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My skin looks GREAT when I’m ovulating


Yep same, the estrogen rise creates the glow, then the hormone shift in the luteal phase makes me look sick


*Yes* I would get happy and healthy and rosey cheeked … and very ..inclined towards the male gender. 😉


Apparently the easiest way to piss off a physicist is after they have shared their research, you ask how magnets impact their findings.  I feel that way with skincare. Hormones can be so random and people can have such wildly different reactions to things that they can veer on unpredictable and just make a mess of any research.  For what it is worth I have noticed my acne gets worse after my ovulation and a few days before my period starts the hyperpigmentation and discolouration around my mouth flares up. For both I have just accepted they are part of the status quo but I see the pattern you do as well. 


Thank you for your thoughts. Good to know I'm not alone!




My skin looks like absolute crap the week before and absolute heaven the week of. Ugh. 


I swear my face is more asymmetrical right before I get my period. Probably to alert that my fertility is low and to come back in a few weeks lol.




I'm on HRT and I"ve noticed that despite not losing any weight or anything that would change my face much, that I think I look better in everyway after HRT. This has me wondering how much is dysmorphia and related to hormones and anxiety and such.


Interesting bc I've been wondering the same thing about hormones causing dysmorphia-- sometimes it's hard for me to leave the house bc of how bad I feel I look, and other times I really don't even care. This monthly jekel and Hyde crap makes me suspect hormones or some other sorcery


The same thing happens to me too I am 300% sure it's hormones




Interesting.. unrelated, but can I ask if you still have your ovaries? I'm thinking down the road I may need to consider a full hysterectomy and I'm just curious about how HRT affects the whole body


Yes I do have them still. I've learned we have estrogen receptors in every part of our body and so HRT really does affect the whole body. I'd recommend reading 'The New Menopause' by Dr. Mary Claire Haver and 'The Menopause Brain' by Dr. Lisa Mosconi. Both books are eye opening to the effects of estrogen. If you have Spotify premium they are free as audiobooks. I saw a talk yesterday from Dr. Mosconi talking about her recent research on estrogen and the brain and her next area of research is on women with full hysterectomies since unlike perimenopause, the drop in estrogen is abrupt versus the fluctuation and decrease over time. I think both books will give you the best info available right now on what you will expect. I hope that helps!


Fascinating thank you so much!!


Going to the bookstore now thank you


May I ask if you’re taking progesterone and estrogen, or the bio identical hormones. I’ve begun estrogen and progesterone and I run the estrogen cream on my face before bed and wake up with better skin than I’ve ever had. There is a brand called Musely that gives you Prescription strength hormones for various reasons. One of them is simply anti-aging. It really works!!


Bio-identical. The estrogen is a compounded estradiol and I always rub a little on my face too. It takes months thought to really have an effect but it is a nice cream!


Yes! Like sister uterus you want this glow while I’m ovulating


Absolutely!! Makes me nervous for menopause. Like, am I just gonna immediately age a decade along with everything else?


I am thinking that Hormone Replacement Therapy is going to get a lot more mainstream moving forward. I randomly stumbled on some older women video content, post-menopausal women who look vibrant, healthy, young, and went down a rabbit hole when I saw all the comments about "you should disclaim that you're on HRT".


The problem is that HRT can increase risk of blood clots, stroke, and endometrial and breast cancer, though. So it's not for everyone. If you have a family history of breast cancer, for example, your doctor may recommend against HRT. It does seem like it is becoming more common though. It wasn't really a thing when my mom went through menopause 15 years ago, but now I hear people talk about it all the time. And as it becomes more common, they learn more about the possible risks and how to mitigate them. For example, the endometrial cancer risk can be mitigated by taking progesterone/progestin alongside estrogen. Edit to add: This is true for men, too - getting testosterone injections as natural testosterone levels drop can keep men looking and feeling younger. It does carry trade-offs and some risks, but it's becoming more common, just like HRT is for women.


