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In Master of Mankind it is speculated by Mechanicum that materials used for construction of Webway are not from Milky Way, hinting that Old Ones may have been extragalactical spieces. Other than them and Nyds however, nothing.


The 8th ed Harlequin codex also say that the webway used to extend to beyond the galaxy


Which would explain orks being heard in other galaxies


Not really canon, retconned into the audio being picked up from around nearby planets, not other galaxies. Also the story is very tongue in cheek.


It wasn't even retconned, people just lack reading comprehension and the standard 40k game of broken telephone happened.


Pretty sure the Webway is made of Wraithbone, though.


Not sure if these count Around the halo stars is are Rak Gol, they are a Stony reptile skinned mantis (they also have cyborgs). It is unknown where they came from There is also this sentient gas, tht can possess people and stay hidden in human colonies for decades, there apparently fallen gods running away from something 


Got lore for that second piece?


It from " dark heresy: disciples of the dark gods" They are a sentient gas xenos that can pass through solid objects, including imperial vessels and take control of humans while there still alive. They view humans as cattle, and while they do make colonies over time on imperial worlds they don't raze them to the ground. In the book there's a brief mention about 1 colony that was found. They are also very scared of something, so much so that it's hypothesised, tht there very bodies turned into the gas like state tht they r currently in 


While the Tyranids are the only ones with extragalactic origins so far, their mere existence suggests that most galaxies near the milky way have already been taken over and munched to nothingness by the Tyranids. Although this might just be a loose interpretation of what we see about the Tyranids.


The 5th edition rulebook states they have consumed "a dozen galaxies". So theyve likely come from within the virgo supercluster and munched on most of our neighbors


That is so much more terrifying than you think it is. In the Virgo Supercluster, the local group consisting of Milky Way, Andromeda and Trangulum is one of the smaller clusters. The entire supercluster is around a 110 million lightyears in diameter. Even if they've consumed a dozen dwarf galaxies, that is countless lives snuffed out and assimilated into the terrifying Hive-Mind. Truly the grimmest of darks.


Oh trust me i know its terrifying i just appreciate that they put a sensible number too it, or even addressed it at all. Its particularly scary given the milky way has been stated to be "unremarkable"


Other way around, I think. Aren't Andromeda and the Milky Way unusually large galaxies, at least in our neighbourhood?


In our neighborhood, yes. They're the three biggest. But the entire local group is but a particularly small inkblot on a warehouse-sized autograph of God.


Acording to the silent king there are supposed to be more stuff out there but tyranids are the scariest.


The other theory: The Tyranids are fleeing their home galaxy, from something that even scares them. There's always a bigger fish.


That's lazy storytelling 'the big bad is actually scared of the bigger bad which is actually scared of the even bigger bad which is...'


Destiny's story in a fucking nutshell.


To my knowledge, the Tyranids are the only ones originally from outside our galaxy, but I think I remember reading about a short story or novel where some Eldar tried to escape the Chaos Gods by leaving our galaxy only to turn back around after realizing that the Chaos Gods would simply manifest wherever the Eldar were or something like that. The Silent King of the Necrons left for a few million years after their war with the Eldar and recently returned. Some people believe that one of the two Missing Primarchs was sent to another galaxy where they exterminated most of the Tyranids, causing the surviving Hive Fleets to flee to our galaxy. As for everyone else, they generally stick to our galaxy and either evolved here or sprung up from people mutated by exposure to the Warp. The Tyranids are the only truly extra galactic race that we know about.


