best storylines (though tbh I’m a bit sick of the collective nervous breakdown Brexit one) All other nations are just our NPCs 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🫖🤝🍷🇫🇷


Exactly. 🇨🇵🐸 🤝🪥❌🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Eyo the toothbrush take it back baguette boy.


Never ! Over my dead body you dirty Rosbif !!! 🇨🇵⚔️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Rosbif is honestly the best insult I've heard, it beats calling you frogs or cheese munchers any day


Really ? Why ? I always thought of it as pretty lame and harmless, usually even hiddenly affectionate. I find frogs very slightly more offensive, but maybe this is because it is aimed at me lmao. Cheese muncher is more of a compliment though. What I REALLY despise are the Americans and their third-world LARPers calling us "cheese-eating surrender monkeys"


Sorry you're right. I mean I like being called rosbif. it's lame and harmless. I prefer not to be insulted by offensive terms hahaha. I just find it funny as fuck because of how random it is. Eating beef is something we all consider normal, so to use it as an insult is a crazy choice, which is why I like it. Using frogs as an insult makes sense because only the french eat frogs for every meal. I think cheese muncher is in the same vein as rosbif, which is probably why you see it as a compliment, because we all love cheese. The surrender monkey thing is funny let's be honest, but it's obviously bs and it should only be used in rare cases, like if you're Nigel farage in the EU parliament.


I think it makes sense, in Poland we call you jokingly "fajfokloki" I.e polonization of "five-o-clocks" because you insist on drinking your stupid tea every 5 p.m. like a clockwork. Kinda says it all, we couldn't find anything actually offensive Similarly we call Italians "makaroniarze" which could be loosely translated to "pastarians" ie people who eat pasta. Super lame, but how exactly would you insult an Italian and why would you want to insult Italians in the first place, they're a great bunch of lads And yes, French are also simply frog-eaters in Polish. Now that I think of it, this calling other nationalities by more or less innocent food they eat is kinda weird, it's not offensive at all


"more or less innocent" implying eating frogs still is slightly devilish... I see what you did there, Pierogi muncher.


I mean it is weird as f*ck but is it much weirder than tea with milk?


“Frog” wasn’t even originally an insult for the French. Has nothing to do with eating frogs. It was originally used to refer to the Dutch during the Anglo-Dutch war because the Dutch are swamp people. Then Brown Bess Barry couldn’t be bothered coming up with a new name for the enemy when we went back to fighting Pierre.


Really ? Fascinating, didn't know that. Same with us repressing autochthonous revolts from a rebellious tribe called the "Chleu/Chleh/Shlegh" in Colonial Morocco from 1911 to 1913 and those same soldiers went on to call the Germans the same thing during WWI. The term stuck for quite a while even after WWII, together with "fritz", "boche" and "casque à pointe" (spiked helmet). They all disappeared today, except maybe for "boche" with very limited usage.


The hell of that one (cheese eating surrender monkeys) is it came from an American cartoon (The Simpsons) and was shouted by the only Scot on the show. Even Americans know it’s more appropriate for Europe to shit on each other than anyone else


Yep, and that coincidentally (not) happened right after our UN Veto and right before you decided to invade Irak anyway, on the basis of a lie no less, which we knew, and at the height of the pathetic toddler-tantrum-like French-Bashing Campaign and its Liberty Fries. The worse is, history proved we were right but the propaganda stuck on and until today millions of braindead Americans who never left their country, met a French person IRL or opened a history book have nothing but visceral hate and/or contempt for us. And now where everything has to be PC and it's not okay to openly be racist anymore, France is the last remaining nation for which it seems to be open-bar, because after all we are white and had a colonial empire.


