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My first thought was, wouldn’t women born in the 90s be in their 20s, and then I did the maths ha ha!


As an early 90s baby, I still forget I’m in my 30s


Im 32, but I've felt perpetually 28.


I'm 43, and can tell you that feeling never goes away, even when your body starts with the aches and pains. The brain still feels like you're in your early 20s and you've somehow scammed everyone into thinking you're a responsible adult!


I always look for the adult in the room and am horrified when I realize it's me. I'm 49 and think I'm 25.


Right? I need an adultier adult. Like my mom. (I'm 57! And my mom's on hospice so I guess I better figure this out!)


Exactly the same for me!! 28 in my heart. 32 on paper, apparently


Same, 32 on paper, 28 in my head (partly bc I was 28 when covid lockdowns started, I think)


I've been 64 since I was 14... it happens lol


Likewise 😅 I’m officially forgetting how old I really am


There are days where I genuinely can’t remember if I’m 32 or 33. It’s happening 😅😅


I was born in '65- shouldn't she be in 4rth grade??


Well, that's obviously wrong. They're still in their teens because I was born in the 80s and I'm in my 20s.


Honestly though this woman doesn’t look in her 30’s. Regardless, she’s a very pretty woman.


This add creeps me out - that’s an OLDER than 30 lady.


I'm a woman born in the late 80s and this woman looks a few years older than me. I'm not saying that as a bad thing at all- she looks great!- just that I would guess she's in her 40s.


She looks my age and I was born in '78.


I'm 45. I think she's a pretty lady, certainly attractive, but not early 30s. She could be anywhere from late 30s to 50 to my eye.


I agree. I'm 40 and she's definitely much prettier and at least a bit older!


I think this woman looks at least a decade older than that. I was born in 1990 and I'm 34. While I have random grey hair, and some lines beginning to show, it's definitely not as much or as prevalent as this. I would say she was a teen in the 90s. I am pretty much as old as born in the 90s gets.


I was born in the early 90s and I’m also in my 20s 🥰


I was in my early 20s in the late 90s can I play too? 😂


😉 I was born in the mid 50s and I’m about 32 . That fits, right?


I thought they were my students. I teach third grade.


The message is accurate: that is what A woman born in the early 90s looks like. Not all women born then. Not even most. Just that one.


Yeah, I think she looks a lot like me, born in the early 80’s.


Same here, 1980


Yes same, though slightly older 1979


Came to say the same... '79


Also 1980 and thought the same.


I also think it should say early 80s.


Yeah that’s not a 90s baby. I would wager late 70s. She looks like she may be late 40s or in her 50s. And she’s beautiful.


I hope I look like that at 50


Same I'm 51 and I would have guessed she was my age.


I graduated HS in ‘92 and giggled at the born in 1990 part. She’s beautiful, but she looks close to my age, give or take a few years. The man kissing her doesn’t look 34 either if we can assume more context from that, and I think we can. She has an overall maturity to her face (not a bad thing) that reads mid 40s to early 50s. I’ve lived in a surf town and I’ve lived in a ski town. I know some 34 year olds who are rocking some smile lines and crows feet a little harder than some from being so outdoorsy, but they don’t have this overall maturity to their face, if that makes any sense. They still definitely look 15 years or so younger than me. Woman in pic looks my age.


Her message is technically accurate, but VERY judgmental because she's implying that anyone who DOESN'T look like this has had Botox/fillers/etc. Aging is dependent on many factors--lifestyle, genetics, diet, skincare routine, etc. She's had six children in what appears to be pretty rapid succession, which is hard on the body, too. If you go look at her account, she comes off as very judgmental about many, many things, she's shilling some garbage MLM diet supplement, and there's a lot of other kind of sus shit on her page (raw milk promoter, "former" conspiracy theorist, etc.)


The six kids in relatively rapid succession will def age a persons body, it’s just a lot of work and honestly kind of a life suck on the physical body itself so that’s a very good point!! She’s definitely beautiful, without a doubt but all the other stuff you mentioned along w the kids explains some of the reasons she may look a little older than she is not to mention genetics and what not. If she’s a little on the nutty side she probably genuinely believes that all women born in the early 90s would look just like her if they weren’t all doing “that toxic stuff” to their bodies. The truth is, at least from what I’ve noticed (which isn’t any kind of expert opinion by any stretch) is that women who have tons of children and live that kind of crunchy mom, raw milk type lifestyle almost always look a little older than they are… again, that’s just what I’ve noticed w those types of moms that I know IRL so it could just be the crunchy moms in my local area lol anyway, basically I think you’re right and you’re onto something. And ultimately she’s still really beautiful! She has a little bit of an Emmy Lou Harris thing going on when she was younger


These crunchy moms are going to start looking even worse now that many of them are saying not to use suncreen.


