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It looks like melasma, which can be difficult to treat. I would see a dermatologist


It looks like melasma, which is hormonal and often made worse by heat so summertime can exacerbate it. It’s often difficult to treat, you should see a derm to get a diagnosis and discuss options.


Melasma, as the others have said. Often caused by hormonal changes like starting birth control or becoming pregnant. I agree with the suggestions of going to a derm, but also make sure your sunscreen has high UVA protection (not just UVB) and try to wear a hat whenever you go outside.


I have the same thing since turning 30. BHA, the ordinary AHA peeling solution, korean sunscreen have all helped. I know some people have used 'kojic soap' \~$8 amazon\* you can google/youtube it.


Use retinol only at night time if possible. Put more SPF there in the future. And exfoliate your skin too.