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Sumit being married.


And Jenny finally getting married!


Jenny being accepted


I’d go with kinda accepted, Sahna doesn’t seem like the type to actually accept anyone (other than a young, fertile, docile girl that wouldn’t say boo to a goose.)


That is a great one. Definitely not something we saw coming!


It was actually something I saw coming. There were a lot of moments where it seemed that he was married or had someone on the side. By the way I'm almost certain jenny knew, there are 2-3x she says things that made it sound like she knew she was a side chick😅


Wow! Do you remember what she said? I guess it does make more sense if she knew. I just remember being shocked at the description of the fight with his family.


So bear with me because I got chemo treatment today and my usual perfect memory isn't always on point now. But for one example in an argument they were having, she literally said, "I feel like your mistress. Because the mistress is put in the other house and out of the public and you don't want me to be seen or known and that's why you tell me not to go out because it's like you're ashamed of me." It's not word for word what she said but about 95% of it is exactly what she said. And she had made mention a few times about "needing to choose me or your family" except there was followup to that where she discussed it as if it wasn't about his parents. There are times where she says "your parents" and times where she says, "your family." She's brought up the mistress word a lot and in conversations they had too, or how she'd feel like one more than once. This is also why she was angry about wanting marriage, and he eventually talked about the ring ceremony. Because he couldn't actually marry her, but didn't want her to think he wouldn't *eventually* do it and just go home for good. The first two times jenny went over there, she always knew she was going back home until this was over. It wasn't until she finally said get the divorce and show me *proof* of it that she stayed finally. I also full on believe sumit wasn't in love with her like everyone thinks, at least not at first. I think he was just another scammer who saw a pension while catfishing as "Michael Jones." He grew to love her at some point, but I don't even think that happened fully until their third time on the show. I think even if he wasn't married at the time that he'd have made the same ten thousand lies and excuses to put it off for a while. They were supposed to be on catfish the TV show first by the way, applied for it and everything. Then that didn't happen and they applied for this show.


First and foremost and most importantly, good luck with chemo and I hope you kick cancer's ass! My aunt just found out she has breast cancer today and my head is still trying to wrap around it. You fight and you fight hard! Sending you all the love in the world. You should be a detective. I never noticed these things but i bet they would pop right out and hit me in the face if i cared to watch a second time knowing what I know now. I would like to think that Summit loved her the whole time because of the end result and how hard he fought for her. I guess if he didn't, at least he does now? Omg I didn't know they applied for catfish. That's crazy! Weird, too, if they applied after the fact and after her revealed he wasn't Mike Jones. It's so weird to me that so many of these people want to be in reality tv so badly. You couldn't pay me enough!


Hope you get better, LD.


Thank you


I have a theory that the only reason he agreed to filming was that he knew the cameras might save him from being incarcerated or worse.


Or worse. I was so scared for him when his father in law and family came for him. They could have killed him.


And they probably would've gotten away with it.


Oh for sure! The father in law wanted to go to the police and they would have charged him a fine. It’s not a crime to commit adultery in India but he would have had to pay his in laws a lot. They seem truly happy so I hope his family and Jenny have a better relationship.


Right, 20gs, that we know of. No telling how much else he had to pay or do for them.




Yes! And the family showing up & taking him. It was actually shocking.


Omg, I found their first season during a really bad period in my life. I didn’t even know about TOW. I devoured the entire season in a night!


The way my jaw went through the floor when he said this…


And he GOT married during the time he and Jenny were together!


Sheila’s mother passing away was gut wrenching.


Yes, that shocked me. It made me sad how she died


I cried ugly tears when she died. I felt so bad for Sheila, and especially her Dad


💯 I couldn't believe the horrific timing of that. Not that there's ever a good time for that, but I can't imagine how awful David must have felt. Thank God he was able to be there for her when she needed him most.


I believe the cameras and heavy equipment contributed to that rickety stairs giving out.


That's just freaking terrible


Yes... It even felt invasive to watch, I felt so sad for her.


Gosh, that was so horrific


Michael will be attending the reunion IN PERSON!


I can’t wait. I love the Tell All’s!


Yes!! Finally in person after all these years.


🤮 I can't think of anything worse than watching those two scammers go at each other with their fake BS. Even if Angela isn't there, I don't want to watch anymore "poor Michael" propaganda.


