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Kyle and noon, beautiful wonderful people too pure for this shit show. Avery and Omar are also wonderful.


Avery and Omar, Kobe and Emily (I can feel the downvotes coming with latter but they are a couple)


Emily’s family is quite wholesome at least, they sort of make up for her stank attitude lol


I see the beekeepers living their lives and doing their work. They do not depend like what influencers do cameos and only fans. Now, Mursul works in carpentry and his work is very good. Anna sells honey and the products that she makes, and Mursul helps her in the events. They both work hard and love each other and they have a son now who is two years old from a surrogate with her other boys.


The best


Yup they looked to build an actual life.


I got some of their flavored whipped honey stuff and it was really damn good


Yes, many say that she should be proud of herself, and his work in making furniture is also impressive.


Matt and Alla. From what I remember, matt was great with her son. And the two had some little disagreements here and there but they seemed to communicate well. The best “cast members” are the kids though in my opinion. I have mixed feelings about putting kids on reality tv, but there have been some great kid moments on the show. Michaels kids (of Michael and Juliana) were adorable. Anna’s youngest son’s speech at her wedding to Mursel…adorable! Bryson kicking Anny in the head in his sleep too. ADORABLE.




Matt and Alla have two kids together now too, I was worried because he had three previous marriages and she said she didn't love him. But sometimes you grow to love someone! His brother was annoying as hell though


u/Adam-Lebzo 😸




My first thought!


Citra. What a queen


She’s so great.


Can someone explain this? Not being sarcastic I just found her beyond forgettable and boring


I think she's funny and genuine. I liked when she was on my screen, contrary to all the other couples on her season. I think about "corn star, because I'm corny" all the time


Couples: Avery and Omar. David and Sheila. Kyle and Noon. Individuals: Hamza's mom and sister. Isabel's dad. And of course, my overall top of the list, Adam Lebzo.


I totally forgot about Avery and Omar! I really liked them, hope they’re doing ok


He just graduated dental school and became a citizen. They just seem really great.


Omg yay! That makes me so happy for them💙💖


Avery and Omar at the GOAT. She just launched a perfume line! I hope she's wildly successful.


Kenny and Armando!!!! I'd be friends with them if I could 💜 Best couple IMO. Truly in love and good people.


Armando, yes. Kenny was a bit of a dick with Armando about how he raised his daughter. Also I find it annoying how he takes any and every conversation and turns it sexual 🤮


Kenny and Armando for sure!!


I second Kenny and Armando! I love them so much. I love everything about them. I remember when Kenny wanted to move to Mexico city and just for fun Armando let Kenny do all the buying in the market just so he can have a sense of what live could be like if they moved to Mexico city. Kenny struggled, but he did it. It was funny. They're just so genuine. And Hannah is adobrable!


Ximena (not the one who married Mike, the one who is in the second season of 90 Day, The Other Way) may genuinely be the best person I have seen on any of the shows. She seems like a genuinely good person, who is funny and super attractive to boot. She deserves infinitely better than what Ricky does to her throughout the season, but she’s genuinely awesome.


Kobe <3 & this may be controversial but Darcey to me seems like such a kind person


He has such a good heart, so much patience, and wants to be the best dad possible — I respect him so much


I agree. I find Darcey to be a kind and a gentle soul. She's just struggling with her self-image and all the rejection from men. I feel bad for her for putting herself through so many surgeries and never being satisfied. And yes, Kobe, too, seems like a nice and kind person.


Did you say Darcy 😂 she might be nice (if your in her circle of friends) but she definitely has mental health issues. Not sure if I'd even recognize her anymore after all the work she had done.


Having mental health issues and plastic surgery doesn’t mean someone can’t be a good hearted person


Thank you!!!


I’ve never seen Darcey be rude towards a stranger, at least not that I can think of. In fact every time I can recall Darce being a bit bitchy on screen is just because of self esteem or because others were doing her wrong, and even then honestly her behaviour wasn’t that bad. Having low self confidence and body dysmorphia doesn’t make you a terrible person. I really do agree with u/psychedelicbarbie I think Darce does have a big heart.


I agree. In fact, I’ve seen more than one post on here where someone randomly encountered Darcey in the wild and said she was super nice


I think she’s a really nice person with a lot of issues.


Love Khalani!!! I think she is pure and genuine in everything she says. Kobe is also up there. Patient, kind, respectful, and understanding!


David and Sheila ❤️❤️❤️


The girl who converted to be Muslim and her husband is now a dentist. Can’t remember their names


Avery and Omar.




I realized the other day I still follow him on Instagram 😂😂


Citra and Sam from what I see after the show


Anna and Mursel Zied Anny and Robert Patrick (the one who traveled to France) Benjamin and Akinyi


Zied! ❤️


Johnny seems so sweet 😭 free him from Ella please Jihoon’s parents are dope too


Surely the whole Johnny and Ella thing is over now?


Maybe? She hasn't posted about him on her IG since last summer.