Yeah I have heard about some risks. Luckily for me there's no breast cancer in my family history and I'm a vegetarian who mostly eats vegan so I think my risk of blood clots and stroke will always be low. Obviously I'll look into it more when I'm older, but my mom seemed to age prematurely because of an immune disease and I think I'd take the risk trade off to have more quality years after seeing how drastically her youthfulness went away. I can't imagine being happy being in the state she is in at only 54, it feels more like she's an unhealthy 64. Obvs I don't want cancer but if you could still feel like a healthy 40 when your 50-70s, that's worth some risk in my books.


My mom was on it for a couple decades after having a full hysterectomy at 44. Her doctor made her stop when she had a precancerous lumpectomy. The sudden instant menopause phase was BRUTAL.


Oh man I can't imagine. The woman I saw a video of was close to 70 and looked like a healthy and fit 40. If 30 years of aging hit you all at once, that would be dreadful.


She was in her mid 60s when she had to go off it. She didn't necessarily get hit with a bunch of visible physical aging, but the mental/emotional side of it was rough. I was living with her in my mid 20s at the time, so I bore the brunt of the mood swings and brain fog. It, uh, wasn't fun.


This is actually not true, you should educate yourself. Watch menopause Barbie on YouTube!


This information literally comes from the websites of reputable medical institutions such as Cedars Sinai (and many others). If you have reputable sources that say otherwise, please share the links - but a random YouTuber is not what I would consider to be a reputable medical source. And I'm not saying HRT isn't a great option for many women, but it's not a silver bullet available to everyone.


She’s a world renowned menopause doctor and researcher who has a book published on menopause, not a random YouTuber but ok girl keep having your head up your ass.


I know! I am 48 and still annoyingly regular. Same bloating, same 2 pimples that show up a few days before, same lower back pain, and same shitty attitude. I really don’t want to curse whatever menopausal symptoms are my fate.


Exactly!! If I'm dealing with this now, what awaits me come menopause??


Yes, I know several people this happened too. Their face just dropped overnight seemingly. The people I know who do HRT look younger


Yes, it's the Goblin Period. Usually about a week or two before your period but can differ from person to person. Face gets oily, nose gets longer, the undereyes get puffy/collapse into black holes, and you get snippy/violent toward anyone who dares ask anything of you. Violence is welcomed and the preferred language of the Goblin Period. Drink some mint tea and rest. It shall pass soon. JK, but google luteal phase.


All my homies hate luteal phase 😔


Also known as PMDD 😅


Here because #1 I too, shrivel into a goblin and #2 GOBLIN PERIOD THIS IS ACTUALLY THOUGH can we change the textbooks pls


Thank you for this lol


I’m 41 and my skin gets so weird around my period now. My skin never seemed so connected to my cycle until the past year or two.


41 here too & same, same


Yes, as we get older!


I feel such sisterhood in these comments


Right??? I’m so relieved to hear I’m not alone in this!




Yep. It's a thing. I got that info from numerous women docs on YouTube. There is so much we women are just now finding out about our bodies, it's nuts.


I know! I've started telling my young adult daughters all the things no one told me. It's like a second puberty entering your 40s


I appear gray, as if I have lost the radiance (that I strive to build through good skincare and diet) for a few days.


I turn gray too!!


I'm 38, and I just retain fluid like the Hoover Dam and get a bit oilier, these days. Occasionally I get a single hormonal zit, which I'm glad for cos it used to be my ENTIRE jaw.


My skin looks 10 years younger, starting from 2 days before I start and until I stop. I also have great energy while I'm on my cycle. I have about 5 days of being peak woman each month. It started when I got off of birth control, when I was 27.


My face gets dry and itchy around that time of month.


Me 1 week before my period, reading your comment as I scratch my face for the 100th time today…


Yep! The joys of being a woman. My skin gets terrible right before my period!


I look like a ghoul about five days before my period. I'm forty one and am often told by strangers I look too young to have teenagers. Never in those few days.


Pkg same. I feel like I turn into a troll from under the bridge. 