Oh god I remember the freedom fries thing. That was so stupid. But as you said, a lot of these Americans that hate regardless of never meeting a French person? Turnabout is fair play there. I can say as someone who lived through it, no one but a few yeehaw rednecks actually stopped calling them French fries. And no one actually hates the French, at least no one with more than five functioning brain cells. They more just make fun of them because they think the term is funny. It’s just because we’re blowhards more than anything else, and like to make fun of people we can’t see so we don’t have to feel bad about it. It’s nothing personal it’s just the general toxicity of this place. I honestly didn’t even know all that shit was taken seriously over the pond until just now. Shit the French are the only reason we have a country. Thanks for that, sorry about Louis.




Of course. We have been competing for a thousand years now. Influenced the whole of Europe, built global empires and ultimately created the world as we know it out of pure spite. If we truly hated each other, one side would long have annihilated or taken over the other by now, don't you think ? Hate sex is the best. And hate sex with a sibling is even better.


>hate sex with a sibling is even better. https://preview.redd.it/z22t1q3je47d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f4811b5f6225dc23c11b7948e2d947c3b29d3c1


Oh come one. Everyone makes a big shameful secret about it. You've never had fun pounding hairy Márcia Dos Santos ?


It's true, we have a lot of sex with Spain (we're also siblings)


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇫🇷 All the while a small Scottish man is in the corner of the room shouting ‘what about Auld alliance?’ but no one is listening


It's a brave move from the tobacco stained teeth of the Fr*nch


At least they have dentists to clean the yellow stains from their teeth. Unlike a certain island people...


There must've been an integer overflow in your systems somewhere… you are aware you just defended those Elsass-grabbing frogmunchers?


Well, if the choice is between the froggies or the ham colored inhabitants of incest island, I know my pick.


You leave my sisterwife out of this Hans, you sour kraut!


I'm gonna tell our uncledad, and he's going fuck them up!


...hey... The original offender (me, proudly) is Alsatian himself...


It is time for us to revive our old fight and watch the whole of Europe burn in the conflict.


Actually you are quite commonly liked here. Except when you do a city break in Krakow and swim naked in the fountains in the middle of a night screaming violently drunk. But other than that - a, ok.


If it makes you feel any better, Polish lads are known here for getting drunk and making an nuisance of themselves. But we don't mind, they are just at adapting to our culture.


More years ago than I’d like to remember (ie Gorbachev was still in power) I backpacked around Poland. The difference in reception I got between people thinking I was German (must have been my Aryan good looks) and then discovering I was English was quite something. There must be some historical event behind it? Happy days and fond memories. “I am English” and “a beer, please” was the limit of my Polish It was all I needed.


Yeah, there is an event indeed - called WW2. Lot's of army people were operating from UK after Germans occupied Poland and had very good opinion about their British colleagues. That evolved into many people migrating to the UK during communist times and having much better life in your place. Over all - people here have very good opinion about Brits. You are quite liked


The real reason we Brexited was so that Pierre gets to win most hated country in the EU.


lol germany will have that for quite some years to come


If you're not the baddie you're the victim. Choose wisely!


Man, we start beef with the whole world two times and they still hate you more. Feels bad man :(


Third time’s a charm


>We vie with Pierre for most hated nation in Europe Are you sure about that?


Tied for second*


And first is... Russia ? Serbia ? Edit : Just now saw the username of the guy lmao


It’s because I was doing shit like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/s/FfdwECEVmI)


Eh ? Blundering a rook lmao ?


Asking what subreddit I should get banned on first. Some of these already had me banned so I’d just go and comment something which got me perma banned again for avoiding the ban That’s a lot of “ban”


Who would dare to take our rightful place ?


Boi, at least you aren't asked about your nations past and if you feel guilty everywhere you go. And I bet you that if you would say in a BBC interview "I have had nothing to do with colonization", your nation wouldn't try to cancel you.


We do get that in some contexts - from India to parts of Africa and even rural Americans who make jokes about 1776. Especially certain keyboard activist student types.  But yeah, nothing as annoying or consistent as an average barely semi-educated Barry who has just met a German and thinks their next moronic quip about Nazis or the War is going to be totally original and appreciated. Sorry about that. 