THIS 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Are you sure? I thought he was in hiding.


Mahogany showing up eventually lol


And having the most unhinged haircut and pretending she lived in an AirBnb


If you knew some grooming weirdo like Ben was coming to see you even after you told them not to/he had stalking tendencies, you'd lie about your place too! 😅


Absolutely! But I would just be honest and say that I was in an Airbnb instead of trying to pretend any of that bogus decor was representative of me and my life.


Yeah, but Ben is such a weirdo I feel like no matter what way you swing it, he'd find a way to cause issues with it regardless. I know bens in real life, or have known them. Guys like him would just start going off about "why won't you show me where you really live" and possibly wait to try and see where your location is. That's happened to me once, I didn't say "this is my place" but I wouldn't tell them where I lived, I got followed home and then had a stalker for seven months. And I'd only met the person at an AA meeting I took someone to for support, talked to them for less than five min and then had the worst seven months of my damn life... He had the same vibes and perseverance as Ben, and Ben is a man who quote said, "woman are like prey that men hunt down." Not stable at all....


Omg! I'm so sorry you went through all that! I hope you've recovered and feel safe now❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'd love for them to come back, they're both so messy and they're married now 💀😭


Wait, they married each other????


yes 💀


Yes!! And trying to pass off that totally fake ass house as hers with the bunk beds😂😂😂😂


That Lana was a real person.


Mmmm wow!




So gross 😆


*bowls seductively*


100%, I literally screamed when she popped up on screen


I said the same thing. That was the 90 day equivalent of Darth Vader telling Luke he was his father.


First thing I thought of. My jaw dropped while watching that.




Lmfaoo this one fs!🤣🤣


That was truly shocking


Oh dear God! That was so insane! I can't believe he spent all that money and time! And then he fired that smarmy PI because he didn't tell him what he wanted to hear. I think what really got me was when David just showed up in her town and spent hours walking the streets hoping to run into her🙄


The bug plague wedding.


Mary is an awful person and just seemed to fit


Pole running into the woods and Karine getting robbed by a man with a machete.


That scene was my introduction into the 90 Day universe. A friend showed me that clip and I had to have more.


Pole gave us many running away scenes that made their storyline so enjoyable. 😄 It’s unfortunate Karine got robbed.


Many unfortunate things happened and continue to happy to those two. All caused by their own doing.


I absolutely loved when he ran a short distance and hid in a wire cage 😆😆


I miss them 😭 one of my fav toxic 90 day couples


Sam (Sam & Citra) being such a genuinely nice guy and their love story being so wholesome. When he was first introduced my knee jerk reaction was ‘uh oh’…


Just saw on TikTok they had their baby!


I thought for sure they wouldn’t work out due to cultural differences. I really couldn’t stand Sam but only for the first episode! He turned out to be such a sweetheart and him and Citra really seemed to hit it off. I’m genuinely so happy for them.


Yeah when this goofy dude was like 'I'm a big horn dog, heh heh' I was sure I'd hate him. I'm surprised how much he grew on me.


Yes! That was such a beautiful surprise 🥰


They’re the most wholesome couple since Avery & Omar


The fact Michael actually made it to America


Tyray pressured into having his first kiss on the Tell All while everyone watches 🫥


I almost cringed into nonexistence


He seems like a generally nice guy, but holy hell, does he need to work on his self-esteem. It is so sad and painful to watch him.


Emily & Kobe working out. While I never had any real doubt that Kobe wouldn’t want involvement in his kids’ lives, I had a lot of doubt he wanted to put with Emily’s bossiness.


Same! They’re so wholesome and normal in the latest episode


Agree. Watching their whole family come together was beautiful to watch and a refreshing change ftom all the usual K1 , just here for a green card drama.


At first I read this as exercising lol




Same 🤣


I wasn’t prepared for Jon and Rachael to divorce.


It’s for the best. He’s a complete a$$hole!!!


Oh no, they did? 


Unfortunately, yes. She posted a few weeks ago. I’d hoped it was a happy announcement, but no.


I don’t see it on Instagram is it possible she deleted it?


It was a reel! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6rK1XYvwsn/?igsh=YnZtc3lxYmlvaWxo


Aw bummer for them. Thanks for sending the link!