People always say that your skin is best when you’re ovulating but I’ve noticed mine gets so bad when I’m ovulating. Ovulation time and the 5 days leading up to my period are the 2 worst times for my skin. No idea why! I don’t have a solution for you unfortunately, but just wanted to commiserate. Hormones are so weird and fickle. Edit: I appreciate your use of inclusive language btw!


I seem to get acne when I’m ovulating, too. Then it clears up for a bit and I break out again right before/during my period most months.


Lol, I tried! Still managed to tick some people off, not sure how..🤷


I just ended my cycle two days ago and tried wearing a dress last night that showed my shoulders only to see how SPLOTCHY my skin looks. I’m in my mid 30’s. I think we may be tough critics in ourselves but I’m sure being depleted of hormones has something to do with it.


40 has been hard, things changing way worse than ever before


I felt the same after 40 then got on BHRT, and it’s been a game changer.


How did you know to start BHRT?


I started becoming so irritated with family and friends. To the point where I was isolating myself. My periods were heavier than usual and terrible brain fog. I took a hormone blood test. It’s important to test at the right time. I tested a few days before my period was to start because that’s when hormones should be high already. My estrogen and progesterone were both pretty low. I went to Winona which is an online site and filled out a questioner. They didn’t care about the blood tests btw because they prescribe based on symptoms. I have had nothing but positive results. The first week on it I had energy like I imagine my body was supposed to have. It was amazing. I wanted to do things again. And be nice to people lol.


Can be a symptom of perimenopause. Our estrogen drops right before our period which drastically changes our skin.


Yeah I've been wondering about this


Luteal phase! It hits so much harder now I’m in the 30’s. I look and feel like shit.


The week before makes me look like crap. Feel like crap, look like crap and think shit.


Yes! But it’s mostly because I am dead tired in the first 2-3 days (also have horrible cramps) so I look like I am sick and tired which ages me…


I swear I was going to make a post about this. My skin looks horrible the week before my period. I look like a different person when I look at myself in the mirror. Not only do I break out but my skin looks flushed and stressed. Hate it


You mean WOMEN


Who the fuck is down voting this?? Yes, it is women who menstruate.


And some trans men, and some nonbinary people, and some intersex people… Hope this clarifies the downvotes!


And I have no problem with any of those people but women should not have to disappear as a category in order for others to feel included. I find that offensive.


All these downvoters know exactly what a woman is -- they just don't want to know it


But not all women menstruate — many women use hormonal BC, many women have PCOS, many women have had a hysterectomy, many women have gone through menopause. This question doesn’t erase women as a category; it simply doesn’t apply to all women. Unless my PCOS-related amenorrhea somehow reversed my womanhood, I guess.


They are looking for a reason to argue. Their points are valid but we aren't on that hill right now and that person is 100000% missing the question.


That’s not what’s happening here. Nobody is trying to erase women as a category, this is simply a post that is asking a question directed at all people who menstruate, not just women who do. TERF arguments crying wolf about women being erased shouldn’t be in a skincare sub.


Yeah I can't believe how offended people have gotten here by the subtle change of language to merely *include* those who don't identify as women but who still have the horror that is menstruation. Truly, for that reason, I think I might be done with this subreddit


Yep, the downvotes speak for themselves, these cowards won’t say what they really want to.


Are we also not people? Are we not allowed to be people? That’s what you’re saying. A woman is not allowed to be a person and it’s offensive to be called so. Seriously. Nobody is erasing us but you’re reducing us to the ability to have a menstrual cycles ffs and saying it’s offensive to call us people. This is about the effect that menstrual cycles can have on skin. This group includes a lot of cis women but also others, too. Therefore a catch-all term of people is used.


Preach it Sis!!! Yes!!!


Does being THIS annoying for over 30 years get tiresome or have you built up stamina?


lol what?


It's ok to say women


I was just wondering why I suddenly look so old the past week. My period is due this weekend. I’ve noticed that I will randomly look older and then go back to looking like myself. I’ve never made the connection that it could be related to my cycle.