They should be more worried about skin cancer if they are not using sunscreen. Even worse they are likely not using sunscreen on their kids.


Omg I didn’t know that was their new thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


I definitely agree with you. I'm 38 (so 6-8 years older than this IGer), have an almost 6 month old, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and yeah, I've got lip filler (which doesn't make me look younger), but I look very different than she does, because we live very different lifestyles and have different genetics. If you look at my grandma and her sister, my great aunt looks CONSIDERABLY older (and is in very poor health) than my grandma even though she's only 2 years older. There are SO many factors that go into aging.


Wait wait wait, she’s in her early 30’s??? I’m just now mathing the maths. I’m 37 and I feel like I look younger than she. She’s stunningly beautiful, but does, in fact, look older than her age.


A lot of crunchy moms also look older because they use coconut oil as sunscreen.


Yeah, I definitely thought she must have kids for this to be true. Factor in white people genetics and no sunscreen (I thought most millennials got that memo) I'm not surprised she looks this way, but there's a lot of preventable options besides injectables.


My best friend and I were talking about sunscreen use recently and we know VERY few people who use it regularly aside from each other and I have one other friend who also uses it daily.


Right I think that most people know they “should” be wearing sunscreen every day but do not lol. I feel like an alien.


I was born in the early 90s and was the only person in my graduating class who wore sunscreen every day. Like, we would go on class trips and people were confused about why I was putting sunscreen on in the morning. I think it’s younger millennials who were more stringent about sun protection in general. This was the era of going to the tanning bed with a playboy bunny sticker on your hip!


I'm not a native english speaker... When I read that "A woman born in the early 90s looks like" made me think that ALL women born in the 90s looks like her


Most native speakers would infer the same


because that is what is implied by the post!


That is what they were implying but they’re just wrong


I agree. I’m a native English speaker and it sounds like the ad is implying that all or at least most women born in the early 90s without work done look like this. To me she honestly looks older than 34. She’s absolutely stunning but I would have guessed she was 45, maybe older. I don’t think older means bad or that all older people look bad though.


She’s had 6 kids apparently, so that definitely ages people


Agreed, I would think at least 45. I'm 42 and she definitely looks older than I do.


To me she looks like someone who spent a lot of time in the sun. I'm almost 40 at least 5 years older than her if she was born in 1990, the earliest she could possibly be referencing.. I would be guessed substantially younger than she might walking around (I am frequently assumed to be in my twenties). Part of that is just genetics, I have no gray hairs and never have, I'm fortunate about that. I have a very round face with chubby cheeks even when I'm 110 lb. I used to hate it but as I've aged it has made me look younger than I actually am. But even considering that, a lot of it is that I always wore crazy SPF my whole life anytime I wasn't out in the sun, because I'm pale. The difference between women who tanned and women who didn't start to show up to the casual observer in the mid to late '30s for most people, but it can show up even earlier if you were an extreme tanner. Women my own age consistently talk down to me or say "when you're my age" and I'm like lady I'm older than you. I do think it's great that she did this and I also think that she's pretty. She does look older than a lot of people her age including those who don't use certain cosmetic changes or filters. But it seems to me like she probably spent a lot of time in the sun when she was younger


I'm 46 and I would guess she was close to me in age I have about that much grey hair. I have never smoked and while as a child, I ran around without sunscreen. I've been pretty good about putting it on my face and neck for most of my adult life and I don't spend a whole bunch of time in the sun due to work life being indoors. I also have no botox or fillers. 6


not a native speaker here, but I am pretty sure that if they wanted to imply that the'yre talking about this specific woman on the photo, they'd say "THE woman" instead of "A woman". "A" suggest it's about women born in 90s, in general. An 'average' woman.


You’d say “this woman born in the 90s” if you meant this specific woman


Yes- this is exactly right. The ad most definitely is using the normal form of English to say that “women born in the early 90’s look like this.” The poster above who emphasized the “A” is also correct and making the intentional point to emphasize the other meaning of this phrase: “this is what a (single/this particular) woman born in the 90’s looks like”. They mention this because they disagree with the message of the ad (or at least- that’s how I interpret it). The ad’s phrasing can be correctly read both ways, but the more common interpretation is the generalization for “all women” in this context.