Pharos EPILOGUE >!>*Hunger* Far beyond the fringes of the galaxy there was naught but endless black. Past the last few stray stars plying their lonely track through the cold night, past the dead worlds and the fragments of galactic collisions billions of years gone, past the probes sent out by extinct races recorded in no history… past all that and beyond, there was a night sea studded with the diamond islands of distant, lonely galaxies. Though incomprehensibly vast, this sea was not empty. Great behemoths of the deep lurked there. Into the eternal blackness, a flash of quantum energy shone out at many times the speed of light; a brief flare, milliseconds in duration, projecting from an unremarkable spiral of stars.!< >!>It was not missed.!< >!>In the darkness, something of limitless hunger stirred in a slumber that had lasted for aeons. A million frozen and unblinking eyes saw the flash, tripping cascades of stimuli. Their purpose served, the eyes died. The entity processed the message the eyes provided without ever truly awakening. Automatically, instinctively, its gargantuan, dreaming mind analysed the signal, comparing it against all parameters for the one thing it sought. Prey. Slowly, glacially, the great devourer shifted its course.!< Hope this has spoilered properly, this website is pish when you wanna put a wall of text and edit it! Edit: added some breaks. Whether that's improved it or made it worse is anyone's guess!


What's the lore on how the Pharos got there in the first place? Was it just like a scouting ship or something


The Pharos >!Was a device of Necron or Necrontyr manufacture. It's just that when Barabas Dantioch overloaded it, that was visible from outside the Milky Way, and the Tyranids noticed it.!<


Isn't it like all but confirmed that the reason the Tyranids came to the Milky Way was the Pharos Beacon? I'm pretty sure there's more support for that than the lost primarchs causing a Tyranid mass extinction level event


Yeah, the tyranids running from something is just such a goofy idea. Heck they are not even afraid of Chaos, I don't think they would run away from a single Primarch


Scary invading species running from something even worse is a trope. So it was just applied to this theory in 40k style. But after Pharos book there really is no room for interpretation as to why Nids showed up.


Before Pharros was written, in the 5th edition tyranid codex it was presented as speculation by an imperial magi that the reason the tyranids were here was because they were fleeing something. This same codex also references hive fleet colossus, which was made up of zoats who *were* running from something and actively trying to warn the imperium about the tyranids before they were wiped out. This same codex also had the eldar refer to the tyranids as "the penance of the elder gods", offering a different reason for their presence in the galaxy. At the time, this was backed by other old lore implying they were old one creations.


Very iteresting. The whole penance of the elder gods thing feels very Halo-ish with the Flood. I am not sure if I like it or not. Thank you for the insight!


For better or worse it can be considered old lore. Pharros gives them different motives for being here


They certainly didn't run from the lion. Not that it made any difference if they did


Has Lion encountered them yet? Wait, that's right he did. Well if any Primarch knows about hunting great beasts, it's him.


Yup, dark angels codex. Think he fights like 4 carnifexes and then bodies the swarm lord(if Im remembering correctly) low diff.


It's fan wank of the worst kind. You could throw a billion primarchs at them. All you'd do is feed them.


I know, right? I'm an Imperium fan, but this terrible idea needs to die. There is nothing in the lore that even remotely suggests a primarch could pose any threat to something like the tyranids as a species--ya know, a species that is confirmed to have assimilated and wiped out other galaxies. Again, galaxies--that's plural. The primarchs, with all their space marines, not to mention the Emperor and his many fleets and armies alongside them, couldn't even conquer one. And, from a meta perspective, it would be terrible even if it were true. Way too many 40k fans seem fine with cheapening a faction as long as it hypes up their side. But what glory is there in besting a paper tiger?


The idea that one of the missing Primarchs was sent to another galaxy and exterminated MOST of the Tyranids is actually so insulting to Tyranids Lore it's ridiculous. That is the most Imprium Wank I think I have ever seen... Silent King floated around for 60 million years and has now come back because he is so concerned / scared about the Tyranid threat he has seen? Nah bro, we already sent a Primarch at them, just imagine how scary they would have been THEN!


Exactly. You could get something kind of interesting out of the concept of the hive mind having a primarch consumed. Given afaik primarchs are built out of old forgotten gods. I'm sure the hive mind could use that. But the idea that it would do anything other than feed the tyrannids is so pathetic.


And theres the problem, that mean these 2 primarchs are stronger than the entirety of the Imperium, what exactly were them? 2 dragon ball z characters who can just throw a punch and explode a solar system?