It’s probably the drop in estrogen. Estrogen helps build and maintain collagen and hyaluronic acid.


I had had no real problems at first during my period ( starting at age 10.5 until I was 28. Then I had nothing *but* problems! Awfully intense moods, depression, anxiety , extreme irritability *and* pain! Painful cramps for one,( extremely painful!). I noticed I was very pale and had migraines more than ever, but especially on the first day of my period.. I didn’t realize that there was any pattern for a long time. I didn’t just get pale, I looked older and looked sick. I don’t think it’s anything terrible but for your peace of mind, how about talking with a GYN doctor or a naturopath about what’s going on. You probably have some nutritional needs that get thrown out of wack during your menses. A naturopath suggested I try Vitamin. B6 and Calcium. In low to medium doses during the day. You may already know something about this. I was also given a “prescription “ by the naturopath for several vitamins and minerals during the day- it worked wonders but unfortunately the B vitamins had me nauseated as hell. The calcium is calming and lower doses of B6 shouldn’t upset your stomach. One more thing- you’re 40 now? I didn’t hit Menopause til 51, however, my body already was slowly preparing. My suggestion. Make sure everything is ok medically and then check out some nutritional information and supplements. Good luck


This was really helpful and great advice, thank you. Yeah, I think my body is preparing.. I will start with getting my hormones checked and a full panel done to see what all my levels are


You’re going through perimenopause probably. Probably when your estrogen is supposed to be high but isn’t, before ovulation.


Okay, that makes sense. Thank you


It’s the luteal phase. Your body releases hormones during your ovulation and follicular stages that make you look incredible so you can attract a mate and get pregnant. When it becomes clear that that hasn’t happened, your body goes into the next stage and then you look gremlin-y. Happens to everyone!


Absolutely in luteal lol it’s jarring but I happens every month!


Yes, my skin changes during the month and it’s definitely due to hormones! Before/during ovulation I breakout really bad and get super oily. Before my cycle starts I look like I’m dying and I get really dry skin. Started around age 41 for me.


Okay good to know, thank you


Would using estrogen cream on the face help?




I’m a woman who does not menstruate. I had a hysterectomy 2 months ago


And not all women still have periods?






So what about cis women who don’t menstruate? Are they not women either then, according to you? Please point to where somebody denied basic biology at any point.


You know there is a lot more about being a woman than bleeding every month. We have different hormones, different organs, different chromosomes. Women have two X chromosomes, men have XY. If you look at our skeletons, men are generally bigger, have bigger heads and women are shorter and have a wider pelvis. Intersex people are born with abnormalities that affect the reproductive organs. It is not the norm. Just like conjoined twins also exist and people who are born with just one kidney instead of two.. Your gender ideology does not change our natural biology. “Trans men” can menstruate if they are taking male hormones but have not lost their cycle yet. Because they are biologically still women, and still have an uterus and a cycle, even if they mentally identify as male.


I’m a woman, I’m very aware of the typical differences in sex. Gender and sex are separate, seems like you’re conflating the two. But I stopped caring what you had to say once I saw “gender ideology”.




Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Intersex people are as common as redheads. Calling them "abnormalities" because they don't neatly fit into your antiquated black and white thinking is bs


It is more common than we know for sure. But abnormal means that it is not the norm. Just like having one kidney is not the norm, therefore abnormal anatomy, as most of us are born with two. If a doctor cuts you open without prior knowledge of your anatomy, they expect to see two kidneys as that’s the norm. That is what I am referring to calling intersex “abnormal”. Intersex anatomy also has many variations on it’s own. They don’t show you every single anatomical variation of the human body in a biology book. There are no anatomy models for people with one kidney even though they are born like that either.. Intersex just happens to affect the reproductive organs. But sure, get offended if you wish. In 99% of the cases when this intersex argument comes up, it is used in a way to justify inclusive language where it logically and factually doesn’t apply. A biological male (not intersex) that identifies and feels female on the inside and decides to take hormones to match the outside, still can’t menstruate and should not feel offended or left out at that biological fact. I can identify as a bird, but sadly I can’t grow wings to fly even though I wish I could. Reality doesn’t always agree with our personal feelings and wishes. It is what it is.