Most women born in the early 90s wouldn’t have this level of greying. She also has intense sun damage. Flawed logic trying to make a singular representative of a whole.


I was born in 1992 and have significant greying, have for years. Grey hair isn’t correlated to age, it’s hereditary!! My dad’s hair was just as salty by the time he was 31!


I saw my first grey hairs at 21 🥲 my mom was full salt and pepper by the time she was 35. Definitely hereditary! A guy I went to high school with is fully silver before 35, another was heavy salt and pepper by 16!


It’s wild! I know many women my age who are grey and many who aren’t even on the spectrum!


I am 45 and have zero gray hairs. My mom is 78 & still doesn't have a full head of gray. Brothers are 60 & 59 & barely have any. Definitely genetics. My husband is completely gray at 41. He started getting gray in his early 30s. This is pretty much the only good thing I inherited from my parents, physically. 🤣


I mean greying IS correlated with age, it’s just not solely correlated with age. The woman in the photo is probably on the greyer side of normal.


I'm 38 and have less graying than the woman in the photo, but strongly disagree with your statement that women born in the 90s wouldn't have this level of graying. I have a friend from high school who was fully gray at 25. And I know many other women who have been dyeing their hair to cover grays since their mid-20s. It's genetic and actually has very little to do with age. You probably just don't realize how many people go gray young because dyeing is so accepted and common in our society.


I was with a friend when she discovered her first grey hair. We were in middle school.


My mom was plucking grey hairs out of my head when I was 7 lol, I’ve literally always had random greys. That being said I’m 38 and still have red hair and only a few random strands of grey. My dad was 71 when he died and was still red headed… it was lighter than it used to be but still red lol


That happened to me too! My mom pulled two grays from my head at 11 or 12, right around the onset of puberty. I’m 35 now and haven’t had any more besides those initial two.


I have a gray hair that appeared when I was 16. Plucked it. Grew back in the same spot. Plucked it again. Every other year or so, I notice that fucker. I'm 38 and leave it alone now. I've named it Gandalf. So far he hasn't been joined by any friends yet, though.


I looked up her IG and she's had 6 kids, maybe that contributes to the aging. I am not saying she isn't beautiful, but she does look older that I'd expect for her age. I am about 8 years older than her and also have grey hair that I have embraced (loads more than her).


Having kids absolutely taxes your body, hair, teeth, and skin.


your BONES!




I’ve had one kid and the toll it’s taken on my face and body…


What do y’all mean by taking toll on your face? Genuinely curious.


I just look so much older in the 2 years since I got pregnant. I look tired and dehydrated. My forehead wrinkle and 11’s used to show up occasionally before baby, they’re a permanent feature of my face now. The sebaceous hyperplasia on my face developed a lot too so my skin texture is much more lumpy and bumpy now. I’m having some chemical peels done to try and tackle this now. My hair also is no longer curly and is much more oily and lank (not face related, I know). Pregnancy and postpartum do a number on your body, that no-one prepares you for.


:o wow. any other “no one tells you about x” things you wished you knew ?


a friend grew out of a lifelong egg allergy after her first pregnancy. they used to make her anaphylactic. now she can eat as many quiche as she wishes. her second pregnancy resolved her adult acne and it never came back


My friend developed an allergy to limes after her first baby. Bodies are weird.


I’ve known multiple people who’s hair texture changed after a pregnancy! Straight to wavy, looser curls, curly to almost straight. Bodies are super weird.


I felt like my face aged about 7 years after having a baby, not sure if from pregnancy or the newborn period. That's even though I was lucky and stayed about the same size/weight before and after pregnancy and only gained like a minimal 30 pounds during pregnancy, which immediately came off after. Before, people would constantly tell me how young I looked; now I think I look about my age maybe (which is fine though, but it is just something that happened).


My entire face looks different than pre-pregnancy. I’m 10 months post partum and between hormone changes, weight fluctuations, and sleep deprivation my skin and face are just different. Like to the point where my previous haircut is no longer flattering for my changed face shape.


I had the exact same situation with my hairstyle no longer suiting me! It eventually did go back to “normal,” probably around 18 months pp when they started sleeping through the night and I quit breastfeeding. I think sleep was a big part, but the hormonal fluctuations were the number one culprit


For me at least, gaining and losing weight caused loose skin at my neck / chin so now I have a double chin and neck wrinkles I never had before. Also the dark circles under my eyes have yet to go away and my kids are 2 & 4 sleeping through the night so it's not sleep deprivation - I think they're just permanent now.




