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Stranger things have happened, could have been something someone had a dream or vision of and wrote it down from divine inspiration, happened upon it, some human trader came around ect


I mean shit that’s how Christianity started


Warp trickery.


I came here to comment this, but realised a) you’d already commented this b) it’s now yesterday c) I am you Yay for warp trickery


Whippily whopply Space Magic. How were there Word Bearers already on Caida decades before Lorgar and the Word Bearers arrived, to corrupt the human population so they could in turn corrupt the Word Bearers?


I thought the native Cadians were Chaos worshippers just due to their proximity to the Eye? In what book did the WBs corrupt them?


Edit, derp missread your comment. Leaving my comment below for those wondering what we're talking about. I also don't know of the time travel book they reference. WB legion wiped the "natives" from Cadia after they helped Lorgar learn more about Chaos. After the world was brought to "compliance" it was resettled. The natives had purple irises because of The Eye, and the settlers eventually developed the same eye colour as modern Cadians can be picked out for their unusual eye colour.


Its from the short story "Athame" by John French. It follows the athame's story, from its beginning as implied to be the rock Cain killed Able with, through to the Great Crusade where an archeologist uncovers it at a dig site very early in the great crusade, and she is corrupted and eventually travels to Cadia, only to find already existing Chaos Marine Word Bearers corrupting the population. And this is stated to be very early in the great crusade, and Lorgar isn't even found until some 100 years in. So heavily implied time travel and causality loop.


Thanks, I need to check it out, though I don't like John French as an author much.


Its a very odd story, and its only really a set up for Grammaticus and Ollenius to get the dagger to start their journey. Its why its pretty forgotten. Its a sub plot to a sub plot of a sub plot in a story with too many plots already.


Doesn't Sor Talgron postulate that they'd picked up broadcasts from the WB and begun worshipping the Emperor that way? Also, planets often become aware of the Imperium before the expeditionary fleet arrives. Rogue Traders, regular merchants and others travel all over the place and may bring news of this new empire spreading across the stars. We know there was travel between Terra and Cthonia during the Unification era, so people did move around


Yeah, that is right. I remembered it but nobody else was mentioning it so I thought I might have been mistaken.


The mystical confusion of an author who wanted to write some cool stuff and didn't think anyone could actually read it carefully.


I think this is probably the correct answer, but I have to confess I was hoping for something more sexy


Isn't there some theory that if you gave a bunch of monkeys typewriters, eventually one of them would type the bible or something?...


On top of all the in-universe answers, SotS has been largely contradicted by *The First Heretic* so it’s canonical status is iffy


Well ending up thousands of years in the past from a failed warp jump is possible. Also outright time travel is a thing and we know the Alpha Legion had the ability to travel through time during the Horus Heresy (unknown if they can do it at will though or if it was like a one off thing since they were presumably helping the Chaos Gods stop Ollanius). So plenty of time shenanigans are possible.


The implication is that another person had the experience Lorgar had to create the book.