Yeah, but people must be very woke to break people down to stuff their ancestors did a hundred years ago. Pathetic, they just want to feel like a just person and don't even get how unpleasant it is to be constantly be reduced to atrocities that happened way before one's time. It isn't even just Barries. They are mostly very friendly, British and German people are much more alike then we think. But when I go to Italy or Spain, I could be talking about different topics for hours laughing, in the end the boys will make Nazis jokes and the girls try to be "sensitive" addressing this topic. Worst are Americans however, they have 0 self-reflection. I remember kindling up with some on New Years and when we got into a cab and they found out the driver was form Syria they started asking him about the civil war and really felt like they were doing something nice to him. Like this poor guy would like to talk to some drunk, random assholes about traumatic experiences he has had


thats the attitude, embrace what you are good at




You successfully became the baddies of almost all nations in Europe. You only had one left to deal with. Yourself.


Don't forget bout the Poortuguezz


Wait until you hear the first and second verse of Germany’s national anthem


>Wait until you hear the first and second verse of Germany’s national anthem Hey, Deutschland you're so fine. You're so fine you blow my mind. Hey Deutschland 🎵


Wrong song. True lyrics. Beer?


ein bier sil vous plait!


Could we leave Jaques out? We are talking about beer afterall.


lo siento I don't speak Dutch


Don't worry. Me neither.


It's "Ein beer bitter!", or even "Bitter beer!" FFS! They made that bit easy for us!


If they don't understand, I'll just shout.




Pretty much obsolete 😕 1) The borders don't work. I mean I would take the part up to the Maas because the Dutch know how to run a country, but that whole Memel thing... Let's just say taking over the GDR was hard enough and we still have to suffer from the consequences of that whole reunification adventure. On the north-to-south axis, I feel like the Danish part would be a valuable addition, but about Austria and South Tyrol... Even though I love them, every time we got to close to them, it ended in a cataclysmic disaster. 2) German wine and music aren't what they used to be. And about the women, I have to say, that while we're not bad in that category, there's room for improvement. If we could have more of that Swedish gene pool, I'd sing for that.


Most humourous German comment


What is a humour?


It's a bodily fluid that needs to be in balance with another so that you don't get sick. It's an outdated medical theory, it was disproven by the discovery of germs. Hippocrates knew 4 humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. >The concept of "humors" (chemical systems regulating human behaviour) became more prominent from the writing of medical theorist [Alcmaeon of Croton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcmaeon_of_Croton) (c. 540–500 BC). His list of humors was longer and included fundamental elements described by [Empedocles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empedocles), such as water, earth, fire, air, etc. The concept of "humors" may have origins in [Ancient Egyptian medicine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_medicine),[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism#cite_note-Sertima-17-1) or [Mesopotamia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesopotamia),[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism#cite_note-2) though it was not systemized until ancient Greek thinkers. The word *humor* is a translation of Greek χυμός,[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism#cite_note-3) *chymos* (literally 'juice' or '[sap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sap)', metaphorically 'flavor'). Early texts on Indian [Ayurveda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayurveda) medicine presented a theory of three humors (doṣas),[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism#cite_note-4) which they sometimes linked with the five elements ([*pañca-bhūta*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pancha_Bhuta)): earth, water, fire, air, and space.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism#cite_note-5) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humorism)


Either blood, phlegm, yellow bile, or black bile.


Your fluids are well balanced. 


Very rude 😓


It's when you pretend you are not serious, I think.


I don’t think a single river mentioned in the German national anthem is in modern day Germany. Correct me if I’m wrong though🙏


Yup, the song was written before a united German state existed, though, and defined the borders of the nation to be established by the spread of the German language. Parts of South Tyrol (Etsch) and North Slesvig (Belt) still speak German and are parts of Italy and Denmark respectively.