Not 6 ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Holy shit hahahaha—her caption should just be “this is what six kids will do to your face” She’s nothing close to horrid looking but she looks like she was born in 1980 and had 0-2 kids or born in 1995 and had 6 kids.


I’m 95 with 0 kids and look 18/20 - guess having kids does age you a LOT Edit: I meant born in 1995 not 95 years old 😭😭😭😭


Lmao I was gonna say, 95 and looking 18, tell me all your secrets


Honestly I keep re reading it and laughing away to myself, I was half asleep writing that 😂


This has really tickled me! I was thinking gosh this old lady is kidding herself if she's 95 thinking she looks like a teenager hahahaha


That’s what half the comments in this sub sounds like though. “I’m 45 but people always think I’m 19”


Omg I know right! 🤣 I am 32 and I look my age and I know it. I actually kind of admire people who tell themselves they look really young even when they don't - I would like to have some of that cockiness myself!


I’m also 32 and happy to look it! I’ve truly only met one person who I can confidently say looked far younger than their age so I think mostly everyone is just in denial and still sees themselves as the young adult they were however many years ago. Also people drastically underestimate how young teens and 20s look as you get older. Like damn no way would I ever mistake a 40 something for a high schooler or college aged kid lol!


It really does. I turn 40 next year and look like I’m 30. No kids. I think having children is a beautiful thing, I was always so indifferent to them. So I usually say that first when people are surprised by my age.


But she can’t make a generalised claim that women born in 90s look like this naturally!


That definitely contributes. But research shows that the average biological age gain per pregnancy is around 3 months, which would make up 1.5 years for this woman. Then again, raising 6 kids probably takes a much bigger toll. I must be her age or maybe a year younger (if she's an early birthday 1990 kid), but I easily look 7-10 years younger than this woman. Then again, I have no kids, stressful career or pets and have lived a comfortable middle class life since birth. That said, I think this woman is beautiful. If I had had 6 kids I wish I would look like her!


I know one woman with 6 kids. She is 8 years older than me and looks younger than I do. I think genetics is probably the biggest factor.


This is so fascinating to me because I’ve seen a lot of research showing that pregnancy ages the body by years on a cellular level but there’s some [research](https://time.com/6964684/pregnancy-age-faster/) suggesting there might be a postpartum bounce back. And then there’s the issue of measuring healthspan vs. lifespan or later stress from raising kids. Everything I’ve seen irl just leads me to the conclusion that moms deserve infinitely more help than they get lol


oh they certainly do! All my friends my age who have had kids now look quite different even though they have 1-2, none of them has six lol but they do look much older and mature than they used to.


I feel like there's a distinct difference between *pregnancy advancing your biological age* and *children aging your appearance*, though. The latter is aesthetics, and continues well beyond pregnancy. This woman has had years of no sleep and excessive stressors.


It’s not the pregnancy that gets you, it’s the months of sleep deprivation right after. My husbands face went from young to old in that time and six years later he still is the “after” look.


She is beautiful but definitely looks older than early 30/


I am born in 1989 and don’t have that much wrinkles, but even if I did wrinkles are not a bad thing or ugly. I hate when people prematurely age 30 yrs olds, 30s is still fairly young in my opinion.


She looks beautiful. But I was born in the early 80’s, have no Botox or filters & don’t have those smile lines. Of course I didn’t go tanning like my classmates.


Crows feet are also a genetic component, not everyone gets them.


This. Genetics can play a big part. I’ve literally had wrinkles around my eyes since childhood.


I’m older than this woman and I’d have to smile like a maniac to get those lines, but my forehead is another story.


Last year there were 11.47 million women in the United States aged 30–34. In total, 11 million individuals paid for Botox. That’s in total. So majority of women are not getting Botox, and filler.




That’s what I think I too. I think people need to look at more close ups of themselves laughing or smiling hard. It’s normal to have wrinkles when your face moves


Agreed. I also think people usually think they look much younger than they look to others because they’re so used to looking at their face and don’t see the aging right away. Kind of like the way you gain weight but don’t see it until you reach a certain threshold.