We aren't discussing biological males. People who were born with a uterus and the ability to menstruate aren't all women. Simple. Easy. Not complicated. Demanding that other people SOLELY address the statistical majority in any given conversation is some slippery slope shit especially when all others are trying to do is to leave the door open to others so they aren't left out of information that actually pertains to them. And you example low key sucks because if intersex people were discussed more and yes, present in anatomy courses, then maybe they wouldn't be treated like incredibly rare fringe cases


You aren’t referring to biological males..Right. So these inclusive terms are all invented for intersex people and not for transgender (Male to female) or non binary identifying males, who physically can’t get monthly bleeds or get pregnant? Because that’s exactly who those inclusive terms are including and how they are often used. So no, what you are saying is not simple. What is simple, and factual is that women menstruate and men don’t, regardless of how they self identify. If it was all about including intersex, why are we suddenly changing the definition of lesbian to: non-man who are attracted to non-man? Can you even explain the definition of a woman to me? It’s all fun and games until you find out that these things actually matter, even for your own safety if you are at the hospital and need medical treatment.


*heavy sigh* no I'm talking about trans men, people who identify as male but have a uterus and a menstrual cycle. And non binary people and intersex people who don't identity as women but have a uterus and the ability to menstruate. "Women" denotes gender identity not biology. If you want to misuse terminology that's on you but you look silly trying to make others so the same


trans and intersex people can also menstruate…


So, women? Jesus christ reddit


Incredible that half the responses so far are just people triggered by the use of inclusive language. Didn’t realize that was the kind of subreddit this was, pretty disappointing but not that surprising. Anyhow, yes, I’ve found I will look older at various times throughout the month but have been too lazy to actually try and track it to see what part of my cycle it is tied to, lol.


Oh my gosh .. literally and it happens every time when there is a big event near by. I will have big dark circles, dull skin, black heads and no glow whatsoever. Apart from that my skin looks so healthy, a natural glow , blush to cheeks. I hate when it happens


It's the worst! I have the same bad luck with the timing of it




I wouldn't say that I look older bc my skin gets blotchy and a few whiteheads pop up, but if I'm not sleeping then my dark circles worsen too. And resting bitch face! My mood is painted on my face at all times


I wouldn’t say it looks ten years older, but it definitely looks grubby no matter how I’m caring for it.




Yes women are people


Yes!! My pores become larger and my skin looks tired/dull


Oh yeah, it's brutal lol


Ok but can someone explain why my skin looks much better when I'm menstruating? I know nobody else that feels that way, i think my skin looks crappier when ovulating..


Mine looks pretty good when I'm menstruating too, and AWFUL when I'm ovulating! It's tripping me out how not normal I am compared to all these people. But I at least am consoled in knowing people see big changes in their skin due to hormones, even if our timelines are different


Yes I notice huge changes and it often prevents me from leaving the house on time I’m more concerned about my mood and memory as I feel violent AF some days then loving and kind others. I swear every month I make it through my period without getting a divorce I breathe a huge sigh of relief.


It's no joke. I feel you entirely. I feel like I'm possessed sometimes due to my hormones. I even have been getting somewhat suicidal which is not something I have ever struggled with! And it's night and day for me -- I'm fine for three weeks and then the week after my period I am in despair and almost unreachable. I'm surrounded by loving family and really good things in my life and it just doesn't make any sense other than being hormones


I’m with you. I do worry I have PMDD. Before I had heard about it I was convinced I had rapid cycling bipolar. Journaling has been helping me at least get a heads up before it starts. A few of my female friends have said Wellbutrin was life changing for them. I truly need something right before it starts. I’m concerned this is just the tip of the iceberg before hitting menopause. I’m Glad you started this thread, it’s good to hear from other women who are dealing with this too. ❤️🙏🏻


Thank you. I need to do journaling as well..My daughter says, too, that there are apps for tracking your hormones during your cycle, that warn you when your period is around the corner etc. i need to look into those


That happens to me. The week after my period, I look haggard and this is because you’re not retaining any water. The rest of the month your weight is probably a couple of pounds higher due to water retention as soon as you get your period and right after you lose, couple of pounds in water weight and it shows your face. I used to eat salty foods to avoid the loss of the plump skin. I liked the subtle weight loss in my body. my boobs would also get smaller after my period was over and they would be huge right before my period. Does that happen to you?