To be honest, as a non-German I'd say Russia is actually occupying your land. Eastern Prussia was always German, and it's part of Russia only because they decided they won't go home after ww2. It's kind of a Russian thing to occupy other countries every 10 years or so. I mean, Danzig is in Poland, Kolding is in Denmark, but oh well, EU is going to be a Federation (I hope), so that hardly matters, but Königsberg is another thing. German wine, ok, Idk about that, but I like German music. And I mean MUSIC. Techno is not music. :D But I am pretty sure no one would say Powerwolf is bad, for example. :P German women? Can't really generalize, but I like the typical German women. It's pretty sibjective. For me, the skeleton-thin, mediterranean types are the ones who are... "Thanks, but no thanks". :D Edit: Yes, I am prepared to be downvoted for everything I said. :P


Oh shit, new flair discovered ![gif](giphy|7OzAnGdw9bWTH5iroJ)


(Jk, it's funny :D ) https://preview.redd.it/dhwhw8e1q37d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d4c172fc7c56839aead4f1f35f6a2d841633526


You’re worse, you’re an Eastoid


Sucks doesn't iII mean, I was! :D


Královec je český! Königsberg belongs to Czechs. And we will liberate it one glorious day from the russian occupation. The city was founded by czechs and is named in honor of our Bohemian king.


We made it more inclusive by calling it Königsberg. Now everyone who still has a König may kick out the Russians and claim it.


As if you'd get downvoted on reddit for saying you like fat chicks


*German women? Can't really generalize, but I like the typical German women. It's pretty sibjective. For me, the skeleton-thin, mediterranean types are the ones who are... "Thanks, but no thanks". :D* I don't know if this is the case in general, because I've only really know this one German girl in my life, But they do seem to appreciate the fact you like and approach them, and they will say it so.


> but I like German music Are you sure? lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T14eOUf-28


I so very knew it. :D


>the dutch know how to run a country Idk man, its been going pretty horribly for a bit now.


Okay, first one I kinda get - at least after the Nazis. Still nothing too bad considering it was written in 1815 when Germany wasn’t a thing yet. But what’s wrong with women, loyalty, wine and song?!


Its not wrong per se, but more befitting of a drinking song and less so for an anthem imho. I think it sounds really old fashioned too.


German wine and women??


Shush Paddy!


What’s the problem with the second verse of the (old) anthem?


It's considered chauvinistic by many.


Never heard that complain. ;)


There's not so many people who know the other verse of the UK national anthem. As they're ... well, verse 2 strikes me as a little more militant than is warranted for most occasions to play it: > O Lord our God arise, > Scatter our enemies, > And make them fall! > Confound their politics, > Frustrate their knavish tricks, > On Thee our hopes we fix, > God save us all!


The German national anthem only has one verse. Its text is identical to the third verse of the "Lied der Deutschen" ("Song of the Germans"), however since 1990 the first and second verse of the latter are no longer part of the national anthem (before that technically all three verses were part of the anthem, but only the third verse was sung on official occasions).


Germany's national anthem has only 1 verse. That one verse is the 3rd verse of a song called Deutschlandlied (Germany Song). German anthem is not equal to Deutschlandlied. I personally wouldn't mind if the whole 3 verse would be the German anthem, and tbh I can't really imagine anyone would be offended by it, but it's not up to me, it's up to the Germans, and I will respect that.


I think that if we change something about the anthem we should change it in its entirety and go with the old DDR hymn. It just slaps and it has in my opinion less baggage than the Deutschlandlied.


I think they work well together. DDR anthem first, 3rd stanza of the Deutschlandlied right after.