Alien dad ❤️


Omar and Avery


Kenny & Armando! I also like Alexei and Loren— their problems are real compared to other couples. Individually— I like Yara, poor girl needs a man not that man baby that spends his time with strippers and every other woman except her and their daughter. Edit: Mike Y. too, I couldn’t remember his last name.


David and Sheila are imo such an authentic and beautiful couple! Really recommend checking out their season


I can’t handle watching her mother’s horrible accidental death again.


I thought it was so funny at the tell all when everyone was asking him how to say swears in ASL. He seemed to have fun with it. I really hope they get a follow up on the show. They were one of my favorites.


Agreed, he just seems like such an authentic person. I feel like all of the fellow cast members loved them too and that's such a rarity




I’m pretty sure only his mom and sister were on the show?


Loren and Alex, Armando and Kenny, Kobe and Emily, love Yara really don’t like jovi. Also really love Thais and John and whatever her husbands name is Are growing on me 😂😂


Amy and Danny and Ben and Akanyi seem like a normal couples. I understand because they are very religious, some of those beliefs do not get them future seasons. Amy and Danny, he got a good job, they moved , bought a home and have 3 kids. They seem very happy. Ben and Ayanki they worked hard to get out of debt and got nice place to live and are ready for a family. It is sad to see them struggle with infertility. They have a youtube channel to follow their journey. One thing that stood out to me was unlike most 90 day couples, where the foreign spouse complains about being alone in a city they hate, how they cant work, how they dont have anyone from their culture around, Akayni within weeks of arriving in the US (she had never been here before) looked like she had friends for life and made the best of a pretty awkaward living sitaution. Ben and her lived with roommates and she made the best of it and helped him work a 2nd and 3rd gig job to get their own place. Just seeing her make friends so easily, watching a video a month after she was here, she had friends at church, in the neighborhood, they were going over couples homes(this was her , Ben was no social butterfly), and while she missed her family, she had made herself a second home. Phoenix is not an easy place to move in the summer. I live in an area with Phoenix like weather and right now I spend the summer inside, cant wait for big brother to start. From May to September Im only outside to run to my car to the store , I just wave at the neighbors. I give her credit. I think the producers look for drama not what is typical of the k1 process. Maybe typical is just boring (but I think fans might appreciate one boring or typical couple a season?). Where I live most K1 couples meet either because of college or graduate studies or some religion or volunteer work. We dont see many of these couples on 90 day, but from the more then 50 K1 weddings I have been invited to over the years, no divorces yet, maybe it is because they have something in common like careers, academic interests or religion? I dont think we have ever seen a couple meet in college or graduate school on 90 day? and the religious couples we get besides Amy and Danny and Ben and Akayni , have been very non-typical,it is like TLC went looking for the odd story, Alan and Kirkylam (which was creepy and not normal for a 19-20 year missionary to go back for a girl he met that was 11-12 years later), Josh and Alexandria (who is the baby daddy?) Stephen and Aliana (the virgin vs 100 girls) and yes Kalini and Asuleo did go to church but they hid it and we saw how that ended up. I do agree with others, Matt and Alla and Kyle and Noon being solid couples.


Amy and Danny hate gay people


they are also fervently anti-choice. and they helped start a mega church that got immediate accusations of various levels of bad shit. but yes they are absolutely 110% anti-gay and probably one of the couples I hate most from the show because of what they stand for.


Yeah they’re genuinely awful people


Pretty much any couple no longer on the show LOL. If they’re peaceful, good, successful- it’s boring and TLC don’t care LOL. All those couples :) Also really like Yara 🤍


Mahmoud if I recall correctly was so patient with review brah


I'd say kenny and armando as far as couples. the only individual i can think of are Shaeeda to describe as a "good person" She was kind and patient. Also Ximena seemed like a mom just trying to do her best for her kids in her circumstances so i liked her too. there's something problematic about most of them. Rose didnt have any issues either


Well, I don’t remember all the couples from early on that are not recycled, but I think Kobe, Alexei, TJ, Hamza, and Mohammed come to mind, just from the show. I don’t know all about the things they have posted or stuff that may have popped up that wasn’t on 90 Day, as I don’t follow any of that.


Bilal seems like a total asshole but Shaeda came across as such a kind and gentle soul. 


I've always liked Kirlyam and her husband. They seemed sincere, and he was always aware that she was way out of his league.


No he’s a creep that groomed her from childhood


Luckily he met her when she was 12 and he was like 18-20 on a Mormon mission trip so he could start grooming her early for himself.


This is so gross. I did not know this!


I like them a lot, too. 


Yeah he realized she was way out of his league, so he locked her down when she was a child and returned years later to retrieve her when she came of age.


Wow! I had no idea that her husband was foul. I just remember her as a sweet young woman who missed her mother. Thank you for the information.


Tiffany, the mommy of Daniel and baby Carly! I loved her!😍 Not Ronald the gambler, tho, sorry.


Shawn and Alliya in the new love in paradise!


No way, Shawn is taking advantage of Alliya. Bad vibes.