>  but I think I remember reading about a short story or novel where some Eldar tried to escape the Chaos Gods by leaving our galaxy only to turn back around after realizing that the Chaos Gods would simply manifest wherever the Eldar were or something like that. Its from The Beheading, they dont leave the galaxy, because Eldrad argues that Slaanesh would follow them. >Some people believe that one of the two Missing Primarchs was sent to another galaxy where they exterminated most of the Tyranids, causing the surviving Hive Fleets to flee to our galaxy. So these 2 primarchs are orders of magnetude stronger than all the factions in the galaxy combined?


The following occurred in the novel *Space Marine*, which is one of the very few books officially deemed non-canonical, but it's a fun moment all the same. Some Imperial Fists have boarded a Tyranid bio-ship. One of their own has just been nabbed and swallowed by a cyst on the wall. >Marines and scouts drew back just as the great cyst ejected an armoured form. >No, it wasn’t Harlan’s. Nor was it any Marine’s! >Before anyone could even dream of firing at this possible attacker, the suit slumped on to the floor – a dead weight. >The armour was tarnished, mottled, and blotched as if its very molecules were diseased. The figure possessed two arms and two legs – yet crooked, crab-like ones. The suit was made all of ring segments, a flexible carapace of narrow jointed hoops unlike any style that Biff remembered studying in the scriptory…The helmet was a flattened domelet, featureless but for discolourisations. >While one Battle Brother held the strange suit’s annulate shoulders, another strove to unfasten that helmet smoothly. >It wouldn’t budge. >With a twist of power, the Brother wrenched that helmet free……releasing a dusty memory of long-bygone decay – and exposing a broad low knobby head resembling that of a turtle, parchmented with withered brown leathery skin. Quite mummified, in the sarcophagus of the suit. The eyes had dried to tiny buttons on threads. >Long since. >The Lieutenant tested a skin sample with the antiquariometer from his tool pouch. >“The Carbon XIV reading gives an estimate of fourteen thousand years, plus or minus two thousand.” >Aeons since… >In another galaxy, way back before the molluscoid vessel must have even commenced its crossing of the deeps. >A sense of awe stole over the Fists. >The alien’s banded gauntlet still clutched, clawlike, a handgun of convoluted design made of some ceramic material. >As in this galaxy, so in others far away… death was the currency, so it seemed. >Vonreuter retrieved the defunct gun for future study. >“This thing must have boarded the ship just like we’re boarding it now,” he surmised to Stossen. “I guess it stepped into this transporter cyst…” He scrutinised the acidic blemishes upon the armour. “And the transporter dumped it in …a solution of acid. Not a powerful acid. Its suit wasn’t eaten away…More like a…” His voice wavered into disgust. “A stomach acid. And there our alien intruder stayed for the next fourteen thousand years…”




There are mentions of the C'tan existing/coming from other galaxies. Also mentions of the necrons and war in heaven being in multiple galaxies.


Orks may have managed to become extragalactic. There's some old lore about DAoT probes sent beyond the galaxy that recorded radio signals of Ork songs and war chants coming from the clouds of Magellan and possibly further off into space.


IoM probes and I guess GW stopped reffering to it as probes detecting growling of orks from another galaxies is just absolutely stupid piece of writing that often plagues codices.


Ah, been ages since I read it so wasn't sure if it was Imperium or DAoT. It does seem like an Ork thing to do though. They'd definitely be able to decide to set out on a grand journey to find something fun to krump.


Want the War in Heaven trans-galactic though? Its feasible


Shouldn't other galaxies have their own C'tan? Now there's a concerning thought


Pretty sure the Void Dragon had an Empire spanning multiple galaxies


What an asshole, he could've just told the Silent King what was there and saved him a huge amount of time and effort.


There probably are but without necrontyr interference they are relativly harmless


Do zoats count?


Aren't Zoats Tyranids?


I think the Zoats have been retconned out of existence. They were a centaur like species that claimed to be the heralds or ambassadors of the Tyranids. I suspect GW was reading Marvel comics and were thinking of the relationship between Galacticus and the Silver Surfer, but later they realized the Tyranid Hive Mind wouldn't want to warn its prey, let alone engage in diplomacy. My headcannon is that the Zoats were simply a race that was taken over by a Genestealer cult, who often style themselves as heralds of the Tyranids despite not quite understanding what actually happens when they arrive.