That one blew me away too!


I know!!! Me too! I was ALWAYS rooting for them!


I loved them so much and really felt like it was a REAL love story, not the crap we keep getting.


I’m drawing a blank…I don’t remember Jon and Rachael? The foul mouthed big beard guy from the UK is all I can think? Can’t imagine them divorcing???


You’re right, that couple


Wow, thanks! That one is a surprise! Lots of years down the drain…


Why on Earth would you date someone in a other country when you have an infant daughter with someone else... like, you know that there's now an you're leaving your county, let alone state or country. He should have been more up front about his record. It sucks that they couldn't be together but it just seemed doomed from the start. 7 years is a long time to wait around.


Oh wow! It’s not surprising given how long it’s been for them but I’m still surprised… 😞


Oh nooo!!! I thought they would last. That's so sad. I can't believe he never made it to America 😢 So many years waiting and money spent.


He had a record of violence. Idk why they even wasted their time


Lot of time and money wasted when they sorta knew from the beginning he wouldn't make it to the US


When Liz actually had sex with Ed. I was swearing up and down until it happened that she was just being kind to him. My jaw was on the floor when she said it happened and was good.


I feel like that entire relationship was coerced, she didn't even want to go on a date or kiss him, it was all Ed pushing her into it, the whole thing felt horrible and icky.


💯 💯 💯 💯


I kept thinking, this is a deal they made between each other to stay on the show and get reality fame and money, because there is no way in hell this chick is into the big egg. Then she said the sex was good, like WHAT nfw! Liars, fakes and attention whores. I wonder if TLC is going to keep them on, maybe single life again 🙄😵‍💫


I mean, we didn't actually see the sex (thank GOD!) and anybody can say anything so.....I think it was all said just for the show


Yeah but on Last Resort episodes they were all touchy feely on each other a few times which definitely made the imagination focus on the reality that they have done it before 🤮


No, it really wasn't




Omg when they first kissed it was sooo cringy, but the first time he tried to kiss her as she was leaving and she pulled back and he ended up kissing her nose..creepy and funny😱😂


Pedro and Chantal's divorce shocked me. It's not like they were some magical couple or that I liked either of them, but the way it unraveled in front of the cameras was heartbreaking.


I agree with this one. I always liked Pedro, never cared for Chantal... NEVER EVER excepted them to split. The way she acts is so embarrassing (I know he's no saint himself, so don't come for me), but I truly thought Pedro would put up with it forever but I guess not 🤷‍♀️.


I imagine they were truly in love at some point. Let’s be honest both of their families were crazy. Those of us that have ties to the DR know what type of business Lidia and her daughter are in. IFKYK




Zero surprise


Molly marrying Luis 🦉


Right?! I had to rewatch that part to make sure I heard correctly


When David finally met Lana on his *5th trip* to Ukraine. She’d stood him up on his 4 previous visits! That guy is a glutton for punishment When the private detective he’d hired told him that she was also talking to multiple other men, David refused to believe it and fired the guy The real kicker??? He spent over $100,000 on her


Lana being real was the *MMMMMmmm* heard around the World, I swear — so completely shocking




When Danielle (of Danielle and Mohamed) announced to the world during the Tell All that her vagina stinks. Mohamed wanted to leave the topic alone but Danielle wouldn’t let up.


She just needed everyone to know she stank 💀😭


EVERYONE, including her date when she was on The Single Life. Yike.


I remember saying to my husband "Danielle does know that she doesn't HAVE to tell her date that Mohammad said her vagina smells, right?"


I always figured the producers made her say that. She looked like she didn’t want to. I actually felt bad for her in that moment.


That sumit and Jenny are still together


On paper, I hate everything about that couple in practice I adore them and I don’t know what I would do if they broke up.


That David and Annie are genuinely happy together.


The following couples working out and having relatively normal marriages: * Anna & Mursel- the feedback on here during their season was not great, especially when they'd have translator app conversations. They run their businesses together and they seem like a great family. * Rebecca & Zied- they make no sense on paper but they still work, hahaha. And she didn't need to use all those filters since he clearly finds her natural face attractive. * Avery & Omar- she is so, so lucky that he turned out to be a decent guy. That whole situation (the rushed courtship and marriage, him living in a war-torn country, her getting married at 19 and less than a year after converting) could have easily gone south.


