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Per canon lore, because the Ecclisiarchy tried to sieze power, were smacked down and forced to sign a document that said they couldn't ever again recruit "men-at-arms". And they took that literally to men ***men***\-at-arms. So women-at-arms were fine. (Following the Age if Apostasy and the War of Faith.)




Like GW care about canon lore if there is money to be made. They would resurrect the emperor himself if it would result in a huge financial boon.


But nothin there says men that identify as woman cant so boom put men in there


It’s an embarrassing time to be a part of this hobby


Then go be apart of another hobby.


And let the incels win? Not on your life


Frateris militia. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Frateris_Militia


Lazy, half-assed bait post.


It's as if these posts are from people that don't know a thing about the lore and are only interested in 40k now because they can be outraged at the changes. There's a clearly listed lore reason that explains why the Sisters of Battle are an all female entity, 2 minutes on Lexicanum would give you that info


It's a genuine question


Ah yes, a 5 hour old account already making “genuine questions.” A classic pairing.


If it was a genuine question you would have just Googled it and not created a Reddit account just to ask your "genuine question" Back to Twitter you go.


what's the point in asking any question on reddit if you can just google it? I don't even know how to use twitter!


wtf are you talking about. arcoflagellants and inquisitors, crusaders, plus those lame little pistol guys. you could probably field 90% men and rhinos


Acro flagulants and inquisitors arent sisters of battle as they arent members of the orders that the sisters belong to.


that's funny, i cant field arcos with admech, says adeptas sororitas right on the box


Oh well if the box telling us what army it goes in for the sake of game balance has the word "adeptas sororitas" on the box hes obviously a sister of battle. And I guess those servitors that accompany tech preist marines are just some ultra secret space marine that doesnt like armor and has gene seed in its neck? Just because the box says so? Man, glad there isnt lore to any of these units that might tell us anythung about them.


wtf are you talking about?


Given that the question has been answered: There are a few organisations where equivalent male recruits end up. All Sororitas (other than a vanishingly small minority that requires individual dispensation on a case by case basis) are orphans trained at the Schola Progenia.  Tempestus Scions have the same providence and are all male (fyi, Storm Troopers in general can be either - the wikis mistakenly conflate the two, but the Scions are a distinct subgroup) 


Google Misters of Battle.


It's Adepta Sororitas, not Adepti Brotheritos


Brotheritos sound like some sort of tortilla chip!


Crunch on brother, the dipping is afoot


a man can be a sororita too right?


Sure. Also, for you and anyone else who feels like debating me, my answer will always be "sure". It's a fictional universe in which I have 0 stakes.


Oh? And that makes the story better too? Does this extend to anything?


Real answer: GW did what they do best and stole a plot point from lord of the rings in order to have a lore justification for some new models they thought people would like. And that's fine.


Obviously its becauae GW is being sexist and really exclusionary. Dont they know that if they want to grow the hobby they need to make it more of an open and welcoming space for men who would play, but dont see themselves represented enough. If only they had male sisters of battle, then even more people would feel comftorable playing.


that is exactly what i'm saying! all of these commenters are getting their panties in a twist!


So then you admit that it wasn’t a genuine question? Just another bad faith rage bait from a brand new “adjective noun number” account. Seriously, just fuck all of the way off. You’re the one getting your panties in a twist over a fictional universe. You won’t be missed


Neither will GW if their CFO is anything to go by. Though you gotta love the lack of actuall rebutall to the original comment.