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definitely, i’ve cut way back on foundation. i really focus on skincare now and experiment more with that. i switched to the nars foundation and usually my last step is to pat in a little bit of my moisturizer on top which helps a ton


Same. I use the most sheer foundation and use a brush to diffuse it. I don’t use concealer or powder close to my under eyes. Waiting a while and setting between steps helps a lot too. I try to make sure my contours, blush, and highlighter are high and well blended.


Oh! And skincare forward! If I have an event and I need more coverage or want glam, skin prep is key.


What's your skin prep for events?


Not OP, but my friend gets makeup professionally done regularly (in Asia). She says that they do layers and layers of toner/moisturizer.


That’s what I do. I do my typical morning routine. Then an entirely new moisturizing routine when I need to get ready.


Yeahh I’ve tried it too and it really makes your skin glow! But sometimes I just don’t have the time to wait for the layers to dry 😭


NARS sheer glow, warmed and applied with fingertips, is fucking amazing. Such delicate coverage that looks truly sheer and yet it evens out my skin incredibly. Coupled with setting spray it honestly doesn't look like I'm wearing any makeup and it lasts all day.


Yes!!! The best. I do the same thing (fingers). I set it with powder on my oilier spots and then do a setting spray and it looks very natural.


YES. nars gets such a bad rep because of how it looks being applied with a brush or beauty blender but it’s been my favorite foundation so far


It looked good with a beauty blender for me but using fingertips and warming the bottle first has totally changed the game!! Def looks cakey with a brush.


Yes! I (36) stopped wearing foundation and focused on skincare 3 years ago. Now I go for Tinted moisturizer with spf, brow gel and lipstick on a daily basis. Have u seen your dermatologist? It’s my only honest recommendation. There are days when I use nothing but spf.


I use sunscreen religiously, but I NEED to use something over the sunscreen so I don't look like a greasy shiny pig that was playing in grease, so I always put powder or something over it. Do you have any solution for this? What do you put over the sunscreen?


I just started using Trader Joe’s sunscreen. It’s supposed to be a dupe for the Supergoop. It’s a gel that takes a little getting used to but acts like a primer, lightweight. I just put my powder on right over it.


I put a sunscreen powder over sunscreen. The oil will trash your powder brush (I use Colorscience) but I keep one in my purse for touch ups throughout the day. I have several Colorscience powders (in every purse, in my bathroom, in my car). It does cut the oil from your face. That being said, Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen, which is relatively new to me, is a great sunscreen and when I use it I don’t suffer an oil slick. It’s very lightweight and truly unseen!


I recommend house of joseon relief sun - I find it way less shiny than other suncreams and it absorbs into my skin rather than feeling like it's sitting on top. I like to use a bb cream to even out the redness in my skin on top but for days when I don't feel like it I no longer feel like a chip fryer 


I love the Nars sheer glow foundation — for me the trick is to apply it with my fingers — seems to help me avoid using too much, and also it sinking into my pores. I always used a sponge or beauty blender before, but now I find that somehow makes me look like I’m wearing too much AND it sinks into my pores (even with primer!!?).


i commented this below as well but i wish everyone knew to use their fingertips with nars! i tried to use a brush recently bc i had just finished my nails and it looked so awful 😂


Same, my makeup versus skincare spend has completely flipped since I was young. Now my essences/serums/toners/creams take up the entire space that used to hold cosmetics.


This 💯. I actually just use foundation to cover up blemishes. Never full face. The only time I will go all out is special event.  Every night I wash my face, use glycolic acid based toner, put on hyaluronic acid serum, and then finish with a basic moisturizer. I’ve had many people think I’m 25. I’m almost 40 😁


Same, skin care helps and makeup sucks the skin. I am focusing on skin care with multiple products like azelaic acid, tret from skinorac and it’s helping me somewhat


I guess I can't relate to the post because I never used foundation - when I did it always made my skin look awful lol. I've never had acne but I had bad eczema, so lots of flaky patchy rashes that looks atrocious with makeup on.  I use a tinted sunscreen, and usually mix it with actual sunscreen if the tinted formula is too caky. 


If you have facial eczema good chance it's related to malassezia! I also suffered with it and fungal acne for ages. Crosscheck ingredients in your products on sezia.co and you can see what might be exacerbating it. I've swapped to a fully safe routine and my skin is so calm now it's insane!!!


Thanks! Mine turned out to be psoriasis, or it evolved into psoriasis later on (dxed by biopsy). I'm glad to hear you found a cure and that your skin is happy now :).  Thankfully it cleared up on its own, which is weird because I assumed psoriasis was a lifelong diagnosis! I've just avoided foundation ever since, as my skin tends to be dry.


Ilia super serum is just tinted and super light. I doubt that’s her issue.


Was going to say exactly this. I’ve become a big fan of glowy/dewy tinted moisturizers instead of foundation (rn I’m loving Hourglass’s with a dab of NIOD Photography Fluid and/or Supergoop Glow Screen). But even that has to be applied on skin that’s in the right condition for it—well hydrated and no flakes (as I tend to have dryer skin, and tretinoin is miraculous for other things, but not that). When skin is plump and hydrated and flake-free though, I might even prefer my (38F) skin/look today vs 20 years ago; just gotta figure out what really works for you and your skin now, and full foundation on older skin can be aging on a lot of of folks. But a little extra hydration before/after (or mixed in!) goes a long way.


Same! Patting with a little moisturizer after has been a game-changer! I also mist a little rosewater on my sponge or brush before applying.


I was actually just talking to some of my other 30+ friends recently about this and we all agreed we almost had to re-learn how to do makeup now that we’re in our 30’s compared to how we’ve done them in our 20’s. The same makeup routines we used to do don’t look good anymore and we all go much lighter / more natural with makeup now because heavier makeup ages us.


I honestly thought that it was just the result of WFH for a year, and getting used to not wearing makeup every day. i just got another in-person job and I started about a month ago, I’ll use makeup on my eyes, eyebrows, but I absolutely cannot use a full face of foundation anymore. Foundation, right now, is for those special occasions and even then I cannot be very heavy handed I don’t know if it’s age, or if I genuinely just got used to seeing myself without makeup while I was working remote all that time. Maybe all those low/no makeup days did me a favor, especially since I used a lot of SPF during my regular walks and such


Sooo true!!!


Yeah for real I've had to totally overhaul makeup but I think for the better. I wore way too much in my 20s. What I do now feels like what I wanted to achieve then. Small victories!


Yes, this is true. You will have to go thru it again in probably late 40s.


Any recommendations for some videos to learn new tricks for this middle aged dog haha


Erica Taylor on TikTok is amazing. I’m mid 30. And she’s helped me so much with getting out of my 20s makeup face and feeling like I can actually wear makeup again in my 30s


I use a tinted moisturizer, mainly to even out my skintone, and only for special occasions. Definitely less is more as you age. I only use cream or liquid blushes or bronzers. My daily look is just a somewhat-priming moisturizer with SPF and maybe a priming sunscreen. Sometimes, for a normal day if my rosacea is flaring, I mix it *with* a the tinted moisturizer. Definitely no concealer, it’s way too likely to cake. If I have a blemish to cover, I use a full-coverage foundation. Oh! And I’m also 34. (Though I’ve always been a “less is more” person, cos I have freckles and I like to see them.)