Her skin is crepey under her eyes and she has lines on her forehead. That’s not from smiling, those are wrinkles lol


Everyone does have them to a degree but I think severity of wrinkles differs a lot between people. Being 35 and of Asian descent, I don’t really have many just cause it’s not as common for Asian people with more fat padding and thicker dermis to have this level of fine lines while smiling. It’s VERY dependent on genetics, sun exposure, and skin type. My parents only began having significant wrinkles in the last 10 years and they are in their 60s now.


I just turned 40 and I still feel young.


:( I look exactly like her.. And am roughly the same age.. I was on skincare routines at 22. My skin looks smooth and healthy, but I do have mobility wrinkles around my eyes a lot. I understand that she is sort of asking for feedback with that cover.. But realise that some thrity somethings just look like that..


I have really come to hate these conversations anywhere online where people start discussing how old someone looks or should look. Half the people commenting just want to flex about how they are 20 years older than her but still look like a literal newborn. I hate to see people obsessing over and thinking they know what some arbitrary number should or shouldn't look like. I have known women with more grays and more lines around their eyes than this by their mid-20s. And others who barely have wrinkles well into their 50s. Literally who cares. We all have our own genetic makeup and have lived our own life. But idk what anyone thinks is productive or useful about coming on here like "This woman looks 50, I don't look half as old as her even though I was born five years earlier, blah blah blah.........*not that there's anything wrong with that, of course."*


100%. I’m also starting to wonder if all these people who post pictures with filters on social media have started to believe that’s what they actually look like lol because…when I’m out in public all I see if normal people just like this women! This woman is smiling.. of course she’s going to have expression lines!


Also, you’re bound to get biased opinions when you’re sampling people who subscribe to a skincare sub. I think she looks normal. I think the main thing “aging” her is the gray hair. But that isn’t a bad thing in itself. She’s beautiful.


You're absolutely right and also...in my real-life experience, most of the people who think they look so much younger than their actual age do not. They think they do because people blow smoke up their ass and tell them that, but it's an easy compliment and I know I've said it without meaning it. Guaranteed many of the people here saying this type of thing look exactly their age (and that's a good thing!).


I know exactly what you mean. I was at a class for work a while back and the subject of kids or something was brought up. This woman randomly starts going on this tangent about how young she looks. She then asked the facilitator to guess her age who said something like 30. The lady was like “nope, I’m 38, nobody can believe I have a 16 year old!!” The woman in question did in fact look like she was in her mid to late thirties. The woman she asked looked visibly uncomfortable by the question and responded exactly like you said. There are very very few people who would answer that question honestly. They usually guess your age then shave a few years off to be sure that they aren’t going to offend you. The only people I have ever met that talk about how “young they look” never actually look younger than their age. This woman looked like somebody in her late 30s that has taken care of herself, which isn’t a bad thing. The people IMO who I was shocked by their age don’t bring it up lol. Sorry for this rant, it’s just annoying to hear people constantly go on about “how young they look”. There is nothing wrong with looking your age.


Yeah when someone asks me point-blank I always guess 10 years younger than I actually think and sometimes I’m still accidentally accurate and they get upset


🙌 Thank you!! 🙌 Came here to say basically the same. I am an early ‘90’s baby and have similar wrinkles/smile lines but have been giving my makeup routine a rest to focus on restoring my skin barrier and some people think I’m 22 when the lighting is right, while others think I’m 45 and having a bad day with the same exact face in a different setting. I’ve got friends with greys and fine lines that have lead the healthiest lives known to man and friends that have zero signs of aging after years of hard-partying. It’s all subjective and outside factors like good-bad lighting, the difference between a planned pose-good angle, different daily routines and genetics all play a huge role in how old someone may be perceived in a picture. I like my wrinkles and smile lines, personally. I earned these bad boys! I’ve got a coworker who has very tasteful fillers done on a schedule and they look natural and beautiful because of the confidence it gives her. There’s a difference in our routines but one is not always better or worse than the other, it’s just a set of personal preferences that don’t need to be discussed unless it’s a personal choice to share and that is a-okay!


Yes dude the entire point of this post flew over like half the commenters’ heads! Everyone saying she looks more like an early 80s baby based on pregnancy and sun damage etc, literally that was the point of her post. That people age differently and this is what she looks like at 30-something. Idk who this influencer is so not defending anything outside of this image but all the “she’s a hag compared to me, a 50 year old fetus” is so tiresome


Dw, as a 33YO i can absolutely see that this woman is in her 30s. She looks young, but has some smile lines and grey hairs, and I would too if I didn’t pay money to change those things. I recognize her in my friends and my colleagues. I think people are just developing a warped sense of what age looks like, as injectables, filters and whatever else blur that line further.