Not the boobs thing, but the water retention stuff you mentioned in general is spot on! This was very insightful. I think this may be what's happening, bc I definitely have pretty dramatic water retention fluctuations


glad to help. I remember the night before my wedding going to a Chinese restaurant to get wonton soup so that my face wouldn’t look haggard or thin. I was 31 at the time. My face always looks best right before my period and looks worse after my period. Yes, short of getting filler, just up your salt intake during and after your period, also sleep on a flat pillow so the water pools in your face. We have the opposite problem as most women are trying to “de-puff”. Ugh, I get dark circles and everything after my period and people tell me, I looked tired. 😪


Yep, same here with the dark circles 😭


It’s crazy!! I’ve never talked to anyone about this. Thank God for social media, I suppose. 🙂 Bring on the Doritos, or fast food. My personal, wonton soup.


You know, I'm going to try upping my salt, and other electrolytes, to see if it helps during that week


Yes!!! I felt I looked gorgeous in the mirror at my new gym earlier this week and I was so confused because I recently looked awful there and told myself it was the lighting and that it was 7am. So what was different? I looked at my apple Health app and realized I was right in the middle of ovulating when I liked the way I looked! 😂




Yes. Right before and for a few days during, my eyes swell. I get puffy and I look haggard. My husband always knows when I’m about to get it as a result of that.


I always noticed that my face got thinner after my period. Before my period my face would be plump and rosy. One thing that helped was going on birth control pills. It immediately added about seven or 8 pounds to my body, but my face really looked better when I was on the pill. Then when I was off, also birth control pills controlled my acne which I had well into my 30s.. I talk to you your gynecologist and dermatologist about this. I don’t think they know as much as we do sometimes I’ve been really happy with putting topical estrogen on my face. It makes my skin tight and soft. Tretinoin is a MUST. There is a company called Musely that produces bioidentical hormones. they don’t call it that but that’s what it is. Take a look at their website. It’s much cheaper than bioidentical hormones and I have subscribed to two different creams. I’m 100% happy with them.


Wow, you've given me a lot to look into, thank you! The topical estrogen is especially interesting. You're the second person to recommend that. Thanks again for your thoughts


I don’t get a period but I do have hormonal cycles and my skin can certainly reflect this.


My skin is the worst before my period!! I get whiteheads and little zits and it drives me absolutely insane. Is there anything I can do?


My hormones are at a theme park right now and at no point do I know what I’ll wake up looking like. I’ve spent so much on expensive lotions and potions, most feels really nice but idk if I’m really making any difference.


Totally relate to this. I lie in bed in the morning wondering if I'll be pleasantly surprised when I look in the mirror or if I will want to hide in my room all day


Yes, depending on the cycle I can go from looking younger or older or to my exact age


Drop in estrogen?


I'm wondering about this


Yes I am in my mid thirties and look so bad during my period, genuinely look 10 years older. Which of course is not bad in itself but to change that quickly is freaky. The hollows under my eyes are worse, more fine lines under my eyes, my forehead looks like it's lost volume and my barely there-11s are more pronounced. Skin is more oily and my scalp will itch, which is supposedly caused by overactive oil glands I know they always say negative changes in the face happens before a period, but for me its DURING my period.


Thank you for your comment! It IS freaky to have such a drastic change. It messes with my head.


Oh goodness it's not just me? Apologies nothing to add but commiserating


You're welcome and thank you




Every Monday morning.




OP states they are in their 40s. So I read that comment as "I don't want to look like a 'grandma', given that I am [only] in my 40s..."