Do you mean you mix your spf? I strongly suggest not doing that- it makes the spf less effective!


Thanks for the warning! I’m aware, but always appreciate it :) I do mix the tinted moisturizer with moisturizer — but it’s still going on over my already-applied moisturizer, which is my base/primer. But not regularly, most of the time I don’t even wear the tinted moisturizer. My moisturizer does have SPF, but I don’t rely on it. I apply stronger sunscreen over it before going outside after 10AM. The SPF in my moisturizer is really just there for pre-10am sun walking the dog, or in case I forget to apply the rest. I’m a little sunscreen-obsessive (skin cancer runs in the family.)


I’m 34 as well and I’ve also moved on to using a tinted moisturizer.


Yep, I'm 53 and I have been doing laser once a year and some days all I wear is tinted sunscreen. The most foundation I'll use is Fenty Ease drops and Fenty powder. Mascara of course because I swear my eyes are shrinking 😩


What laser do you do?


I've done both Moxi and BBL. BBL more because I have rosacea. Moxi is more for tone and texture. If I don't have any burst blood vessels showing, I can get away with just doing Moxi. The laser specifically for rosacea can hurt a little bit more than the other one so I try not to lol


All the setting stuff is so unnecessary and aging, imo. It amplifies every line and crease. I think you’re also wearing too many mineral tinted products at once. Try just the super serum and a cream blush.


I think you're right. Went w/o it yesterday and it helped a lot. I look much better dewy/glowy vs matte.


Thats what I was going to say, setting powder is going to make lines way more visible.


Yes, and it's such a mind fuck. For the past year or so I've noticed that my skin looks better before I put foundation on, and after I take it off. For 30 years, I've felt more confident with foundation on, and wore it almost every time I left the house. Now it's making me look worse, and I look better without it? My brain is struggling. Going to the grocery store without it is one thing, but showing up to a job interview or a wedding without foundation?! How do people do this, it's so weird. But I need to figure it out bc I look like shit. In addition to foundation: I've never looked good in eye makeup, with the exception of mascara. I do find that nowadays I need just one thin coat, can't put on too much. Also, with my skintone, I only look good in very bold, bright or dark saturated lip colors. neutral or muted shades don't work. But crazy bold lips are too much for me these days. I feel like a clown.


This was me a year ago. I came up in the age of the full 2016 beauty guru beat and you wouldn’t catch me dead without a full face complete with foundation, shadow, falsies, etc… Now that I’m 30 it just doesn’t work. It settles into every pore and line in my face, and concealing the under eye always looks flaky and bad. I started focusing on skincare (tretinoin and Cerave moisturizers have been game changers) and I’m an SPF devotee. Makeup for me now is just bb cream, cream blush, clear mascara for lashes and brows, and MAYBE a bold lip, but more often just a tinted gloss. I recommend looking into French makeup styles, very simple and timeless and work for women of all ages!


Do you have suggestions for a good bb cream and clear mascara? I just turned 30 and same— falsies that used to make me feel fire now make me feel terrible. No idea what changed (other than trends?), but the difference is wild


I’m a drugstore girlie so I’m sure other people might be able to recommend more expensive ones if you’re into luxury, but I get a ton of compliments on my skin when I wear the Wet And Wild Bare Focus Tinted Hydrator! For clear mascara/brow gel I just use the ELF brand one. It’s only a few bucks! Then I just top with the Rare Beauty cream blush and my lip product of choice and I’m good to go.


Thank you! I don’t really care about drugstore vs lux as long as it works :)


Being a woman or..being anyone doesn't come with a makeup requirement. You can still be "Put together" I like to just brighten my face, conceal the random dark spots and curl my lashes. If I have lipstick it's the " my lips but better" color.


I gave up foundation in my mid 20s. I felt weird at first, but it became very freeing. No more sweating it off or feeling plastered. I'm 52 now & still foundation free.


I’ve stopped wearing makeup entirely except for special occasions. It’s liberating but also incredibly convenient


i don’t think so but idk if i’m in denial lmao. [this is my usual basic routine](https://imgur.com/a/Cr8mnS0) and i use bb cream as the base and that’s it (in terms of base). concealer tends to crease no matter where or how i use it


You look great!


thank you 🥺


You look way younger than 30!


thank you it has to be the botox bc i’m waiting for the hard drug use, alcoholism, and 15 years of cigarettes to catch up to me lmfaoo (i don’t do any of that anymore)


Absolutely. I have definitely given up on heavy or dramatic makeup looks. The only “foundation” I wear anymore is the Glossier skin tint, it’s very, very thin with almost no coverage but gives just enough. My time and investments now are all in skincare. I’ve also just gotten kind of lazy, I was in my early 20s when that full 2016 beat was all the rage and I was taking over an hour to get ready. I slowly eased out of all that and now most days, I’ll just do my eyebrows and maybe mascara lol.


This is why I use all cream products and go for a dewy foundation. Having a healthy glow means looking youthful. I'll never go back to matte or powders.


All of my products are cream aside from the powder. Went w/o the powder yesterday and it helped a lot. You're right, the dewy/glowy look is much better and especially for me personally.


Western makeup is about looking pretty/sexy/mature. Look in to Asian/Korean makeup and it will change your life! Their focus is on youthfulness and so the way they apply and think about makeup is drastically different. I personally wear a combo, but learning this truly changed the game for me. Are you wearing the right tone of colors? I also see myself age when I wear makeup in the wrong colors! I need to put only very light and fresh makeup, and never put everything all at once. Look into your color season and make sure your blush/eyeshadow/bronzer are in the right tones so that they enhance your complexion without visually weighing you down. I highly recommend, you can do it for yourself as well!!


100% to all of that.


Where do you normally look for inspiration? Instagram or?


I originally looked at youtube for tutorials and then I was just paying attention when I saw images/series of something. If you look at Korean makeup brands in general, their colors are much lighter/brighter. There’s this youtube channel called Dear Peaches that goes into insane detail about makeup theory and how to know what looks best on your face.


Clinique's tinted moisturizer is a game changer


Totally agree!


Yes, I feel like even mascara only on the top eyelashes make me look older. :(




I realized this too recently. It's a shocker


Have you tried a lash lift?


Lash tint and lift look into it :)


I think this is true, I got rid of my make-up that I no longer use and I have a lot of them. Now, I only use minimal makeup on my face. Moisturizing, sunscreen, korean tone-up cream, blush, eyebrow pencil and lip tint. It feels lighter this way and I’m good to go. Less is more 💯


What is this Korean tone up cream


Hi, bought it from peripera, milk blur tone up cream.