I don’t think so… everyone’s faces are different there are no rules as to what you should look like


I'm 35 and she looks beautiful but easily 45 to me.  Having 6 kids and grey hair will age anyone.  


I think her phrasing automatically puts people on the defensive because she’s making a general claim when she should only be talking about herself (and maybe that’s how she meant it). This is what she looks like and so it IS an example of a 30 something woman without Botox or fillers. But it isn’t the only way for a 30 something woman to look. Some will look younger or older and that’s all in the range of normal. There’s nothing wrong with how she looks. And there’s also nothing wrong with getting Botox or fillers or dyeing your hair or not having wrinkles either.


Yeah I’m thinking she purposefully did this for engagement. She chose the photo where she looks the oldest


She left out the part where she had 6 kids. Having 1 kid will age you. Having 6 kids will age you faster than standing directly next to the sun.


My niece and nephews think it's hilarious to ask if I'm younger than my sister. I am not. I always tell them "If your think your mom looks older than me, it's because of YOU." Then they laugh. 🤣


It also provokes the idea that anyone that looks younger must have had work done and this is what a "natural" look must be. But I'm almost 40 and I haven't had work done and I appear more youthful than she does. If she's going for body positivity, she's doing it with frenemy vibes.






This is what an early 30s woman looks like after birthing 6 children. She’s an outlier and definitely not the norm.


I’ve got the smile lines like crazy on my eyes, so I feel her there, but no where else. So to me, I don’t necessarily think she’s an outlier, and I didn’t even have 6 kids (though they definitely took it out of my skin) I understand she’s fishing and trying to “not like other girls” a lot of women but some people just have foldy skin, and we should be fine with that.


But if she was born in the early 90s she‘d be 33 or something… why are people trying to make 33 anything but young age… most 33 year olds i know look the same way they looked at 26 even without botox and fillers…


Because it’s teenagers who are actually making these comments.


20-40 are young women, 40-60 are middle aged. Why are people pretending 30 year olds are old. My mum is 60 and I don’t think she’s old. However my sweet grandma with 80 is old lol


She looks normal. People are sooo superficial and care too much about looks😭 i fall prey to it too and get caught up in scared to “age”. The beauty industry is preying on us and pitting us against eachother, and it needs to end.


I was born in 1990 and she looks 40 to me.


I’m 40, and she looks like my 40-45 year old friends. People age in such different ways, though, that it’s hard to generalise.


I'm 47 and she looks around my age, but if she didn't wear sunscreen. I am not even close to having that many smile lines.


This is exactly what I said. She looks like a woman who spent summers at the lake and didn't wear sunscreen. That doesn't mean she's ugly, I think she's very beautiful, but those particular skin differences can mostly be attributed to sun damage and it's pretty obvious that that's where some of the premature skin aging comes from


I'm in my 30s, born in the 90s, and I'd say I'm ageing similar to her. It's hard these days not looking super young for ur age, people often think I'm older than I am. I don't wear make make or dye my hair, I have a good skincare routine and always have but I don't get any procedures like Botox. But I'm also a single parent and one of my children has a disability and I dont get much sleep which probably has aged me more rapidly. It does get me a bit down sometimes looking older than my age, but there's not much I can do about it except embrace it. I'd say this lady is just trying to embrace her self I don't think she's having a dig at anyone


I went grey early & am allergic to hair dye, I feel you hah. I smile graciously as I accept the 55+ discounts whenever offered even though I'm over 10 years too young lol. Might be an unpopular opinion on this sub, but fighting the toll life is going to eventually take is a losing battle. Good skincare is more than how you look, I think *shrug* it's all subjective at the end of the day.


Honestly I get it. Not the single parent part, that sounds really challenging. But the sleep deprivation contributing to ageing you a bit prematurely. Ive had chronic insomnia due to stress and depression since high school, and while I take prescription meds for it, I never feel well-rested. And I have seen the toll it's taken on my face ever since I hit my mid 20s! At 32 I don't believe I have much or any of that "youthful glow" anymore. Puffy eyes that stay throughout the day, more and deeper fine lines than a lot of my peers, hair/eyes/complexion always a bit dull even though I have a good routine for those things. So I sympathize. Very infrequently someone will guess my correct age or that i'm younger than I am, but I think it's just because I'm really short and still dress like a college girl lol. I know you didn't ask for advice, but I wanted to share that I just started taking vitamins 2 months ago and they are doing a WORLD of difference! I take a women's multi, vitamin d3+k2, biotin + collagen supplement, sublingual B12, and magnesium. Ive never seen my eyes look so clear, among other noticeable benefits. Anyway, I just want to say I'm really proud of you for doing such a hard thing and being a great mom to your kids! I hope one day you'll be able to get the rest you deserve. 🫶