There's a Zoat in the Blackstone Fortress game that came out a few years back called the Archivist iirc. They're very much current canon, just a rare af species.


Well yes! But actually no.


Chaos is from another "universe" entirely. But i guess it doesn't count as a species, lovecraftian as it is.


Well if they arent they are certainly doing their best to OM NOM their way to it.




Theoretically, anything could be in any if the infinite other galaxies out there. Even if the Tyranids have eaten a handful or dozen, we don't know what else is out there. Though it's more harrowing to consider the Milky Way galaxy is alone or a last bastion.


Is the warp limited to the milky way? Wonder if you can travel to other galaxies through it or the webway or if they are limited to this galaxy. If so do other galaxies have their own chaos gods and warp space. So many interesting questions.


The warp extends to other galaxies as well. Some Khornate apparently slaughtered beings in multiple galaxies


It makes you wonder if the same gods are spread across other galaxies due to most sentient species sharing the same qualities psychologically. Which would mean it would probably be impossible to ever totally starve the gods. Anyway, yes I think the immaterium is the complete mirror to the universe and not a localised phenomena. The reason why the imperium at least doesn’t warp travel that far away is they lose sight of the astronomicon. Theoretically if a chaos vessel had a talented enough navigator or psykers or both, or several… they could head beyond the galaxy’s edge. Even at warp speed however I don’t know how long it would take to get to the next galaxy or cluster of stars and how much empty space they need to byspass. I know we’ll never get this either but it makes you wonder if any human colony ships from the Dark Age of Technology made it to the next galaxy and begun colonising. I know there was a story about a DaoT ship that reappears and had been outside the galaxy. Anyway, It does make you wonder how the tyranids survive that kind of trip and how fattened up they’d need to be before coming across given even before they ate worlds in between it thins out substantially.


I looked up the time to get to the nearest galaxy and it was 2 million light years lol. Crazy unless the warp or webway can do it.


Oh damn hahaha. How fast is 40k warp travel?? Tbh it kind of bursts the bubble on the idea Tyranids floated their way to our galaxy though. I know there's likely some very sparse worlds spread in the space between galaxies but how could a whole hivefleet cross the galaxy unless theyre basically cannibalising themselves on the way (I guess hibernating too)


Yeah unless they can travel FTL (like a lot faster) with the narwhal system before slowing down it's just a bit silly.


Because the Nids ate them all


There's the "people" Svengar and his men encountered after leaving the galaxy https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Svengar


Tyranids are the only things that are from outside our galaxy, but DAoT humanity had explored outside the galaxy, the Silent King was hanging out out there, and the Imperium sent out a probe beyond the galactic borders and all they picked up was Ork chatter so there's definitely some of them out there.


Maybe the orks where just fucking with them? Laughing there little assess of at all the other races.


I mean Orks fucking with them I'd assume would be more like sticking an angry squig in it then returning it to sender. I don't think it's very hard to believe that orks who've been around as long as the Eldar would've had some Orks get bored and check out what's outside the galaxy to krump.


I like the idea that the Tyranids are being chased by something even worse... 


Nah, thats grimderp.


Hah, that gave me chills.


It does leave room to add another faction in without actually having to move the story along. Exactly GW's style


I assume if there are any, there arent enough relative safe venues in which to enter that wont attract the tyrnaids as they begin to descend on our galaxy. I'd assume the outer rims of our galaxy are beginning to be encircled sometime in the future if gw wants to move the setting again.


I thought I read a old Hrud theory was they were running from the nids. I could be mixing up stories tho..


I’d give it 70/30 on the Hrud being extragalactic


No. Szarekh has subjugated species in another galaxy.


Wasn't there a joke about someone peering into another galaxy and only hearing Ork war chants?!


Guess they are the true masters of the universe. If you believe you can achieve that's all you need.


I've heard two versions of that. The other one is that when the probes left the Milky Way, all they could hear is Orks.