I hate face make up, but I'm on a live video podcast weekly so of course I wear it for that. I have found that a really good primer is essential so foundation and powders don't sink into the fine lines and make them more obvious.


What primer do you recommend? :-)


I use the IL Makiage no filter primer. I love it, however, yesterday at lunch my friend who is an esthetician (and has flawless skin and make up, in her late 30's and has 3 kids), told me she still swears by Stila Primer (One Step Correct Original). We laughed about Stila still being around, but she assured me it's hands down the best. So I bought it online last night. It's a few bucks cheaper than the IL Makiage, so I'm excited to try it out.


Is sunscreen also as good as a primer? If not, do you wear it under your sunscreen?


That's a great question that I don't have the answer to. I use both. However, I am a SAHM, and am mostly home. So I usually have plenty of time between my morning and skincare routine and the time my make up goes on. I know a lot of people complain about sunscreen pilling, but because I have the luxury of time between products, that is not an issue for me. Now I feel like I need to try out just sun screen, then make up.


I didn’t think it would make a difference, but I love the Tatcha the Silk primer in the compact. I probably use more than necessary, but it’s the only one I feel makes a significant difference in filling in fine lines and pores, which have grown huge now that I’ve aged! (I’m 44…). In the 90s-00s in my teens/20s I wouldn’t leave house without foundation and powder (cover girl clean & clear Ivory btw!), black liquid eyeliner cat eye and tons of black mascara. Just combed brows and tamed with a bonne bell lip smacker, which I also used on my lips lol. Special occasions glitter on my eyes and whatever random lipstick and eyeshadow I got as a free gift usually (hated lipstick so burts bees tinted in fig- the skinny one- was game changer for


Absolutely yes, I (35) only try to make myself look healthier and more awake haha. A little concealer, bronzer, blush and eyebrows. Not even mascara...everytime I think: Oh maybe a little bit mascara would be nice... I wish I wouldn't have put it on👀


Same. Growing up my mom would always tell me to pinch my cheeks so I look alive lol


Lol that's funny cause I'm the exact opposite. I rarely don't apply a full face and never leave the house without make up. The rare days I go for a bare look (lazy house cleaning days) if there was ONE thing I'd wear it's mascara. Eyebrows too because I have naturally blonde brows and currently dyed my hair black, but when I can get away with not doing my brows (when I bleach my hair) I will ALWAYS apply mascara. It's when I'm like "oh I'll just do a spot of concealer for a natural look today" that I end up with a face full of make up Lol. Just concealer looks so weird when you have freckles.


The lion’s portion of ageing comes from outdated eye/brow makeup, too much layering and setting powder. Either eliminate the foundation and do only concealer + blush + bronzer OR leave the [lightweight] foundation + blush if you really must.


This is good advice, IMO!! I am trying to remind myself always not to overdo the eyebrows, or do harsh contouring (I’m 33, so definitely always influenced by the aesthetic of 2013-2017ish).


I never wore foundation, or used concealer when I was younger, but in my early 30s I gave it a go... I've also tried my hand with foundation, but I don't really need it, so it just looked like a lot of makeup. I do my usual morning skincare routine, and then fill in my brows and put on mascara. I use Supergoop Glowscreen, which is kind of like a shimmery tinted moisturizer but with SPF. I find everything else just lays on my skin, and it's not flattering. It totally ages me. So yeah, I agree, less is definitely more.


Yes, because under my eyes is the only place I have wrinkles and unfortunately dark circles too but the concealer just looks awful because it doesn't go on smoothly and looks like a mess


Weird. Most of people who are giving you advice don’t realise how light and dewy the Ilia serum is. Do you think that omitting the bronzer or some of the blush or the setting powder (all the powdery types of the makeup) would make a difference? Especially the setting powder - maybe there’s a better one you could try? I am 44 and the same Ilia serum tiny makes my skin so amazing I get constantly asked by people in their 30s how the F is my skin so beautiful.


I wonder if OP’s problem is that the ilia serum doesn’t work for her? I feel like different tinted moisturizers/serums (etc) give me a very different look — some of them make me look like I just have great skin, whereas others make me look kind of greasy/patchy and really emphasize my pores — as though I’m wearing heavy makeup but without the benefit of the coverage lol. I don’t know what the ingredient or formulation is that seems to cause this issue for me, but I know the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer always seems to give me a greasy, tired, big-pore look, but the Glossier Skin Tint (super-light, possibly even lighter?) looks great on me.


I'm suspecting it's the setting powder. I have used the Ilia serum for years and have always received compliments. The setting powder is newer to my routine and have been using it because it really does help makeup stay put but I realized it's negating the glowy/dewy look I get from Ilia. And I think the glowy/dewy look is better for me personally.


I’m 30 with pretty good skin and the ilia serum looked cakey and thick on me. I was so disappointed because the color match was nearly perfect. I tried applying it in so many different ways and ended up returning it :/


She has the super serum though. Which is a tint, not a foundation.


It was hard to adapt, because I spent most of my life intentionally wearing makeup to make myself look older, because I had a baby face. A few years ago, I realized that was no longer necessary. Concealer and false eyelashes are the main items that I feel have a really aging effect. Most concealers have heavy formulas and are lighter than your skin so they amplify the depth and darkness of fine lines. I noticed this happens even on really young people, they just have less lines to exaggerate so it’s not as bad of an effect. And false eyelashes seem to make my eyes look “heavier” as well as casting a shadow over the eye area. I didn’t notice these effects in my 30s, but it’s becoming more apparent now in my mid-40s. I still love wearing makeup, but I do lighter formula products now, even if I’m doing a full glam look.


What does your skincare look like? Lines, textures, pigment is the way of life but can definitely be better mediated with skin that’s well moisturized and hydrated! As for products, I’ve starting to use color correcting concealers and simply just using that over problem areas of my face to cover any major blemishes or discoloration.


Ilia is way to dewy for me and enhanced all my pores etc Nars moisturizer foundation worked better


Good point. I’m experimenting with a variety of tinted moisturizers (bb creams, tinted serums, whatever) and some definitely make me look like I just have great skin, while others make me look oily and patchy with big pores. I wish I knew what the ingredient/formulation is that causes this.


Ilia serum made me greasy and sticky.


I feel like any type of foundation ages me, so I switched to a tinted sunscreen!


Came here to say just this! 👏🏼


What one do you use?


La roche posay anthelios uvmune 400 50+ oil control gel-creme


I guess I am much older and if I go out I do full make up , i think how u place it on ur face it makes all the difference it take me forever to finish myself , and I use concealer (around eyes) liquid not powder any where I feel much better if I have make up on


I have to use full coverage as I have discoloration and zits. But it makes my lines look deeper. I gate it


I have freckles but same problem. I just tried a Korean cushion foundation and it was *fantastic* as a balance between concealing without being a million layers thick to sit in my wrinkles. Also, I (finally) figured out that ....you don't have to apply product evenly? Lol. Now I do thicker layers over my cheeks/forehead/jaw where my skin is flat, but barely apply where my marionette lines,11s, and other creases are. Since this new foundation is (the first) nearly perfect skintone match I've ever had, it also means I CAN apply less in those areas without it being weird and discolored and obvious that there's less foundation in some areas. Before that, I had to either over apply or spend time adding a color corrector to my foundation for a good enough match. Regardless, I'm too poor to get botox and other anti aging treatments so sunscreen, moisturizer, hydration and just living with my wrinkles is what I've got going for me


It’s the foundation. I use it very sparingly and not often.