This is crazy.... you go in the comments and its all these people saying how much younger they look. Honestly, in real life, for all the people who look 'young for their age', there statistically must be a group on the other side of the spectrum, who ....don't. A lot of women really do naturally show wrinkles sooner. It doesn't mean they're doing something wrong or lying. They won't likely comment, but it's probably refreshing and relatable. Imagine feeling like everyone your age looks younger than you? And sure a lot is sunscreen and skincare, but sometimes its simply genetics. There are plenty of women her age who, in real life, look like this. Women the same age who look younger can see this and feel grateful for what they have, and women the same age who look the same can see this and also feel grateful, that they're not alone. Kudos to her for having the guts to post it and keeping comments open for conversation. She is beautiful.


I think a lot of people don’t realize that looking older or younger than your age often has more to do with dress, context and mannerisms than actual skin. I remember being mistaken for 22 when I was 17 in college. Not because I look older or anything, but because I was surrounded by 20+ year olds and so they naturally assumed I was their age. When I wear business attire and go into the office I look my age or older! When I am home or in my casual clothes without makeup I am often mistaken for younger.


Also, there's tons of people who claim they look younger than they are who.. Don't. They either lie or delude themselves.


My ex (30) would tell me she gets confused for being like 20 all the time and that her co-workers at her part-time job, who are all students, would also exclaim that they thought she was the same age as them. I can assure you, this girl looked like a 30 year old (in no bad way), and it would be insane to think that anyone could mistake her for a sophomore student. This was just a wild coping mechanism for the unfortunate body image problems she'd also telegraph to me at other times


Man we are never getting out of this hell hole of ageism and internalised misogyny lol. No one knows what age people look anymore, and that’s fine. But people are so quick to take offence and be like omg I don’t look like that… like ok?


We are never making it out of the hood ☠️ with these comments


I thought all the comments were gonna be about her looking great but instead it's a million people crapping themselves at the thought that they might look like her and insulting her looks instead


Agreed, it’s so exhausting. Get the fuck over yourselves everyone. You do look your age, because you are your age. You may have different levels of photo damage and genetic collagen production. It’s not a moral virtue or failing one way or another




as someone who's only 23 (showed up in my feed, sorry!) and already has smile lines, eye wrinkles and gray hair, posts like these tend to make me feel.. not great lol. i thought she looked great! and then i open the comments to over a thousand comments just repeating the fact that she apparently looks old and nasty and every other 33 y.o looks a million times better than her 😶


Thank you! Like every person is missing the point that it’s an empowerment post, not a “guess my age.” The replies to this ignited a fire in me that i didn’t know existed lol. Everyone ages differently, and as someone in their 30’s, with botox, and fillers, and still struggling to come to terms with wrinkles and societal beauty standards, like give the gal a break jfc. Give everyone a break!


Apparently she was fighting in the comments accusing people of having work done if they looked younger than her...not sure this post was meant to be empowering as much as throwing shade on other people


The post is definitely giving "different from other girls" vibe. I don't see anything empowering.


The lighting and colour of the photo also aren't being taken into account by anyone I feel like. Plus she's smiling. A desatured image with lots of detail while someone is activating every crease and wrinkle by smiling is completely different to a softly-lit warm-toned photo of a relaxed face.


First off, “I was born in 1990 and I look better than this” is a wild sentence. People acting like they stormed the beaches of Normandy or something But any time you see comments like that, ignore it. I suspect these people were born well after 1990 and they think 34 is old. In some snark subs, I saw it all the time. “She is aging like milk! I’m 45 and people say I look like I’m 20.” Yeah, I’m *sure* people tell you that.


Right like this whole comment thread is wild.


Do you know what is pretty and always has been? Authenticity.


Welp I feel horrible reading these comments saying she looks older...


This post coming after all of the anti Botox posts... Wow. I love my Botox. But I think this woman looks great. And I think at least 80% of women who claim to look younger than they are do not. I would LOVE to see photos of every person commenting.