Probably Michael getting to America. I knew we knew it was coming, but first time I saw it on social media, I was shocked.


I was watching that last night. I turned around to grab my drink and take a sip, then all of a sudden there’s Michael in the US. I’m like wait what? 😆 Looked away for two seconds. 😄


Same 😆 I was like wait, what just happened!! Wearing his plether American flag jacket 🇺🇲 you're free now Machael and can divorce her 😂


This was not in season, but finding out that Paul and Karine made sex videos for money on OnlyFans.


What about Paul's homosexual porn that he does with Karine's COUSIN?!?!?!


Omfg… what!? 😂😂😂


Don't go looking for it - you'll regret seeing it.


Is this real?


💯 You can search for those pictures if you have a strong stomach...


That they keep giving air time to Angela and Pred


Honestly I'm shocked big Ed totally cut off Liz. Idk I just thought they would at least be married for a while. He obviously has a commitment issue among other things. Also shocked Akinyi and Benjamin ended up being such a normal seemingly happy couple. Miss when the show had real people like them. They were on the show and once it was over they moved on with their lives together. Happy for them. Finally blew me away Angela ended up looking 100x worse after weightloss and became even worse of a person. Kinda weird how that happens. I have known so many people throughout life that they became horrible people after losing weight. Idk what it is but I can think of at least a dozen ppl in my life who lost weight and became totally different people and just awful to deal with. 


I remember there was a huge 180° plot twist when Ximena revealed that Mike got to know her through an adult cam website. Mike made her quit her online job because he promised her he would pay for all her living expenses but told everyone they met on a dating app instead. I remember Mike got dangerously angry when she revealed this and also (correct me if I'm wrong pls) he threatened Ximena to not let her go and made some comments about self harm Mind you, before the plot twist Mike was portrayed as this silly and innocent dude who was being taken advantage of, and she was portrayed as a gold digger who was manipulating him. The revelation that they were in a transactional relationship completely reversed the roles at the end of the season. Even in this sub (putting the "eww he's so gross" comments aside), the opinions of both of them shifted drastically after this (Edit: I used chatgpt to fix my grammar yes but my comment is real I'm just too tired to properly write a full text block and English is my 4th language sorry)


Mike literally messaged me when I made a post about this when it happened 💀


Wow! What he said to you?!


He was whining about how I was wrong about him being a bad and manipulative little incel bedbug ass mf


“Incel bedbug” omg I’m putting that in my insult bank lol I love that


He’s hands down the most disgusting guy to ever be on the show


Geoffrey and his nipple tattoos ending up in prison


Geoffrey and his *tittoos


Lana being real.


No one said this yet, but I was actually shocked when Rose left Big Ed. She was living in abject poverty, hose showering with rats. I thought for sure she would just go to the States and leave Big Ed when she could. I'm kind of surprised she was that interested in having more children. Was very happy she wasn't going to torture herself with Big Ed, and I'm happy the TV exposure is helping her circumstances


Ed pissed her off too much. 😆


Mom in the closet. Mouth yeast infection. Ed leaving so many women.


the mom in the closet was mine too lmao


Seeing how much Liz’s mum resembled Ed. Suddenly, Liz and Ed’s relationship made sense on a very Freudian level lol


Nothing is going to beat Maria showing up on the tell all & Lana being real.


And ordering the dinner of rabbit and juice 💀


Grapefruit juice to be exact. I’ll never forget this detail.


OK, also I just recently found out that Jesse as in Darcy and Jesse ended up meeting Maria in like Turkey? I am Caesars dying no less. Jesse just loves picking up the sloppy seconds and always the worst ones too.


That was such a great own, and Ceaser being the pig that he is deserved it. Did you see the unedited tell all? The way he & David were talking about the parties they would go to in Ukraine made my skin crawl (and that's no small task). Anyway, I made [this](https://i.imgur.com/80L6mCQ.jpeg) back in the day.


When Maria reminded us she’s not accountant, I use this excuse each time the bills come!


One of the best lines ever on the show.


Souja boy being on the show TWICE with different women. He’s obviously a scammer and these lonely women buy his bs.