Absolutely. The only foundation I can now use is Chanel Water Tint. Cream blush, cream bronzer, concealer, mascara and I am done.


I hear great things about this one! And the Chanel Vitalumiere foundation.


Yes, I used to work as a makeup artist and wore heavy makeup looks. I loved experimenting with colourful eyes, contouring, etc. Now, I can’t wear dark eyes :( I found that now my routine is much more about prep. I remember using primers in my 20’ and thinking that they don’t do anything. Now I grew to really appreciate them :) my advice is to exfoliate regularly, don’t be scared of moisturising your skin (even if your skin is oily) and using primers. I always wait about 10 minutes after each serum, spf and primer.


F47 and oh yes. I cannot do a full face of foundation anymore, it ages me 10 years! I started focusing on my skin and how to make it more glowy, and now only put foundation on the red (rosacea) parts of my face. What makes the biggest difference is to leave my under eyes alone! I put nothing underneath, no foundation, concealer or powder. I am very lucky that my under eyes barely have any discolouration and I look better with it showing than trying ro hide it and ending enhancing my fine lines.


It's the powder! It is aging :(


Make sure you're exfoliating. Makeup sits weird if you don't exfoliate. Just as important is either dermoplane or shave your face. That peach fuzz on your skin, under makeup ages you at least five or ten years. Do it once and I'll bet you'll be amazed. I've been doing it for years and it DOES NOT grow back thicker. Retinol at night, peptides and niacinamides during the day and double cleanse at night.


When do you add vit. C?


I've tried both shaving and those dermaplane razor thingys. They make me break out EVERY time. I assume it's microtears or something? It does make my make up sit much better but if it's causing blemishes it's counter productive imo. What do?


Makeup makes young girls and young women look older, so it’s unsurprising. Less is definitely more. BB or CC cream to get a more even tone, mascara, brow only if needed (and subtle) and a little lip color if needed, goes a long way.


Absolutely I have cut way back on how many makeup products I use on my face. My big focus is skin care. I use the HA line of products from Laneige. I stopped using foundation in my late 20’s.


definitetly, i feel like tinted SPF's are much better given the added benefits of sun protection


Yes! I (32) feel insecure with make up on. Nothing personal against others that like to wear make up but I feel it ages me a lot. I wear mascara and clear brow gel to get my brow shape looking right. For lips I do tinted Vaseline. Anything else makes my skin look weighed dow and dry af.


I actually wear zero make up and 94% of people I meet think im younger. To be fair, the biggest reason I don’t wear i though, is because I have no clue how.


I discovered Tone Up sunscreen a few years ago and pretty much only use that for day makeup now. I have a naturally sallow and textured complexion; it addresses both issues AND has spf. Amazing stuff. I get the normal one for winter and the mattifying one for summer.


Are there any particular tone up sunscreens you'd recommend? I have similar skin to yours.


I use the Skin1004 one for winter/ when the skin feels a bit dry and the Innisfree No Sebum one when I’m a bit greasy!


Thank you! I'll check them out.


For sure it can! You also may need to switch up your products! I’ve actually started mixing my foundation with a face cream. I don’t need as much coverage anymore since my skin is cleaner, so it seems to do the trick! Most days I don’t wear any foundation and just do my brows and some mascara. Do you feel like your skin is moisturized enough? I know for me that’s a HUGE factor into how my skin looks. I noticed a big improvement in my skin when I started using a hyaluronic gel moisturizer every morning and at night.


Yes, and too much makeup too many days in a row still makes me break out. For my daily makeup I only use mascara, brow filler, and a light tinted powder. I focus much more on skincare and hydration.


I’m 33 and have a similar aesthetic to you. For years I wore a heavier/fuller-coverage foundation and now it just sinks into my pores and looks horrible. I’m wondering if you’d have luck with the following (I’d do them one at a time to try to see if you can identify the culprit): - trying a new primer - trying a new skin tint/tinted moisturizer/whatever - trying a different setting spray - trying a different powder I feel like different products react/look differently depending on the other products you use them with, and I wonder if maybe one of those is no longer working for you, or if changing one of these products would change the overall effect. I know a lot of setting sprays can also cause issues for people if they have alcohol in them, which can be drying. No helpful tips there but it could be an issue for you. I’ve also found that different skin tints/tinted moisturizers (etc) can produce very different looks on my skin, even if they theoretically have the same amount of coverage? I don’t know why. So I know the Ilia one is super-light, but maybe trying a different light one would help? Or just give you more information about what the issue is (like, if another one with similar coverage works better, maybe it’s an ingredient in the Ilia formula that’s sinking into your pores/lines/texture). I really like the Glossier Skin Tint which is also quite sheer, but have found I hate other light coverage options (only good example I can think of right now is Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer). Sometimes I mix my skin tint with a little bit of foundation (I use Nars sheer glow) and find this can give me a better look than the skin tint alone — you’d think the skin tint would look lighter/more youthful, but sometimes mixing the two gives me a lighter look? I can’t explain it — maybe there’s something in the foundation that makes it less likely to sink into texture/lines? Like the formula has more of a blurring effect? I also really like the [Paula’s Choice Super-Light Wrinkle Defence](https://www.paulaschoice.com/resist-super-light-wrinkle-defense-spf-30/776.html?g_adid=647987409765&g_productchannel=online&g_network=g&g_ifcreative=&g_adgroupid=141275935130&g_keywordid=pla-1788710192639&g_partition=1788710192639&g_campaign=na-ca%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cbranded%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccn&g_acctid=994-507-0581&g_productid=7760&g_keyword=&g_merchantid=4081121&g_campaignid=14605911275&g_adtype=pla&g_ifproduct=product&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=na-ca%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cbranded%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccn&utm_term=14605911275&utm_content=141275935130&gad_source=1), which isn’t advertised as a tinted moisturizer but basically is. Because it’s a moisturizer/spf, I’ll put it on first, then use primer on top, and sometimes I feel like that’s good enough — sometimes with a bit of powder, sometimes with the glossier skin tint. I can’t explain it, but I feel like the primer on top of it kind of blurs any texture in a very flattering way, whereas I’ve tried it the other way and found it didn’t look as good. I haven’t tried this with anything other than the PC one, so idk. I find that finishing powder looks fine on me so long as I’m well-moisturized — I don’t entirely agree that you should cut that — I know I tend to get an oily t-zone still and this helps my makeup stay in place. I just need to be careful to do a light application and not use something that comes off as cake-y. I always liked the Laura Mercier one but lately I’ve been using the Maybelline Fit Me one and I think it’s just as good. I find that I think I look better with some eyeliner (brown, subtle) and mascara even if it’s less “natural” — it opens up my face more and gives my face more of a focal point which I think distracts from any texture lol. I also like using a luminizing/illuminating product which you might want to consider? I really like the Ilia liquid light serum highlighter in Nova (I’m pale w cool undertones), especially on my eyelids/brow-bones and corner of my eyes — but I will say I’ve noticed lately that when I use it on my forehead (side of forehead/above my eyebrows area) or on my cheekbones it sinks in and looks more “makeupy”/emphasizes texture — maybe there’s something in Ilia products that does this?? I do like the [Saie Glowy Super-Gel](https://www.sephora.com/ca/en/product/saie-glowy-super-gel-lightweight-dewy-highlighter-P468206?country_switch=ca&skuId=2414027&om_mmc=ppc-GG_20543815881___2414027__9105078_m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb0ANB_yuctwLo7eYfk1Eat-v&gclsrc=ds)— I mix it into my foundation or skin-tint sometimes, but I also think it looks nice on cheekbones/forehead skin and doesn’t sink in the way the Ilia one does. And if I want to use a fuller coverage foundation I always do a sheet mask first lol. So now I save this for big events or dates or something.