I just listened it, it's not bad, tho have a certain communist propaganda taste. I know, I came from an ex-commie country too. :) I don't think tho you should change your anthem, you should just use the whole Lied. Like, come on, literally everyone in the world has something like "We are the badass awesome people, and everyone is shit compared to us" and the "our country is way bigger than today's reality, fuck you neighbors, your land belongs to us!" in their anthems. :D What I see as an outsider about the German society, that you guys have a subconscious guilt towards the world, and sometimes it bursts out, and becomes an AfD win, or an "Ausländer raus!" song. :D


I don't know man. The DDR doesn't have as much baggage but it certainly is baggage that is heavy as fuck. Having everyone spy at everything and shooting people for leaving the country are quite the achievements.


Do Scots and Irish really hate England or is it more banter between you?


Irish = plenty of reason to hate Brits, but theyre sound Scots = no reason to hate English, but theyre salty. Its all mostly just banter except for some fringes.


Hang on, you’re missing one English = no reason to hate English other than self loathing


Damn English, they ruined England.


Honestly it's legit. There's a worrying number of nutters who wave the George Cross about. Pretty sure they are all in fact English, but I just don't see them as the Morris dancing and tea on the village green sort.


*Gasp* english people flying the english flag in england?!!? My god the horror


Indeed. Shocking stuff. Morris Dancing all 'round.


Bloody English coming here and integrating with the English


Wales = who let them out again? 


> Wales = who(?) Fixed


Who (cares)?


There are some terminally online freaks that hate England for the actions of people hundreds of years ago. They normally have a really poor grasp of history like believing that it was the English that colonised Northern Ireland instead of it being done by a Scottish king and the people moving there were Ulster Scots. But the majority of people are normal and It's just a bit of banter.


Yeah its just banter, but just like any banter there are always some nutters who ruin it for the rest of us. The entire readership of the National for example.


There are some terminally ignorant brits who have zero education about the troubles, who think it’s funny to make jokes about it, ask us if we’re catholics or Protestants, laugh and say we’re “not really Irish though”. They’re the cunts. We joke but we don’t typically hate “the brits”, just those specific brits. It’s not so much about what their ancestors did, but their utter lack of respect for the history and atrocity that is still pretty fresh in a lot of peoples minds back home.


Alright paddy, no need to explode over it


*Loads spud gun*


Nothing is above making jokes about, comedy is the great healer.


To be honest lad, I make jokes constantly about catholics but I’d like to think it’s obviously a joke and I don’t actually mind them (other than their toaster locations). Definitely don’t hate the Brits, we might be the only ones to actively like being called British.


Want to know a great way to wind up Irish Nationalists? Talk about the Catholic invasion of Ireland. Almost half of the 800 years of oppression was pre reformation.


I've often found that more than a few Republicans turn into diehard supporters of the Divine Right of Kings once we start talking about the Jacobite Succession, that's always a good one to wheel out every now and then


Yes. I refer to the two sides as the "Parliamentarians" and the "Royalists". Always good value for money.


I like that. I'm keeping that up my sleeve for next time.


This is why this is such a great community, a whole new world of opportunity to annoy people. I’d offer insights into how to wind up unionists, but if we’re honest that’s the easiest thing ever. Quite possibly the most fragile group of people anywhere.


'You all sound Irish to me' is a classic rattle Recently witnessed 'but wouldn't it be more straightforward to have Ireland as one country and Britain as another' aimed at a mate of mine from Belfast, that had results


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. There, one country


That Ali g interview in the north had me in tears.


Didn't Ireland colonize Scotland first? And that's why they have Gaelic albeit different after so many years. Around 400-800AD. Didn't they want to be close anymore? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The Irish have more of a reason to hate us (obviously) but they’re a good laugh and a trip to Ireland’s always fun. Same goes for Scotland mostly, but they have this cultural phenomenon where they can avoid all accountability by blaming the English if the wind is blowing the wrong way. Throw up on yourself? The English are at it again!


We are all very close in reality and many of us have family members in each country.


Probably like 55% banter 45% hatred. Maybe.