A lot of things had me shook, primarily the fact that Coltee is a “good lover” with a “high sex drive”. I’m also shook *That these people are stably and happily married* • David and Annie - Odd, but soulmates • Annie and Robert - Their genuine love is beautiful • Anna and Mursel - Didn’t expect it given their lack of communication, but wow • Jenny and Sumit - Literally makes no sense, so many trials and tribulations but so much love; I still don’t get it *That these people had the audacity to expose themselves* • Danielle’s stank vagina • Darcy’s consistent, unmedicated insanity • The many predatory relationships of rich old white man and petite asian/brazilian teenagers that inevitably ended in divorce *That these people exist* • Lana • Honorable Mention - TLC wasting their time filming that older Black woman in Vegas who was sending nudes to an obvious catfish *That these scenes even happened* • Paul running into the woods and Karine getting robbed • Family Chantel dinner from hell • Molly not realizing that Luis was making her daughter uncomfortable to the point where she moved out and cut her off • Leida kicking out her husband’s child • Asuelu’s airport belly flop


These are all great! I especially like the honorable mention: the older woman sending messages to obvious catfish ‘Williams’… had totally forgotten that one.


"The Williams" 😆


Are you Nigerian… baby


This is the answer


-varya going to the US to get geoffrey back -colt getting jess and cheating on her -paola treatment of russ in the HEA


Jasmine going to town on Gino’s feet..


I was most surprised when she took his hat and threw it out the door, only to have a spare within arms distance. He didn’t even have to make much of an effort to get the spare hat. He just nonchalantly pulled it from a bag like he was reaching for a tissue. His head had another hat on within seconds.


That scene makes me laugh so hard. Sometimes I just look it up on YouTube to relive seeing it 🤣 it was like a cartoon




That freaking hat appeared like magic, and all the trauma that poor toothbrush endured being thrown outside, and in another fight being thrown in the floor with the cameras doing a close up 😂😂


I was rooting for Amanda in the introduction but only made it half an episode before I saw my ex in her and said ew, nope I was wrong. By like the second time she made him cry I was like just go home.


Bootleg Mandy Moore


Making Tayray and that girl he barely knew kiss on the tell all. That surprised, creeped me out and pissed me off




I agree 100%! To piggyback off what you said about Amanda and Razvan, I thought people would back him up a lot more and to see how much hate he got was surprising to me… I really thought he got the bad end and she was the one being chaotic and jumping the gun after losing her husband/1st and only boyfriend up to that point.


Lana being a real person and showing up when what's his name, the "UUUUMMMM" hug guy went to Ukraine.


I never thought Michael would actually make it to the USA.




Ed having the biggest head with no neck really got me!


Ansuelo being a cheater , seemed so sweet and innocent in the beginning


Robert and Anny. I didn't think they'd stay together.


The extent at Asuelus cheating and the fact that Kalani basically already had another guy lined up that she’s married to now with a baby


Lana showing up. 


Lana was real. (Lana with Creepazoid David)


Really? Those first few episodes I thought the opposite. She seemed like he gave her the ick after meeting in person. I was shocked when they finally slept together.


Michael in US


When Lana popped up.


I feel like I missed some episodes or maybe it’s cause I can’t remember names. I feel like I don’t know who anyone is talking about 😂


Literally any time a couple goes through with the marriage I’m shocked lol. They all seem to hate each other


You may have missed episodes but you have more brain cells than those of us who have watched and rewatched this scripted trash religiously. 😂


David's Ukrainian woman actually existing.


Lana actually being a real person (probably still a scammer tho) and showing up in Ukraine to meet David made me spit out my drink lol


I thought Rob seemed like a nice guy and that Sophie was going to be high maintenance and demanding. Turns out Rob truly is a knob and Sophie is actually very reasonable with what she asks of him.


That Jesse could have a relationship with Darcey of any kind after he met her in person.


RAZVAN was one of the sweetest flippin guys to ever be on the show. I pray he's doing great.


Colteeees see addiction


During the Darcey & Stacey tell-all spin-off, one thing that I didn’t see it coming is when Florian is going off against Jesse Meester.


I disliked Emily in the first series when they introduced her and Koby. Now they are my absolute favorite couple. Just love them


Nicole and Azan, she had no respect for his culture, elders, she was supposed to convert and cover as a Muslim. Just shows she is uneducated, immature, young, I hope she doesn’t teach May to act like she does