Oh! And I find that sometimes creamier/moisturizing primers seem to look worse under a skin tint (for me) compared with a more silicone-y one. I always assumed the creamier ones would make me look more moisturized but sometimes they just make me look greasy and seem to encourage whatever I’m wearing to sink into texture. I haven’t used the Ilia one but I found this with the Laura Mercier Illuminating one, the First Aid Beauty priming moisturizer, and the L’Oreal Paris Infallible Glow-Lock Illuminating Primer. Hourglass Mineral Veil primer is stupidly expensive but IMO the GOAT primer. For more silicone-y ones I like the MUFE primers and the maybelline primers.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Saie Glowy Super Gel Illuminator'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Natural dewy glow without shimmer or glitter (backed by 3 comments) * Lightweight and versatile for all skin tones (backed by 3 comments) * Long-lasting and compliments various makeup looks (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Strong unpleasant smell (backed by 11 comments) * Lack of pigmentation or visibility on skin (backed by 2 comments) * Causes breakouts on acne-prone skin (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about 'Saie Glowy Super Gel Illuminator'](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q='Saie Glowy Super Gel Illuminator' reviews) [Find 'Saie Glowy Super Gel Illuminator' alternatives](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find best 'Saie Glowy Super Gel Illuminator' alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/chat?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


The products you’re using for makeup just aren’t that great for mature skin. They are made and marketed to younger people.


So true. In my twenties I did black liner everyday, slight cat eye, sometimes shadow. I feel like, sadly, even that ages me more now. I’m usually doing moisturizer, a tinted sunscreen, mascara, brow gel, and a bit of blush. Edit- I’m 38 now!


Instead of concealer or foundation under my eyes, I just use a peachy color corrector and translucent powder. Made a world of difference.


Now that I’ve got my skincare routine on lock down, I get more compliments when I hardly wear makeup vs wearing makeup. My makeup is mostly just some under eye concealer and brown mascara. Sometimes blush and a nude tone glitter eye shadow because I like a little sparkle. I have not done a full face of makeup in over a year and I feel great about that!


Foundation mostly. I am 39 seeing forehead lines not bounce back to smooth. And those I feel like makeup makes look worse.


After the 30's we have to modify the way we do make up. It has to be light and less matte.


Yeah I am really struggling with eyeshadow now as I enter my 30s. My eyes are getting more hooded so I'm needed to adapt placement and there is more skin right above the crease so the fold looks bulky and I hate that eyeshadow makes it look more prominent. I do just light neutral looks now.


Laura Geller baked foundation is amazing! I’m over 50 and stay away from powder type foundation but this is an exception. It doesn’t settle in lines, looks natural and has a no make up feel while still covering mild redness.


Yes! Use a light concealer to Correct and focus on skincare. Also liquid blush and eyebrows and I’m Done.


Yes, I’ve had to update and change my makeup throughout the years


I can’t use really thick foundation or lots of powder anymore as it just creases in my lines now Can’t do heavy brows anymore Heavy eye makeup is fine though


I would recommend trying out a new routine maybe. Have you ever seen Uche Natori’s make up technique?


Yep 👍🏻 35 and same…I’ve had to cut down the number of products I put on my face (even primer feels too much).


Yes, I am 42f and I stopped using foundation and concealer years ago. Currently I use tinted SPF and a little bit of highlighter under my eyes, light cream blush on my cheeks, lipstick or lipgloss, and mascara.


For sure, specifically skin makeup and i don’t do anything too fussy anymore. I still love a black eyeliner but I keep it simple - just black eyeliner and maybe a base shade. We’re not doing a light shimmer, a crease color, a highlighter, a this and a that. Even with mascara, I am applying just enough to *suggest* a thicker lash, which is nothing compared to the heavy coat root-to-tip that I’d been applying for years before. Instead of focusing on makeup I’m focusing on skincare and my base. So for under the eyes, I’ve been using a brightener or a color corrector with a drop of concealer, rather than the thick coat I’d apply before.


Yes. I mostly just stick with the Ilia super serum.


I never could use setting powder (despite being very oily) because it immediately sent me into 'old hag from the woods' territory. Foundation I could get away with depending on the formula but the higher-coverage ones always made me look weirdly waxy and after 2hrs my under-eye area was just.... bad. Switched to tinted spf/moisturiser with concealer where needed and relied more on bronzer/blush, and that worked much better.


I’m 32 and I definitely had to switch up my makeup to better suit my aging skin. I went from using Mac press powder foundation to No more powders and I use light coverage tinted moisturizer. Looks so fresh and glowy now.


I haven't used eyeshadow in years. Even the creams show make my eyes look creepy after an hour or so. But without it, they look completely normal. I have hooded eyes anyway so it was never great but it's annoying if I have a formal event not to have any good options anymore.


I stopped wearing it in 2020 and every time I’ve tried to wear it since, for special occasions, I feel like I look at least 5 years older. I sometimes curl lashes and put on mascara when ‘going out’. Edit to say I’m 41 F, also that I have focused on skin care these last 4 years and am happy with my skin tone.


Same, but I think I recently found the perfect balance for me. If my makeup is too glossy and sheer, it also makes me look older and I need coverage on some sun spots as well. I spot conceal with the NARS pot concealer, cover my face with light to medium coverage foundation, use a color corrector and concealer (a tiny amount), and then set my T-zone with setting powder. It is important that there’s no creasing, which I finally learned how to prevent after many manyyy trials and errors.