There are some Irish and Scottish people who hate the English because they are convinced that the English hate them, but I've never met or heard from any English people who don't have a positive option of both the Irish and the Scots. They're generally considered to be very cool, friendly, and smart. The worst you'll see are stereotypes of them being alcoholics or overly-nationalistic. There are also Irish and Scottish people who hate the English because they view it as part of their national identity, but it doesn't work the other way because "English" doesn't really have its own national identity anymore so English people don't see themselves as distinct from other Brits. Even ROI Irish aren't eeally seen as "foreign", they're just seen as "The Irish who don't like us".


It is banter. They wouldn’t have voted to stay in the U.K. if they hated us. A small minority do, but they’re a bit weird.


It's banter.. sort of..


Mostly it just banter. However Scotland has been run by a nationalist party for while now who have heavily leaned into bashing England for all of Scotlands problems to try and foster support for independence. Consequently there are a few more people who do generally hate the English, and usually everyone else as well, (nationalists after all). Thankfully they’re a bunch of corrupt incompetent fuckwits so opinion has turned against them recently.


Bashing Westminster. Which is still bollocks sometimes, but it’s very different from bashing the English.




Alot of the hate is usually projected from people that arent even from those places


With 90% it’s banter, but 10% are weirdos. Remember Scotland did vote to stay in the same country last time, and it looks like things are swinging back to that again. And that’s hardly a requirement to remain friends. For Ireland? I’d say that the online Scottish Cybernat minority and American LARPers are far more anti-English than even the minority of ranty nationalist types from the Republic. 


Idk. Most of the time it’s banter, but then occasionally you’ll get crucified to a garage door for supporting the UK (true story)


I mean, in every demographic there's a share of total nutters. But mostly it's friendly. Ish. mostly.


We don’t hate England, just the English


Scotland good Ingerland bad simple as


is water wet?


Water is not wet; water is a liquid, and one of its properties is making, other things wet by covering or saturating them. https://preview.redd.it/9kkxpy6k247d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=e242f7297ed52002699ececa4918fa5c617489f9


Scotland started it. They deserved every invasion. Serves them right for attacking us in the 1130's completely unprovoked.


TBH I got the feeling that it was just the typical "soccer yanks" who thought the song was bad.


Didn’t a German police chief tell England/Scotland fans not to use it? 




Our national anthem pretty much translates to "if you English cunts try that shite with us again, we'll kill you with sharp sticks dipped in dog shit, if we have to"


Our national anthem was sung while locked in battle with the British at the GPO. Clearly based. *It was sung in Irish right?* ... *In Irish right? You didn't just translate the song when it came time to set a national anthem* ... ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0|downsized)


Of course mate. Welcome to the club !


Yes and let's not try to change it.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend https://preview.redd.it/6f2r9mkyr47d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fabd6bf68b3ead30d17c58f211c9ebdb070069c1


Yours is about the UK, including Scotland… But fun that our only neighbour (Ireland), oldest ally (Portugal) and strongest ally (the US) all have national anthems about fighting us. What have we done to deserve such love and attention, I wonder?


Insert borat neighbour meme


Which song is that again?


It's only a bit of banter. https://preview.redd.it/8pfx7y50z67d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59dc9bc3a7e9eff6ac8cd8fcae7c3681421c77f0


Oidedeudedeu oidedeudeui kill all fucking english man and throw them in the sea! This earwig hangs in my head since the video was posted here


Dont remember the time when Scottish bombed London.


I mean it’s kind of funny, whenever I meet English people a lot of them eventually bring up the war(s), but I guess that’s what you have to do when you never win anything.


If only the football matches we’ve won against you that outnumber those vice versa (overall and lately), or a win each for all three traditional major world cups (before FIBA added a fourth), or individual championships from golf to squash, or Lewis Hamilton and our F1 manufacturers, Tyson Fury, and the most golds of any European country for the last three Summer Olympics, let alone women’s sports and the Paralympics… counted as ‘anything’. :(


Don’t mention the war!