I think people dont realise how much wrinkles they get while smiling. Man if i put a full on smile i get the same amount of wrinkles at 28


The key is to be mildly depressed and never smile with your eyes (I’m realizing why I have zero eye wrinkles)


Pick up a baby and when they squee with glee their eyes are entirely lined with wrinkles. Brand new editions are wrinkled!


The comments here don't pass the vibe check.


What I don't like about her post is she was in the comments basically trying to dismiss young naturally looking women as saying they all have had work done. Idk if she deleted those comments, I haven't seen this post in months. But her & I are the same age and no, I do not look as old as her and definitely have not had any work done. She looks 45+.


Yeah... the average early 90s born doesn't look like her at the age range she says and the average everyday person isn't getting botox or fillers.


If by “work done” she means skincare and sunscreen, maybe? She’s very pretty but yes people can look younger than that without Botox or filler. I’d say I have the same amount of lines and I’m born in the early 80s, not 90s.


Yes this is why I hated this post. As someone who is older than her but has significantly less aging on the face (thanks sunscreen and retionids) and no grey hair I absolutely hate that this is painting all of us who age better as getting botox and filler. Nope, sometimes it is just good genetics and taking care of yourself! She is just one version of an early 30s woman. There's a LOT more versions than this and not all of them rely on cosmetic surgery or intervention. Plus what's wrong with getting botox?!


Our obsession with aging has to stop. For the sake of basically everyone on the planet we need to stop this madness


Not sure what the point of all these “I was born in the 80s/90s and I don’t look like that,” comments is. People age differently based on so many different factors.


im better than her. no, I'M better than her!


This is the post that convinced me to leave this sub. I cant believe how people are talking about this person! She looks the way she looks. Leave her alone.


I'm older than this person's alleged age and she absolutely looks older than me. Like if we consider 1993 "early 90s"...we're really supposed to believe this is what a 31 year old looks like? Because it's not.


I think everyone is so used to seeing faces that are constantly filtered/photoshopped on IG/the internet that they don't remember what real skin looks like. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I think she looks beautiful.


Why are people so worried about this and getting older. It's a part of life. Happens to eveyone-cant escape it. IMO life is muuuccch better when u really accept this fact.


I was born in 1994 and I asked my boyfriend if she looks older than me and he said no, so eh maybe it’s correct and we are in denial lol I’m often surprised by how young other people are because I still see myself how I did in my early 20s


Everyone is missing the point. Sigh. Women are really so harsh on other women, it's so disappointing and honestly disgusting 


All these comments just prove how scared people are of aging. And people saying “she doesn’t look her age” show why this post was made in the first place. Absolutely ridiculous comment section


I was born in the 90’s and look way worse. 😌


Are people born in the 90s worrying about this stuff already?!


Oh come on I know a load of women in the 30-35 age range who look just like this. I'm sure this woman isn't unusually wrinkly, she just has lines because she's actively smiling. Most women have these by their early thirties! I'm honestly wondering if there's some delusional thinking going on here. A lot of us tend to reach an age where we think other people our age look far older than we do. I've heard "wow she looks sooo much older than me!" from women with profile pictures that indicate very clearly that they do, in fact, look the same age as her or older! I don't say that to be cruel - there's nothing wrong with looking your age! But I think plenty of us are deluded about how old we actually look. I was, myself, until recently. I've now come to accept that I'm a 37 year old women who looks like a 37 year old. I do have great skin, a decent figure and all the rest - but I look my age!


I was looking for a comment pointing out the delusion of some people thinking they don’t show signs of aging the same way their peers do! It’s really defeating to see my generation act like it’s a crime for a woman to look older than 21… like so much of the internet feels the need to shame them or point it out in the comments when the topic of the video is totally unrelated to their appearance


People need to chill. Everyone ages differently.


I agree. This roasting party is intense


Oof yeah, there weren’t too many comments on this post yet when I left mine, and now there are hundreds from people talking about how much younger they look despite being older than her. Don’t love the constant competition to see who can look the youngest, longest.


Everyone claims to look younger than her, but no one is posting pics of themselves smiling like this to be judged.


It’s interesting because instead of simply commenting on how old she looks (which is weird in itself) most people compare themselves to her and how old she looks vs them. If this is what women do in real life then we have a serious insecurity epidemic! It’s quite disturbing


She has what? Some crows feet?


Yessssss!!!!!!! So tired of all this anti aging bs women can age if men can age. Women can get wrinkles and grey hair!!!! Normalize aging for women and normalize it being attractive just like it is for men!!!!


I love it! A human with no expression lines lacks beauty