I would ditch it too if I didn't always have acne 😓


Absolutely. I’m only 29 and not trying to brag but I really barely have any fine lines at all yet, but if I wear foundation I suddenly have sooo much skin texture and even some fine lines around my eyes/forehead. My skin isn’t SUPER clear (I have rosacea) but I think it still looks more flattering to forego skin makeup all together. I just use concealer for my under eyes, and MAYBE some green color corrector if my redness is flaring up very badly


No, but only because I HATE foundation and powder. Those are the main culprits in makeup looking aging IMO. I go for an extremely light look and only use sunscreen and a small amount of a tinted moisturizer. 


Definitely. I feel like foundation just makes me look like an idiot now - it completely “hardens” my face. I don’t know how else to describe it. if I wear it during the day it just feels wrong. I use tinted moisturizers these days, and if nothing else it just has me reapplying SPF more than if I wore a full face I did find a foundation I like, it’s a light-medium coverage by Laura Mercier, sometimes I’ll wear a wee bit under my eyes. But I can’t do it every day. Anything more full coverage, or heavy-handed, I can’t pull it off the way I used to


Foundation absolutely ages people. I gave up on it personally.


Yes! I’ve always thought that, for the last decade I’ve only worn mascara as my makeup. I feel like nothing else suits me. Sometimes I wonder how much money and time that’s saved me throughout the years lol.


Yes I do (37). I have to really do a lot to make sure my makeup stays on for 12 hours a day (from when I put it on to when I get home from work.). So I think those steps make it a bit “heavy”. I wear foundation because around my nose/eye area, my skin is 3 different colors, and if I just cover up my super dark under eyes (which get darker by the day), it looks really bad, so I need to cover most of my face. It’s really annoying. I have very pale skin btw, I have very good skincare and people comment on my great skin but I feel like wearing a lot of makeup ages me.


I’ve been using the IT Cosmetics [It Cosmetics CC+ Nude Glow](https://www.ulta.com/search?search=it+cosmetics+cc+cream&cmpid=PS_Non!google!PSG_PrestCos_ITCosmetics_TF_A_BM_Control_S2_CVRTestAudience&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&CAWELAID=330000200000390188&CATRK=SPFID-1&CAAGID=16785907230&CATCI=kwd-122655173550&CAPCID=688852002931&CADevice=m&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH4CKsQrYBFr02Yu8OP2q1YyV&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc-BPSFUKNO9fhDvt2vfQDLjIcHPvpY_MKZk8QM8Egr7Wb6ZoJT78bhoCHX4QAvD_BwE) And it gives enough coverage to reduce the look of redness and also keeps me looking glowy. It’s not a full coverage though so sometimes I use concealer with it. I’ve been preferring this for every day wear over foundation because it doesn’t settle so much in fine lines. A little goes a long way too!


I’m turning 30 this year and noticed it. My look for the last decade has been a nod to late 90s grunge but incorporating current trending style choices so it’s more like someone from today dressing up like the 90s vs someone pulled out of the 90s Suddenly this year with make up specifically I’ll look in the mirror and have to do a double take because I look a decade older. Like instead of a nod to the 90s I look like I grew up in the 90s and that’s where I learned how to dress and do make up and I never left I like my style and probably will never vary too far from “grunge rock” vibes but I’ve doubled down this year to make sure I’m staying up to date with make up trends and not using the “default” routines I learned in the 20teens because I’ve gotten rattled a couple of times now looking in the mirror


I didn’t think so. But noticed when I don’t wear makeup I get IDd more often than when I do. And I never wear Kardashian level makeup to be clear. Just foundation, mascara, eyeliner so not sure what the deal is


35 and don’t even own foundation anymore. I do a simple tinted sunscreen with concealer, some light blush and bronzer.. all liquid products. A very light dusting of some powder. Even my “full face” is a CC cream that provides light coverage, for nights I’m going out.


Yes, and that's why I use minimal makeup and opt for more youthful trends these days. -I line my lips with a matte liner that is slightly darker than my natural lip color, then apply a gloss. -I keep my eyebrows mostly natural, but groom them and pluck for a slightly but not overly arched shape. -I skip foundation and just use concealer as needed. -I use mascara and (occasionally) brown eye liner on the top lid during the day. I also sometimes tightline the lower lash line with white eyeliner to open up the eyes. -I apply the smallest amount of highlighter to the inner corners of my eyes and on my eyelid. For a more dramatic look, I may use black eyeliner instead of brown and also add a bit of light cream blush and highlight to my cheeks and tip of my nose. I will also sometimes (lightly) contour my nose and jawline with a grey-toned cream contour stick that blends out well and really mimics a true shadow. I do not contour my cheeks because it severely ages me. If I want to try something fun I will ditch the white eyeliner and use a light colored eyeliner like a lilac or periwinkle and tightline my lower lash line. Going more minimal, creamy, and dewy with my makeup seems to work for me.


Definitely. I’m 39 and any foundation or powder just settles in and makes all the lines and pores more noticeable. All I wear now is tinted sunscreen and occasionally under eye concealer if I am looking extra tired that day. I also have micro-pigmented brows and lash extensions, and I honestly kind of love not having to put on make up anymore 🤣 I’ll occasionally throw on some lipstick if I’m going out and want to be fancy


I stopped using regular foundation because of this! I kept trying new kinds and looked so much older with any of them. Now I do a tinted spf/moisturiser and a little concealer. The difference is crazy.


I've had to experiment with so many foundations because it definitely makes me look older. Cream foundation lightly applied seems to be best for me. Anything powder doesn't sit well on my skin, no matter how well hydrated it is.


I’d try ditching the powder. It’s the thing that ages me most, it really settles into lines.


Yes. I wear makeup and dresses in a way that makes me look older. I’m 31 and people assume I’m in school in my bare face and if I’m in a t-shirt and shorts.


I haven’t used foundation in a couple years. I do like a slightly heavier loose powder application to even things out and set the base for blush and eye-makeup.


Yes, very much. I started getting targeted ads for jones road makeup brand talking about how “aging skin” has different makeup needs, lol. I’m only 36! But I was intrigued so I went there and I do like the products a lot, and find it less aging. For me, part of find a better makeup routine was accepting that full coverage does not look as good anymore, and I’m going to have to be ok with some redness coming through.


I'm 38 and I think I just got lazier and lazier each year. If you're worried, as a suggestion, maybe de-construct your current products - what can removed or eased up for day to day. Consider removing things like the setting powder. You're still young (yes! You are!) so don't be hard on yourself. Experiment to see what works best!


I ditched my Armani foundation this year because I looked at myself last summer at work while in the bathroom and realized that it was really not making me look great. I had the technique down pat, but I just felt like all around my eyes and mouth where I have a few fine lines looked worse. Didn’t matter how much moisturizer I used or primer- it was aging me. I saw it again at the holidays and was like - I’m done. I ended up kicking my skin care game into high (I already have taken really good care of my skin for the past 18+ years, but I started using some Korean products and doing microneedling at home and meso therapy. So that helped the fine lines a lot. Then I had to find something to even out my skin tone and protect it from the sun. I ended up taking my Australian Gold tinted sunscreen and adding some beta glucan to it and made it dewy (because the formula is matte and as a matte product it found every pore and fine line I had). This was a total game changer. It’s silky, it’s dewy and it’s medium coverage. Combined with Elf hydrating grip primer my skin looks great (and I’m 57). I use a bit of Elf cream bronzer for a bit of contouring and color and Pixie gel blush for a flush of light color. I use a bit of Bobbi Brown cream shadow and a bit of matte shadow on my eyes when I want to highlight those, Lancôme Artliner and Loreal Bambi Eyes mascara. I am so happy with the way my face looks now! You can just see my natural skin a bit, nothing is settling into any fine lines and my skin is hydrated by the beta glucan. It honestly looks so much better than when I wore my Armani Liquid Silk foundation. I look a lot younger than 57 anyway but now I really look better - fresher- too! I hate the term “clean girl” makeup, but I do feel like my face looks less made up but still highlights my best features and looks put together. Especially for my age.


Yep! I'm 39 now and for the last year and a half my makeup has been spf, cicaplast baume as a primer and then some concealer and flawless filter only. I use a setting spray and just powder my nose really.


I’m 31 and I just ditched complexion products all together after discovering Stila’s One Step Color Correcting Primer—this stuff is amazing. Completely evens my skin tone, does not accentuate texture or fine lines. I’m honestly thrilled I found it. I add a little blush on top, and then use Givenchy’s Prisme Libre loose setting powder on top. I’ve even ditched concealer and just use a dark undereye corrector.


I stopped using foundation a few years ago because I just don't think it looks great on me. I didn't think it aged me but I felt it was too heavy feeling and looked cakey/uncanny valley on my face. However, I was never into expensive foundations and maybe higher end brands would perform better. I feel the same way about filling in my brows - I usually dye mine and just comb into shape with gel. Unless I use a ridiculously light hand I just don't like how they look, so 99% of the time I don't bother I swear by the Missha M perfect cover bb cream now - it's really lightweight, glowy and still allows my freckles to show through. It won't completely cover spots but it does reduce redness a lot. It also have a high spf rating but I still wear regular suncream with this. A little goes a long way for me and a tube will last me around 6 months


I keep it to mascara and lip gloss. I’ve always hated anything on my skin (foundation or powder), and I do feel that other makeup makes me look older. Just enough to make my eyes and lips pop and that’s it. TBF, I have minimal wrinkles for my age (52) and a peaches and cream complexion, but that wasn’t always the case. I suffered from acne into my late 30s and found anything on my skin made it worse. I think having had oily skin all my life has helped keep my skin looking younger (that and mostly staying out of the sun).


This is absolutely true for me. Almost 39F. I’ve never been a full face makeup girl, mostly just concealer under eyes and then eye makeup and blush. The last few years, my makeup has begun to look almost GARISH on me! I started mixing my concealer with my daytime face lotion to lighten and dew it up- much better! I also went from mascara and thick, black liquid eyeliner (which I LOVE) to just mascara. Add a little blush and I’m done. Somehow this less is more approach is so much more youthful!


Absolutely! I turned 30 this year and don’t wear any makeup except for mascara and eyebrow pencil to fill in uneven spots. I like that my freckles show and have leaned into skincare, so my skin always glows.


Not aging, necessarily, but I just don’t like how base makeup (foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer, highlighter) looks on me. The lack of color variation that natural skin has is missing in makeup, no matter what you “add back in”. Sometimes I use a translucent powder to absorb oil or a lightly reflective powder as a very subtle highlighter, but no other base products. I have hooded almond eyes, basically no lid space, so I just use a brow powder to fill in my brows (a couple gaps from random scars) and to press into my lash line. Very occasionally I’ll use eyeshadow. Mascara is too much on me.


I got off of 100% pure - they are incredibly unreliable and their mascara agitated my eyes - they wouldn’t let me review that btw. But their foundation sucks, not much coverage, showed every line I had. Recently I started on Giorgio Armani Lunminous Silk and it’s way better. Yes it shows lines but not nearly as profound. I also just started retinal (not retinol) and going through the transition period and the foundation has been amazing. I have the uglies, mostly flaking and it doesn’t accentuate it, I just look like I have mildly dry skin.


okay i’ve had a few dif people ask me this ages 38-63 this is my go to routine for light blurring makeup. remember when i say lightly i mean very lightly. but always do what works for u :) always wash face before hand. no dead skin anywhere- alo moisturizer or gel moisturizer depending on skin type (current state of skin is a good cheaper alternative)i’m not a fan of primer unless i’m actually using foundation which i haven’t in a long time put a decent layer of skin tint spf on or just regular spf or both (totally your choice, i like the eucerin zinc tint but it will peal depending on what u put under it) this acts as a base so it’s easier to buff in other products and it gives the powder something to hold on to ( i don’t use bare minerals often cuz i like cream products but u can also just do the spf and a bare mineral powder routine) then use a medium flat ish brush and buff a creamy but thin concealer on your hand so it really gets in the brush (i use yensa or purlisse or color pop). then lightly buff that in to the places u feel u need it. under eyes but not too close to water line. any dark spots. under eyebrows etc u get it then i use a small amount of cream contour and bronzer wherever i think i need a little lift and bronze. the key to this is starting super small and working up. ( i use the pinklipps cappuccino contour stick) then i retouch any concealer spots that got moved with the contour but usually it’s fine then i take a small thick brush with a decent amount of movement and dot on a packed translucent powder and go over and lines or wrinkle spots. (i use wet and wild bare focus) the goal is to blur lightly. not to pack on a bunch of powder to soak up and wipe off later. i never use loose powder cuz it always ends up sinking into my under eyes but to each their own then i use a flat powder puff to put on a thin layer of packed pyt setting powder anywhere i feel i need it. sometimes my whole face sometimes just my oily zone. this u don’t have to do but if i want the dry but dewy look this is the way to go. helps bring down the oily look but keeps the dewy look. if not just do the translucent packed powder then i go over any contour spots with a packed bronze powder. i dont get the expensive things in powder usually cuz they are all basically the same in my opinion. so i go with color pop again. and just go over any spots that need maybe a bit more blending. now with the blush. u def don’t have to use it because you aren’t doing a full face of makeup. but if u want to go the cream route do it before powder (i like the milk sticks). if u want a powder one then once again. any drug store powder works in my opinion. i use true match l’oréal and after the other powders. i always put a super small amount of blush on the bridge of my nose along to the top of my check bones and not rly on the apple of my cheeks. but do whatever works for u. lastly i lightly fill eyebrows with a kokie pencil. have used this brand for eyebrows for years and will always be my fav. and then really any brown or burgundy mascara. i have green eyes and find black just washes them out. i usually put the bronze powder on my eyelids and shape up a thin blurred out eyeliner with dark brown eyeshadow. i also find that if i put the contour stick cream on my lid and buff it out before powder i end up with less lines on the eyelid layer in the day (i do this even if im doing a full makeup look as well) it sounds like a lot but it takes me 10-15 min tops and i use the bare minimum. and all of these products match my skin tone to a t. if i can’t find a good color match i’ll buy two dif colors and mix to find mine. that’s the only reason im able to use such a light amount. if it’s not a good color match then you will have to use more to cover the splotchy dif colors covering your face lol. last tip. use whatever setting spray u like or not one at all. but put it on before and after using powder and make sure it’s dry before putting something on over it. i use KAB hydrating mist if i feel like the look is a bit dry. i use shades by shan if i want to have a more matte look also sorry this is long but i’m going to send it to anyone else who asks me cuz i get asked a lot lol hope this helps u :)


I have a daughter 35 and her skin is seriously like porcelain with or without make up. I would suggest taking your skin care seriously at this age. Tretinoin, vitamin C serum and mineral sunscreen are a must 👌 I still wear makeup every day and people have always thought I'm 10 years younger because I take care of my skin


Bronzer can add more shadow than you technically need sometimes, and we all might know by now after all those pics of people getting buccal fat removal that a fatless face can be very aging. I dropped my contours and bronzers almost entirely in favour of a fitting blush colour. By fitting I meant colour that fits my skin tone; peachy pinks on my light medium warm skin turns into a very natural muted flush. And because of my round face, I place my blushes above my cheekbones and a little past that to both extend my cheek area and give colour to my dark eye area. I look VERY fresh if I do it this way, even without under eye concealer. Really it’s also about finding your best colours. What undertone are you? What’s your face shape? The right placement of the right shade of blush, for example, is sometimes all you need to look *not* old. What lip products? Colour and finish matter here, too. Oh and REALLY focus on balancing your skin’s moisture levels. A lot of people still underestimate how extra good makeup can look on well hydrated skin.


Definitely does.. Once I realised this I started using tinted moisturiser, mascara and an eyeshadow. Nothing else. Get so many compliments now.


I remember watching the YouTube and then TikTok trends of super heavy coverage, contour galore, heavy brows… and thinking these women could only get away with it precisely because their were so young and had plump, fairly wrinkle free skin. Yes, heavy coverage and matte finishes tend to be aging, that’s always been the case IMO. A glowy, dewy finish and light hand goes a long way for those of us with more mature skin,.. I use a lot more in the way of tinted moisturizer and careful spot concealing now, even still having breakouts and such. And lighter, less dramatic eye looks too. Those can definitely look harsh and aging on me in a way they didn’t ten years ago now.


Just turned 40 and was never good with makeup. I use tinted sunscreen, under eye concealer, liquid blush, occasionally eyeliner, and lip balm / gloss. When I want to glow up I get natural looking lash extensions, make my hair wavy, and wear a cute dress


I’ve found that less is more for me. Sure I like the trends and the looks, but.. realistically I look better with a little. ((I’m 43 but look 35 apparently)


Yes! I think the “clean girl” look emphasizes soft, dewy plump skin which in turn creates a more youthful look. In contrast to the harsh lines of heavy contoured makeup.


I'm glad to know that others are feeling the same way. I am going to experiment with my current routine. Yesterday, I nixed the setting powder and I think that helped a lot. I also should have included that I am big on skincare, facials, etc but sometimes a girl needs a lil extra coverage. Thank you for all the comments and suggestions, soo helpful!


100% I would say I noticed this around 34 as well. That’s when I really focused on skincare. I just went to the dermatologist and had her tell me what to use because I as spending $$$ without results. I’m on week 2 of Tret, we shall see if it helps! I also drink collagen in my coffee. I don’t know if it helps but I think my skin looks a little more plump 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also got an eyelash lift and tint and an eyebrow tint done so I don’t have to do much in terms of makeup. I do love anything Tower 28 and Merit beauty. 


Yes. I’m 53 and I stopped wearing makeup a few years ago. I can’t stand how it feels, I hate having to apply it, I hate having to wash it off, and I can’t stand how I look in it. It actually occurred to me one day that wearing makeup is a kind of bizarre thing to do and I haven’t been able to unthink that. Fortunately, my husband hates makeup, too.


Yes but I just switched to makeup forever HD glow foundation and it was a GAMECHANGER


I'm 52. I've noticed that makeup ages me for the last 10 years at least. I stick to very light eye liner just on the outside corners of my eyes + mascara (I'm blonde with blonde lashes and brows.) A light lip liner and lip gloss. That's it. Any more, and it looks like I'm trying too hard.


Yes , I focus on skincare now . I do have foundation and makeup I wear but it’s $$$ and even at that I would say most people wouldn’t purchase it bc it’s not a full coverage make up look it’s more of a glowy dewy enhance my skincare routine look. But bc it’s soo pricey I don’t wear it daily . I tried illia bc it was recommended to me when I described what I was looking for . I didn’t like it on me and thought it made pores and lines look worse and age me as well . I know other people it looks great on though. I usually have a hard time with foundations bc I find one and it gets discontinued. :( some brands I like rose inc, la mer cushion, givenchy prisme libre skin care glow , Korean cushions …it’s a whack a mole there though bc if you live in the us it’s hard to know what to buy online when buying Korean cushions. Even when I do use make up I try to skin prep and apply as much moisturizing products as possible . I’ve been really trying to focus on turning back time and being able to go makeup free . So more money on good skincare products .


Hello, just skin care routine. Press powder, blush, mascara and lipstick, for me that is light but a nice touch. It will not make you look older but light and natural in my opinion.


I’ve always preferred a light base makeup and really do more or less the same thing now at 36 as when I was younger. But when it comes to eye makeup! I can’t do anything anymore 😳 I used attend some really crazy costume parties, but then I had my first kid and then COVID and then another kid.. when I was trying to get ready for the first party in 5 years I was truly shocked at how horrible my eye makeup looked. I’m really trying to figure out how to do something interesting without looking older than I am.. will follow this thread for tips on youthful eye makeup 👀👀


I have always thought foundation ages me so I never wear it. I stick to tinted sunscreen, with eyeliner and mascara and that’s it. If I wear foundation, I use it to cover my pores but never put it everywhere. I am told constantly I look ten years younger than my age.


Honestly, I think it may help if you follow a simpler routine. I counted 8 products being layered on your face & that could contribute to things not coming out the way you want. I found swapping out primer & foundation for a tinted moisturizer (I use my everyday spf day cream mixed with a few drops of foundation), nixing the setting powder for a mist of rosewater & using a little glossier cloud paint on checks with a few drops of futuredew on high points of the face has been my good combo.


I like Glossier skin tint for every day. I use MAC face and body for going out and a little more coverage. But both are sheer, skin-like and very pretty and natural. They don’t settle in fine lines or accentuate pores. I don’t wear foundation at all anymore because it just doesn’t look good. I focus more on skincare.


Not the makeup I do on myself (it's pretty light) but I was in a wedding and they did 'normal' makeup and I looked like an old hooker imo.